package jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util import android.content.ContentResolver import android.content.Context import import import android.os.Handler import android.os.SystemClock import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.R import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootApiCallback import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootApiClient import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootApiResult import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.* import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.runApiTask import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.SavedAccount import jp.juggler.util.* import jp.juggler.util.VideoInfo.Companion.videoInfo import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ClosedReceiveChannelException import kotlinx.coroutines.delay import kotlinx.coroutines.isActive import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext import okhttp3.MediaType.Companion.toMediaType import okhttp3.MultipartBody import okhttp3.RequestBody import okio.BufferedSink import* import java.util.* import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException import kotlin.coroutines.coroutineContext import kotlin.math.min class AttachmentRequest( val account: SavedAccount, val pa: PostAttachment, val uri: Uri, val mimeType: String, val isReply: Boolean, ) class AttachmentUploader( contextArg: Context, private val handler: Handler, ) { companion object { val log = LogCategory("AttachmentUploader") internal const val MIME_TYPE_JPEG = "image/jpeg" internal const val MIME_TYPE_PNG = "image/png" val acceptableMimeTypes = HashSet().apply { // add("image/*") // Android標準のギャラリーが image/* を出してくることがあるらしい add("video/*") // Android標準のギャラリーが image/* を出してくることがあるらしい add("audio/*") // Android標準のギャラリーが image/* を出してくることがあるらしい // add("image/jpeg") add("image/png") add("image/gif") add("video/webm") add("video/mp4") add("video/quicktime") // add("audio/webm") add("audio/ogg") add("audio/mpeg") add("audio/mp3") add("audio/wav") add("audio/wave") add("audio/x-wav") add("audio/x-pn-wav") add("audio/flac") add("audio/x-flac") // add("audio/aac") add("audio/m4a") add("audio/3gpp") } val acceptableMimeTypesPixelfed = HashSet().apply { // add("image/*") // Android標準のギャラリーが image/* を出してくることがあるらしい add("video/*") // Android標準のギャラリーが image/* を出してくることがあるらしい // add("image/jpeg") add("image/png") add("image/gif") add("video/mp4") add("video/m4v") } private val imageHeaderList = listOf( Pair( "image/jpeg", intArrayOf(0xff, 0xd8, 0xff).toByteArray() ), Pair( "image/png", intArrayOf(0x89, 0x50, 0x4E, 0x47, 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x0A).toByteArray() ), Pair( "image/gif", "GIF".toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8) ), Pair( "audio/wav", "RIFF".toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8), ), Pair( "audio/ogg", "OggS".toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8), ), Pair( "audio/flac", "fLaC".toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8), ), Pair( "image/bmp", "BM".toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8), ), Pair( "image/webp", "RIFF****WEBP".toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8), ), ).sortedByDescending { it.second.size } private val sig3gp = arrayOf( "3ge6", "3ge7", "3gg6", "3gp1", "3gp2", "3gp3", "3gp4", "3gp5", "3gp6", "3gp7", "3gr6", "3gr7", "3gs6", "3gs7", "kddi" ).map { it.toCharArray().toLowerByteArray() } private val sigM4a = arrayOf( "M4A ", "M4B ", "M4P " ).map { it.toCharArray().toLowerByteArray() } private val sigFtyp = "ftyp".toCharArray().toLowerByteArray() private fun matchSig( data: ByteArray, dataOffset: Int, sig: ByteArray, sigSize: Int = sig.size, ): Boolean { for (i in 0 until sigSize) { if (data[dataOffset + i] != sig[i]) return false } return true } private const val wild = '?'.code.toByte() private fun ByteArray.startWithWildcard( key: ByteArray, thisOffset: Int = 0, keyOffset: Int = 0, length: Int = key.size - keyOffset, ): Boolean { if (thisOffset + length > this.size || keyOffset + length > key.size) { return false } for (i in 0 until length) { val cThis = this[i + thisOffset] val cKey = key[i + keyOffset] if (cKey != wild && cKey != cThis) return false } return true } } private val context = contextArg.applicationContext!! private var lastAttachmentAdd = 0L private var lastAttachmentComplete = 0L private var channel: Channel? = null private fun prepareChannel(): Channel { // double check before/after lock channel?.let { return it } synchronized(this) { channel?.let { return it } return Channel(capacity = Channel.UNLIMITED) .also { channel = it launchIO { while (true) { val request = try { it.receive() } catch (ex: Throwable) { when (ex) { is CancellationException, is ClosedReceiveChannelException -> break else -> { context.showToast(ex) continue } } } val result = try { if ( continue withContext( + Dispatchers.IO) { request.upload() } } catch (ex: Throwable) { TootApiResult(ex.withCaption("upload failed.")) } try { = "" withContext(Dispatchers.Main) { handleResult(request, result) } } catch (ex: Throwable) { when (ex) { is CancellationException, is ClosedReceiveChannelException -> break else -> { context.showToast(ex) continue } } } } } } } } fun onActivityDestroy() { try { synchronized(this) { channel?.close() channel = null } } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.e(ex) } } fun addRequest(request: AttachmentRequest) { = context.getString(R.string.attachment_handling_start) // アップロード開始トースト(連発しない) val now = System.currentTimeMillis() if (now - lastAttachmentAdd >= 5000L) { context.showToast(false, R.string.attachment_uploading) } lastAttachmentAdd = now // マストドンは添付メディアをID順に表示するため // 画像が複数ある場合は一つずつ処理する必要がある // 投稿画面ごとに1スレッドだけ作成してバックグラウンド処理を行う launchIO { prepareChannel().send(request) } } @WorkerThread private suspend fun AttachmentRequest.upload(): TootApiResult? { try { if (mimeType.isEmpty()) return TootApiResult("mime_type is empty.") val client = TootApiClient(context, callback = object : TootApiCallback { override suspend fun isApiCancelled() = !coroutineContext.isActive }) client.account = account client.currentCallCallback = {} val (ti, tiResult) = TootInstance.get(client) ti ?: return tiResult if (ti.instanceType == InstanceType.Pixelfed) { if (isReply) { return TootApiResult(context.getString(R.string.pixelfed_does_not_allow_reply_with_media)) } if (!acceptableMimeTypesPixelfed.contains(mimeType)) { return TootApiResult( context.getString( R.string.mime_type_not_acceptable, mimeType ) ) } } val mediaConfig = ti.configuration?.jsonObject("media_attachments") val serverMaxSqPixel = mediaConfig?.int("image_matrix_limit")?.takeIf { it > 0 } val imageResizeConfig = account.getResizeConfig() // 入力データの変換など val opener = createOpener( account, uri, mimeType, mediaConfig = mediaConfig, imageResizeConfig = imageResizeConfig, postAttachment = pa, serverMaxSqPixel = serverMaxSqPixel, ) val mediaSizeMax = when { mimeType.startsWith("video") || mimeType.startsWith("audio") -> min( account.getMovieMaxBytes(ti), mediaConfig?.int("video_size_limit") ?.takeIf { it > 0 } ?: Int.MAX_VALUE, ) else -> min( account.getImageMaxBytes(ti), mediaConfig?.int("image_size_limit") ?.takeIf { it > 0 } ?: Int.MAX_VALUE, ) } if (opener.contentLength > mediaSizeMax) { return TootApiResult( context.getString(R.string.file_size_too_big, mediaSizeMax / 1000000) ) } fun fixDocumentName(s: String): String { val sLength = s.length val m = """([^\x20-\x7f])""".asciiPattern().matcher(s) m.reset() val sb = StringBuilder(sLength) var lastEnd = 0 while (m.find()) { sb.append(s.substring(lastEnd, m.start())) val escaped = m.groupEx(1)!!.encodeUTF8().encodeHex() sb.append(escaped) lastEnd = m.end() } if (lastEnd < sLength) sb.append(s.substring(lastEnd, sLength)) return sb.toString() } val fileName = fixDocumentName(getDocumentName(context.contentResolver, uri)) pa.progress = context.getString(R.string.attachment_handling_uploading, 0) fun writeProgress(percent: Int) { if (percent < 100) { pa.progress = context.getString(R.string.attachment_handling_uploading, percent) } else { pa.progress = context.getString(R.string.attachment_handling_waiting) } } return if (account.isMisskey) { val multipartBuilder = MultipartBody.Builder() .setType(MultipartBody.FORM) val apiKey = account.token_info?.string(TootApiClient.KEY_API_KEY_MISSKEY) if (apiKey?.isNotEmpty() == true) { multipartBuilder.addFormDataPart("i", apiKey) } multipartBuilder.addFormDataPart( "file", fileName, opener.toRequestBody { writeProgress(it) }, ) val result = client.request( "/api/drive/files/create", ) opener.deleteTempFile() val jsonObject = result?.jsonObject if (jsonObject != null) { val a = parseItem(::TootAttachment, ServiceType.MISSKEY, jsonObject) if (a == null) { result.error = "TootAttachment.parse failed" } else { pa.attachment = a } } result } else { suspend fun postMedia(path: String) = client.request( path, MultipartBody.Builder() .setType(MultipartBody.FORM) .addFormDataPart( "file", fileName, opener.toRequestBody { writeProgress(it) }, ) .build().toPost() ) suspend fun postV1() = postMedia("/api/v1/media") suspend fun postV2(): TootApiResult? { // 3.1.3未満は v1 APIを使う if (!ti.versionGE(TootInstance.VERSION_3_1_3)) { return postV1() } // v2 APIを試す val result = postMedia("/api/v2/media") val code = result?.response?.code // complete,or 4xx error when { // 404ならv1 APIにフォールバック code == 404 -> return postV1() // 202 accepted 以外はポーリングしない code != 202 -> return result } // ポーリングして処理完了を待つ pa.progress = context.getString(R.string.attachment_handling_waiting_async) val id = parseItem(::TootAttachment, ServiceType.MASTODON, result?.jsonObject) ?.id ?: return TootApiResult("/api/v2/media did not return the media ID.") var lastResponse = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() loop@ while (true) { delay(1000L) val r2 = client.request("/api/v1/media/$id") ?: return null // cancelled val now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() when (r2.response?.code) { // complete,or 4xx error 200, in 400 until 500 -> return r2 // continue to wait 206 -> lastResponse = now // temporary errors, check timeout without 206 response. else -> if (now - lastResponse >= 120000L) { return TootApiResult("timeout.") } } } } val result = postV2() opener.deleteTempFile() val jsonObject = result?.jsonObject if (jsonObject != null) { when (val a = parseItem(::TootAttachment, ServiceType.MASTODON, jsonObject)) { null -> result.error = "TootAttachment.parse failed" else -> pa.attachment = a } } result } } catch (ex: Throwable) { return TootApiResult(ex.withCaption("read failed.")) } } private fun handleResult(request: AttachmentRequest, result: TootApiResult?) { val pa = pa.status = when (pa.attachment) { null -> { if (result != null) { when { // キャンセルはトーストを出さない result.error?.contains("cancel", ignoreCase = true) == true -> Unit else -> context.showToast( true, "${result.error} ${result.response?.request?.method} ${result.response?.request?.url}" ) } } PostAttachment.Status.Error } else -> { val now = System.currentTimeMillis() if (now - lastAttachmentComplete >= 5000L) { context.showToast(false, R.string.attachment_uploaded) } lastAttachmentComplete = now PostAttachment.Status.Ok } } // 投稿中に画面回転があった場合、新しい画面のコールバックを呼び出す必要がある pa.callback?.onPostAttachmentComplete(pa) } // contentLengthの測定などで複数回オープンする必要がある private abstract class InputStreamOpener { abstract val mimeType: String @Throws(IOException::class) abstract fun open(): InputStream abstract fun deleteTempFile() val contentLength by lazy { getStreamSize(true, open()) } // okhttpのRequestBodyにする fun toRequestBody(onWrote: (percent: Int) -> Unit = {}) = object : RequestBody() { override fun contentType() = mimeType.toMediaType() @Throws(IOException::class) override fun contentLength(): Long = contentLength @Throws(IOException::class) override fun writeTo(sink: BufferedSink) { val length = contentLength.toFloat() open().use { inStream -> val tmp = ByteArray(4096) var nWrite = 0L while (true) { val delta =, 0, tmp.size) if (delta <= 0) break sink.write(tmp, 0, delta) nWrite += delta val percent = (100f * nWrite.toFloat() / length).toInt() onWrote(percent) } } } } } private fun contentUriOpener(contentResolver: ContentResolver, uri: Uri, mimeType: String) = object : InputStreamOpener() { override val mimeType = mimeType @Throws(IOException::class) override fun open(): InputStream { return contentResolver.openInputStream(uri) ?: error("openInputStream returns null") } override fun deleteTempFile() = Unit } private fun tempFileOpener(mimeType: String, file: File) = object : InputStreamOpener() { override val mimeType = mimeType @Throws(IOException::class) override fun open() = FileInputStream(file) override fun deleteTempFile() { file.delete() } } private suspend fun createOpener( account: SavedAccount, uri: Uri, mimeType: String, imageResizeConfig: ResizeConfig, serverMaxSqPixel: Int? = null, mediaConfig: JsonObject? = null, postAttachment: PostAttachment? = null, ): InputStreamOpener { when { // 静止画(失敗したらオリジナルデータにフォールバックする) mimeType == MIME_TYPE_JPEG || mimeType == MIME_TYPE_PNG -> try { return createResizedImageOpener( uri, mimeType, imageResizeConfig, postAttachment = postAttachment, serverMaxSqPixel = serverMaxSqPixel, ) } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.w(ex, "createResizedImageOpener failed. fall back to original image.") } // 静止画(変換必須) // 例外を投げるかもしれない mimeType.startsWith("image/") -> return createResizedImageOpener( uri, mimeType, imageResizeConfig, postAttachment = postAttachment, forcePng = true, serverMaxSqPixel = serverMaxSqPixel, ) // 動画のトランスコード(失敗したらオリジナルデータにフォールバックする) mimeType.startsWith("video/") -> try { return createResizedMovieOpener( account, uri, mimeType, mediaConfig = mediaConfig, postAttachment = postAttachment, ) } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.w(ex, "createResizedMovieOpener failed. fall back to original movie.") } } return contentUriOpener(context.contentResolver, uri, mimeType) } private fun createResizedImageOpener( uri: Uri, mimeType: String, imageResizeConfig: ResizeConfig, serverMaxSqPixel: Int?, postAttachment: PostAttachment? = null, forcePng: Boolean = false, ): InputStreamOpener { val cacheDir = context.externalCacheDir ?.apply { mkdirs() } ?: error("getExternalCacheDir returns null.") val outputMimeType = if (forcePng || mimeType == MIME_TYPE_PNG) { MIME_TYPE_PNG } else { MIME_TYPE_JPEG } val tempFile = File(cacheDir, "tmp." + Thread.currentThread().id) val bitmap = createResizedBitmap( context, uri, imageResizeConfig, skipIfNoNeedToResizeAndRotate = !forcePng, serverMaxSqPixel = serverMaxSqPixel ) ?: error("createResizedBitmap returns null.") postAttachment?.progress = context.getString(R.string.attachment_handling_compress) try { FileOutputStream(tempFile).use { os -> if (outputMimeType == MIME_TYPE_PNG) { bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, os) } else { bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 95, os) } } return tempFileOpener(outputMimeType, tempFile) } finally { bitmap.recycle() } } private suspend fun createResizedMovieOpener( account: SavedAccount, uri: Uri, mimeType: String, mediaConfig: JsonObject?, postAttachment: PostAttachment?, ): InputStreamOpener { val cacheDir = context.externalCacheDir ?.apply { mkdirs() } ?: error("getExternalCacheDir returns null.") val tempFile = File(cacheDir, "movie." + Thread.currentThread().id + ".tmp") val outFile = File(cacheDir, "movie." + Thread.currentThread().id + ".mp4") var resultFile: File? = null // 入力ファイルをコピーする (context.contentResolver.openInputStream(uri) ?: error("openInputStream returns null.")).use { inStream -> FileOutputStream(tempFile).use { inStream.copyTo(it) } } try { // 動画のメタデータを調べる val info = tempFile.videoInfo // サーバに指定されたファイルサイズ上限と入力動画の時間長があれば、ビットレート上限を制限する val duration = info.duration?.takeIf { it >= 0.1f } val limitFileSize = mediaConfig?.float("video_size_limit")?.takeIf { it >= 1f } val limitBitrate = when { duration != null && limitFileSize != null -> (limitFileSize / duration).toLong() else -> null } // アカウント別の動画トランスコード設定 // ビットレート、フレームレート、平方ピクセル数をサーバからの情報によりさらに制限する val movieResizeConfig = account.getMovieResizeConfig() .restrict( limitBitrate = limitBitrate, limitFrameRate = mediaConfig?.int("video_frame_rate_limit") ?.takeIf { it >= 1f }, limitSquarePixels = mediaConfig?.int("video_matrix_limit") ?.takeIf { it > 1 }, ) val result = transcodeVideo( info, tempFile, outFile, movieResizeConfig, ) { val percent = (it * 100f).toInt() postAttachment?.progress = context.getString(R.string.attachment_handling_compress_ratio, percent) } resultFile = result return tempFileOpener( when (result) { tempFile -> mimeType else -> "video/mp4" }, result ) } finally { if (outFile != resultFile) outFile.delete() if (tempFile != resultFile) tempFile.delete() } } fun getMimeType(uri: Uri, mimeTypeArg: String?): String? { // image/j()pg だの image/j(e)pg だの、mime type を誤記するアプリがあまりに多い // クレームで消耗するのを減らすためにファイルヘッダを確認する if (mimeTypeArg == null || mimeTypeArg.startsWith("image/")) { val sv = findMimeTypeByFileHeader(context.contentResolver, uri) if (sv != null) return sv } // 既に引数で与えられてる if (mimeTypeArg?.isNotEmpty() == true) { return mimeTypeArg } // ContentResolverに尋ねる var sv = context.contentResolver.getType(uri) if (sv?.isNotEmpty() == true) return sv // gboardのステッカーではUriのクエリパラメータにmimeType引数がある sv = uri.getQueryParameter("mimeType") if (sv?.isNotEmpty() == true) return sv return null } private fun findMimeTypeByFileHeader( contentResolver: ContentResolver, uri: Uri, ): String? { try { contentResolver.openInputStream(uri)?.use { inStream -> val data = ByteArray(65536) val nRead =, 0, data.size) for (pair in imageHeaderList) { val type = pair.first val header = pair.second if (nRead >= header.size && data.startWithWildcard(header)) return type } // scan frame header for (i in 0 until nRead - 8) { if (!matchSig(data, i, sigFtyp)) continue // 3gpp check for (s in sig3gp) { if (matchSig(data, i + 4, s)) return "audio/3gpp" } // m4a check for (s in sigM4a) { if (matchSig(data, i + 4, s)) return "audio/m4a" } } // scan frame header loop@ for (i in 0 until nRead - 2) { // mpeg frame header val b0 = data[i].toInt() and 255 if (b0 != 255) continue val b1 = data[i + 1].toInt() and 255 if ((b1 and 0b11100000) != 0b11100000) continue val mpegVersionId = ((b1 shr 3) and 3) // 00 mpeg 2.5 // 01 not used // 10 (mp3) mpeg 2 / (AAC) mpeg-4 // 11 (mp3) mpeg 1 / (AAC) mpeg-2 @Suppress("MoveVariableDeclarationIntoWhen") val mpegLayerId = ((b1 shr 1) and 3) // 00 (mp3)not used / (AAC) always 0 // 01 (mp3)layer III // 10 (mp3)layer II // 11 (mp3)layer I when (mpegLayerId) { 0 -> when (mpegVersionId) { 2, 3 -> return "audio/aac" else -> { } } 1 -> when (mpegVersionId) { 0, 2, 3 -> return "audio/mp3" else -> { } } } } } } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.e(ex, "findMimeTypeByFileHeader failed.") } return null } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 添付データのカスタムサムネイル suspend fun uploadCustomThumbnail( account: SavedAccount, src: GetContentResultEntry, pa: PostAttachment, ): TootApiResult? = try { context.runApiTask(account) { client -> val mimeType = getMimeType(src.uri, src.mimeType) if (mimeType?.isEmpty() != false) { return@runApiTask TootApiResult(context.getString(R.string.mime_type_missing)) } val (ti, ri) = TootInstance.get(client) ti ?: return@runApiTask ri val opener = createOpener( account, src.uri, mimeType, imageResizeConfig = ResizeConfig(ResizeType.SquarePixel, 400), ) val mediaSizeMax = 1000000 if (opener.contentLength > mediaSizeMax) { return@runApiTask TootApiResult( getString(R.string.file_size_too_big, mediaSizeMax / 1000000) ) } fun fixDocumentName(s: String): String { val sLength = s.length val m = """([^\x20-\x7f])""".asciiPattern().matcher(s) m.reset() val sb = StringBuilder(sLength) var lastEnd = 0 while (m.find()) { sb.append(s.substring(lastEnd, m.start())) val escaped = m.groupEx(1)!!.encodeUTF8().encodeHex() sb.append(escaped) lastEnd = m.end() } if (lastEnd < sLength) sb.append(s.substring(lastEnd, sLength)) return sb.toString() } val fileName = fixDocumentName(getDocumentName(context.contentResolver, src.uri)) if (account.isMisskey) { opener.deleteTempFile() TootApiResult("custom thumbnail is not supported on misskey account.") } else { val result = client.request( "/api/v1/media/${pa.attachment?.id}", MultipartBody.Builder() .setType(MultipartBody.FORM) .addFormDataPart( "thumbnail", fileName, opener.toRequestBody(), ) .build().toPut() ) opener.deleteTempFile() val jsonObject = result?.jsonObject if (jsonObject != null) { val a = parseItem(::TootAttachment, ServiceType.MASTODON, jsonObject) if (a == null) { result.error = "TootAttachment.parse failed" } else { pa.attachment = a } } result } } } catch (ex: Throwable) { TootApiResult(ex.withCaption("uploadCustomThumbnail failed.")) } suspend fun setAttachmentDescription( account: SavedAccount, attachmentId: EntityId, description: String, ): Pair { var resultAttachment: TootAttachment? = null val result = try { context.runApiTask(account) { client -> if( account.isMisskey){ client.request( "/api/drive/files/update", account.putMisskeyApiToken().apply { put("fileId", attachmentId.toString()) put("comment",description) }.toPostRequestBuilder() )?.also { result -> resultAttachment = parseItem(::TootAttachment, ServiceType.MISSKEY, result.jsonObject) } }else { client.request( "/api/v1/media/$attachmentId", jsonObject { put("description", description) } .toPutRequestBuilder() )?.also { result -> resultAttachment = parseItem(::TootAttachment, ServiceType.MASTODON, result.jsonObject) } } } } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.trace(ex, "setAttachmentDescription failed.") TootApiResult(ex.withCaption("setAttachmentDescription failed.")) } return Pair(result, resultAttachment) } fun isAcceptableMimeType( instance: TootInstance?, mimeType: String, isReply: Boolean, ): Boolean { if (instance?.instanceType == InstanceType.Pixelfed) { if (isReply) { context.showToast(true, R.string.pixelfed_does_not_allow_reply_with_media) return false } if (!acceptableMimeTypesPixelfed.contains(mimeType)) { context.showToast(true, R.string.mime_type_not_acceptable, mimeType) return false } } else { if (!acceptableMimeTypes.contains(mimeType)) { context.showToast(true, R.string.mime_type_not_acceptable, mimeType) return false } } return true } }