package jp.juggler.subwaytooter import android.annotation.SuppressLint import android.content.Context import android.os.AsyncTask import android.os.SystemClock import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.* import org.json.JSONException import org.json.JSONObject import java.lang.ref.WeakReference import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.HashSet import java.util.LinkedList import java.util.Locale import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import java.util.regex.Pattern import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.AcctColor import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.AcctSet import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.HighlightWord import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.MutedApp import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.MutedWord import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.SavedAccount import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.TagSet import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.UserRelation import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.* import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.* class Column( val app_state : AppState, val context : Context, val access_info : SavedAccount, val column_type : Int ) { companion object { private val log = LogCategory("Column") private const val READ_LIMIT = 80 // API側の上限が80です。ただし指定しても40しか返ってこないことが多い private const val LOOP_TIMEOUT = 10000L private const val LOOP_READ_ENOUGH = 30 // フィルタ後のデータ数がコレ以上ならループを諦めます private const val RELATIONSHIP_LOAD_STEP = 40 private const val ACCT_DB_STEP = 100 // ステータスのリストを返すAPI private const val PATH_HOME = "/api/v1/timelines/home?limit=" + READ_LIMIT private const val PATH_LOCAL = "/api/v1/timelines/public?limit=$READ_LIMIT&local=1" private const val PATH_FEDERATE = "/api/v1/timelines/public?limit=" + READ_LIMIT private const val PATH_FAVOURITES = "/api/v1/favourites?limit=" + READ_LIMIT private const val PATH_ACCOUNT_STATUSES = "/api/v1/accounts/%d/statuses?limit=" + READ_LIMIT // 1:account_id private const val PATH_HASHTAG = "/api/v1/timelines/tag/%s?limit=" + READ_LIMIT // 1: hashtag(url encoded) private const val PATH_LIST_TL = "/api/v1/timelines/list/%s?limit=" + READ_LIMIT // アカウントのリストを返すAPI private const val PATH_ACCOUNT_FOLLOWING = "/api/v1/accounts/%d/following?limit=" + READ_LIMIT // 1:account_id private const val PATH_ACCOUNT_FOLLOWERS = "/api/v1/accounts/%d/followers?limit=" + READ_LIMIT // 1:account_id private const val PATH_MUTES = "/api/v1/mutes?limit=" + READ_LIMIT // 1:account_id private const val PATH_BLOCKS = "/api/v1/blocks?limit=" + READ_LIMIT // 1:account_id private const val PATH_FOLLOW_REQUESTS = "/api/v1/follow_requests?limit=" + READ_LIMIT // 1:account_id private const val PATH_BOOSTED_BY = "/api/v1/statuses/%s/reblogged_by?limit=" + READ_LIMIT // 1:status_id private const val PATH_FAVOURITED_BY = "/api/v1/statuses/%s/favourited_by?limit=" + READ_LIMIT // 1:status_id private const val PATH_LIST_MEMBER = "/api/v1/lists/%s/accounts?limit=" + READ_LIMIT // 他のリストを返すAPI private const val PATH_REPORTS = "/api/v1/reports?limit=" + READ_LIMIT private const val PATH_NOTIFICATIONS = "/api/v1/notifications?limit=" + READ_LIMIT private const val PATH_DOMAIN_BLOCK = "/api/v1/domain_blocks?limit=" + READ_LIMIT private const val PATH_LIST_LIST = "/api/v1/lists?limit=" + READ_LIMIT // リストではなくオブジェクトを返すAPI private const val PATH_ACCOUNT = "/api/v1/accounts/%d" // 1:account_id private const val PATH_STATUSES = "/api/v1/statuses/%d" // 1:status_id private const val PATH_STATUSES_CONTEXT = "/api/v1/statuses/%d/context" // 1:status_id const val PATH_SEARCH = "/api/v1/search?q=%s" // search args 1: query(urlencoded) , also, append "&resolve=1" if resolve non-local accounts private const val PATH_INSTANCE = "/api/v1/instance" private const val PATH_LIST_INFO = "/api/v1/lists/%s" internal const val KEY_ACCOUNT_ROW_ID = "account_id" internal const val KEY_TYPE = "type" internal const val KEY_DONT_CLOSE = "dont_close" private const val KEY_WITH_ATTACHMENT = "with_attachment" private const val KEY_WITH_HIGHLIGHT = "with_highlight" private const val KEY_DONT_SHOW_BOOST = "dont_show_boost" private const val KEY_DONT_SHOW_FAVOURITE = "dont_show_favourite" private const val KEY_DONT_SHOW_FOLLOW = "dont_show_follow" private const val KEY_DONT_SHOW_REPLY = "dont_show_reply" private const val KEY_DONT_STREAMING = "dont_streaming" private const val KEY_DONT_AUTO_REFRESH = "dont_auto_refresh" private const val KEY_HIDE_MEDIA_DEFAULT = "hide_media_default" private const val KEY_ENABLE_SPEECH = "enable_speech" private const val KEY_REGEX_TEXT = "regex_text" private const val KEY_HEADER_BACKGROUND_COLOR = "header_background_color" private const val KEY_HEADER_TEXT_COLOR = "header_text_color" private const val KEY_COLUMN_BACKGROUND_COLOR = "column_background_color" private const val KEY_COLUMN_ACCT_TEXT_COLOR = "column_acct_text_color" private const val KEY_COLUMN_CONTENT_TEXT_COLOR = "column_content_text_color" private const val KEY_COLUMN_BACKGROUND_IMAGE = "column_background_image" private const val KEY_COLUMN_BACKGROUND_IMAGE_ALPHA = "column_background_image_alpha" private const val KEY_PROFILE_ID = "profile_id" private const val KEY_PROFILE_TAB = "tab" private const val KEY_STATUS_ID = "status_id" private const val KEY_HASHTAG = "hashtag" private const val KEY_SEARCH_QUERY = "search_query" private const val KEY_SEARCH_RESOLVE = "search_resolve" private const val KEY_INSTANCE_URI = "instance_uri" internal const val KEY_COLUMN_ACCESS = "column_access" internal const val KEY_COLUMN_ACCESS_COLOR = "column_access_color" internal const val KEY_COLUMN_ACCESS_COLOR_BG = "column_access_color_bg" internal const val KEY_COLUMN_NAME = "column_name" internal const val KEY_OLD_INDEX = "old_index" internal const val TYPE_HOME = 1 const val TYPE_LOCAL = 2 internal const val TYPE_FEDERATE = 3 const val TYPE_PROFILE = 4 internal const val TYPE_FAVOURITES = 5 internal const val TYPE_REPORTS = 6 const val TYPE_NOTIFICATIONS = 7 const val TYPE_CONVERSATION = 8 const val TYPE_HASHTAG = 9 internal const val TYPE_SEARCH = 10 internal const val TYPE_MUTES = 11 internal const val TYPE_BLOCKS = 12 internal const val TYPE_FOLLOW_REQUESTS = 13 internal const val TYPE_BOOSTED_BY = 14 internal const val TYPE_FAVOURITED_BY = 15 internal const val TYPE_DOMAIN_BLOCKS = 16 internal const val TYPE_SEARCH_MSP = 17 const val TYPE_INSTANCE_INFORMATION = 18 internal const val TYPE_LIST_LIST = 19 internal const val TYPE_LIST_TL = 20 internal const val TYPE_LIST_MEMBER = 21 internal const val TYPE_SEARCH_TS = 22 internal const val TAB_STATUS = 0 internal const val TAB_FOLLOWING = 1 internal const val TAB_FOLLOWERS = 2 @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") private inline fun getParamAt(params : Array, idx : Int) : T { return params[idx] as T } fun loadAccount(context : Context, src : JSONObject) : SavedAccount { val account_db_id = src.parseLong(KEY_ACCOUNT_ROW_ID) ?: - 1L return if(account_db_id >= 0) { SavedAccount.loadAccount(context, account_db_id) ?: throw RuntimeException("missing account") } else { } } fun getColumnTypeName(context : Context, type : Int) : String { return when(type) { TYPE_HOME -> context.getString(R.string.home) TYPE_LOCAL -> context.getString(R.string.local_timeline) TYPE_FEDERATE -> context.getString(R.string.federate_timeline) TYPE_PROFILE -> context.getString(R.string.profile) TYPE_FAVOURITES -> context.getString(R.string.favourites) TYPE_REPORTS -> context.getString(R.string.reports) TYPE_NOTIFICATIONS -> context.getString(R.string.notifications) TYPE_CONVERSATION -> context.getString(R.string.conversation) TYPE_BOOSTED_BY -> context.getString(R.string.boosted_by) TYPE_FAVOURITED_BY -> context.getString(R.string.favourited_by) TYPE_HASHTAG -> context.getString(R.string.hashtag) TYPE_MUTES -> context.getString(R.string.muted_users) TYPE_BLOCKS -> context.getString(R.string.blocked_users) TYPE_DOMAIN_BLOCKS -> context.getString(R.string.blocked_domains) TYPE_SEARCH -> context.getString( TYPE_SEARCH_MSP -> context.getString(R.string.toot_search_msp) TYPE_SEARCH_TS -> context.getString(R.string.toot_search_ts) TYPE_INSTANCE_INFORMATION -> context.getString(R.string.instance_information) TYPE_FOLLOW_REQUESTS -> context.getString(R.string.follow_requests) TYPE_LIST_LIST -> context.getString(R.string.lists) TYPE_LIST_MEMBER -> context.getString(R.string.list_member) TYPE_LIST_TL -> context.getString(R.string.list_timeline) else -> "?" } } internal fun getIconAttrId(acct : String, type : Int) : Int { return when(type) { TYPE_REPORTS -> R.attr.ic_info TYPE_HOME -> R.attr.btn_home TYPE_LOCAL -> R.attr.btn_local_tl TYPE_FEDERATE -> R.attr.btn_federate_tl TYPE_PROFILE -> R.attr.btn_statuses TYPE_FAVOURITES -> if(SavedAccount.isNicoru(acct)) R.attr.ic_nicoru else R.attr.btn_favourite TYPE_NOTIFICATIONS -> R.attr.btn_notification TYPE_CONVERSATION -> R.attr.ic_conversation TYPE_BOOSTED_BY -> R.attr.btn_boost TYPE_FAVOURITED_BY -> if(SavedAccount.isNicoru(acct)) R.attr.ic_nicoru else R.attr.btn_favourite TYPE_HASHTAG -> R.attr.ic_hashtag TYPE_MUTES -> R.attr.ic_mute TYPE_BLOCKS -> R.attr.ic_block TYPE_DOMAIN_BLOCKS -> R.attr.ic_domain_block TYPE_SEARCH, TYPE_SEARCH_MSP, TYPE_SEARCH_TS -> R.attr.ic_search TYPE_INSTANCE_INFORMATION -> R.attr.ic_info TYPE_FOLLOW_REQUESTS -> R.attr.ic_account_add TYPE_LIST_LIST -> R.attr.ic_list_list TYPE_LIST_MEMBER -> R.attr.ic_list_member TYPE_LIST_TL -> R.attr.ic_list_tl else -> R.attr.ic_info } } internal val version_1_6 = VersionString("1.6") @Suppress("HasPlatformType") val reMaxId = Pattern.compile("[&?]max_id=(\\d+)") // より古いデータの取得に使う @Suppress("HasPlatformType") private val reSinceId = Pattern.compile("[&?]since_id=(\\d+)") // より新しいデータの取得に使う val COLUMN_REGEX_FILTER_DEFAULT = { _ : CharSequence? -> false } } private var callback_ref : WeakReference? = null private val isActivityStart : Boolean get() { return callback_ref?.get()?.isActivityStart ?: false } private val streamPath : String? get() { return when(column_type) { TYPE_HOME, TYPE_NOTIFICATIONS -> "/api/v1/streaming/?stream=user" TYPE_LOCAL -> "/api/v1/streaming/?stream=public:local" TYPE_FEDERATE -> "/api/v1/streaming/?stream=public" TYPE_HASHTAG -> "/api/v1/streaming/?stream=hashtag&tag=" + hashtag.encodePercent() // タグ先頭の#を含まない TYPE_LIST_TL -> "/api/v1/streaming/?stream=list&list=" + profile_id.toString() else -> null } } private val isPublicStream : Boolean get() { return when(column_type) { TYPE_LOCAL, TYPE_FEDERATE, TYPE_HASHTAG -> true else -> false } } internal var dont_close : Boolean = false internal var with_attachment : Boolean = false internal var with_highlight : Boolean = false internal var dont_show_boost : Boolean = false internal var dont_show_reply : Boolean = false internal var dont_show_favourite : Boolean = false // 通知カラムのみ internal var dont_show_follow : Boolean = false // 通知カラムのみ internal var dont_streaming : Boolean = false internal var dont_auto_refresh : Boolean = false internal var hide_media_default : Boolean = false var enable_speech : Boolean = false internal var regex_text : String = "" internal var header_bg_color : Int = 0 internal var header_fg_color : Int = 0 internal var column_bg_color : Int = 0 internal var acct_color : Int = 0 internal var content_color : Int = 0 internal var column_bg_image : String = "" internal var column_bg_image_alpha = 1f internal var profile_tab = TAB_STATUS private var status_id : Long = 0 // プロフカラムではアカウントのID。リストカラムではリストのID private var profile_id : Long = 0 internal var search_query : String = "" internal var search_resolve : Boolean = false private var hashtag : String = "" internal var instance_uri : String = "" // プロフカラムでのアカウント情報 @Volatile internal var who_account : TootAccount? = null // リストカラムでのリスト情報 @Volatile private var list_info : TootList? = null // 「インスタンス情報」カラムに表示するインスタンス情報 // (SavedAccount中のインスタンス情報とは異なるので注意) internal var instance_information : TootInstance? = null internal var scroll_save : ScrollPosition? = null internal val is_dispose = AtomicBoolean() internal var bFirstInitialized = false ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // カラムを閉じた後のnotifyDataSetChangedのタイミングで、add/removeされる順序が期待通りにならないので // 参照を1つだけ持つのではなく、リストを保持して先頭の要素を使うことにする private val _holder_list = LinkedList() internal // 複数のリスナがある場合、最も新しいものを返す val viewHolder : ColumnViewHolder? get() { if(is_dispose.get()) return null return if(_holder_list.isEmpty()) null else _holder_list.first } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private var last_task : AsyncTask? = null internal var bInitialLoading : Boolean = false internal var bRefreshLoading : Boolean = false internal var mInitialLoadingError : String = "" internal var mRefreshLoadingError : String = "" internal var task_progress : String? = null internal val list_data = BucketList() private val duplicate_map = DuplicateMap() private val isFilterEnabled : Boolean get() = (with_attachment || with_highlight || dont_show_boost || dont_show_favourite || dont_show_follow || dont_show_reply || regex_text.isNotEmpty() ) private var column_regex_filter = COLUMN_REGEX_FILTER_DEFAULT private var muted_app : HashSet? = null private var muted_word : WordTrieTree? = null private var highlight_trie : WordTrieTree? = null private var max_id : String = "" private var since_id : String = "" private var bRefreshingTop : Boolean = false // ListViewの表示更新が追いつかないとスクロール位置が崩れるので // 一定時間より短期間にはデータ更新しないようにする private var last_show_stream_data : Long = 0 private val stream_data_queue = LinkedList() private var bPutGap : Boolean = false @Suppress("unused") val listTitle : String get() { return when(column_type) { TYPE_LIST_MEMBER, TYPE_LIST_TL -> { val sv = list_info?.title if(sv != null && sv.isNotEmpty()) sv else profile_id.toString() } else -> "?" } } @Suppress("unused") val listId : Long get() { return when(column_type) { TYPE_LIST_MEMBER, TYPE_LIST_TL -> profile_id else -> - 1L } } val isSearchColumn : Boolean get() { return when(column_type) { TYPE_SEARCH, TYPE_SEARCH_MSP, TYPE_SEARCH_TS -> true else -> false } } internal interface Callback { val isActivityStart : Boolean } internal constructor( app_state : AppState, access_info : SavedAccount, callback : Callback, type : Int, vararg params : Any ) : this(app_state, app_state.context, access_info, type) { this.callback_ref = WeakReference(callback) when(type) { TYPE_CONVERSATION, TYPE_BOOSTED_BY, TYPE_FAVOURITED_BY -> status_id = getParamAt(params, 0) TYPE_PROFILE, TYPE_LIST_TL, TYPE_LIST_MEMBER -> profile_id = getParamAt(params, 0) TYPE_HASHTAG -> hashtag = getParamAt(params, 0) TYPE_SEARCH -> { search_query = getParamAt(params, 0) search_resolve = getParamAt(params, 1) } TYPE_SEARCH_MSP, TYPE_SEARCH_TS -> search_query = getParamAt(params, 0) TYPE_INSTANCE_INFORMATION -> instance_uri = getParamAt(params, 0) } } internal constructor(app_state : AppState, src : JSONObject) : this( app_state, app_state.context, loadAccount(app_state.context, src), src.optInt(KEY_TYPE) ) { dont_close = src.optBoolean(KEY_DONT_CLOSE) with_attachment = src.optBoolean(KEY_WITH_ATTACHMENT) with_highlight = src.optBoolean(KEY_WITH_HIGHLIGHT) dont_show_boost = src.optBoolean(KEY_DONT_SHOW_BOOST) dont_show_follow = src.optBoolean(KEY_DONT_SHOW_FOLLOW) dont_show_favourite = src.optBoolean(KEY_DONT_SHOW_FAVOURITE) dont_show_reply = src.optBoolean(KEY_DONT_SHOW_REPLY) dont_streaming = src.optBoolean(KEY_DONT_STREAMING) dont_auto_refresh = src.optBoolean(KEY_DONT_AUTO_REFRESH) hide_media_default = src.optBoolean(KEY_HIDE_MEDIA_DEFAULT) enable_speech = src.optBoolean(KEY_ENABLE_SPEECH) regex_text = src.parseString(KEY_REGEX_TEXT) ?: "" header_bg_color = src.optInt(KEY_HEADER_BACKGROUND_COLOR) header_fg_color = src.optInt(KEY_HEADER_TEXT_COLOR) column_bg_color = src.optInt(KEY_COLUMN_BACKGROUND_COLOR) acct_color = src.optInt(KEY_COLUMN_ACCT_TEXT_COLOR) content_color = src.optInt(KEY_COLUMN_CONTENT_TEXT_COLOR) column_bg_image = src.parseString(KEY_COLUMN_BACKGROUND_IMAGE) ?: "" column_bg_image_alpha = src.optDouble(KEY_COLUMN_BACKGROUND_IMAGE_ALPHA, 1.0).toFloat() when(column_type) { TYPE_CONVERSATION, TYPE_BOOSTED_BY, TYPE_FAVOURITED_BY -> status_id = src.parseLong(KEY_STATUS_ID) ?: - 1L TYPE_PROFILE -> { profile_id = src.parseLong(KEY_PROFILE_ID) ?: - 1L profile_tab = src.optInt(KEY_PROFILE_TAB) } TYPE_LIST_MEMBER, TYPE_LIST_TL -> profile_id = src.parseLong(KEY_PROFILE_ID) ?: - 1L TYPE_HASHTAG -> hashtag = src.optString(KEY_HASHTAG) TYPE_SEARCH -> { search_query = src.optString(KEY_SEARCH_QUERY) search_resolve = src.optBoolean(KEY_SEARCH_RESOLVE, false) } TYPE_SEARCH_MSP, TYPE_SEARCH_TS -> search_query = src.optString(KEY_SEARCH_QUERY) TYPE_INSTANCE_INFORMATION -> instance_uri = src.optString(KEY_INSTANCE_URI) } } @Throws(JSONException::class) fun encodeJSON(dst : JSONObject, old_index : Int) { dst.put(KEY_ACCOUNT_ROW_ID, access_info.db_id) dst.put(KEY_TYPE, column_type) dst.put(KEY_DONT_CLOSE, dont_close) dst.put(KEY_WITH_ATTACHMENT, with_attachment) dst.put(KEY_WITH_HIGHLIGHT, with_highlight) dst.put(KEY_DONT_SHOW_BOOST, dont_show_boost) dst.put(KEY_DONT_SHOW_FOLLOW, dont_show_follow) dst.put(KEY_DONT_SHOW_FAVOURITE, dont_show_favourite) dst.put(KEY_DONT_SHOW_REPLY, dont_show_reply) dst.put(KEY_DONT_STREAMING, dont_streaming) dst.put(KEY_DONT_AUTO_REFRESH, dont_auto_refresh) dst.put(KEY_HIDE_MEDIA_DEFAULT, hide_media_default) dst.put(KEY_ENABLE_SPEECH, enable_speech) dst.put(KEY_REGEX_TEXT, regex_text) dst.put(KEY_HEADER_BACKGROUND_COLOR, header_bg_color) dst.put(KEY_HEADER_TEXT_COLOR, header_fg_color) dst.put(KEY_COLUMN_BACKGROUND_COLOR, column_bg_color) dst.put(KEY_COLUMN_ACCT_TEXT_COLOR, acct_color) dst.put(KEY_COLUMN_CONTENT_TEXT_COLOR, content_color) dst.put(KEY_COLUMN_BACKGROUND_IMAGE, column_bg_image) dst.put(KEY_COLUMN_BACKGROUND_IMAGE_ALPHA, column_bg_image_alpha.toDouble()) when(column_type) { TYPE_CONVERSATION, TYPE_BOOSTED_BY, TYPE_FAVOURITED_BY -> dst.put( KEY_STATUS_ID, status_id ) TYPE_PROFILE -> dst.put(KEY_PROFILE_ID, profile_id).put(KEY_PROFILE_TAB, profile_tab) TYPE_LIST_MEMBER, TYPE_LIST_TL -> dst.put(KEY_PROFILE_ID, profile_id) TYPE_HASHTAG -> dst.put(KEY_HASHTAG, hashtag) TYPE_SEARCH -> dst.put(KEY_SEARCH_QUERY, search_query).put( KEY_SEARCH_RESOLVE, search_resolve ) TYPE_SEARCH_MSP, TYPE_SEARCH_TS -> dst.put(KEY_SEARCH_QUERY, search_query) TYPE_INSTANCE_INFORMATION -> dst.put(KEY_INSTANCE_URI, instance_uri) } // 以下は保存には必要ないが、カラムリスト画面で使う val ac = AcctColor.load(access_info.acct) dst.put(KEY_COLUMN_ACCESS, if(AcctColor.hasNickname(ac)) ac.nickname else access_info.acct) dst.put(KEY_COLUMN_ACCESS_COLOR, if(AcctColor.hasColorForeground(ac)) ac.color_fg else 0) dst.put(KEY_COLUMN_ACCESS_COLOR_BG, if(AcctColor.hasColorBackground(ac)) ac.color_bg else 0) dst.put(KEY_COLUMN_NAME, getColumnName(true)) dst.put(KEY_OLD_INDEX, old_index) } internal fun isSameSpec(ai : SavedAccount, type : Int, params : Array) : Boolean { if(type != column_type || ai.acct != access_info.acct) return false return try { when(type) { TYPE_PROFILE, TYPE_LIST_TL, TYPE_LIST_MEMBER -> getParamAt( params, 0 ) == profile_id TYPE_CONVERSATION, TYPE_BOOSTED_BY, TYPE_FAVOURITED_BY -> getParamAt( params, 0 ) == status_id TYPE_HASHTAG -> getParamAt(params, 0) == hashtag TYPE_SEARCH -> getParamAt(params, 0) == search_query && getParamAt( params, 1 ) == search_resolve TYPE_SEARCH_MSP, TYPE_SEARCH_TS -> getParamAt(params, 0) == search_query TYPE_INSTANCE_INFORMATION -> getParamAt(params, 0) == instance_uri else -> true } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) false } } internal fun getColumnName(bLong : Boolean) : String { return when(column_type) { TYPE_PROFILE -> context.getString( R.string.profile_of, if(who_account != null) AcctColor.getNickname(access_info.getFullAcct(who_account)) else profile_id.toString() ) TYPE_LIST_MEMBER -> context.getString( R.string.list_member_of, list_info?.title ?: profile_id.toString() ) TYPE_LIST_TL -> context.getString( R.string.list_tl_of, list_info?.title ?: profile_id.toString() ) TYPE_CONVERSATION -> context.getString(R.string.conversation_around, status_id) TYPE_HASHTAG -> context.getString(R.string.hashtag_of, hashtag) TYPE_SEARCH -> if(bLong) context.getString(R.string.search_of, search_query) else getColumnTypeName(context, column_type) TYPE_SEARCH_MSP -> if(bLong) context.getString(R.string.toot_search_msp_of, search_query) else getColumnTypeName(context, column_type) TYPE_SEARCH_TS -> if(bLong) context.getString(R.string.toot_search_ts_of, search_query) else getColumnTypeName(context, column_type) TYPE_INSTANCE_INFORMATION -> if(bLong) context.getString(R.string.instance_information_of, instance_uri) else getColumnTypeName(context, column_type) else -> getColumnTypeName(context, column_type) } } internal fun dispose() { is_dispose.set(true) stopStreaming() for(vh in _holder_list) { try { vh.listView.adapter = null } catch(ignored : Throwable) { } } } internal fun getIconAttrId(type : Int) : Int { return getIconAttrId(access_info.acct, type) } // ブーストやお気に入りの更新に使う。ステータスを列挙する。 fun findStatus( target_instance : String, target_status_id : Long, callback : (account : SavedAccount, status : TootStatus) -> Boolean // callback return true if rebind view required ) { if(!, ignoreCase = true)) return var bChanged = false fun procStatus(status : TootStatus?) { if(status != null) { if(target_status_id == { if(callback(access_info, status)) bChanged = true } procStatus(status.reblog) } } for(data in list_data) { when(data) { is TootNotification -> procStatus(data.status) is TootStatus -> procStatus(data) } } if(bChanged) fireRebindAdapterItems() } // ミュート、ブロックが成功した時に呼ばれる // リストメンバーカラムでメンバーをリストから除去した時に呼ばれる fun removeAccountInTimeline(target_account : SavedAccount, who_id : Long) { if(target_account.acct != access_info.acct) return val INVALID_ACCOUNT = - 1L val tmp_list = ArrayList(list_data.size) for(o in list_data) { if(o is TootStatus) { if(who_id == ( continue if(who_id == (o.reblog?.account?.id ?: INVALID_ACCOUNT)) continue } else if(o is TootNotification) { if(who_id == (o.account?.id ?: INVALID_ACCOUNT)) continue if(who_id == (o.status?.account?.id ?: INVALID_ACCOUNT)) continue if(who_id == (o.status?.reblog?.account?.id ?: INVALID_ACCOUNT)) continue } else if(o is TootAccount) { if(who_id == continue } tmp_list.add(o) } if(tmp_list.size != list_data.size) { list_data.clear() list_data.addAll(tmp_list) fireShowContent(reason = "removeAccountInTimeline") } } // ミュート解除が成功した時に呼ばれる fun removeFromMuteList(target_account : SavedAccount, who_id : Long) { if(column_type == TYPE_MUTES && target_account.acct == access_info.acct) { val tmp_list = ArrayList(list_data.size) for(o in list_data) { if(o is TootAccount) { if( == who_id) continue } tmp_list.add(o) } if(tmp_list.size != list_data.size) { list_data.clear() list_data.addAll(tmp_list) fireShowContent(reason = "removeFromMuteList") } } } // ブロック解除が成功したので、ブロックリストから削除する fun removeFromBlockList(target_account : SavedAccount, who_id : Long) { if(column_type == TYPE_BLOCKS && target_account.acct == access_info.acct) { val tmp_list = ArrayList(list_data.size) for(o in list_data) { if(o is TootAccount) { if( == who_id) continue } tmp_list.add(o) } if(tmp_list.size != list_data.size) { list_data.clear() list_data.addAll(tmp_list) fireShowContent(reason = "removeFromBlockList") } } } fun removeFollowRequest(target_account : SavedAccount, who_id : Long) { if(target_account.acct != access_info.acct) return if(column_type == TYPE_FOLLOW_REQUESTS) { val tmp_list = ArrayList(list_data.size) for(o in list_data) { if(o is TootAccount) { if( == who_id) continue } tmp_list.add(o) } if(tmp_list.size != list_data.size) { list_data.clear() list_data.addAll(tmp_list) fireShowContent(reason = "removeFollowRequest 1") } } else { // 他のカラムでもフォロー状態の表示更新が必要 fireRebindAdapterItems() } } // 自分のステータスを削除した時に呼ばれる fun removeStatus(target_account : SavedAccount, status_id : Long) { if( != return val tmp_list = ArrayList(list_data.size) for(o in list_data) { if(o is TootStatus) { if(status_id == continue if(status_id == (o.reblog?.id ?: - 1L)) continue } if(o is TootNotification) { if(status_id == (o.status?.id ?: - 1L)) continue if(status_id == (o.status?.reblog?.id ?: - 1L)) continue } tmp_list.add(o) } if(tmp_list.size != list_data.size) { list_data.clear() list_data.addAll(tmp_list) fireShowContent(reason = "removeStatus") } } fun removeNotifications() { cancelLastTask() mRefreshLoadingError = "" bRefreshLoading = false mInitialLoadingError = "" bInitialLoading = false max_id = "" since_id = "" list_data.clear() duplicate_map.clear() fireShowContent(reason = "removeNotifications", reset = true) PollingWorker.queueNotificationCleared(context, access_info.db_id) } fun removeNotificationOne(target_account : SavedAccount, notification : TootNotification) { if(column_type != TYPE_NOTIFICATIONS) return if(access_info.acct != target_account.acct) return val tmp_list = ArrayList(list_data.size) for(o in list_data) { if(o is TootNotification) { if( == continue } tmp_list.add(o) } if(tmp_list.size != list_data.size) { list_data.clear() list_data.addAll(tmp_list) fireShowContent(reason = "removeNotificationOne") } } fun onMuteAppUpdated() { val tmp_list = ArrayList(list_data.size) val muted_app = MutedApp.nameSet val muted_word = MutedWord.nameSet val checker = { status : TootStatus? -> status?.checkMuted(muted_app, muted_word) ?: false } for(o in list_data) { if(o is TootStatus) { if(checker(o)) continue } if(o is TootNotification) { if(checker(o.status)) continue } tmp_list.add(o) } if(tmp_list.size != list_data.size) { list_data.clear() list_data.addAll(tmp_list) fireShowContent(reason = "onMuteAppUpdated") } } fun onDomainBlockChanged(target_account : SavedAccount, domain : String, bBlocked : Boolean) { if( != return if(access_info.isPseudo) return if(column_type == TYPE_DOMAIN_BLOCKS) { // ドメインブロック一覧を読み直す startLoading() return } if(bBlocked) { // ブロックしたのとドメイン部分が一致するアカウントからのステータスと通知をすべて除去する val reDomain = Pattern.compile("[^@]+@\\Q$domain\\E\\z", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE) val checker = { acct : String? -> if(acct == null) false else reDomain.matcher(acct).find() } val tmp_list = ArrayList(list_data.size) for(o in list_data) { if(o is TootStatus) { if(checker(o.account.acct)) continue if(checker(o.reblog?.account?.acct)) continue } else if(o is TootNotification) { if(checker(o.account?.acct)) continue if(checker(o.status?.account?.acct)) continue if(checker(o.status?.reblog?.account?.acct)) continue } tmp_list.add(o) } if(tmp_list.size != list_data.size) { list_data.clear() list_data.addAll(tmp_list) fireShowContent(reason = "onDomainBlockChanged") } } } fun onListListUpdated(account : SavedAccount) { if(column_type == TYPE_LIST_LIST && access_info.acct == account.acct) { startLoading() val vh = viewHolder vh?.onListListUpdated() } } fun onListMemberUpdated( account : SavedAccount, list_id : Long, who : TootAccount, bAdd : Boolean ) { if(column_type == TYPE_LIST_TL && access_info.acct == account.acct && list_id == profile_id) { if(! bAdd) { removeAccountInTimeline(account, } } else if(column_type == TYPE_LIST_MEMBER && access_info.acct == account.acct && list_id == profile_id) { if(! bAdd) { removeAccountInTimeline(account, } } } internal fun addColumnViewHolder(cvh : ColumnViewHolder) { // 現在のリストにあるなら削除する removeColumnViewHolder(cvh) // 最後に追加されたものが先頭にくるようにする // 呼び出しの後に必ず追加されているようにする _holder_list.addFirst(cvh) } internal fun removeColumnViewHolder(cvh : ColumnViewHolder) { val it = _holder_list.iterator() while(it.hasNext()) { if(cvh == it.remove() } } internal fun removeColumnViewHolderByActivity(activity : ActMain) { val it = _holder_list.iterator() while(it.hasNext()) { val cvh = if(cvh.activity == activity) { it.remove() } } } internal fun hasMultipleViewHolder() : Boolean { return _holder_list.size > 1 } internal fun fireShowContent( reason : String, changeList : List? = null, reset : Boolean = false ) { if(! isMainThread) { throw RuntimeException("fireShowContent: not on main thread.") } viewHolder?.showContent(reason, changeList, reset) } internal fun fireShowColumnHeader() { if(! isMainThread) { throw RuntimeException("fireShowColumnHeader: not on main thread.") } viewHolder?.showColumnHeader() } internal fun fireColumnColor() { if(! isMainThread) { throw RuntimeException("fireColumnColor: not on main thread.") } viewHolder?.showColumnColor() } fun fireRelativeTime() { if(! isMainThread) { throw RuntimeException("fireRelativeTime: not on main thread.") } viewHolder?.updateRelativeTime() } fun fireRebindAdapterItems() { if(! isMainThread) { throw RuntimeException("fireRelativeTime: not on main thread.") } viewHolder?.rebindAdapterItems() } private fun cancelLastTask() { if(last_task != null) { last_task?.cancel(true) last_task = null // bInitialLoading = false bRefreshLoading = false mInitialLoadingError = context.getString(R.string.cancelled) // } } private fun initFilter() { column_regex_filter = COLUMN_REGEX_FILTER_DEFAULT val regex_text = this.regex_text if(regex_text.isNotEmpty()) { try { val re = Pattern.compile(regex_text) column_regex_filter = { text : CharSequence? -> if(text == null) false else re.matcher(text).find() } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } muted_app = MutedApp.nameSet muted_word = MutedWord.nameSet highlight_trie = HighlightWord.nameSet } private fun isFilteredByAttachment(status : TootStatus) : Boolean { // オプションがどれも設定されていないならフィルタしない(false) if(! (with_attachment || with_highlight)) return false val matchMedia = with_attachment && status.reblog?.hasMedia() ?: status.hasMedia() val matchHighlight = with_highlight && status.reblog?.hasHighlight ?: status.hasHighlight // どれかの条件を満たすならフィルタしない(false)、どれも満たさないならフィルタする(true) return ! (matchMedia || matchHighlight) } private fun isFiltered(status : TootStatus) : Boolean { if(isFilteredByAttachment(status)) return true if(dont_show_boost) { if(status.reblog != null) return true } if(dont_show_reply) { if(status.in_reply_to_id?.isNotEmpty() == true) return true if(status.reblog?.in_reply_to_id?.isNotEmpty() == true) return true } if(column_regex_filter(status.decoded_content)) return true if(column_regex_filter(status.reblog?.decoded_content)) return true return status.checkMuted(muted_app, muted_word) } private inline fun addAll( dstArg : ArrayList?, src : ArrayList ) : ArrayList { val dst = dstArg ?: ArrayList() for(item in src) { dst.add(item as TimelineItem) } return dst } private fun addOne( dstArg : ArrayList?, item : TimelineItem ) : ArrayList { val dst = dstArg ?: ArrayList() dst.add(item) return dst } private fun addWithFilterStatus( dstArg : ArrayList?, src : ArrayList ) : ArrayList { val dst = dstArg ?: ArrayList() for(status in src) { if(! isFiltered(status)) { dst.add(status) } } return dst } private fun addWithFilterNotification( dstArg : ArrayList?, src : ArrayList ) : ArrayList { val dst = dstArg ?: ArrayList() for(item in src) { if(! isFiltered(item)) dst.add(item) } return dst } private fun isFiltered(item : TootNotification) : Boolean { if(dont_show_favourite && TootNotification.TYPE_FAVOURITE == item.type) { log.d("isFiltered: favourite notification filtered.") return true } if(dont_show_boost && TootNotification.TYPE_REBLOG == item.type) { log.d("isFiltered: reblog notification filtered.") return true } if(dont_show_follow && TootNotification.TYPE_FOLLOW == item.type) { log.d("isFiltered: follow notification filtered.") return true } val status = item.status if(status != null) { if(status.checkMuted(muted_app, muted_word)) { log.d("isFiltered: status muted.") return true } } return false } // @Nullable String parseMaxId( TootApiResult result ){ // if( result != null && result.link_older != null ){ // Matcher m = reMaxId.matcher( result.link_older ); // if( m.find() ) return 1 ); // } // return null; // } internal fun loadProfileAccount(client : TootApiClient, bForceReload : Boolean) { if(bForceReload || this.who_account == null) { val result = client.request(String.format(Locale.JAPAN, PATH_ACCOUNT, profile_id)) val a = TootParser(context,access_info).account(result?.jsonObject) if(a != null) { this.who_account = a client.publishApiProgress("") // カラムヘッダの再表示 } } } internal fun loadListInfo(client : TootApiClient, bForceReload : Boolean) { if(bForceReload || this.list_info == null) { val result = client.request(String.format(Locale.JAPAN, PATH_LIST_INFO, profile_id)) val jsonObject = result?.jsonObject if(jsonObject != null) { val data = parseItem(::TootList, jsonObject) if(data != null) { this.list_info = data client.publishApiProgress("") // カラムヘッダの再表示 } } } } private inner class UpdateRelationEnv { internal val who_set = HashSet() internal val acct_set = HashSet() internal val tag_set = HashSet() internal fun add(a : TootAccount?) { if(a == null) return who_set.add( acct_set.add("@" + access_info.getFullAcct(a)) // add(a.moved) } internal fun add(s : TootStatus?) { if(s == null) return add(s.account) add(s.reblog) s.tags?.forEach { tag_set.add( } } internal fun add(n : TootNotification?) { if(n == null) return add(n.account) add(n.status) } internal fun update(client : TootApiClient) { var n : Int var size : Int // アカウントIDの集合からRelationshipを取得してデータベースに記録する size = who_set.size if(size > 0) { val who_list = ArrayList(size) who_list.addAll(who_set) val now = System.currentTimeMillis() n = 0 while(n < who_list.size) { val sb = StringBuilder() sb.append("/api/v1/accounts/relationships") for(i in 0 until RELATIONSHIP_LOAD_STEP) { if(n >= size) break sb.append(if(i == 0) '?' else '&') sb.append("id[]=") sb.append(who_list[n ++].toString()) } val result = client.request(sb.toString()) ?: break // cancelled. val list = parseList(::TootRelationShip, result.jsonArray) if(list.size > 0) UserRelation.saveList(now, access_info.db_id, list) } log.d("updateRelation: update %d relations.", n) } // 出現したacctをデータベースに記録する size = acct_set.size if(size > 0) { val acct_list = ArrayList(size) acct_list.addAll(acct_set) val now = System.currentTimeMillis() n = 0 while(n < acct_list.size) { var length = size - n if(length > ACCT_DB_STEP) length = ACCT_DB_STEP AcctSet.saveList(now, acct_list, n, length) n += length } log.d("updateRelation: update %d acct.", n) } // 出現したタグをデータベースに記録する size = tag_set.size if(size > 0) { val tag_list = ArrayList(size) tag_list.addAll(tag_set) val now = System.currentTimeMillis() n = 0 while(n < tag_list.size) { var length = size - n if(length > ACCT_DB_STEP) length = ACCT_DB_STEP TagSet.saveList(now, tag_list, n, length) n += length } log.d("updateRelation: update %d tag.", n) } } } // private fun updateRelation( client : TootApiClient, list : ArrayList?, who : TootAccount? ) { if(access_info.isPseudo) return val env = UpdateRelationEnv() env.add(who) list?.forEach { when(it) { is TootAccount -> env.add(it) is TootStatus -> env.add(it) is TootNotification -> env.add(it) } } env.update(client) } internal fun startLoading() { cancelLastTask() stopStreaming() initFilter() mRefreshLoadingError = "" mInitialLoadingError = "" bFirstInitialized = true bInitialLoading = true bRefreshLoading = false max_id = "" since_id = "" duplicate_map.clear() list_data.clear() fireShowContent(reason = "loading start", reset = true) val task = @SuppressLint("StaticFieldLeak") object : AsyncTask() { internal var parser = TootParser(context, access_info, highlightTrie = highlight_trie) internal var instance_tmp : TootInstance? = null internal var list_pinned : ArrayList? = null internal var list_tmp : ArrayList? = null internal fun getInstanceInformation( client : TootApiClient, instance_name : String? ) : TootApiResult? { if(instance_name != null) { // 「インスタンス情報」カラムをNAアカウントで開く場合 client.instance = instance_name } else { // カラムに紐付けられたアカウントのタンスのインスタンス情報 } val result = client.request("/api/v1/instance") val jsonObject = result?.jsonObject if(jsonObject != null) { instance_tmp = parseItem(::TootInstance, jsonObject) } return result } internal fun getStatusesPinned(client : TootApiClient, path_base : String) { val result = client.request(path_base) val jsonArray = result?.jsonArray if(jsonArray != null) { // val src = TootParser( context, access_info, pinned = true, highlightTrie = highlight_trie ).statusList(jsonArray) this.list_pinned = addWithFilterStatus(null, src) // pinned tootにはページングの概念はない } log.d("getStatusesPinned: list size=%s", list_pinned?.size ?: - 1) } internal fun getStatuses(client : TootApiClient, path_base : String) : TootApiResult? { val time_start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() val result = client.request(path_base) var jsonArray = result?.jsonArray if(jsonArray != null) { saveRange(result, true, true) // var src = parser.statusList(jsonArray) this.list_tmp = addWithFilterStatus(ArrayList(src.size), src) // val delimiter = if(- 1 != path_base.indexOf('?')) '&' else '?' while(true) { if(client.isApiCancelled) { log.d("loading-statuses: cancelled.") break } if(! isFilterEnabled) { log.d("loading-statuses: isFiltered is false.") break } if(max_id.isEmpty()) { log.d("loading-statuses: max_id is empty.") break } if((list_tmp?.size ?: 0) >= LOOP_READ_ENOUGH) { log.d("loading-statuses: read enough data.") break } if(src.isEmpty()) { log.d("loading-statuses: previous response is empty.") break } if(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - time_start > LOOP_TIMEOUT) { log.d("loading-statuses: timeout.") break } val path = path_base + delimiter + "max_id=" + max_id val result2 = client.request(path) jsonArray = result2?.jsonArray if(jsonArray == null) { log.d("loading-statuses: error or cancelled.") break } src = parser.statusList(jsonArray) addWithFilterStatus(list_tmp, src) if(! saveRangeEnd(result2)) { log.d("loading-statuses: missing range info.") break } } } return result } internal fun parseAccountList( client : TootApiClient, path_base : String ) : TootApiResult? { val result = client.request(path_base) if(result != null) { saveRange(result, true, true) this.list_tmp = addAll(null, parser.accountList(result.jsonArray)) } return result } internal fun parseDomainList( client : TootApiClient, path_base : String ) : TootApiResult? { val result = client.request(path_base) if(result != null) { saveRange(result, true, true) this.list_tmp = addAll(null, TootDomainBlock.parseList(result.jsonArray)) } return result } internal fun parseReports(client : TootApiClient, path_base : String) : TootApiResult? { val result = client.request(path_base) if(result != null) { saveRange(result, true, true) list_tmp = addAll(null, parseList(::TootReport, result.jsonArray)) } return result } internal fun parseListList( client : TootApiClient, path_base : String ) : TootApiResult? { val result = client.request(path_base) if(result != null) { saveRange(result, true, true) val src = parseList(::TootList, result.jsonArray) src.sort() this.list_tmp = addAll(null, src) } return result } internal fun parseNotifications( client : TootApiClient, path_base : String ) : TootApiResult? { val time_start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() val result = client.request(path_base) var jsonArray = result?.jsonArray if(jsonArray != null) { saveRange(result, true, true) // var src = parser.notificationList(jsonArray) this.list_tmp = addWithFilterNotification(ArrayList(src.size), src) // if(! src.isEmpty()) { PollingWorker.injectData(context, access_info.db_id, src) } // val delimiter = if(- 1 != path_base.indexOf('?')) '&' else '?' while(true) { if(client.isApiCancelled) { log.d("loading-notifications: cancelled.") break } if(! isFilterEnabled) { log.d("loading-notifications: isFiltered is false.") break } if(max_id.isEmpty()) { log.d("loading-notifications: max_id is empty.") break } if((list_tmp?.size ?: 0) >= LOOP_READ_ENOUGH) { log.d("loading-notifications: read enough data.") break } if(src.isEmpty()) { log.d("loading-notifications: previous response is empty.") break } if(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - time_start > LOOP_TIMEOUT) { log.d("loading-notifications: timeout.") break } val path = path_base + delimiter + "max_id=" + max_id val result2 = client.request(path) jsonArray = result2?.jsonArray if(jsonArray == null) { log.d("loading-notifications: error or cancelled.") break } src = parser.notificationList(jsonArray) addWithFilterNotification(list_tmp, src) if(! saveRangeEnd(result2)) { log.d("loading-notifications: missing range info.") break } } } return result } override fun doInBackground(vararg params : Void) : TootApiResult? { val client = TootApiClient(context, callback = object : TootApiCallback { override val isApiCancelled : Boolean get() = isCancelled || is_dispose.get() override fun publishApiProgress(s : String) { runOnMainLooper { if(isCancelled) return@runOnMainLooper task_progress = s fireShowContent(reason = "loading progress", changeList = ArrayList()) } } }) client.account = access_info try { var result : TootApiResult? val q : String when(column_type) { TYPE_HOME -> return getStatuses(client, PATH_HOME) TYPE_LOCAL -> return getStatuses(client, PATH_LOCAL) TYPE_FEDERATE -> return getStatuses(client, PATH_FEDERATE) TYPE_PROFILE -> { loadProfileAccount(client, true) when(profile_tab) { TAB_FOLLOWING -> return parseAccountList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, PATH_ACCOUNT_FOLLOWING, profile_id) ) TAB_FOLLOWERS -> return parseAccountList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, PATH_ACCOUNT_FOLLOWERS, profile_id) ) TAB_STATUS -> { var instance = access_info.instance // まだ取得してない // 疑似アカウントの場合は過去のデータが別タンスかもしれない? if(instance == null || access_info.isPseudo) { val r2 = getInstanceInformation(client, null) if(instance_tmp != null) { instance = instance_tmp access_info.instance = instance } if(access_info.isPseudo) return r2 } var s = String.format( Locale.JAPAN, PATH_ACCOUNT_STATUSES, profile_id ) if(with_attachment && ! with_highlight) s += "&only_media=1" if(instance?.isEnoughVersion(version_1_6) == true) { getStatusesPinned(client, s + "&pinned=1") } return getStatuses(client, s) } else -> throw RuntimeException("profile_tab : invalid value.") } } TYPE_MUTES -> return parseAccountList(client, PATH_MUTES) TYPE_BLOCKS -> return parseAccountList(client, PATH_BLOCKS) TYPE_DOMAIN_BLOCKS -> return parseDomainList(client, PATH_DOMAIN_BLOCK) TYPE_LIST_LIST -> return parseListList(client, PATH_LIST_LIST) TYPE_LIST_TL -> { loadListInfo(client, true) return getStatuses( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, PATH_LIST_TL, profile_id) ) } TYPE_LIST_MEMBER -> { loadListInfo(client, true) return parseAccountList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, PATH_LIST_MEMBER, profile_id) ) } TYPE_FOLLOW_REQUESTS -> return parseAccountList( client, PATH_FOLLOW_REQUESTS ) TYPE_FAVOURITES -> return getStatuses(client, PATH_FAVOURITES) TYPE_HASHTAG -> return getStatuses( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, PATH_HASHTAG, hashtag.encodePercent()) ) TYPE_REPORTS -> return parseReports(client, PATH_REPORTS) TYPE_NOTIFICATIONS -> return parseNotifications(client, PATH_NOTIFICATIONS) TYPE_BOOSTED_BY -> return parseAccountList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, PATH_BOOSTED_BY, status_id) ) TYPE_FAVOURITED_BY -> return parseAccountList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, PATH_FAVOURITED_BY, status_id) ) TYPE_CONVERSATION -> { // 指定された発言そのもの result = client.request( String.format(Locale.JAPAN, PATH_STATUSES, status_id) ) var jsonObject = result?.jsonObject ?: return result val target_status = parser.status(jsonObject) ?: return TootApiResult("TootStatus parse failed.") // 前後の会話 result = client.request( String.format(Locale.JAPAN, PATH_STATUSES_CONTEXT, status_id) ) jsonObject = result?.jsonObject ?: return result val conversation_context = parseItem(::TootContext, parser, jsonObject) // 一つのリストにまとめる target_status.conversation_main = true if(conversation_context != null) { this.list_tmp = ArrayList( 1 + (conversation_context.ancestors?.size ?: 0) + (conversation_context.descendants?.size ?: 0) ) // if(conversation_context.ancestors != null) addWithFilterStatus( this.list_tmp, conversation_context.ancestors ) // addOne(list_tmp, target_status) // if(conversation_context.descendants != null) addWithFilterStatus( this.list_tmp, conversation_context.descendants ) // } else { showToast(context, true, "TootContext parse failed.") this.list_tmp = addOne(this.list_tmp, target_status) } // カードを取得する this.list_tmp?.forEach { o -> if(o is TootStatus) o.card = parseItem( ::TootCard, client.request("/api/v1/statuses/" + + "/card")?.jsonObject ) } // return result } TYPE_SEARCH -> { if(access_info.isPseudo) { // 1.5.0rc からマストドンの検索APIは認証を要求するようになった return TootApiResult(context.getString(R.string.search_is_not_available_on_pseudo_account)) } var path = String.format( Locale.JAPAN, PATH_SEARCH, search_query.encodePercent() ) if(search_resolve) path += "&resolve=1" result = client.request(path) val jsonObject = result?.jsonObject if(result == null || jsonObject == null) return result val tmp = parser.results(jsonObject) if(tmp != null) { list_tmp = ArrayList() addAll(list_tmp, tmp.hashtags) addAll(list_tmp, tmp.accounts) addAll(list_tmp, tmp.statuses) } return result } TYPE_SEARCH_MSP -> { max_id = "" q = search_query.trim { it <= ' ' } if(q.isEmpty()) { list_tmp = ArrayList() result = TootApiResult() } else { result = client.searchMsp(search_query, max_id) val jsonArray = result?.jsonArray if(jsonArray != null) { // max_id の更新 max_id = TootApiClient.getMspMaxId(jsonArray, max_id) // リストデータの用意 parser.serviceType = ServiceType.MSP list_tmp = addWithFilterStatus(null, parser.statusList(jsonArray)) } } return result } TYPE_SEARCH_TS -> { max_id = "0" q = search_query.trim { it <= ' ' } if(q.isEmpty()) { list_tmp = ArrayList() result = TootApiResult() } else { result = client.searchTootsearch(search_query, max_id) val jsonObject = result?.jsonObject if(jsonObject != null) { // max_id の更新 max_id = TootApiClient.getTootsearchMaxId(jsonObject, max_id) // リストデータの用意 val search_result = TootStatus.parseListTootsearch(parser, jsonObject) this.list_tmp = addWithFilterStatus(null, search_result) if(search_result.isEmpty()) { log.d("search result is empty. %s", result?.bodyString) } } } return result } TYPE_INSTANCE_INFORMATION -> { result = getInstanceInformation(client, instance_uri) if(instance_tmp != null) { instance_information = instance_tmp } return result } else -> return getStatuses(client, PATH_HOME) } } finally { try { updateRelation(client, list_tmp, who_account) } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } } override fun onCancelled(result : TootApiResult?) { onPostExecute(null) } override fun onPostExecute(result : TootApiResult?) { if(is_dispose.get()) return if(isCancelled || result == null) { return } bInitialLoading = false last_task = null if(result.error != null) { this@Column.mInitialLoadingError = result.error ?: "" } else { duplicate_map.clear() list_data.clear() val list_tmp = this.list_tmp if(list_tmp != null) { val list_pinned = this.list_pinned if(list_pinned?.isNotEmpty() == true) { val list_new = duplicate_map.filterDuplicate(list_pinned) list_data.addAll(list_new) } val list_new = duplicate_map.filterDuplicate(list_tmp) list_data.addAll(list_new) } resumeStreaming(false) } fireShowContent(reason = "loading updated", reset = true) // 初期ロードの直後は先頭に移動する viewHolder?.scrollToTop() } } this.last_task = task task.executeOnExecutor(App1.task_executor) } // int scroll_hack; private fun saveRange(result : TootApiResult?, bBottom : Boolean, bTop : Boolean) { if(result != null) { if(bBottom) { if(result.link_older == null) { max_id = "" } else { val m = reMaxId.matcher(result.link_older) if(m.find()) max_id = } } if(bTop && result.link_newer != null) { val m = reSinceId.matcher(result.link_newer) if(m.find()) since_id = } } } private fun saveRangeEnd(result : TootApiResult?) : Boolean { if(result != null) { if(result.link_older == null) { max_id = "" } else { val m = reMaxId.matcher(result.link_older) if(m.find()) { max_id = return true } } } return false } private fun addRange(bBottom : Boolean, path : String) : String { val delimiter = if(- 1 != path.indexOf('?')) '&' else '?' if(bBottom) { if(max_id.isNotEmpty()) return path + delimiter + "max_id=" + max_id } else { if(since_id.isNotEmpty()) return path + delimiter + "since_id=" + since_id } return path } internal fun startRefreshForPost(posted_status_id : Long, refresh_after_post : Int) { when(column_type) { TYPE_HOME, TYPE_LOCAL, TYPE_FEDERATE -> startRefresh( true, false, posted_status_id, refresh_after_post ) TYPE_PROFILE -> if(profile_tab == TAB_STATUS && profile_id == access_info.loginAccount?.id) { startRefresh(true, false, posted_status_id, refresh_after_post) } TYPE_CONVERSATION -> startLoading() } } internal fun startRefresh( bSilent : Boolean, bBottom : Boolean, posted_status_id : Long, refresh_after_toot : Int ) { if(last_task != null) { if(! bSilent) { showToast(context, true, R.string.column_is_busy) val holder = viewHolder if(holder != null) holder.refreshLayout.isRefreshing = false } return } else if(bBottom && max_id.isEmpty()) { if(! bSilent) { showToast(context, true, R.string.end_of_list) val holder = viewHolder if(holder != null) holder.refreshLayout.isRefreshing = false } return } else if(! bBottom && since_id.isEmpty()) { val holder = viewHolder if(holder != null) holder.refreshLayout.isRefreshing = false startLoading() return } if(bSilent) { val holder = viewHolder if(holder != null) { holder.refreshLayout.isRefreshing = true } } if(! bBottom) { bRefreshingTop = true stopStreaming() } bRefreshLoading = true mRefreshLoadingError = "" val task = @SuppressLint("StaticFieldLeak") object : AsyncTask() { internal var parser = TootParser(context, access_info, highlightTrie = highlight_trie) internal var list_tmp : ArrayList? = null internal fun getAccountList( client : TootApiClient, path_base : String ) : TootApiResult? { val time_start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() val delimiter = if(- 1 != path_base.indexOf('?')) '&' else '?' val last_since_id = since_id val result = client.request(addRange(bBottom, path_base)) var jsonArray = result?.jsonArray if(jsonArray != null) { saveRange(result, bBottom, ! bBottom) var src = parser.accountList( jsonArray) list_tmp = addAll(null, src) if(! bBottom) { var bGapAdded = false while(true) { if(isCancelled) { log.d("refresh-account-offset: cancelled.") break } // max_id だけを指定した場合、必ずlimit個のデータが帰ってくるとは限らない // 直前のデータが0個なら終了とみなすしかなさそう if(src.isEmpty()) { log.d("refresh-account-offset: previous size == 0.") break } // 隙間の最新のステータスIDは取得データ末尾のステータスIDである val max_id = src[src.size - 1].id.toString() if(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - time_start > LOOP_TIMEOUT) { log.d("refresh-account-offset: timeout. make gap.") // タイムアウト // 隙間ができるかもしれない。後ほど手動で試してもらうしかない addOne(list_tmp, TootGap(max_id, last_since_id)) bGapAdded = true break } val path = path_base + delimiter + "max_id=" + max_id + "&since_id=" + last_since_id val result2 = client.request(path) jsonArray = result2?.jsonArray if(jsonArray == null) { log.d("refresh-account-offset: error or cancelled. make gap.") // エラー // 隙間ができるかもしれない。後ほど手動で試してもらうしかない addOne(list_tmp, TootGap(max_id, last_since_id)) bGapAdded = true break } src = parser.accountList( jsonArray) addAll(list_tmp, src) } if(Pref.bpForceGap(context) && ! isCancelled && ! bGapAdded && list_tmp?.isNotEmpty() == true) { addOne(list_tmp, TootGap(max_id, last_since_id)) } } } return result } internal fun getDomainList( client : TootApiClient, path_base : String ) : TootApiResult? { val time_start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() val delimiter = if(- 1 != path_base.indexOf('?')) '&' else '?' val last_since_id = since_id val result = client.request(addRange(bBottom, path_base)) var jsonArray = result?.jsonArray if(jsonArray != null) { saveRange(result, bBottom, ! bBottom) var src = TootDomainBlock.parseList(jsonArray) list_tmp = addAll(null, src) if(! bBottom) { while(true) { if(isCancelled) { log.d("refresh-domain-offset: cancelled.") break } // max_id だけを指定した場合、必ずlimit個のデータが帰ってくるとは限らない // 直前のデータが0個なら終了とみなすしかなさそう if(src.isEmpty()) { log.d("refresh-domain-offset: previous size == 0.") break } if(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - time_start > LOOP_TIMEOUT) { log.d("refresh-domain-offset: timeout.") // タイムアウト break } val path = path_base + delimiter + "max_id=" + max_id + "&since_id=" + last_since_id val result2 = client.request(path) jsonArray = result2?.jsonArray if(jsonArray == null) { log.d("refresh-domain-offset: error or cancelled.") // エラー break } src = TootDomainBlock.parseList(jsonArray) addAll(list_tmp, src) } } } return result } internal fun getListList(client : TootApiClient, path_base : String) : TootApiResult? { val time_start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() val delimiter = if(- 1 != path_base.indexOf('?')) '&' else '?' val last_since_id = since_id val result = client.request(addRange(bBottom, path_base)) var jsonArray = result?.jsonArray if(jsonArray != null) { saveRange(result, bBottom, ! bBottom) var src = parseList(::TootList, jsonArray) src.sort() list_tmp = addAll(null, src) if(! bBottom) { var bGapAdded = false while(true) { if(isCancelled) { log.d("refresh-list-offset: cancelled.") break } // max_id だけを指定した場合、必ずlimit個のデータが帰ってくるとは限らない // 直前のデータが0個なら終了とみなすしかなさそう if(src.isEmpty()) { log.d("refresh-list-offset: previous size == 0.") break } // 隙間の最新のステータスIDは取得データ末尾のステータスIDである val max_id = src[src.size - 1].id.toString() if(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - time_start > LOOP_TIMEOUT) { log.d("refresh-list-offset: timeout. make gap.") // タイムアウト // 隙間ができるかもしれない。後ほど手動で試してもらうしかない addOne(list_tmp, TootGap(max_id, last_since_id)) bGapAdded = true break } val path = path_base + delimiter + "max_id=" + max_id + "&since_id=" + last_since_id val result2 = client.request(path) jsonArray = result2?.jsonArray if(jsonArray == null) { log.d("refresh-list-offset: timeout. error or retry. make gap.") // エラー // 隙間ができるかもしれない。後ほど手動で試してもらうしかない addOne(list_tmp, TootGap(max_id, last_since_id)) bGapAdded = true break } src = parseList(::TootList, jsonArray) src.sort() addAll(list_tmp, src) } if(Pref.bpForceGap(context) && ! isCancelled && ! bGapAdded && list_tmp?.isNotEmpty() == true) { addOne(list_tmp, TootGap(max_id, last_since_id)) } } } return result } internal fun getReportList( client : TootApiClient, path_base : String ) : TootApiResult? { val time_start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() val delimiter = if(- 1 != path_base.indexOf('?')) '&' else '?' val last_since_id = since_id val result = client.request(addRange(bBottom, path_base)) var jsonArray = result?.jsonArray if(jsonArray != null) { saveRange(result, bBottom, ! bBottom) var src = parseList(::TootReport, jsonArray) list_tmp = addAll(null, src) if(! bBottom) { var bGapAdded = false while(true) { if(isCancelled) { log.d("refresh-report-offset: cancelled.") break } // max_id だけを指定した場合、必ずlimit個のデータが帰ってくるとは限らない // 直前のデータが0個なら終了とみなすしかなさそう if(src.isEmpty()) { log.d("refresh-report-offset: previous size == 0.") break } // 隙間の最新のステータスIDは取得データ末尾のステータスIDである val max_id = src[src.size - 1].id.toString() if(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - time_start > LOOP_TIMEOUT) { log.d("refresh-report-offset: timeout. make gap.") // タイムアウト // 隙間ができるかもしれない。後ほど手動で試してもらうしかない addOne(list_tmp, TootGap(max_id, last_since_id)) bGapAdded = true break } val path = path_base + delimiter + "max_id=" + max_id + "&since_id=" + last_since_id val result2 = client.request(path) jsonArray = result2?.jsonArray if(jsonArray == null) { log.d("refresh-report-offset: timeout. error or retry. make gap.") // エラー // 隙間ができるかもしれない。後ほど手動で試してもらうしかない addOne(list_tmp, TootGap(max_id, last_since_id)) bGapAdded = true break } src = parseList(::TootReport, jsonArray) addAll(list_tmp, src) } if(Pref.bpForceGap(context) && ! isCancelled && ! bGapAdded && list_tmp?.isNotEmpty() == true) { addOne(list_tmp, TootGap(max_id, last_since_id)) } } } return result } internal fun getNotificationList( client : TootApiClient, path_base : String ) : TootApiResult? { val time_start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() val delimiter = if(- 1 != path_base.indexOf('?')) '&' else '?' val last_since_id = since_id val result = client.request(addRange(bBottom, path_base)) var jsonArray = result?.jsonArray if(jsonArray != null) { saveRange(result, bBottom, ! bBottom) var src = parser.notificationList(jsonArray) list_tmp = addWithFilterNotification(null, src) if(! bBottom) { if(! src.isEmpty()) { PollingWorker.injectData(context, access_info.db_id, src) } var bGapAdded = false while(true) { if(isCancelled) { log.d("refresh-notification-offset: cancelled.") break } // max_id だけを指定した場合、必ずlimit個のデータが帰ってくるとは限らない // 直前のデータが0個なら終了とみなすしかなさそう if(src.isEmpty()) { log.d("refresh-notification-offset: previous size == 0.") break } // 隙間の最新のステータスIDは取得データ末尾のステータスIDである val max_id = src[src.size - 1].id.toString() if(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - time_start > LOOP_TIMEOUT) { log.d("refresh-notification-offset: timeout. make gap.") // タイムアウト // 隙間ができるかもしれない。後ほど手動で試してもらうしかない addOne(list_tmp, TootGap(max_id, last_since_id)) bGapAdded = true break } val path = path_base + delimiter + "max_id=" + max_id + "&since_id=" + last_since_id val result2 = client.request(path) jsonArray = result2?.jsonArray if(jsonArray == null) { log.d("refresh-notification-offset: error or cancelled. make gap.") // エラー // 隙間ができるかもしれない。後ほど手動で試してもらうしかない addOne(list_tmp, TootGap(max_id, last_since_id)) bGapAdded = true break } src = parser.notificationList(jsonArray) if(! src.isEmpty()) { addWithFilterNotification(list_tmp, src) PollingWorker.injectData(context, access_info.db_id, src) } } if(Pref.bpForceGap(context) && ! isCancelled && ! bGapAdded && list_tmp?.isNotEmpty() == true) { addOne(list_tmp, TootGap(max_id, last_since_id)) } } else { while(true) { if(isCancelled) { log.d("refresh-notification-bottom: cancelled.") break } // bottomの場合、フィルタなしなら繰り返さない if(! isFilterEnabled) { log.d("refresh-notification-bottom: isFiltered is false.") break } // max_id だけを指定した場合、必ずlimit個のデータが帰ってくるとは限らない // 直前のデータが0個なら終了とみなすしかなさそう if(src.isEmpty()) { log.d("refresh-notification-bottom: previous size == 0.") break } // 十分読んだらそれで終了 if((list_tmp?.size ?: 0) >= LOOP_READ_ENOUGH) { log.d("refresh-notification-bottom: read enough data.") break } if(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - time_start > LOOP_TIMEOUT) { // タイムアウト log.d("refresh-notification-bottom: loop timeout.") break } val path = path_base + delimiter + "max_id=" + max_id val result2 = client.request(path) jsonArray = result2?.jsonArray if(jsonArray == null) { log.d("refresh-notification-bottom: error or cancelled.") break } src = parser.notificationList(jsonArray) addWithFilterNotification(list_tmp, src) if(! saveRangeEnd(result2)) { log.d("refresh-notification-bottom: saveRangeEnd failed.") break } } } } return result } internal fun getStatusList( client : TootApiClient, path_base : String ) : TootApiResult? { val time_start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() val delimiter = if(- 1 != path_base.indexOf('?')) '&' else '?' val last_since_id = since_id val result = client.request(addRange(bBottom, path_base)) var jsonArray = result?.jsonArray if(jsonArray != null) { saveRange(result, bBottom, ! bBottom) var src = parser.statusList(jsonArray) list_tmp = addWithFilterStatus(null, src) if(bBottom) { while(true) { if(isCancelled) { log.d("refresh-status-bottom: cancelled.") break } // bottomの場合、フィルタなしなら繰り返さない if(! isFilterEnabled) { log.d("refresh-status-bottom: isFiltered is false.") break } // max_id だけを指定した場合、必ずlimit個のデータが帰ってくるとは限らない // 直前のデータが0個なら終了とみなすしかなさそう if(src.isEmpty()) { log.d("refresh-status-bottom: previous size == 0.") break } // 十分読んだらそれで終了 if((list_tmp?.size ?: 0) >= LOOP_READ_ENOUGH) { log.d("refresh-status-bottom: read enough data.") break } if(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - time_start > LOOP_TIMEOUT) { // タイムアウト log.d("refresh-status-bottom: loop timeout.") break } val path = path_base + delimiter + "max_id=" + max_id val result2 = client.request(path) jsonArray = result2?.jsonArray if(jsonArray == null) { log.d("refresh-status-bottom: error or cancelled.") break } src = parser.statusList(jsonArray) addWithFilterStatus(list_tmp, src) if(! saveRangeEnd(result2)) { log.d("refresh-status-bottom: saveRangeEnd failed.") break } } } else { var bGapAdded = false while(true) { if(isCancelled) { log.d("refresh-status-offset: cancelled.") break } // 頭の方を読む時は隙間を減らすため、フィルタの有無に関係なく繰り返しを行う // max_id だけを指定した場合、必ずlimit個のデータが帰ってくるとは限らない // 直前のデータが0個なら終了とみなすしかなさそう if(src.isEmpty()) { log.d("refresh-status-offset: previous size == 0.") break } // 隙間の最新のステータスIDは取得データ末尾のステータスIDである val max_id = src[src.size - 1].id.toString() if((list_tmp?.size ?: 0) >= LOOP_READ_ENOUGH) { log.d("refresh-status-offset: read enough. make gap.") // 隙間ができるかもしれない。後ほど手動で試してもらうしかない addOne(list_tmp, TootGap(max_id, last_since_id)) bGapAdded = true break } if(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - time_start > LOOP_TIMEOUT) { log.d("refresh-status-offset: timeout. make gap.") // タイムアウト // 隙間ができるかもしれない。後ほど手動で試してもらうしかない addOne(list_tmp, TootGap(max_id, last_since_id)) bGapAdded = true break } val path = path_base + delimiter + "max_id=" + max_id + "&since_id=" + last_since_id val result2 = client.request(path) jsonArray = result2?.jsonArray if(jsonArray == null) { log.d("refresh-status-offset: error or cancelled. make gap.") // エラー // 隙間ができるかもしれない。後ほど手動で試してもらうしかない addOne(list_tmp, TootGap(max_id, last_since_id)) bGapAdded = true break } src = parser.statusList(jsonArray) addWithFilterStatus(list_tmp, src) } if(Pref.bpForceGap(context) && ! isCancelled && ! bGapAdded && list_tmp?.isNotEmpty() == true) { addOne(list_tmp, TootGap(max_id, last_since_id)) } } } return result } override fun doInBackground(vararg params : Void) : TootApiResult? { val client = TootApiClient(context, callback = object : TootApiCallback { override val isApiCancelled : Boolean get() = isCancelled || is_dispose.get() override fun publishApiProgress(s : String) { runOnMainLooper { if(isCancelled) return@runOnMainLooper task_progress = s fireShowContent(reason = "refresh progress", changeList = ArrayList()) } } }) client.account = access_info try { return when(column_type) { TYPE_HOME -> getStatusList(client, PATH_HOME) TYPE_LOCAL -> getStatusList(client, PATH_LOCAL) TYPE_FEDERATE -> getStatusList(client, PATH_FEDERATE) TYPE_FAVOURITES -> getStatusList(client, PATH_FAVOURITES) TYPE_REPORTS -> getReportList(client, PATH_REPORTS) TYPE_NOTIFICATIONS -> getNotificationList(client, PATH_NOTIFICATIONS) TYPE_BOOSTED_BY -> getAccountList( client, String.format( Locale.JAPAN, PATH_BOOSTED_BY, posted_status_id ) ) TYPE_FAVOURITED_BY -> getAccountList( client, String.format( Locale.JAPAN, PATH_FAVOURITED_BY, posted_status_id ) ) TYPE_PROFILE -> { loadProfileAccount(client, false) when(profile_tab) { TAB_FOLLOWING -> getAccountList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, PATH_ACCOUNT_FOLLOWING, profile_id) ) TAB_FOLLOWERS -> return getAccountList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, PATH_ACCOUNT_FOLLOWERS, profile_id) ) else -> { if(access_info.isPseudo) { client.request(PATH_INSTANCE) } else { var s = String.format( Locale.JAPAN, PATH_ACCOUNT_STATUSES, profile_id ) if(with_attachment && ! with_highlight) s += "&only_media=1" getStatusList(client, s) } } } } TYPE_LIST_LIST -> getListList(client, PATH_LIST_LIST) TYPE_LIST_TL -> { loadListInfo(client, false) getStatusList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, PATH_LIST_TL, profile_id) ) } TYPE_LIST_MEMBER -> { loadListInfo(client, false) getAccountList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, PATH_LIST_MEMBER, profile_id) ) } TYPE_MUTES -> getAccountList(client, PATH_MUTES) TYPE_BLOCKS -> getAccountList(client, PATH_BLOCKS) TYPE_DOMAIN_BLOCKS -> getDomainList(client, PATH_DOMAIN_BLOCK) TYPE_FOLLOW_REQUESTS -> getAccountList(client, PATH_FOLLOW_REQUESTS) TYPE_HASHTAG -> getStatusList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, PATH_HASHTAG, hashtag.encodePercent()) ) TYPE_SEARCH_MSP -> if(! bBottom) { TootApiResult("head of list.") } else { val result : TootApiResult? val q = search_query.trim { it <= ' ' } if(q.isEmpty()) { list_tmp = ArrayList() result = TootApiResult(context.getString(R.string.end_of_list)) } else { result = client.searchMsp(search_query, max_id) val jsonArray = result?.jsonArray if(jsonArray != null) { // max_id の更新 max_id = TootApiClient.getMspMaxId(jsonArray, max_id) // リストデータの用意 parser.serviceType = ServiceType.MSP list_tmp = addWithFilterStatus(list_tmp, parser.statusList(jsonArray)) } } result } TYPE_SEARCH_TS -> if(! bBottom) { TootApiResult("head of list.") } else { val result : TootApiResult? val q = search_query.trim { it <= ' ' } if(q.isEmpty() || max_id.isEmpty()) { list_tmp = ArrayList() result = TootApiResult(context.getString(R.string.end_of_list)) } else { result = client.searchTootsearch(search_query, max_id) val jsonObject = result?.jsonObject if(jsonObject != null) { // max_id の更新 max_id = TootApiClient.getTootsearchMaxId(jsonObject, max_id) // リストデータの用意 val search_result = TootStatus.parseListTootsearch(parser, jsonObject) list_tmp = addWithFilterStatus(list_tmp, search_result) } } result } else -> getStatusList(client, PATH_HOME) } } finally { try { updateRelation(client, list_tmp, who_account) } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } } override fun onCancelled(result : TootApiResult?) { onPostExecute(null) } override fun onPostExecute(result : TootApiResult?) { if(is_dispose.get()) return if(isCancelled || result == null) { return } try { last_task = null bRefreshLoading = false val error = result.error if(error != null) { mRefreshLoadingError = error fireShowContent(reason = "refresh error", changeList = ArrayList()) return } val list_new = duplicate_map.filterDuplicate(list_tmp) if(list_new.isEmpty()) { fireShowContent( reason = "refresh list_new is empty", changeList = ArrayList() ) return } // 事前にスクロール位置を覚えておく var sp : ScrollPosition? = null val holder = viewHolder if(holder != null) { sp = holder.scrollPosition } val added = list_new.size if(bBottom) { val changeList = listOf( AdapterChange( AdapterChangeType.RangeInsert, list_data.size, added ) ) list_data.addAll(list_new) fireShowContent(reason = "refresh updated bottom", changeList = changeList) // 新着が少しだけ見えるようにスクロール位置を移動する if(sp != null) { holder?.setScrollPosition(sp, 20f) } } else { for(o in list_new) { if(o is TootStatus) { val highlight_sound = o.highlight_sound if(highlight_sound != null) { App1.sound(highlight_sound) break } } } // 投稿後のリフレッシュなら当該投稿の位置を探す var status_index = - 1 for(i in 0 until added) { val o = list_new[i] if(o is TootStatus && == posted_status_id) { status_index = i break } } val changeList = listOf(AdapterChange(AdapterChangeType.RangeInsert, 0, added)) list_data.addAll(0, list_new) fireShowContent(reason = "refresh updated head", changeList = changeList) if(status_index >= 0 && refresh_after_toot == Pref.RAT_REFRESH_SCROLL) { // 投稿後にその投稿にスクロールする if(holder != null) { holder.setScrollPosition( ScrollPosition(toAdapterIndex(status_index), 0), 0f ) } else { scroll_save = ScrollPosition(toAdapterIndex(status_index), 0) } } else { // val scroll_save = this@Column.scroll_save when { // ViewHolderがある場合は増加件数分+deltaの位置にスクロールする sp != null -> { sp.adapterIndex += added val delta = if(bSilent) 0f else - 20f holder?.setScrollPosition(sp, delta) } // ViewHolderがなくて保存中の位置がある場合、増加件数分ずらす。deltaは難しいので反映しない scroll_save != null -> scroll_save.adapterIndex += added // 保存中の位置がない場合、保存中の位置を新しく作る else -> this@Column.scroll_save = ScrollPosition(toAdapterIndex(added), 0) } } } } finally { if(! bBottom) { bRefreshingTop = false resumeStreaming(false) } } } } this.last_task = task task.executeOnExecutor(App1.task_executor) } internal fun startGap(gap : TootGap?) { if(gap == null) { showToast(context, true, "gap is null") return } if(last_task != null) { showToast(context, true, R.string.column_is_busy) return } viewHolder?.refreshLayout?.isRefreshing = true bRefreshLoading = true mRefreshLoadingError = "" val task = @SuppressLint("StaticFieldLeak") object : AsyncTask() { internal var max_id = gap.max_id internal val since_id = gap.since_id internal var list_tmp : ArrayList? = null internal var parser = TootParser(context, access_info, highlightTrie = highlight_trie) internal fun getAccountList( client : TootApiClient, path_base : String ) : TootApiResult? { val time_start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() val delimiter = if(- 1 != path_base.indexOf('?')) '&' else '?' list_tmp = ArrayList() var result : TootApiResult? = null while(true) { if(isCancelled) { log.d("gap-account: cancelled.") break } if(result != null && SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - time_start > LOOP_TIMEOUT) { log.d("gap-account: timeout. make gap.") // タイムアウト // 隙間が残る addOne(list_tmp, TootGap(max_id, since_id)) break } val path = path_base + delimiter + "max_id=" + max_id + "&since_id=" + since_id val r2 = client.request(path) val jsonArray = r2?.jsonArray if(jsonArray == null) { log.d("gap-account: error timeout. make gap.") if(result == null) result = r2 // 隙間が残る addOne(list_tmp, TootGap(max_id, since_id)) break } result = r2 val src = parser.accountList( jsonArray) if(src.isEmpty()) { log.d("gap-account: empty.") break } addAll(list_tmp, src) // 隙間の最新のステータスIDは取得データ末尾のステータスIDである max_id = src[src.size - 1].id.toString() } return result } internal fun getReportList( client : TootApiClient, path_base : String ) : TootApiResult? { val time_start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() val delimiter = if(- 1 != path_base.indexOf('?')) '&' else '?' list_tmp = ArrayList() var result : TootApiResult? = null while(true) { if(isCancelled) { log.d("gap-report: cancelled.") break } if(result != null && SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - time_start > LOOP_TIMEOUT) { log.d("gap-report: timeout. make gap.") // タイムアウト // 隙間が残る addOne(list_tmp, TootGap(max_id, since_id)) break } val path = path_base + delimiter + "max_id=" + max_id + "&since_id=" + since_id val r2 = client.request(path) val jsonArray = r2?.jsonArray if(jsonArray == null) { log.d("gap-report: error or cancelled. make gap.") if(result == null) result = r2 // 隙間が残る addOne(list_tmp, TootGap(max_id, since_id)) break } result = r2 val src = parseList(::TootReport, jsonArray) if(src.isEmpty()) { log.d("gap-report: empty.") // コレ以上取得する必要はない break } addAll(list_tmp, src) // 隙間の最新のステータスIDは取得データ末尾のステータスIDである max_id = src[src.size - 1].id.toString() } return result } internal fun getNotificationList( client : TootApiClient, path_base : String ) : TootApiResult? { val time_start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() val delimiter = if(- 1 != path_base.indexOf('?')) '&' else '?' list_tmp = ArrayList() var result : TootApiResult? = null while(true) { if(isCancelled) { log.d("gap-notification: cancelled.") break } if(result != null && SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - time_start > LOOP_TIMEOUT) { log.d("gap-notification: timeout. make gap.") // タイムアウト // 隙間が残る addOne(list_tmp, TootGap(max_id, since_id)) break } val path = path_base + delimiter + "max_id=" + max_id + "&since_id=" + since_id val r2 = client.request(path) val jsonArray = r2?.jsonArray if(jsonArray == null) { // エラー log.d("gap-notification: error or response. make gap.") if(result == null) result = r2 // 隙間が残る addOne(list_tmp, TootGap(max_id, since_id)) break } result = r2 val src = parser.notificationList(jsonArray) if(src.isEmpty()) { log.d("gap-notification: empty.") break } // 隙間の最新のステータスIDは取得データ末尾のステータスIDである max_id = src[src.size - 1].id.toString() addWithFilterNotification(list_tmp, src) PollingWorker.injectData(context, access_info.db_id, src) } return result } internal fun getStatusList( client : TootApiClient, path_base : String ) : TootApiResult? { val time_start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() val delimiter = if(- 1 != path_base.indexOf('?')) '&' else '?' list_tmp = ArrayList() var result : TootApiResult? = null while(true) { if(isCancelled) { log.d("gap-statuses: cancelled.") break } if(result != null && SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - time_start > LOOP_TIMEOUT) { log.d("gap-statuses: timeout.") // タイムアウト // 隙間が残る addOne(list_tmp, TootGap(max_id, since_id)) break } val path = path_base + delimiter + "max_id=" + max_id + "&since_id=" + since_id val r2 = client.request(path) val jsonArray = r2?.jsonArray if(jsonArray == null) { log.d("gap-statuses: error or cancelled. make gap.") // 成功データがない場合だけ、今回のエラーを返すようにする if(result == null) result = r2 // 隙間が残る addOne(list_tmp, TootGap(max_id, since_id)) break } // 成功した場合はそれを返したい result = r2 val src = parser.statusList(jsonArray) if(src.size == 0) { // 直前の取得でカラのデータが帰ってきたら終了 log.d("gap-statuses: empty.") break } // 隙間の最新のステータスIDは取得データ末尾のステータスIDである max_id = src[src.size - 1].id.toString() addWithFilterStatus(list_tmp, src) } return result } override fun doInBackground(vararg params : Void) : TootApiResult? { val client = TootApiClient(context, callback = object : TootApiCallback { override val isApiCancelled : Boolean get() = isCancelled || is_dispose.get() override fun publishApiProgress(s : String) { runOnMainLooper { if(isCancelled) return@runOnMainLooper task_progress = s fireShowContent(reason = "gap progress", changeList = ArrayList()) } } }) client.account = access_info try { return when(column_type) { TYPE_LOCAL -> getStatusList(client, PATH_LOCAL) TYPE_FEDERATE -> getStatusList(client, PATH_FEDERATE) TYPE_LIST_TL -> getStatusList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, PATH_LIST_TL, profile_id) ) TYPE_FAVOURITES -> getStatusList(client, PATH_FAVOURITES) TYPE_REPORTS -> getReportList(client, PATH_REPORTS) TYPE_NOTIFICATIONS -> getNotificationList(client, PATH_NOTIFICATIONS) TYPE_HASHTAG -> getStatusList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, PATH_HASHTAG, hashtag.encodePercent()) ) TYPE_BOOSTED_BY -> getAccountList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, PATH_BOOSTED_BY, status_id) ) TYPE_FAVOURITED_BY -> getAccountList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, PATH_FAVOURITED_BY, status_id) ) TYPE_MUTES -> getAccountList(client, PATH_MUTES) TYPE_BLOCKS -> getAccountList(client, PATH_BLOCKS) TYPE_FOLLOW_REQUESTS -> getAccountList(client, PATH_FOLLOW_REQUESTS) TYPE_PROFILE -> when(profile_tab) { TAB_FOLLOWING -> getAccountList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, PATH_ACCOUNT_FOLLOWING, profile_id) ) TAB_FOLLOWERS -> getAccountList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, PATH_ACCOUNT_FOLLOWERS, profile_id) ) else -> if(access_info.isPseudo) { client.request(PATH_INSTANCE) } else { var s = String.format(Locale.JAPAN, PATH_ACCOUNT_STATUSES, profile_id) if(with_attachment && ! with_highlight) s += "&only_media=1" getStatusList(client, s) } } else -> return getStatusList(client, PATH_HOME) } } finally { try { updateRelation(client, list_tmp, who_account) } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } } override fun onCancelled(result : TootApiResult?) { onPostExecute(null) } override fun onPostExecute(result : TootApiResult?) { if(is_dispose.get()) return if(isCancelled || result == null) { return } last_task = null bRefreshLoading = false val error = result.error if(error != null) { mRefreshLoadingError = error fireShowContent(reason = "gap error", changeList = ArrayList()) return } val position = list_data.indexOf(gap) if(position == - 1) { log.d("gap not found..") fireShowContent(reason = "gap not found", changeList = ArrayList()) return } val list_tmp = this.list_tmp if(list_tmp == null) { fireShowContent(reason = "gap list_tmp is null", changeList = ArrayList()) return } // 0個でもギャップを消すために以下の処理を続ける val list_new = duplicate_map.filterDuplicate(list_tmp) // idx番目の要素がListViewのtopから何ピクセル下にあるか var restore_idx = position + 1 var restore_y = 0 val holder = viewHolder if(holder != null) { try { restore_y = holder.getListItemTop(restore_idx) } catch(ex : IndexOutOfBoundsException) { restore_idx = position try { restore_y = holder.getListItemTop(restore_idx) } catch(ex2 : IndexOutOfBoundsException) { restore_idx = - 1 } } } val added = list_new.size // may 0 list_data.removeAt(position) list_data.addAll(position, list_new) val changeList = ArrayList() changeList.add(AdapterChange(AdapterChangeType.RangeRemove, position)) if(added > 0) { changeList.add(AdapterChange(AdapterChangeType.RangeInsert, position, added)) } fireShowContent(reason = "gap updated", changeList = changeList) if(holder != null) { if(restore_idx >= 0) { // ギャップが画面内にあるなら holder.setListItemTop(restore_idx + added - 1, restore_y) } else { // ギャップが画面内にない場合、何もしない } } else { val scroll_save = this@Column.scroll_save if(scroll_save != null) { scroll_save.adapterIndex += added - 1 } } } } this.last_task = task task.executeOnExecutor(App1.task_executor) } enum class HeaderType(val viewType : Int) { Profile(1), Search(2), Instance(3), } val headerType : HeaderType? get() = when(column_type) { Column.TYPE_PROFILE -> HeaderType.Profile Column.TYPE_SEARCH -> HeaderType.Search Column.TYPE_SEARCH_MSP -> HeaderType.Search Column.TYPE_SEARCH_TS -> HeaderType.Search Column.TYPE_INSTANCE_INFORMATION -> HeaderType.Instance else -> null } fun toAdapterIndex(listIndex : Int) : Int { return if(headerType != null) listIndex + 1 else listIndex } fun toListIndex(adapterIndex : Int) : Int { return if(headerType != null) adapterIndex - 1 else adapterIndex } private fun loadSearchDesc(raw_en : Int, raw_ja : Int) : String { val res_id = if("ja" == context.getString(R.string.language_code)) raw_ja else raw_en return context.loadRawResource(res_id)?.decodeUTF8() ?: "?" } private var cacheHeaderDesc : String? = null fun getHeaderDesc() : String? { var cache = cacheHeaderDesc if(cache != null) return cache cache = when(column_type) { Column.TYPE_SEARCH -> context.getString(R.string.search_desc_mastodon_api) Column.TYPE_SEARCH_MSP -> loadSearchDesc( R.raw.search_desc_msp_en, R.raw.search_desc_msp_ja ) Column.TYPE_SEARCH_TS -> loadSearchDesc( R.raw.search_desc_ts_en, R.raw.search_desc_ts_ja ) else -> "" } cacheHeaderDesc = cache return cache } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Streaming private fun getId(o : Any) : Long { return when(o) { is TootNotification -> is TootStatus -> is TootAccount -> else -> throw RuntimeException("getId: object is not status,notification") } } internal fun onStart(callback : Callback) { this.callback_ref = WeakReference(callback) // 破棄されたカラムなら何もしない if(is_dispose.get()) { log.d("onStart: column was disposed.") return } // 未初期化なら何もしない if(! bFirstInitialized) { log.d("onStart: column is not initialized.") return } // 初期ロード中なら何もしない if(bInitialLoading) { log.d("onStart: column is in initial loading.") return } // 始端リフレッシュの最中だった // リフレッシュ終了時に自動でストリーミング開始するはず if(bRefreshingTop) { log.d("onStart: bRefreshingTop is true.") return } if(! bRefreshLoading && canAutoRefresh() && ! Pref.bpDontRefreshOnResume(App1.getAppState(context).pref) && ! dont_auto_refresh ) { // リフレッシュしてからストリーミング開始 log.d("onStart: start auto refresh.") startRefresh(true, false, - 1L, - 1) } else if(isSearchColumn) { // 検索カラムはリフレッシュもストリーミングもないが、表示開始のタイミングでリストの再描画を行いたい fireShowContent(reason = "Column onStart isSearchColumn", reset = true) } else { // ギャップつきでストリーミング開始 log.d("onStart: start streaming with gap.") resumeStreaming(true) } } // カラム設定に正規表現フィルタを含めるなら真 fun canStatusFilter() : Boolean { return when(column_type) { TYPE_REPORTS, TYPE_MUTES, TYPE_BLOCKS, TYPE_DOMAIN_BLOCKS, TYPE_FOLLOW_REQUESTS, TYPE_BOOSTED_BY, TYPE_FAVOURITED_BY, TYPE_INSTANCE_INFORMATION, TYPE_LIST_LIST, TYPE_LIST_MEMBER -> false else -> true } } // カラム設定に「すべての画像を隠す」ボタンを含めるなら真 internal fun canNSFWDefault() : Boolean { return canStatusFilter() } // カラム設定に「ブーストを表示しない」ボタンを含めるなら真 fun canFilterBoost() : Boolean { return when(column_type) { TYPE_HOME, TYPE_PROFILE, TYPE_NOTIFICATIONS, TYPE_LIST_TL -> true else -> false } } // カラム設定に「変身を表示しない」ボタンを含めるなら真 fun canFilterReply() : Boolean { return when(column_type) { TYPE_HOME, TYPE_PROFILE, TYPE_LIST_TL -> true else -> false } } internal fun canAutoRefresh() : Boolean { return streamPath != null } fun canReloadWhenRefreshTop() : Boolean { return when(column_type) { TYPE_SEARCH, TYPE_SEARCH_MSP, TYPE_SEARCH_TS, TYPE_CONVERSATION, TYPE_LIST_LIST -> true else -> false } } internal fun canSpeech() : Boolean { return canStreaming() && column_type != TYPE_NOTIFICATIONS } internal fun canStreaming() : Boolean { return ! access_info.isNA && if(access_info.isPseudo) isPublicStream else streamPath != null } private fun resumeStreaming(bPutGap : Boolean) { // カラム種別によってはストリーミングAPIを利用できない val stream_path = streamPath ?: return // 疑似アカウントではストリーミングAPIを利用できない // 2.1 では公開ストリームのみ利用できるらしい if(access_info.isNA || access_info.isPseudo && ! isPublicStream) { return } if(! isActivityStart) { log.d("resumeStreaming: isActivityStart is false.") return } // 破棄されたカラムなら何もしない if(is_dispose.get()) { log.d("resumeStreaming: column was disposed.") return } // 未初期化なら何もしない if(! bFirstInitialized) { log.d("resumeStreaming: column is not initialized.") return } // 初期ロード中なら何もしない if(bInitialLoading) { log.d("resumeStreaming: is in initial loading.") return } if(Pref.bpDontUseStreaming(context)) { log.d("resumeStreaming: disabled in app setting.") return } if(dont_streaming) { log.d("resumeStreaming: disabled in column setting.") return } this.bPutGap = bPutGap stream_data_queue.clear() app_state.stream_reader.register( access_info, stream_path, highlight_trie, onStreamingMessage ) } // onPauseの時はまとめて止められるが // カラム破棄やリロード開始時は個別にストリーミングを止める必要がある internal fun stopStreaming() { val stream_path = streamPath if(stream_path != null) { app_state.stream_reader.unregister( access_info, stream_path, onStreamingMessage ) } } private val onStreamingMessage = fun(event_type : String, item : Any?) { if(is_dispose.get()) return if(item is Long) { if("delete" == event_type) { removeStatus(access_info, item) } return } else if(item is TimelineItem) { if(item is TootNotification) { if(column_type != TYPE_NOTIFICATIONS) return if(isFiltered(item)) return } else if(item is TootStatus) { if(column_type == TYPE_NOTIFICATIONS) return if(column_type == TYPE_LOCAL && item.account.acct.indexOf('@') != - 1) return if(isFiltered(item)) return if(this.enable_speech) { App1.getAppState(context).addSpeech(item.reblog ?: item) } } stream_data_queue.addFirst(item) } } private val mergeStreamingMessage = object : Runnable { override fun run() { App1.getAppState(context).handler.removeCallbacks(this) val now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() // 前回マージしてから暫くは待機する val remain = last_show_stream_data + 333L - now if(remain > 0) { App1.getAppState(context).handler.postDelayed(this, remain) return } last_show_stream_data = now val list_new = duplicate_map.filterDuplicate(stream_data_queue) stream_data_queue.clear() if(list_new.isEmpty()) return // 通知カラムならストリーミング経由で届いたデータを通知ワーカーに伝達する if(column_type == TYPE_NOTIFICATIONS) { val list = ArrayList() for(o in list_new) { if(o is TootNotification) { list.add(o) } } if(! list.isEmpty()) { PollingWorker.injectData(context, access_info.db_id, list) } } // 最新のIDをsince_idとして覚える(ソートはしない) var new_id_max = Long.MIN_VALUE var new_id_min = Long.MAX_VALUE for(o in list_new) { try { val id = getId(o) if(id < 0) continue if(id > new_id_max) new_id_max = id if(id < new_id_min) new_id_min = id } catch(ex : Throwable) { // IDを取得できないタイプのオブジェクトだった // ストリームに来るのは通知かステータスだから、多分ここは通らない log.trace(ex) } } if(new_id_max != Long.MAX_VALUE) { since_id = new_id_max.toString() // XXX: コレはリフレッシュ時に取得漏れを引き起こすのでは…? // しかしコレなしだとリフレッシュ時に大量に読むことになる… } val holder = viewHolder // 事前にスクロール位置を覚えておく val holder_sp : ScrollPosition? = holder?.scrollPosition // idx番目の要素がListViewの上端から何ピクセル下にあるか var restore_idx = - 2 var restore_y = 0 if(holder != null) { if(list_data.size > 0) { try { restore_idx = holder.findFirstVisibleListItem() restore_y = holder.getListItemTop(restore_idx) } catch(ex : IndexOutOfBoundsException) { restore_idx = - 2 restore_y = 0 } } } // 画面復帰時の自動リフレッシュではギャップが残る可能性がある if(bPutGap) { bPutGap = false try { if(list_data.size > 0 && new_id_min != Long.MAX_VALUE) { val since = getId(list_data[0]) if(new_id_min > since) { val gap = TootGap(new_id_min, since) list_new.add(gap) } } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.e(ex, "can't put gap.") } } for(o in list_new) { if(o is TootStatus) { val highlight_sound = o.highlight_sound if(highlight_sound != null) { App1.sound(highlight_sound) break } } } val added = list_new.size val changeList = listOf(AdapterChange(AdapterChangeType.RangeInsert, 0, added)) list_data.addAll(0, list_new) fireShowContent(reason = "mergeStreamingMessage", changeList = changeList) if(holder != null) { if(holder_sp == null) { // スクロール位置が先頭なら先頭にする log.d("mergeStreamingMessage: has VH. missing scroll position.") viewHolder?.scrollToTop() } else if(holder_sp.adapterIndex == 0 && holder_sp.offset == 0) { // スクロール位置が先頭なら先頭にする log.d( "mergeStreamingMessage: has VH. keep head. offset=%s,offset=%s" , holder_sp.adapterIndex , holder_sp.offset ) holder.setScrollPosition(ScrollPosition(0, 0)) } else if(restore_idx < - 1) { // 可視範囲の検出に失敗 log.d("mergeStreamingMessage: has VH. can't find visible range.") } else { // 現在の要素が表示され続けるようにしたい log.d("mergeStreamingMessage: has VH. added=$added") holder.setListItemTop(restore_idx + added, restore_y) } } else { val scroll_save = this@Column.scroll_save if(scroll_save == null || (scroll_save.adapterIndex == 0 && scroll_save.offset == 0)) { // スクロール位置が先頭なら先頭のまま } else { // 現在の要素が表示され続けるようにしたい scroll_save.adapterIndex += added } } } } }