package jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity import android.content.Context import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.R import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootParser import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.TootAccountRef.Companion.tootAccountRefOrNull import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.pref.PrefB import import import jp.juggler.util.log.LogCategory class TootNotification( val json: JsonObject, val id: EntityId, // One of: "mention", "reblog", "favourite", "follow" val type: String, // The Account sending the notification to the user val accountRef: TootAccountRef?, // The Status associated with the notification, if applicable // 投稿の更新により変更可能になる var status: TootStatus?, var reaction: TootReaction? = null, val reblog_visibility: TootVisibility, // The time the notification was created private val created_at: String?, val time_created_at: Long, ) : TimelineItem() { val account: TootAccount? get() = accountRef?.get() companion object { @Suppress("unused") private val log = LogCategory("TootNotification") // 言及と返信 const val TYPE_MENTION = "mention" // Mastodon,Misskey const val TYPE_REPLY = "reply" // Misskey (メンションとReplyは別の物らしい // ブーストとリノート const val TYPE_REBLOG = "reblog" // Mastodon const val TYPE_RENOTE = "renote" // Misskey const val TYPE_QUOTE = "quote" // Misskeyの引用Renote, fedibirdのquote // フォロー const val TYPE_FOLLOW = "follow" // Mastodon,Misskey const val TYPE_UNFOLLOW = "unfollow" // Mastodon,Misskey const val TYPE_FAVOURITE = "favourite" const val TYPE_REACTION = "reaction" // misskey const val TYPE_EMOJI_REACTION_PLEROMA = "pleroma:emoji_reaction" // pleroma const val TYPE_FOLLOW_REQUEST = "follow_request" const val TYPE_FOLLOW_REQUEST_MISSKEY = "receiveFollowRequest" const val TYPE_FOLLOW_REQUEST_ACCEPTED_MISSKEY = "followRequestAccepted" const val TYPE_POLL_VOTE_MISSKEY = "pollVote" // 投票 const val TYPE_VOTE = "poll_vote" // (Mastodon 2.8)投票完了 const val TYPE_POLL = "poll" const val TYPE_STATUS = "status" // (Mastodon 3.5.0rc1) const val TYPE_UPDATE = "update" const val TYPE_ADMIN_SIGNUP = "admin.sign_up" // (Mastodon 4.0) const val TYPE_ADMIN_REPORT = "" // (Fedibird) // // const val TYPE_EMOJI_REACTION = "emoji_reaction" const val TYPE_STATUS_REFERENCE = "status_reference" const val TYPE_SCHEDULED_STATUS = "scheduled_status" private fun tootNotificationMisskey(parser: TootParser, src: JsonObject): TootNotification { // Misskeyの通知APIはページネーションをIDでしか行えない // これは改善される予定 val created_at: String? = src.string("createdAt") val accountRef = tootAccountRefOrNull( parser, parser.account(src.jsonObject("user")) ) val reaction: TootReaction? = src.string("reaction") ?.notEmpty() ?.let { TootReaction.parseMisskey(it) } return TootNotification( json = src, id = EntityId.mayDefault(src.string("id")), type = src.stringOrThrow("type"), accountRef = accountRef, status = parser.status(src.jsonObject("note")), reaction = reaction, reblog_visibility = TootVisibility.Unknown, created_at = created_at, time_created_at = TootStatus.parseTime(created_at), ) } private fun tootNotificationMastodon( parser: TootParser, src: JsonObject, ): TootNotification { val created_at: String? = src.string("created_at") val accountRef: TootAccountRef? = tootAccountRefOrNull(parser, parser.account(src.jsonObject("account"))) val status: TootStatus? = parser.status(src.jsonObject("status")) val reaction: TootReaction? = src.jsonObject("emoji_reaction") ?.notEmpty() ?.let { TootReaction.parseFedibird(it) } ?: src.string("emoji")?.let { TootReaction(name = it) } // pleroma unicode emoji // fedibird // val visibilityString = when { src.boolean("limited") == true -> "limited" else -> src.string("reblog_visibility") } val reblog_visibility = TootVisibility.parseMastodon(visibilityString) ?: TootVisibility.Unknown return TootNotification( json = src, id = EntityId.mayDefault(src.string("id")), type = src.stringOrThrow("type"), accountRef = accountRef, status = status, reaction = reaction, reblog_visibility = reblog_visibility, created_at = created_at, time_created_at = TootStatus.parseTime(created_at), ) } fun tootNotification(parser: TootParser, src: JsonObject): TootNotification = when (parser.serviceType) { ServiceType.MISSKEY -> tootNotificationMisskey(parser, src) else -> tootNotificationMastodon(parser, src) } } override fun getOrderId() = id fun getNotificationLine(context: Context): String { val name = when (PrefB.bpShowAcctInSystemNotification.value) { true -> accountRef?.get()?.acct?.pretty?.notEmpty()?.let { "@$it" } else -> accountRef?.decoded_display_name } ?: "?" return when (type) { TYPE_MENTION, TYPE_REPLY, -> context.getString(R.string.display_name_replied_by, name) TYPE_RENOTE, TYPE_REBLOG, -> context.getString(R.string.display_name_boosted_by, name) TYPE_QUOTE, -> context.getString(R.string.display_name_quoted_by, name) TYPE_STATUS, -> context.getString(R.string.display_name_posted_by, name) TYPE_UPDATE, -> context.getString(R.string.display_name_updates_post, name) TYPE_STATUS_REFERENCE, -> context.getString(R.string.display_name_references_post, name) TYPE_FOLLOW, -> context.getString(R.string.display_name_followed_by, name) TYPE_UNFOLLOW, -> context.getString(R.string.display_name_unfollowed_by, name) TYPE_ADMIN_SIGNUP, -> context.getString(R.string.display_name_signed_up, name) TYPE_ADMIN_REPORT, -> context.getString(R.string.display_name_report, name) TYPE_FAVOURITE, -> context.getString(R.string.display_name_favourited_by, name) TYPE_EMOJI_REACTION_PLEROMA, TYPE_EMOJI_REACTION, TYPE_REACTION, -> arrayOf( context.getString(R.string.display_name_reaction_by, name), reaction?.name ).mapNotNull { it.notEmpty() }.joinToString(" ") TYPE_VOTE, TYPE_POLL_VOTE_MISSKEY, -> context.getString(R.string.display_name_voted_by, name) TYPE_FOLLOW_REQUEST, TYPE_FOLLOW_REQUEST_MISSKEY, -> context.getString(R.string.display_name_follow_request_by, name) TYPE_FOLLOW_REQUEST_ACCEPTED_MISSKEY, -> context.getString(R.string.display_name_follow_request_accepted_by, name) TYPE_POLL, -> context.getString(R.string.end_of_polling_from, name) else -> context.getString(R.string.unknown_notification_from, name) + " :" + type } } }