package com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.gif import com.bumptech.glide.gifdecoder.GifDecoder.TOTAL_ITERATION_COUNT_FOREVER import android.content.Context import* import import import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting import android.view.Gravity import com.bumptech.glide.Glide import com.bumptech.glide.gifdecoder.GifDecoder import com.bumptech.glide.load.Transformation import com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.BitmapPool import com.bumptech.glide.util.Preconditions import jp.juggler.util.LogCategory import java.lang.reflect.Field import java.nio.ByteBuffer /** * An animated [] that plays the frames of an animated GIF. */ @Suppress("unused", "UNUSED_PARAMETER", "MemberVisibilityCanPrivate") class MyGifDrawable internal constructor( state : GifDrawable.GifState ) : Drawable(), GifFrameLoader.FrameCallback, Animatable { private val state : GifDrawable.GifState /** * True if the drawable is currently animating. */ private var isRunning : Boolean = false /** * True if the drawable should animate while visible. */ private var isStarted : Boolean = false /** * True if the drawable's resources have been recycled. */ // For testing. private var isRecycled : Boolean = false /** * True if the drawable is currently visible. Default to true because on certain platforms (at * least 4.1.1), setVisible is not called on [Drawables][] * during [android.widget.ImageView.setImageDrawable]. * See issue #130. */ private var isVisibleX = true /** * The number of times we've looped over all the frames in the GIF. */ private var loopCount : Int = 0 /** * The number of times to loop through the GIF animation. */ private var maxLoopCount = LOOP_FOREVER private var applyGravity : Boolean = false private var destRect : Rect? = null val size : Int get() = state.frameLoader.size private var mCornerRadius : Float = 0f val firstFrame : Bitmap get() = state.frameLoader.firstFrame val frameTransformation : Transformation get() = state.frameLoader.frameTransformation val buffer : ByteBuffer get() = state.frameLoader.buffer private val frameCount : Int get() = state.frameLoader.frameCount /** * Returns the current frame index in the range 0..[.getFrameCount] - 1, or -1 if no frame * is displayed. */ // Public API. private val frameIndex : Int get() = state.frameLoader.currentIndex /** * Constructor for GifDrawable. * * @param context A context. * @param bitmapPool Ignored, see deprecation note. * @param frameTransformation An [com.bumptech.glide.load.Transformation] that can be * applied to each frame. * @param targetFrameWidth The desired width of the frames displayed by this drawable (the * width of the view or * [] * this drawable is being loaded into). * @param targetFrameHeight The desired height of the frames displayed by this drawable (the * height of the view or * [] * this drawable is being loaded into). * @param gifDecoder The decoder to use to decode GIF data. * @param firstFrame The decoded and transformed first frame of this GIF. * @see .setFrameTransformation */ @Deprecated("Use {@link #GifDrawable(Context, GifDecoder, Transformation, int, int, Bitmap)}") constructor( context : Context, gifDecoder : GifDecoder, bitmapPool : BitmapPool, frameTransformation : Transformation, targetFrameWidth : Int, targetFrameHeight : Int, firstFrame : Bitmap) : this(context, gifDecoder, frameTransformation, targetFrameWidth, targetFrameHeight, firstFrame) /** * Constructor for GifDrawable. * * @param context A context. * @param frameTransformation An [com.bumptech.glide.load.Transformation] that can be * applied to each frame. * @param targetFrameWidth The desired width of the frames displayed by this drawable (the * width of the view or * [] * this drawable is being loaded into). * @param targetFrameHeight The desired height of the frames displayed by this drawable (the * height of the view or * [] * this drawable is being loaded into). * @param gifDecoder The decoder to use to decode GIF data. * @param firstFrame The decoded and transformed first frame of this GIF. * @see .setFrameTransformation */ constructor( context : Context, gifDecoder : GifDecoder, frameTransformation : Transformation, targetFrameWidth : Int, targetFrameHeight : Int, firstFrame : Bitmap ) : this( GifDrawable.GifState( GifFrameLoader( // XXX(b/27524013): Factor out this call to Glide.get() Glide.get(context), gifDecoder, targetFrameWidth, targetFrameHeight, frameTransformation, firstFrame) ) ) constructor(other : GifDrawable, radius : Float) : this(cloneState(other)) { this.mCornerRadius = radius } init { this.state = Preconditions.checkNotNull(state) } @VisibleForTesting internal constructor(frameLoader : GifFrameLoader, paint : Paint) : this(GifDrawable.GifState(frameLoader)) { this.paintX = paint } // Public API. fun setFrameTransformation(frameTransformation : Transformation, firstFrame : Bitmap) { state.frameLoader.setFrameTransformation(frameTransformation, firstFrame) } private fun resetLoopCount() { loopCount = 0 } /** * Starts the animation from the first frame. Can only be called while animation is not running. */ // Public API. fun startFromFirstFrame() { Preconditions.checkArgument(! isRunning, "You cannot restart a currently running animation.") state.frameLoader.setNextStartFromFirstFrame() start() } override fun start() { isStarted = true resetLoopCount() if(isVisibleX) { startRunning() } } override fun stop() { isStarted = false stopRunning() } private fun startRunning() { Preconditions.checkArgument(! isRecycled, "You cannot start a recycled Drawable. Ensure that" + "you clear any references to the Drawable when clearing the corresponding request.") // If we have only a single frame, we don't want to decode it endlessly. if(state.frameLoader.frameCount == 1) { invalidateSelf() } else if(! isRunning) { isRunning = true state.frameLoader.subscribe(this) invalidateSelf() } } private fun stopRunning() { isRunning = false state.frameLoader.unsubscribe(this) } override fun setVisible(visible : Boolean, restart : Boolean) : Boolean { Preconditions.checkArgument(! isRecycled, "Cannot change the visibility of a recycled resource." + " Ensure that you unset the Drawable from your View before changing the View's" + " visibility.") isVisibleX = visible if(! visible) { stopRunning() } else if(isStarted) { startRunning() } return super.setVisible(visible, restart) } override fun getIntrinsicWidth() : Int { return state.frameLoader.width } override fun getIntrinsicHeight() : Int { return state.frameLoader.height } override fun isRunning() : Boolean { return isRunning } // For testing. internal fun setIsRunning(isRunning : Boolean) { this.isRunning = isRunning } override fun onBoundsChange(bounds : Rect) { super.onBoundsChange(bounds) applyGravity = true } override fun draw(canvas : Canvas) { if(isRecycled) { return } if(applyGravity) { Gravity.apply(GRAVITY, intrinsicWidth, intrinsicHeight, bounds, getDestRect()) applyGravity = false } val currentFrame = state.frameLoader.currentFrame if(mCornerRadius <= 0f) { val paint = getPaint() paint.shader = null canvas.drawBitmap(currentFrame, null, getDestRect(), paint) } else { drawRoundImage(canvas, currentFrame) } } private val mShaderMatrix = Matrix() private val mDstRectF = RectF() private fun drawRoundImage(canvas : Canvas, src : Bitmap?) { if(src == null) return val src_w = src.width val src_h = src.height if(src_w < 1 || src_h < 1) return // int outWidth = destRect.width(); // int outHeight = destRect.height(); mDstRectF.set(destRect) mShaderMatrix.reset() mShaderMatrix.preScale(mDstRectF.width() / src_w, mDstRectF.height() / src_h) val mBitmapShader = BitmapShader(src, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP) mBitmapShader.setLocalMatrix(mShaderMatrix) val paint = getPaint() paint.shader = mBitmapShader canvas.drawRoundRect(mDstRectF, mCornerRadius, mCornerRadius, paint) } override fun setAlpha(i : Int) { getPaint().alpha = i } override fun setColorFilter(colorFilter : ColorFilter?) { getPaint().colorFilter = colorFilter } private fun getDestRect() : Rect { var r = destRect if(r == null) { r = Rect() destRect = r } return r } private var paintX : Paint? = null private fun getPaint() : Paint { var p = paintX if(p == null) { p = Paint(Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG) paintX = p } return p } override fun getOpacity() : Int { // We can't tell, so default to transparent to be safe. return PixelFormat.TRANSPARENT } // See #1087. private fun findCallback() : Drawable.Callback? { var callback : Drawable.Callback? = callback while(callback is Drawable) { callback = (callback as Drawable).callback } return callback } override fun onFrameReady() { if(findCallback() == null) { stop() invalidateSelf() return } invalidateSelf() if(frameIndex == frameCount - 1) { loopCount ++ } if(maxLoopCount != LOOP_FOREVER && loopCount >= maxLoopCount) { stop() } } override fun getConstantState() : Drawable.ConstantState? { return state } /** * Clears any resources for loading frames that are currently held on to by this object. */ fun recycle() { isRecycled = true state.frameLoader.clear() } // Public API. fun setLoopCount(loopCount : Int) { if(loopCount <= 0 && loopCount != LOOP_FOREVER && loopCount != LOOP_INTRINSIC) { throw IllegalArgumentException("Loop count must be greater than 0, or equal to " + "GlideDrawable.LOOP_FOREVER, or equal to GlideDrawable.LOOP_INTRINSIC") } maxLoopCount = if(loopCount == LOOP_INTRINSIC) { val intrinsicCount = state.frameLoader.loopCount if(intrinsicCount == TOTAL_ITERATION_COUNT_FOREVER) LOOP_FOREVER else intrinsicCount } else { loopCount } } // internal class GifState(@field:VisibleForTesting // val frameLoader : GifFrameLoader) : Drawable.ConstantState() { // // override fun newDrawable(res : Resources?) : Drawable { // return newDrawable() // } // // override fun newDrawable() : Drawable { // return MyGifDrawable(this) // } // // override fun getChangingConfigurations() : Int { // return 0 // } // } companion object { const val LOOP_FOREVER = GifDrawable.LOOP_FOREVER const val LOOP_INTRINSIC = GifDrawable.LOOP_INTRINSIC private const val GRAVITY = Gravity.FILL ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// internal val log = LogCategory("MyGifDrawable") private val field_state : Field by lazy { val rv ="state") rv.isAccessible = true rv } internal fun cloneState(other : GifDrawable) : GifDrawable.GifState { try { val other_state = field_state.get(other) as GifDrawable.GifState val frameLoader : GifFrameLoader = other_state.frameLoader return GifDrawable.GifState(frameLoader) // other_state.gifHeader, //, // other_state.context, // other.frameTransformation, // other_state.targetWidth, // other_state.targetHeight, // other_state.bitmapProvider, // other_state.bitmapPool, // other.firstFrame } catch(ex : Throwable) { throw RuntimeException("cloning GifDrawable.GifState failed.", ex) } } } }