package jp.juggler.apng enum class ColorType(val num:Int ){ GREY(0), RGB ( 2), INDEX( 3), GREY_ALPHA ( 4), RGBA ( 6), } enum class CompressionMethod(val num:Int ){ Standard(0) } enum class FilterMethod(val num:Int ){ Standard(0) } enum class InterlaceMethod(val num:Int ){ None(0), Standard(1) } enum class FilterType(val num:Int ){ None(0), Sub(1), Up(2), Average(3), Paeth(4) } enum class DisposeOp(val num :Int){ //no disposal is done on this frame before rendering the next; the contents of the output buffer are left as is. None(0), // the frame's region of the output buffer is to be cleared to fully transparent black before rendering the next frame. Background(1), // the frame's region of the output buffer is to be reverted to the previous contents before rendering the next frame. Previous(2) } enum class BlendOp(val num :Int){ // all color components of the frame, including alpha, overwrite the current contents of the frame's output buffer region. Source(0), // the frame should be composited onto the output buffer based on its alpha, using a simple OVER operation as described in the "Alpha Channel Processing" section of the PNG specification [PNG-1.2]. Over(1) }