package jp.juggler.util.ui import import android.content.Context import android.content.DialogInterface import android.content.Intent import android.content.res.ColorStateList import android.content.res.Resources import android.content.res.TypedArray import import import import import import import import import import import android.os.SystemClock import android.text.Editable import android.text.TextWatcher import android.util.DisplayMetrics import android.util.SparseArray import android.view.View import android.widget.ImageButton import android.widget.ImageView import androidx.activity.result.ActivityResult import androidx.activity.result.ActivityResultLauncher import androidx.activity.result.contract.ActivityResultContracts import import androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar import import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat import import import import jp.juggler.util.getUriExtra import jp.juggler.util.log.LogCategory import jp.juggler.util.log.showToast private val log = LogCategory("UiUtils") // colorARGB.applyAlphaMultiplier(0.5f) でalpha値が半分になったARGB値を得る fun Int.applyAlphaMultiplier(alphaMultiplier: Float? = null): Int { return if (alphaMultiplier == null) { this } else { val rgb = (this and 0xffffff) val alpha = ((this ushr 24).toFloat() * alphaMultiplier + 0.5f).toInt().clip(0, 255) return rgb or (alpha shl 24) } } fun Context.attrColor(attrId: Int): Int { val a = theme.obtainStyledAttributes(intArrayOf(attrId)) val color = a.getColor(0, Color.BLACK) a.recycle() return color } fun TypedArray.use(block: (TypedArray) -> T): T = try { block(this) } finally { recycle() } fun Context.getAttributeResourceId(attrId: Int) = theme.obtainStyledAttributes(intArrayOf(attrId)) .use { it.getResourceId(0, 0) } .notZero() ?: error("missing resource id. attr_id=0x${attrId.toString(16)}") fun Context.attrDrawable(attrId: Int): Drawable { val drawableId = getAttributeResourceId(attrId) return ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, drawableId) ?: error("getDrawable failed. drawableId=0x${drawableId.toString(16)}") } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 後方互換用にボタン背景Drawableを生成する //private fun getStateListDrawable(normalColor : Int, pressedColor : Int) : StateListDrawable { // val states = StateListDrawable() // states.addState(intArrayOf(android.R.attr.state_pressed), ColorDrawable(pressedColor)) // states.addState(intArrayOf(android.R.attr.state_focused), ColorDrawable(pressedColor)) // states.addState(intArrayOf(android.R.attr.state_activated), ColorDrawable(pressedColor)) // states.addState(intArrayOf(), ColorDrawable(normalColor)) // return states //} // 色を指定してRectShapeを生成する private fun getRectShape(color: Int): Drawable { val r = RectShape() val shapeDrawable = ShapeDrawable(r) shapeDrawable.paint.color = color return shapeDrawable } // 色を指定して角丸Drawableを作成する fun createRoundDrawable( radius: Float, fillColor: Int? = null, strokeColor: Int? = null, strokeWidth: Int = 4, ) = GradientDrawable().apply { cornerRadius = radius if (fillColor != null) setColor(fillColor) if (strokeColor != null) setStroke(strokeWidth, strokeColor) } // 色を指定してRippleDrawableを生成する fun getAdaptiveRippleDrawable(normalColor: Int, pressedColor: Int): Drawable { return RippleDrawable(ColorStateList.valueOf(pressedColor), getRectShape(normalColor), null) } // 色を指定してRippleDrawableを生成する fun getAdaptiveRippleDrawableRound( context: Context, normalColor: Int, pressedColor: Int, roundNormal: Boolean = false, ): Drawable { val dp6 = context.resources.displayMetrics.density * 6f return if (roundNormal) { // 押してない時に通常色を塗る範囲も角丸にする RippleDrawable( ColorStateList.valueOf(pressedColor), createRoundDrawable(dp6, fillColor = normalColor), null ) } else { // 押してない時に通常色を塗る範囲は四角だが、リップルエフェクトは角丸 return RippleDrawable( ColorStateList.valueOf(pressedColor), getRectShape(normalColor), createRoundDrawable(dp6, Color.WHITE) ) } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private class ColorFilterCacheValue( val filter: ColorFilter, var lastUsed: Long, ) private val colorFilterCache = SparseArray() private var colorFilterCacheLastSweep = 0L private fun createColorFilter(rgb: Int): ColorFilter { synchronized(colorFilterCache) { val now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() val cacheValue = colorFilterCache[rgb] if (cacheValue != null) { cacheValue.lastUsed = now return cacheValue.filter } val size = colorFilterCache.size() if (now - colorFilterCacheLastSweep >= 10000L && size >= 128) { colorFilterCacheLastSweep = now for (i in size - 1 downTo 0) { val v = colorFilterCache.valueAt(i) if (now - v.lastUsed >= 10000L) { colorFilterCache.removeAt(i) } } } val f = PorterDuffColorFilter(rgb, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP) colorFilterCache.put(rgb, ColorFilterCacheValue(f, now)) return f } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private class ColoredDrawableCacheKey( val drawableId: Int, val rgb: Int, val alpha: Int, ) { override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean { return this === other || ( other is ColoredDrawableCacheKey && drawableId == other.drawableId && rgb == other.rgb && alpha == other.alpha ) } override fun hashCode(): Int { return drawableId xor (rgb or (alpha shl 24)) } } private class ColoredDrawableCacheValue( val drawable: Drawable, var lastUsed: Long, ) private val coloredDrawableCache = HashMap() private var coloredDrawableCacheLastSweep = 0L fun createColoredDrawable( context: Context, drawableId: Int, color: Int, alphaMultiplier: Float, ): Drawable { val rgb = (color and 0xffffff) or Color.BLACK val alpha = if (alphaMultiplier >= 1f) { (color ushr 24) } else { ((color ushr 24).toFloat() * alphaMultiplier + 0.5f).toInt().clip(0, 255) } val cacheKey = ColoredDrawableCacheKey(drawableId, rgb, alpha) synchronized(coloredDrawableCache) { val now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() val cacheValue = coloredDrawableCache[cacheKey] if (cacheValue != null) { cacheValue.lastUsed = now return cacheValue.drawable } if (now - coloredDrawableCacheLastSweep >= 10000L && coloredDrawableCache.size >= 128) { coloredDrawableCacheLastSweep = now val list = coloredDrawableCache.entries.sortedBy { it.value.lastUsed } for (i in 0 until list.size - 64) { val (k, v) = list[i] if (now - v.lastUsed <= 10000L) break coloredDrawableCache.remove(k) } } // 色指定が他のアイコンに影響しないようにする // カラーフィルターとアルファ値を設定する val d = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, drawableId)!!.mutate() d.colorFilter = createColorFilter(rgb) d.alpha = alpha coloredDrawableCache[cacheKey] = ColoredDrawableCacheValue(d, now) return d } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// fun setIconDrawableId( context: Context, imageView: ImageView, drawableId: Int, color: Int? = null, alphaMultiplier: Float = 1f, ) { if (color == null) { // ImageViewにアイコンを設定する。デフォルトの色 imageView.setImageDrawable(ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, drawableId)) } else { imageView.setImageDrawable( createColoredDrawable( context, drawableId, color, alphaMultiplier ) ) } } //fun setIconAttr( // context : Context, // imageView : ImageView, // iconAttrId : Int, // color : Int? = null, // alphaMultiplier : Float? = null //) { // setIconDrawableId( // context, // imageView, // getAttributeResourceId(context, iconAttrId), // color, // alphaMultiplier // ) //} fun DialogInterface.dismissSafe() { try { dismiss() } catch (ignored: Throwable) { // 非同期処理の後などではDialogがWindowTokenを失っている場合があり、IllegalArgumentException がたまに出る } } class CustomTextWatcher( val callback: () -> Unit, ) : TextWatcher { override fun beforeTextChanged( s: CharSequence, start: Int, count: Int, after: Int, ) { } override fun onTextChanged(s: CharSequence, start: Int, before: Int, count: Int) {} override fun afterTextChanged(s: Editable) { callback() } } // ImageButton のForeground colorで有効/無効を表現する fun ImageButton.setEnabledColor(context: Context, iconId: Int, color: Int, enabled: Boolean) { isEnabled = enabled setImageDrawable( createColoredDrawable( context = context, drawableId = iconId, color = color, alphaMultiplier = when (enabled) { true -> 1f else -> 0.5f } ) ) } var View.isEnabledAlpha: Boolean get() = isEnabled set(enabled) { this.isEnabled = enabled this.alpha = when (enabled) { true -> 1f else -> 0.3f } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// class ActivityResultHandler( private val log: LogCategory, private val callback: (ActivityResult) -> Unit, ) { private var launcher: ActivityResultLauncher? = null private var getContext: (() -> Context?)? = null private val context get() = getContext?.invoke() // startForActivityResultの代わりに呼び出す fun launch(intent: Intent, options: ActivityOptionsCompat? = null) = try { (launcher ?: error("ActivityResultHandler not registered.")) .launch(intent, options) } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.e(ex, "launch failed") context?.showToast(ex, "activity launch failed.") } // onCreate時に呼び出す fun register(a: FragmentActivity) { getContext = { a.applicationContext } this.launcher = a.registerForActivityResult( ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult() ) { callback(it) } } } fun Intent.launch(ar: ActivityResultHandler) = ar.launch(this) val AppCompatActivity.isLiveActivity: Boolean get() = !(isFinishing || isDestroyed) val ActivityResult.isNotOk get() = Activity.RESULT_OK != resultCode /** * Ringtone pickerの処理結果のUriまたはnull */ val ActivityResult.decodeRingtonePickerResult get() = when { isNotOk -> null else -> data?.getUriExtra(RingtoneManager.EXTRA_RINGTONE_PICKED_URI) } fun AppCompatActivity.setNavigationBack(toolbar: Toolbar) = toolbar.setNavigationOnClickListener { onBackPressedDispatcher.onBackPressed() } val Float.roundPixels get()= (this+0.5f).toInt() fun DisplayMetrics.dpFloat(src:Float) = (density* src) fun DisplayMetrics.dpFloat(src:Int) = (density*src.toFloat()) fun Resources.dpFloat(src:Float) = displayMetrics.dpFloat(src) fun Resources.dpFloat(src:Int) = displayMetrics.dpFloat(src) fun Context.dpFloat(src:Float) = resources.dpFloat(src) fun Context.dpFloat(src:Int) = resources.dpFloat(src) fun DisplayMetrics.dp(src:Float) = (density* src).roundPixels fun DisplayMetrics.dp(src:Int) = (density*src.toFloat()).roundPixels fun Resources.dp(src:Float) = displayMetrics.dp(src) fun Resources.dp(src:Int) = displayMetrics.dp(src) fun Context.dp(src:Float) = resources.dp(src) fun Context.dp(src:Int) = resources.dp(src)