package jp.juggler.subwaytooter; import; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import android.os.PowerManager; import android.os.SystemClock; import; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootApiClient; import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootApiResult; import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.TootNotification; import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.NotificationTracking; import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.SavedAccount; import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.LogCategory; import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.Utils; public class AlarmService extends IntentService { static final LogCategory log = new LogCategory( "AlarmService" ); // PendingIntent の request code static final int PENDING_CODE_ALARM = 1; static final String ACTION_NOTIFICATION_DELETE = "notification_delete"; static final String ACTION_NOTIFICATION_CLICK = "notification_click"; static final int NOTIFICATION_ID = 1; static final long INTERVAL_MIN = 60000L * 5; // Notifiation のJSONObject を日時でソートするためにデータを追加する static final String KEY_TIME = "<>time"; private static final String ACTION_DATA_INJECTED = "data_injected"; private static final String EXTRA_DB_ID = "db_id"; private static final String ACTION_DATA_DELETED = "data_deleted"; public AlarmService(){ // name: Used to name the worker thread, important only for debugging. super( "AlarmService" ); } AlarmManager alarm_manager; PowerManager power_manager; NotificationManager notification_manager; PowerManager.WakeLock wake_lock; PendingIntent pi_next; @Override public void onCreate(){ super.onCreate(); log.d("ctor"); alarm_manager = (AlarmManager) getApplicationContext().getSystemService( ALARM_SERVICE ); power_manager = (PowerManager) getApplicationContext().getSystemService( POWER_SERVICE ); notification_manager = (NotificationManager) getApplicationContext().getSystemService( NOTIFICATION_SERVICE ); wake_lock = power_manager.newWakeLock( PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, AlarmService.class.getName() ); wake_lock.setReferenceCounted( false ); wake_lock.acquire(); // 次回レシーバーを起こすためのPendingIntent Intent next_intent = new Intent( this, AlarmReceiver.class ); pi_next = PendingIntent.getBroadcast( this, PENDING_CODE_ALARM, next_intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT ); } @Override public void onDestroy(){ log.d("dtor"); wake_lock.release(); super.onDestroy(); } // IntentService は onHandleIntent をワーカースレッドから呼び出す // 同期処理を行って良い @Override protected void onHandleIntent( @Nullable Intent intent ){ ArrayList< SavedAccount > account_list = SavedAccount.loadAccountList( log ); if( intent != null ){ String action = intent.getAction(); log.d("onHandleIntent action=%s",action); if( ACTION_DATA_DELETED.equals( action ) ){ deleteCacheData(intent.getLongExtra( EXTRA_DB_ID ,-1L)); }else if( ACTION_DATA_INJECTED.equals( action ) ){ processInjectedData(); }else if( AlarmReceiver.ACTION_FROM_RECEIVER.equals( action ) ){ WakefulBroadcastReceiver.completeWakefulIntent( intent ); // Intent received_intent = intent.getParcelableExtra( AlarmReceiver.EXTRA_RECEIVED_INTENT ); if( received_intent != null ){ action = received_intent.getAction(); log.d("received_intent.action=%s",action); if( Intent.ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED.equals( action ) ){ NotificationTracking.resetPostAll(); }else if( ACTION_NOTIFICATION_DELETE.equals( action ) ){ log.d( "Notification deleted!" ); long db_id = received_intent.getLongExtra( EXTRA_DB_ID ,0L); NotificationTracking.updateRead( db_id ); return; }else if( ACTION_NOTIFICATION_CLICK.equals( action ) ){ log.d( "Notification clicked!" ); long db_id = received_intent.getLongExtra( EXTRA_DB_ID ,0L); NotificationTracking.updateRead( db_id ); notification_manager.cancel( Long.toString(db_id),NOTIFICATION_ID ); // intent = new Intent( this, ActOAuthCallback.class ); intent.setData( Uri.parse( "subwaytooter://notification_click?db_id="+ db_id ) ); intent.addFlags( Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK ); startActivity( intent ); return; } } } } TootApiClient client = new TootApiClient( this, new TootApiClient.Callback() { @Override public boolean isApiCancelled(){ return false; } @Override public void publishApiProgress( String s ){ } } ); boolean bAlarmRequired = false; if( account_list != null ){ for( SavedAccount account : account_list ){ try{ if( account.notification_mention || account.notification_boost || account.notification_favourite || account.notification_follow ){ bAlarmRequired = true; ArrayList< Data > data_list = new ArrayList<>(); checkAccount( client, data_list, account ); showNotification( account.db_id, data_list ); } }catch( Throwable ex ){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } } alarm_manager.cancel( pi_next ); if( bAlarmRequired ){ long now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); alarm_manager.setWindow( AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP , now + INTERVAL_MIN , 60000L * 10 , pi_next ); log.d("alarm set!"); }else{ log.d("alarm is no longer required."); } } private static class Data { SavedAccount access_info; TootNotification notification; } private static final String PATH_NOTIFICATIONS = "/api/v1/notifications"; private void checkAccount( TootApiClient client, ArrayList< Data > data_list, SavedAccount account ){ log.d("checkAccount account_db_id=%s",account.db_id); NotificationTracking nr = NotificationTracking.load( account.db_id ); // まずキャッシュされたデータを処理する HashSet< Long > duplicate_check = new HashSet<>(); ArrayList< JSONObject > dst_array = new ArrayList<>(); if( nr.last_data != null ){ try{ JSONArray array = new JSONArray( nr.last_data ); for( int i = array.length() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; -- i ){ JSONObject src = array.optJSONObject( i ); update_sub( src, nr, account, dst_array, data_list, duplicate_check ); } }catch( JSONException ex ){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } // 前回の更新から一定時刻が経過したら新しいデータを注ぎ足す long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if( now - nr.last_load >= INTERVAL_MIN ){ nr.last_load = now; client.setAccount( account ); for( int nTry = 0 ; nTry < 4 ; ++ nTry ){ TootApiResult result = client.request( PATH_NOTIFICATIONS ); if( result == null ){ log.d( "cancelled." ); break; }else if( result.array != null ){ try{ JSONArray array = result.array; for( int i = array.length() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; -- i ){ JSONObject src = array.optJSONObject( i ); update_sub( src, nr, account, dst_array, data_list, duplicate_check ); } }catch( JSONException ex ){ ex.printStackTrace(); } break; }else{ log.d( "error. %s", result.error ); } } } Collections.sort( dst_array, new Comparator< JSONObject >() { @Override public int compare( JSONObject a, JSONObject b ){ long la = a.optLong( KEY_TIME, 0 ); long lb = b.optLong( KEY_TIME, 0 ); // 新しい順 if( la < lb ) return + 1; if( la > lb ) return - 1; return 0; } } ); JSONArray d = new JSONArray(); for( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; ++ i ){ if( i >= dst_array.size() ) break; d.put( dst_array.get( i ) ); } nr.last_data = d.toString();; } void update_sub( JSONObject src , NotificationTracking nr , SavedAccount account , ArrayList< JSONObject > dst_array , ArrayList< Data > data_list , HashSet< Long > duplicate_check ) throws JSONException{ long id = src.optLong( "id" ); if( duplicate_check.contains( id ) ) return; duplicate_check.add( id ); String type = Utils.optStringX( src, "type" ); if( id <= nr.nid_read ){ return; }else if( id > nr.nid_show ){ // 種別チェックより先に「表示済み」idの更新を行う nr.nid_show = id; } if( ( ! account.notification_mention && TootNotification.TYPE_MENTION.equals( type ) ) || ( ! account.notification_boost && TootNotification.TYPE_REBLOG.equals( type ) ) || ( ! account.notification_favourite && TootNotification.TYPE_FAVOURITE.equals( type ) ) || ( ! account.notification_follow && TootNotification.TYPE_FOLLOW.equals( type ) ) ){ return; } // Data data = new Data(); data.access_info = account; data.notification = TootNotification.parse( log, account, src ); if( data.notification != null ){ data_list.add( data ); // src.put( KEY_TIME, data.notification.time_created_at ); dst_array.add( src ); } } public String getNotificationLine( String type, CharSequence display_name ){ if( TootNotification.TYPE_FAVOURITE.equals( type ) ){ return "- "+getString( R.string.display_name_favourited_by, display_name ); } if( TootNotification.TYPE_REBLOG.equals( type ) ){ return "- "+getString( R.string.display_name_boosted_by, display_name ); } if( TootNotification.TYPE_MENTION.equals( type ) ){ return "- "+getString( R.string.display_name_replied_by, display_name ); } if( TootNotification.TYPE_FOLLOW.equals( type ) ){ return "- "+getString( R.string.display_name_followed_by, display_name ); } return "- "+"?"; } private void showNotification( long account_db_id,ArrayList< Data > data_list ){ String notification_tag = Long.toString( account_db_id ); if( data_list.isEmpty() ){ notification_manager.cancel( notification_tag,NOTIFICATION_ID ); return; } Collections.sort( data_list, new Comparator< Data >() { @Override public int compare( Data a, Data b ){ long la = a.notification.time_created_at; long lb = b.notification.time_created_at; // 新しい順 if( la < lb ) return + 1; if( la > lb ) return - 1; return 0; } } ); Data item = data_list.get( 0 ); NotificationTracking nt = NotificationTracking.load( account_db_id ); if( item.notification.time_created_at == nt.post_time && == nt.post_id ){ // 先頭にあるデータが同じなら、通知を更新しない // このマーカーは端末再起動時にリセットされるので、再起動後は通知が出るはず return; } nt.updatePost(, item.notification.time_created_at ); // 通知タップ Intent intent_click = new Intent( this, AlarmReceiver.class ); intent_click.putExtra(EXTRA_DB_ID,account_db_id); intent_click.setAction( ACTION_NOTIFICATION_CLICK ); Intent intent_delete = new Intent( this, AlarmReceiver.class ); intent_click.putExtra(EXTRA_DB_ID,account_db_id); intent_delete.setAction( ACTION_NOTIFICATION_DELETE ); PendingIntent pi_click = PendingIntent.getBroadcast( this, (256+(int)account_db_id), intent_click, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT ); // 通知を消去した時のPendingIntent PendingIntent pi_delete = PendingIntent.getBroadcast( this, (Integer.MAX_VALUE-(int)account_db_id), intent_delete, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT ); NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder( this ) .setContentIntent( pi_click ) .setDeleteIntent( pi_delete ) .setAutoCancel( false ) .setSmallIcon( R.drawable.ic_notification ) // ここは常に白テーマのアイコンを使う .setColor( ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.Light_colorAccent ) ) // ここは常に白テーマの色を使う .setDefaults( NotificationCompat.DEFAULT_ALL ) .setWhen( item.notification.time_created_at ); String a = getNotificationLine( item.notification.type, item.notification.account.display_name ); String acct = item.access_info.acct +" "+getString( R.string.app_name ); if( data_list.size() == 1 ){ builder.setContentTitle( a ); builder.setContentText( acct ); }else{ String header = getString( R.string.notification_count, data_list.size() ); builder.setContentTitle( header ) .setContentText( a ); NotificationCompat.InboxStyle style = new NotificationCompat.InboxStyle() .setBigContentTitle( header ) .setSummaryText( acct ); for( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; ++ i ){ if( i >= data_list.size() ) break; item = data_list.get( i ); a = getNotificationLine( item.notification.type, item.notification.account.display_name ); style.addLine( a ); } builder.setStyle( style ); } notification_manager.notify( notification_tag,NOTIFICATION_ID, ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Activity との連携 public static void startCheck(Context context){ Intent intent = new Intent(context,AlarmReceiver.class); context.sendBroadcast( intent ); } private static class InjectData { long account_db_id; TootNotification.List list = new TootNotification.List(); } static final ConcurrentLinkedQueue< InjectData > inject_queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); public static void injectData( Context context, long account_db_id, TootNotification.List src ){ InjectData data = new InjectData(); data.account_db_id = account_db_id; data.list.addAll( src ); inject_queue.add( data ); Intent intent = new Intent( context, AlarmService.class ); intent.setAction( ACTION_DATA_INJECTED ); context.startService( intent ); } private void processInjectedData(){ while( inject_queue.size() > 0 ){ InjectData data = inject_queue.poll(); SavedAccount account = SavedAccount.loadAccount( log, data.account_db_id ); if( account == null ) continue; NotificationTracking nr = NotificationTracking.load( data.account_db_id ); HashSet< Long > duplicate_check = new HashSet<>(); ArrayList< JSONObject > dst_array = new ArrayList<>(); if( nr.last_data != null ){ // まずキャッシュされたデータを処理する try{ JSONArray array = new JSONArray( nr.last_data ); for( int i = array.length() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; -- i ){ JSONObject src = array.optJSONObject( i ); long id = src.optLong( "id" ); dst_array.add( src ); duplicate_check.add( id ); log.d("add old. id=%s",id); } }catch( JSONException ex ){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } for( TootNotification item : data.list ){ try{ if( duplicate_check.contains( ) ){ log.d("skip duplicate. id=%s",; continue; } duplicate_check.add( ); String type = item.type; if( ( ! account.notification_mention && TootNotification.TYPE_MENTION.equals( type ) ) || ( ! account.notification_boost && TootNotification.TYPE_REBLOG.equals( type ) ) || ( ! account.notification_favourite && TootNotification.TYPE_FAVOURITE.equals( type ) ) || ( ! account.notification_follow && TootNotification.TYPE_FOLLOW.equals( type ) ) ){ log.d("skip by setting. id=%s",; continue; } // JSONObject src = item.json; src.put( KEY_TIME, item.time_created_at ); dst_array.add( src ); }catch( JSONException ex ){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } // 新しい順にソート Collections.sort( dst_array, new Comparator< JSONObject >() { @Override public int compare( JSONObject a, JSONObject b ){ long la = a.optLong( KEY_TIME, 0 ); long lb = b.optLong( KEY_TIME, 0 ); // 新しい順 if( la < lb ) return + 1; if( la > lb ) return - 1; return 0; } } ); // 最新10件を保存 JSONArray d = new JSONArray(); for( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; ++ i ){ if( i >= dst_array.size() ){ log.d("inject %s data",i); break; } d.put( dst_array.get( i ) ); } nr.last_data = d.toString();; } } public static void dataRemoved( Context context, long db_id ){ Intent intent = new Intent( context, AlarmService.class ); intent.putExtra( EXTRA_DB_ID,db_id ); intent.setAction( ACTION_DATA_DELETED ); context.startService( intent ); } private void deleteCacheData( long db_id ){ SavedAccount account = SavedAccount.loadAccount( log,db_id ); if( account == null ) return; NotificationTracking nr = NotificationTracking.load( db_id ); nr.last_data = new JSONArray().toString();; } }