package jp.juggler.subwaytooter import android.Manifest import android.annotation.SuppressLint import import import android.content.ContentValues import android.content.Intent import android.content.SharedPreferences import import import import android.os.AsyncTask import android.os.Build import android.os.Bundle import android.os.Handler import android.provider.MediaStore import android.provider.OpenableColumns import import import import import import import android.text.Editable import android.text.TextWatcher import android.text.method.LinkMovementMethod import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.view.ViewTreeObserver import android.widget.Button import android.widget.CheckBox import android.widget.EditText import android.widget.ImageButton import android.widget.ScrollView import android.widget.TextView import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.* import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.* import import org.json.JSONArray import org.json.JSONException import org.json.JSONObject import import import import import import java.lang.ref.WeakReference import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.HashSet import java.util.Locale import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.dialog.* import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.AcctColor import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.PostDraft import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.SavedAccount import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.span.MyClickableSpan import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.span.MyClickableSpanClickCallback import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.* import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.view.FocusPointView import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.view.MyEditText import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.view.MyNetworkImageView import okhttp3.MediaType import okhttp3.MultipartBody import okhttp3.Request import okhttp3.RequestBody import okio.BufferedSink class ActPost : AppCompatActivity(), View.OnClickListener, PostAttachment.Callback { companion object { internal val log = LogCategory("ActPost") internal const val EXTRA_POSTED_ACCT = "posted_acct" internal const val EXTRA_POSTED_STATUS_ID = "posted_status_id" internal const val EXTRA_POSTED_REPLY_ID = "posted_reply_id" internal const val EXTRA_POSTED_REDRAFT_ID = "posted_redraft_id" internal const val KEY_ACCOUNT_DB_ID = "account_db_id" internal const val KEY_REPLY_STATUS = "reply_status" internal const val KEY_REDRAFT_STATUS = "redraft_status" internal const val KEY_INITIAL_TEXT = "initial_text" internal const val KEY_SENT_INTENT = "sent_intent" internal const val KEY_ATTACHMENT_LIST = "attachment_list" internal const val KEY_VISIBILITY = "visibility" internal const val KEY_IN_REPLY_TO_ID = "in_reply_to_id" internal const val KEY_IN_REPLY_TO_TEXT = "in_reply_to_text" internal const val KEY_IN_REPLY_TO_IMAGE = "in_reply_to_image" internal const val KEY_IN_REPLY_TO_URL = "in_reply_to_url" private const val REQUEST_CODE_ATTACHMENT = 1 private const val REQUEST_CODE_CAMERA = 2 private const val REQUEST_CODE_MUSHROOM = 3 private const val REQUEST_CODE_VIDEO = 4 private const val PERMISSION_REQUEST_CODE = 1 internal const val MIME_TYPE_JPEG = "image/jpeg" internal const val MIME_TYPE_PNG = "image/png" internal val list_resize_max = intArrayOf(0, 640, 800, 1024, 1280, 1600, 2048) internal val acceptable_mime_types = HashSet().apply { // add("image/*") // Android標準のギャラリーが image/* を出してくることがあるらしい add("video/*") // Android標準のギャラリーが image/* を出してくることがあるらしい // add("image/jpeg") add("image/png") add("image/gif") add("video/webm") add("video/mp4") } // private void performCameraVideo(){ // // try{ // Intent takeVideoIntent = new Intent( MediaStore.ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE ); // startActivityForResult( takeVideoIntent, REQUEST_CODE_VIDEO ); // }catch( Throwable ex ){ // warning.trace( ex ); // Utils.showToast( this, ex, "opening video app failed." ); // } // } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// const val DRAFT_CONTENT = "content" const val DRAFT_CONTENT_WARNING = "content_warning" internal const val DRAFT_CONTENT_WARNING_CHECK = "content_warning_check" internal const val DRAFT_NSFW_CHECK = "nsfw_check" internal const val DRAFT_VISIBILITY = "visibility" internal const val DRAFT_ACCOUNT_DB_ID = "account_db_id" internal const val DRAFT_ATTACHMENT_LIST = "attachment_list" internal const val DRAFT_REPLY_ID = "reply_id" internal const val DRAFT_REPLY_TEXT = "reply_text" internal const val DRAFT_REPLY_IMAGE = "reply_image" internal const val DRAFT_REPLY_URL = "reply_url" internal const val DRAFT_IS_ENQUETE = "is_enquete" internal const val DRAFT_ENQUETE_ITEMS = "enquete_items" private const val STATE_MUSHROOM_INPUT = "mushroom_input" private const val STATE_MUSHROOM_START = "mushroom_start" private const val STATE_MUSHROOM_END = "mushroom_end" private const val STATE_REDRAFT_STATUS_ID = "redraft_status_id" fun open( activity : Activity, request_code : Int, account_db_id : Long, reply_status : TootStatus? ) { val intent = Intent(activity, intent.putExtra(KEY_ACCOUNT_DB_ID, account_db_id) if(reply_status != null) { intent.putExtra(KEY_REPLY_STATUS, reply_status.json.toString()) } activity.startActivityForResult(intent, request_code) } fun openRedraft( activity : Activity, request_code : Int, account_db_id : Long, base_status : TootStatus, reply_status : TootStatus? = null ) { val intent = Intent(activity, intent.putExtra(KEY_ACCOUNT_DB_ID, account_db_id) intent.putExtra(KEY_REDRAFT_STATUS, base_status.json.toString()) if(reply_status != null) { intent.putExtra(KEY_REPLY_STATUS, reply_status.json.toString()) } activity.startActivityForResult(intent, request_code) } fun open( activity : Activity, request_code : Int, account_db_id : Long, initial_text : String? ) { val intent = Intent(activity, intent.putExtra(KEY_ACCOUNT_DB_ID, account_db_id) if(initial_text != null) { intent.putExtra(KEY_INITIAL_TEXT, initial_text) } activity.startActivityForResult(intent, request_code) } fun open( activity : Activity, request_code : Int, account_db_id : Long, sent_intent : Intent? ) { val intent = Intent(activity, intent.putExtra(KEY_ACCOUNT_DB_ID, account_db_id) if(sent_intent != null) { intent.putExtra(KEY_SENT_INTENT, sent_intent) } activity.startActivityForResult(intent, request_code) } internal fun check_exist(url : String?) : Boolean { if(url?.isEmpty() != false) return false try { val request = Request.Builder().url(url).build() val call = App1.ok_http_client.newCall(request) val response = call.execute() if(response.isSuccessful) { return true } log.e(TootApiClient.formatResponse(response, "check_exist failed.")) } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } return false } } private lateinit var btnAccount : Button private lateinit var btnVisibility : ImageButton private lateinit var btnAttachment : View private lateinit var btnPost : View private lateinit var llAttachment : View private lateinit var ivMedia : List internal lateinit var cbNSFW : CheckBox internal lateinit var cbContentWarning : CheckBox internal lateinit var etContentWarning : MyEditText internal lateinit var etContent : MyEditText internal lateinit var cbEnquete : CheckBox private lateinit var llEnquete : View internal lateinit var list_etChoice : List private lateinit var tvCharCount : TextView internal lateinit var handler : Handler private lateinit var formRoot : View private lateinit var llReply : View private lateinit var tvReplyTo : TextView private lateinit var btnRemoveReply : View private lateinit var ivReply : MyNetworkImageView private lateinit var scrollView : ScrollView internal lateinit var pref : SharedPreferences internal lateinit var app_state : AppState private lateinit var post_helper : PostHelper internal var attachment_list = ArrayList() private var isPostComplete : Boolean = false internal var density : Float = 0f private lateinit var account_list : ArrayList private var redraft_status_id : Long = 0L private val text_watcher : TextWatcher = object : TextWatcher { override fun beforeTextChanged(charSequence : CharSequence, i : Int, i1 : Int, i2 : Int) { } override fun onTextChanged(charSequence : CharSequence, i : Int, i1 : Int, i2 : Int) { } override fun afterTextChanged(editable : Editable) { updateTextCount() } } private val scroll_listener : ViewTreeObserver.OnScrollChangedListener = ViewTreeObserver.OnScrollChangedListener { post_helper.onScrollChanged() } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Account internal var account : SavedAccount? = null private var uriCameraImage : Uri? = null ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // visibility internal var visibility : String? = null ///////////////////////////////////////////////// internal var in_reply_to_id = - 1L internal var in_reply_to_text : String? = null internal var in_reply_to_image : String? = null internal var in_reply_to_url : String? = null private var mushroom_input : Int = 0 private var mushroom_start : Int = 0 private var mushroom_end : Int = 0 private val link_click_listener : MyClickableSpanClickCallback = { _, span -> try { // ブラウザで開く val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(span.url)) startActivity(intent) } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// override fun onClick(v : View) { when( { -> performAccountChooser() -> performVisibility() -> openAttachment() -> performAttachmentClick(0) -> performAttachmentClick(1) -> performAttachmentClick(2) -> performAttachmentClick(3) -> performPost() -> removeReply() -> performMore() -> openMushroom() -> post_helper.openEmojiPickerFromMore() } } override fun onActivityResult(requestCode : Int, resultCode : Int, data : Intent?) { if(requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_ATTACHMENT && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { if(data != null) { // 単一選択 { addAttachment(it, data.type) } // 複数選択 val cd = data.clipData if(cd != null) { for(i in 0 until cd.itemCount) { cd.getItemAt(i)?.uri?.let { addAttachment(it) } } } } } else if(requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_CAMERA) { if(resultCode != Activity.RESULT_OK) { // 失敗したら DBからデータを削除 val uriCameraImage = this.uriCameraImage if(uriCameraImage != null) { contentResolver.delete(uriCameraImage, null, null) this@ActPost.uriCameraImage = null } } else { // 画像のURL (data?.data ?: uriCameraImage)?.let { addAttachment(it) } } } else if(requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_VIDEO && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { data?.data?.let { addAttachment(it) } } else if(requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_MUSHROOM && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { data?.getStringExtra("replace_key")?.let { applyMushroomResult(it) } } super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data) } override fun onBackPressed() { saveDraft() super.onBackPressed() } override fun onResume() { super.onResume() MyClickableSpan.link_callback = WeakReference(link_click_listener) } override fun onPause() { super.onPause() // 編集中にホーム画面を押したり他アプリに移動する場合は下書きを保存する // やや過剰な気がするが、自アプリに戻ってくるときにランチャーからアイコンタップされると // メイン画面より上にあるアクティビティはすべて消されてしまうので // このタイミングで保存するしかない if(! isPostComplete) { saveDraft() } } override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState : Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) App1.setActivityTheme(this, true) app_state = App1.getAppState(this) pref = app_state.pref initUI() if(account_list.isEmpty()) { showToast(this, true, R.string.please_add_account) finish() return } if(savedInstanceState != null) { mushroom_input = savedInstanceState.getInt(STATE_MUSHROOM_INPUT, 0) mushroom_start = savedInstanceState.getInt(STATE_MUSHROOM_START, 0) mushroom_end = savedInstanceState.getInt(STATE_MUSHROOM_END, 0) redraft_status_id = savedInstanceState.getLong(STATE_REDRAFT_STATUS_ID) val account_db_id = savedInstanceState.getLong(KEY_ACCOUNT_DB_ID, SavedAccount.INVALID_DB_ID) if(account_db_id != SavedAccount.INVALID_DB_ID) { var i = 0 val ie = account_list.size while(i < ie) { val a = account_list[i] if(a.db_id == account_db_id) { selectAccount(a) break } ++ i } } this.visibility = savedInstanceState.getString(KEY_VISIBILITY) val sv = savedInstanceState.getString(KEY_ATTACHMENT_LIST) if(app_state.attachment_list != null) { val list_in_state = app_state.attachment_list if(list_in_state != null) { // static なデータが残ってるならそれを使う this.attachment_list = list_in_state } // コールバックを新しい画面に差し替える for(pa in attachment_list) { pa.callback = this } } else if(sv != null && sv.isNotEmpty()) { // state から復元する app_state.attachment_list = this.attachment_list this.attachment_list.clear() try { val array = sv.toJsonArray() for(i in 0 until array.length()) { try { val a = parseItem(::TootAttachment, array.optJSONObject(i)) if(a != null) attachment_list.add(PostAttachment(a)) } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } this.in_reply_to_id = savedInstanceState.getLong(KEY_IN_REPLY_TO_ID, - 1L) this.in_reply_to_text = savedInstanceState.getString(KEY_IN_REPLY_TO_TEXT) this.in_reply_to_image = savedInstanceState.getString(KEY_IN_REPLY_TO_IMAGE) this.in_reply_to_url = savedInstanceState.getString(KEY_IN_REPLY_TO_URL) } else { app_state.attachment_list = this.attachment_list this.attachment_list.clear() val intent = intent val account_db_id = intent.getLongExtra(KEY_ACCOUNT_DB_ID, SavedAccount.INVALID_DB_ID) if(account_db_id != SavedAccount.INVALID_DB_ID) { var i = 0 val ie = account_list.size while(i < ie) { val a = account_list[i] if(a.db_id == account_db_id) { selectAccount(a) break } ++ i } } val sent_intent = intent.getParcelableExtra(KEY_SENT_INTENT) if(sent_intent != null) { val action = sent_intent.action val type = sent_intent.type if(type == null) { // } else if(type.startsWith("image/") || type.startsWith("video/")) { if(Intent.ACTION_VIEW == action) { val uri = if(uri != null) addAttachment(uri, type) appendContentText(sent_intent) } else if(Intent.ACTION_SEND == action) { val uri = sent_intent.getParcelableExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM) if(uri != null) addAttachment(uri, type) appendContentText(sent_intent) } else if(Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE == action) { val list_uri = sent_intent.getParcelableArrayListExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM) if(list_uri != null) { for(uri in list_uri) { if(uri != null) addAttachment(uri) } } appendContentText(sent_intent) } } else if(type.startsWith("text/")) { if(Intent.ACTION_SEND == action) { appendContentText(sent_intent) } } } appendContentText(intent.getStringExtra(KEY_INITIAL_TEXT)) val account = this.account var sv = intent.getStringExtra(KEY_REPLY_STATUS) if(sv != null && account != null) { try { val reply_status = TootParser(this@ActPost, account).status(sv.toJsonObject()) if(reply_status != null) { // CW をリプライ元に合わせる if(reply_status.spoiler_text?.isNotEmpty() == true) { cbContentWarning.isChecked = true etContentWarning.setText(reply_status.spoiler_text) } val mention_list = ArrayList() // 元レスにあった mention val old_mentions = reply_status.mentions if(old_mentions != null) { for(mention in old_mentions) { val who_acct = mention.acct if(who_acct.isNotEmpty()) { if(account.isMe(who_acct)) continue sv = "@" + account.getFullAcct(who_acct) if(! mention_list.contains(sv)) { mention_list.add(sv) } } } } val who_acct = account.getFullAcct(reply_status.account) if(mention_list.contains("@$who_acct")) { // 既に含まれている } else if(! account.isMe(reply_status.account) ) { // 自分ではない mention_list.add("@$who_acct") } val sb = StringBuilder() for(acct in mention_list) { if(sb.isNotEmpty()) sb.append(' ') sb.append(acct) } appendContentText(sb.toString()) // リプライ表示をつける in_reply_to_id = in_reply_to_text = reply_status.content in_reply_to_image = reply_status.account.avatar_static in_reply_to_url = reply_status.url // 公開範囲 try { // 比較する前にデフォルトの公開範囲を計算する visibility = when { visibility?.isNotEmpty() == true -> visibility account.visibility?.isNotEmpty() == true -> account.visibility else -> TootStatus.VISIBILITY_PUBLIC // VISIBILITY_WEB_SETTING だと 1.5未満のタンスでトラブルになる } if(TootStatus.VISIBILITY_WEB_SETTING == visibility) { // 「Web設定に合わせる」だった場合は無条件にリプライ元の公開範囲に変更する this.visibility = reply_status.visibility } else { // デフォルトの方が公開範囲が大きい場合、リプライ元に合わせて公開範囲を狭める if(TootStatus.isVisibilitySpoilRequired( this.visibility, reply_status.visibility )) { this.visibility = reply_status.visibility } } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } appendContentText(account?.default_text ,selectBefore = true) // 再編集 sv = intent.getStringExtra(KEY_REDRAFT_STATUS) if(sv != null && account != null) { try { val base_status = TootParser(this@ActPost, account).status(sv.toJsonObject()) if(base_status != null) { redraft_status_id = this.visibility = base_status.visibility val src_attachments = base_status.media_attachments if(src_attachments?.isNotEmpty() == true) { app_state.attachment_list = this.attachment_list this.attachment_list.clear() try { for(src in src_attachments) { if(src is TootAttachment) { src.redraft = true val pa = PostAttachment(src) pa.status = PostAttachment.STATUS_UPLOADED this.attachment_list.add(pa) } } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } // 再編集の場合はdefault_textは反映されない val decodeOptions = DecodeOptions(this) etContent.text = decodeOptions.decodeHTML(base_status.content) etContent.setSelection(etContent.text.length) etContentWarning.setText(decodeOptions.decodeEmoji(base_status.spoiler_text)) etContentWarning.setSelection(etContentWarning.text.length) cbContentWarning.isChecked = etContentWarning.text.isNotEmpty() cbNSFW.isChecked = base_status.sensitive == true val src_enquete = base_status.enquete val src_items = src_enquete?.items if(src_items != null && src_enquete.type == NicoEnquete.TYPE_ENQUETE ) { cbEnquete.isChecked = true etContent.text = decodeOptions.decodeHTML(src_enquete.question) etContent.setSelection(etContent.text.length) var src_index = 0 for(et in list_etChoice) { if(src_index < src_items.size) { val choice = src_items[src_index] if(src_index == src_items.size - 1 && choice.text == "\uD83E\uDD14") { // :thinking_face: は再現しない } else { et.setText(decodeOptions.decodeEmoji(choice.text)) ++ src_index continue } } et.setText("") } } } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } } visibility = when { visibility?.isNotEmpty() == true -> visibility account?.visibility?.isNotEmpty() == true -> account?.visibility else -> TootStatus.VISIBILITY_PUBLIC // 2017/9/13 VISIBILITY_WEB_SETTING から VISIBILITY_PUBLICに変更した // VISIBILITY_WEB_SETTING だと 1.5未満のタンスでトラブルになるので… } if(this.account == null) { // 表示を未選択に更新 selectAccount(null) } updateContentWarning() showMediaAttachment() showVisibility() updateTextCount() showReplyTo() showEnquete() } override fun onDestroy() { post_helper.onDestroy() super.onDestroy() } override fun onSaveInstanceState(outState : Bundle?) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState) outState ?: return outState.putInt(STATE_MUSHROOM_INPUT, mushroom_input) outState.putInt(STATE_MUSHROOM_START, mushroom_start) outState.putInt(STATE_MUSHROOM_END, mushroom_end) outState.putLong(STATE_REDRAFT_STATUS_ID, redraft_status_id) val account = this.account if(account != null) { outState.putLong(KEY_ACCOUNT_DB_ID, account.db_id) } if(visibility != null) { outState.putString(KEY_VISIBILITY, visibility) } if(! attachment_list.isEmpty()) { val array = JSONArray() for(pa in attachment_list) { if(pa.status == PostAttachment.STATUS_UPLOADED) { // アップロード完了したものだけ保持する array.put(pa.attachment?.json) } } outState.putString(KEY_ATTACHMENT_LIST, array.toString()) } outState.putLong(KEY_IN_REPLY_TO_ID, in_reply_to_id) outState.putString(KEY_IN_REPLY_TO_TEXT, in_reply_to_text) outState.putString(KEY_IN_REPLY_TO_IMAGE, in_reply_to_image) outState.putString(KEY_IN_REPLY_TO_URL, in_reply_to_url) } override fun onRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState : Bundle) { super.onRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState) updateContentWarning() showMediaAttachment() showVisibility() updateTextCount() showReplyTo() showEnquete() } private fun appendContentText( src:String?, selectBefore: Boolean = false ){ if( src?.isEmpty() != false ) return val svEmoji = DecodeOptions(context = this, decodeEmoji = true).decodeEmoji(src) if( svEmoji.isEmpty()) return val editable = etContent.text if( editable.isNotEmpty() ) editable.append(' ') if( selectBefore) { val start = editable.length editable.append(' ') editable.append( svEmoji) etContent.text= editable etContent.setSelection(start) }else{ editable.append( svEmoji) etContent.text= editable etContent.setSelection(editable.length) } } private fun appendContentText( src : Intent){ val list = ArrayList() var sv:String? sv = src.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT) if( sv?.isNotEmpty() == true) list.add(sv) sv = src.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT) if( sv?.isNotEmpty() == true) list.add(sv) if( list.isNotEmpty()){ appendContentText( list.joinToString(" ")) } } private fun initUI() { handler = Handler() density = resources.displayMetrics.density setContentView(R.layout.act_post) if(Pref.bpPostButtonBarTop(this)) { val bar = findViewById( val parent = bar.parent as ViewGroup parent.removeView(bar) parent.addView(bar, 0) } Styler.fixHorizontalMargin(findViewById( Styler.fixHorizontalMargin(findViewById( formRoot = findViewById( scrollView = findViewById( btnAccount = findViewById( btnVisibility = findViewById( btnAttachment = findViewById( btnPost = findViewById( llAttachment = findViewById( cbNSFW = findViewById( cbContentWarning = findViewById( etContentWarning = findViewById( etContent = findViewById( cbEnquete = findViewById( llEnquete = findViewById( ivMedia = listOf( findViewById(, findViewById(, findViewById(, findViewById( ) list_etChoice = listOf( findViewById(, findViewById(, findViewById(, findViewById( ) tvCharCount = findViewById( llReply = findViewById( tvReplyTo = findViewById( btnRemoveReply = findViewById( ivReply = findViewById( account_list = SavedAccount.loadAccountList(this@ActPost) SavedAccount.sort(account_list) btnAccount.setOnClickListener(this) btnVisibility.setOnClickListener(this) btnAttachment.setOnClickListener(this) btnPost.setOnClickListener(this) btnRemoveReply.setOnClickListener(this) findViewById( findViewById( for(iv in ivMedia) { iv.setOnClickListener(this) iv.setDefaultImageResId(Styler.getAttributeResourceId(this, R.attr.ic_loading)) iv.setErrorImageResId(Styler.getAttributeResourceId(this, R.attr.ic_unknown)) } cbContentWarning.setOnCheckedChangeListener { _, _ -> updateContentWarning() } cbEnquete.setOnCheckedChangeListener { _, _ -> showEnquete() updateTextCount() } post_helper = PostHelper(this, pref, app_state.handler) post_helper.attachEditText(formRoot, etContent, false, object : PostHelper.Callback2 { override fun onTextUpdate() { updateTextCount() } override fun canOpenPopup() : Boolean { return true } }) etContentWarning.addTextChangedListener(text_watcher) for(et in list_etChoice) { et.addTextChangedListener(text_watcher) } scrollView.viewTreeObserver.addOnScrollChangedListener(scroll_listener) val v = findViewById( v.setOnClickListener(this) etContent.contentMineTypeArray = acceptable_mime_types.toArray(arrayOfNulls(ActPost.acceptable_mime_types.size)) etContent.commitContentListener = commitContentListener } private var lastInstanceTask : TootTaskRunner? = null private fun getMaxCharCount() : Int { val account = account if(account != null && ! account.isPseudo) { val info = account.instance var lastTask = lastInstanceTask // 情報がないか古いなら再取得 if(info == null || System.currentTimeMillis() - info.time_parse >= 300000L) { // 同時に実行するタスクは1つまで if(lastTask?.isActive != true) { lastTask = TootTaskRunner(this, TootTaskRunner.PROGRESS_NONE) lastInstanceTask = lastTask, object : TootTask { var newInfo : TootInstance? = null override fun background(client : TootApiClient) : TootApiResult? { val result = client.request("/api/v1/instance") newInfo = TootParser(this@ActPost, account).instance(result?.jsonObject) return result } override fun handleResult(result : TootApiResult?) { if(isFinishing || isDestroyed) return if(newInfo != null) { account.instance = newInfo updateTextCount() } } }) } } if(info != null) { val max = info.max_toot_chars if(max != null && max > 0) return max } } return 500 } private fun updateTextCount() { var length = 0 var s = EmojiDecoder.decodeShortCode(etContent.text.toString()) length += s.codePointCount(0, s.length) s = if(cbContentWarning.isChecked) EmojiDecoder.decodeShortCode(etContentWarning.text.toString()) else "" length += s.codePointCount(0, s.length) var max = getMaxCharCount() if(cbEnquete.isChecked) { max -= 150 // フレニコ固有。500-150で350になる for(et in list_etChoice) { s = EmojiDecoder.decodeShortCode(et.text.toString()) length += s.codePointCount(0, s.length) } } val remain = max - length tvCharCount.text = Integer.toString(remain) val color = Styler.getAttributeColor( this, if(remain < 0) R.attr.colorRegexFilterError else android.R.attr.textColorPrimary ) tvCharCount.setTextColor(color) } private fun updateContentWarning() { etContentWarning.visibility = if(cbContentWarning.isChecked) View.VISIBLE else View.GONE } internal fun selectAccount(a : SavedAccount?) { this.account = a if(a == null) { post_helper.setInstance(null) btnAccount.text = getString(R.string.not_selected) btnAccount.setTextColor(Styler.getAttributeColor(this, android.R.attr.textColorPrimary)) btnAccount.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.btn_bg_transparent) } else { post_helper.setInstance( // 先読みしてキャッシュに保持しておく App1.custom_emoji_lister.getList( { // 何もしない } val acct = a.acct val ac = AcctColor.load(acct) val nickname = if(AcctColor.hasNickname(ac)) ac.nickname else acct btnAccount.text = nickname if(AcctColor.hasColorBackground(ac)) { btnAccount.setBackgroundColor(ac.color_bg) } else { btnAccount.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.btn_bg_transparent) } if(AcctColor.hasColorForeground(ac)) { btnAccount.setTextColor(ac.color_fg) } else { btnAccount.setTextColor( Styler.getAttributeColor( this, android.R.attr.textColorPrimary ) ) } } } private fun performAccountChooser() { if(! attachment_list.isEmpty()) { // 添付ファイルがあったら確認の上添付ファイルを捨てないと切り替えられない showToast(this, false, R.string.cant_change_account_when_attachment_specified) return } if(redraft_status_id != 0L) { // 添付ファイルがあったら確認の上添付ファイルを捨てないと切り替えられない showToast(this, false, R.string.cant_change_account_when_redraft) return } AccountPicker.pick( this, bAllowPseudo = false, bAuto = false, message = getString(R.string.choose_account) ) { ai -> // 別タンスのアカウントに変更したならならin_reply_toの変換が必要 if(in_reply_to_id != - 1L && !, ignoreCase = true)) { startReplyConversion(ai) } setAccountWithVisibilityConversion(ai) } // final ArrayList< SavedAccount > tmp_account_list = new ArrayList<>(); // tmp_account_list.addAll( account_list ); // // String[] caption_list = new String[ tmp_account_list.size() ]; // for( int i = 0, ie = tmp_account_list.size() ; i < ie ; ++ i ){ // caption_list[ i ] = tmp_account_list.get( i ).acct; // } // // new AlertDialog.Builder( this ) // .setTitle( R.string.choose_account ) // .setItems( caption_list, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { // @Override // public void onClick( DialogInterface dialog, int which ){ // // if( which < 0 || which >= tmp_account_list.size() ){ // // 範囲外 // return; // } // // SavedAccount ai = tmp_account_list.get( which ); // // if( ! ) ){ // // 別タンスへの移動 // if( in_reply_to_id != - 1L ){ // // 別タンスのアカウントならin_reply_toの変換が必要 // startReplyConversion( ai ); // // } // } // // // リプライがないか、同タンスへの移動 // setAccountWithVisibilityConversion( ai ); // } // } ) // .setNegativeButton( R.string.cancel, null ) // .show(); } internal fun setAccountWithVisibilityConversion(a : SavedAccount) { selectAccount(a) try { if(TootStatus.isVisibilitySpoilRequired(this.visibility, a.visibility)) { showToast(this@ActPost, true, R.string.spoil_visibility_for_account) this.visibility = a.visibility showVisibility() } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } @SuppressLint("StaticFieldLeak") private fun startReplyConversion(access_info : SavedAccount) { val in_reply_to_url = this.in_reply_to_url if(in_reply_to_url == null) { // 下書きが古い形式の場合、URLがないので別タンスへの移動ができない AlertDialog.Builder(this@ActPost) .setMessage(R.string.account_change_failed_old_draft_has_no_in_reply_to_url) .setNeutralButton(R.string.close, null) .show() return } TootTaskRunner(this) .progressPrefix(getString(R.string.progress_synchronize_toot)) .run(access_info, object : TootTask { internal var target_status : TootStatus? = null override fun background(client : TootApiClient) : TootApiResult? { // 検索APIに他タンスのステータスのURLを投げると、自タンスのステータスを得られる val path = String.format( Locale.JAPAN, Column.PATH_SEARCH, in_reply_to_url.encodePercent() ) + "&resolve=1" val result = client.request(path) val jsonObject = result?.jsonObject if(jsonObject != null) { val tmp = TootParser(this@ActPost, access_info).results(jsonObject) if(tmp?.statuses?.isNotEmpty() == true) { target_status = tmp.statuses[0] } if(target_status == null) { return TootApiResult(getString(R.string.status_id_conversion_failed)) } } return result } override fun handleResult(result : TootApiResult?) { if(result == null) return // cancelled. val target_status = this.target_status if(target_status != null) { in_reply_to_id = setAccountWithVisibilityConversion(access_info) } else { showToast( this@ActPost, true, getString(R.string.in_reply_to_id_conversion_failed) + "\n" + result.error ) } } }) } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Attachment private fun showMediaAttachment() { if(isFinishing) return if(attachment_list.isEmpty()) { llAttachment.visibility = View.GONE } else { llAttachment.visibility = View.VISIBLE var i = 0 val ie = ivMedia.size while(i < ie) { showAttachment_sub(ivMedia[i], i) ++ i } } } private fun showAttachment_sub(iv : MyNetworkImageView, idx : Int) { if(idx >= attachment_list.size) { iv.visibility = View.GONE } else { iv.visibility = View.VISIBLE val pa = attachment_list[idx] val a = pa.attachment if(pa.status == PostAttachment.STATUS_UPLOADED && a != null) { iv.setImageUrl(pref, Styler.calcIconRound(iv.layoutParams.width), a.preview_url) } else { iv.setImageUrl(pref, Styler.calcIconRound(iv.layoutParams.width), null) } } } // 添付した画像をタップ private fun performAttachmentClick(idx : Int) { val pa = attachment_list[idx] AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setTitle(R.string.media_attachment) .setItems( arrayOf( getString(R.string.set_description), getString(R.string.set_focus_point), getString(R.string.delete) ) ) { _, i -> when(i) { 0 -> editAttachmentDescription(pa) 1 -> openFocusPoint(pa) 2 -> deleteAttachment(pa) } } .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, null) .show() } private fun openFocusPoint(pa : PostAttachment) { val attachment = pa.attachment if(attachment != null) { DlgFocusPoint(this, attachment) .setCallback(object : FocusPointView.Callback { override fun onFocusPointUpdate(x : Float, y : Float) { val account = this@ActPost.account ?: return TootTaskRunner(this@ActPost, TootTaskRunner.PROGRESS_NONE).run(account, object : TootTask { override fun background(client : TootApiClient) : TootApiResult? { try { val json = JSONObject() json.put("focus", "%.2f,%.2f".format(x, y)) val result = client.request( "/api/v1/media/" +, Request.Builder().put( RequestBody.create( TootApiClient.MEDIA_TYPE_JSON, json.toString() ) ) ) new_attachment = parseItem(::TootAttachment, result?.jsonObject) return result } catch(ex : Throwable) { return TootApiResult(ex.withCaption("set focus point failed.")) } } var new_attachment : TootAttachment? = null override fun handleResult(result : TootApiResult?) { result ?: return if(new_attachment != null) { pa.attachment = attachment } else { showToast(this@ActPost, true, result.error) } } }) } }) .show() } } private fun deleteAttachment(pa : PostAttachment) { AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setTitle(R.string.confirm_delete_attachment) .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok) { _, _ -> try { attachment_list.remove(pa) } catch(ignored : Throwable) { } showMediaAttachment() } .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, null) .show() } private fun editAttachmentDescription(pa : PostAttachment) { val a = pa.attachment if(a == null) { showToast(this, true, R.string.attachment_description_cant_edit_while_uploading) return } this, getString(R.string.attachment_description), a.description, object : DlgTextInput.Callback { override fun onOK(dialog : Dialog, text : String) { setAttachmentDescription(pa, dialog, text) } override fun onEmptyError() { showToast(this@ActPost, true, R.string.description_empty) } }) } @SuppressLint("StaticFieldLeak") private fun setAttachmentDescription(pa : PostAttachment, dialog : Dialog, text : String) { val attachment_id = pa.attachment?.id ?: return TootTaskRunner(this).run(this@ActPost.account ?: return, object : TootTask { internal var new_attachment : TootAttachment? = null override fun background(client : TootApiClient) : TootApiResult? { val json = JSONObject() try { json.put("description", text) } catch(ex : JSONException) { log.trace(ex) log.e(ex, "description encoding failed.") } val body_string = json.toString() val request_body = RequestBody.create( TootApiClient.MEDIA_TYPE_JSON, body_string ) val request_builder = Request.Builder().put(request_body) val result = client.request("/api/v1/media/$attachment_id", request_builder) new_attachment = parseItem(::TootAttachment, result?.jsonObject) return result } override fun handleResult(result : TootApiResult?) { if(result == null) return // cancelled. val new_attachment = this.new_attachment if(new_attachment != null) { pa.attachment = new_attachment showMediaAttachment() try { dialog.dismiss() } catch(ignored : Throwable) { } } else { showToast(this@ActPost, true, result.error) } } }) } private fun openAttachment() { val permissionCheck = ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) if(permissionCheck != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { preparePermission() return } // permissionCheck = ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission( this, Manifest.permission.CAMERA ); // if( permissionCheck != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED ){ // preparePermission(); // return; // } val a = ActionsDialog() a.addAction(getString(R.string.image_pick)) { performAttachment() } a.addAction(getString(R.string.image_capture)) { performCamera() } // a.addAction( getString( R.string.video_capture ), new Runnable() { // @Override public void run(){ // performCameraVideo(); // } // } );, null) } private fun performAttachment() { if(attachment_list.size >= 4) { showToast(this, false, R.string.attachment_too_many) return } if(account == null) { showToast(this, false, R.string.account_select_please) return } // SAFのIntentで開く try { val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT) intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_OPENABLE) intent.type = "*/*" intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_ALLOW_MULTIPLE, true) intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_MIME_TYPES, arrayOf("image/*", "video/*")) startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CODE_ATTACHMENT) } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) showToast(this, ex, "ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT failed.") } } internal interface InputStreamOpener { val mimeType : String @Throws(IOException::class) fun open() : InputStream fun deleteTempFile() } private fun createOpener(uri : Uri, mime_type : String) : InputStreamOpener { while(true) { try { // 画像の種別 val is_jpeg = MIME_TYPE_JPEG == mime_type val is_png = MIME_TYPE_PNG == mime_type if(! is_jpeg && ! is_png) { log.d("createOpener: source is not jpeg or png") break } // 設定からリサイズ指定を読む val resize_to = list_resize_max[Pref.ipResizeImage(pref)] val bitmap = createResizedBitmap( this, uri, resize_to, skipIfNoNeedToResizeAndRotate = true ) if(bitmap != null) { try { val cache_dir = externalCacheDir if(cache_dir == null) { showToast(this, false, "getExternalCacheDir returns null.") break } cache_dir.mkdir() val temp_file = File(cache_dir, "tmp." + Thread.currentThread().id) FileOutputStream(temp_file).use { os -> if(is_jpeg) { bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 95, os) } else { bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, os) } } return object : InputStreamOpener { override val mimeType : String get() = mime_type @Throws(IOException::class) override fun open() : InputStream { return FileInputStream(temp_file) } override fun deleteTempFile() { temp_file.delete() } } } finally { bitmap.recycle() } } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) showToast(this, ex, "Resizing image failed.") } break } return object : InputStreamOpener { override val mimeType : String get() = mime_type @Throws(IOException::class) override fun open() : InputStream { return contentResolver.openInputStream(uri) } override fun deleteTempFile() { } } } private fun getMimeType(uri : Uri, mimeTypeArg : String?) : String? { // 既に引数で与えられてる if(mimeTypeArg?.isNotEmpty() == true) return mimeTypeArg // ContentResolverに尋ねる var sv = contentResolver.getType(uri) if(sv?.isNotEmpty() == true) return sv // gboardのステッカーではUriのクエリパラメータにmimeType引数がある sv = uri.getQueryParameter("mimeType") if(sv?.isNotEmpty() == true) return sv return null } @SuppressLint("StaticFieldLeak") private fun addAttachment( uri : Uri, mimeTypeArg : String? = null, onUploadEnd : () -> Unit = {} ) { if(attachment_list.size >= 4) { showToast(this, false, R.string.attachment_too_many) return } val account = this@ActPost.account if(account == null) { showToast(this, false, R.string.account_select_please) return } val mime_type = getMimeType(uri, mimeTypeArg) if(mime_type?.isEmpty() != false) { showToast(this, false, R.string.mime_type_missing) return } if(! acceptable_mime_types.contains(mime_type)) { showToast(this, true, R.string.mime_type_not_acceptable, mime_type) return } app_state.attachment_list = this.attachment_list val pa = PostAttachment(this) attachment_list.add(pa) showMediaAttachment() showToast(this, false, R.string.attachment_uploading) TootTaskRunner(this, TootTaskRunner.PROGRESS_NONE).run(account, object : TootTask { override fun background(client : TootApiClient) : TootApiResult? { if(mime_type.isEmpty()) { return TootApiResult("mime_type is empty.") } try { val opener = createOpener(uri, mime_type) val media_size_max = 1000000 * Math.max(1, Pref.spMediaSizeMax.toInt(pref)) val content_length = getStreamSize(true, if(content_length > media_size_max) { return TootApiResult( getString( R.string.file_size_too_big, media_size_max / 1000000 ) ) } val multipart_body = MultipartBody.Builder() .setType(MultipartBody.FORM) .addFormDataPart( "file", getDocumentName(uri), object : RequestBody() { override fun contentType() : MediaType? { return MediaType.parse(opener.mimeType) } @Throws(IOException::class) override fun contentLength() : Long { return content_length } @Throws(IOException::class) override fun writeTo(sink : BufferedSink) { { inData -> val tmp = ByteArray(4096) while(true) { val r =, 0, tmp.size) if(r <= 0) break sink.write(tmp, 0, r) } } } } ) .build() val request_builder = Request.Builder() .post(multipart_body) val result = client.request("/api/v1/media", request_builder) opener.deleteTempFile() onUploadEnd() val jsonObject = result?.jsonObject if(jsonObject != null) { val a = parseItem(::TootAttachment, jsonObject) if(a == null) { result.error = "TootAttachment.parse failed" } else { pa.attachment = a } } return result } catch(ex : Throwable) { return TootApiResult(ex.withCaption("read failed.")) } } override fun handleResult(result : TootApiResult?) { if(pa.attachment == null) { pa.status = PostAttachment.STATUS_UPLOAD_FAILED if(result != null) { showToast(this@ActPost, true, result.error) } } else { pa.status = PostAttachment.STATUS_UPLOADED } // 投稿中に画面回転があった場合、新しい画面のコールバックを呼び出す必要がある pa.callback?.onPostAttachmentComplete(pa) } }) } // 添付メディア投稿が完了したら呼ばれる override fun onPostAttachmentComplete(pa : PostAttachment) { if(! attachment_list.contains(pa)) { // この添付メディアはリストにない return } when(pa.status) { PostAttachment.STATUS_UPLOAD_FAILED -> { // アップロード失敗 attachment_list.remove(pa) showMediaAttachment() } PostAttachment.STATUS_UPLOADED -> { val a = pa.attachment if(a != null) { // アップロード完了 showToast(this@ActPost, false, R.string.attachment_uploaded) if(Pref.bpAppendAttachmentUrlToContent(pref)) { // 投稿欄の末尾に追記する val selStart = etContent.selectionStart val selEnd = etContent.selectionEnd val e = etContent.editableText val len = e.length val last_char = if(len <= 0) ' ' else e[len - 1] if(! CharacterGroup.isWhitespace(last_char.toInt())) { e.append(" ").append(a.text_url) } else { e.append(a.text_url) } etContent.setSelection(selStart, selEnd) } } showMediaAttachment() } else -> { // アップロード中…? } } } private fun performCamera() { try { // カメラで撮影 val filename = System.currentTimeMillis().toString() + ".jpg" val values = ContentValues() values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.TITLE, filename) values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.MIME_TYPE, "image/jpeg") uriCameraImage = contentResolver.insert(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, values) val intent = Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE) intent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, uriCameraImage) startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CODE_CAMERA) } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) showToast(this, ex, "opening camera app failed.") } } private fun preparePermission() { if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) { // No explanation needed, we can request the permission. ActivityCompat.requestPermissions( this, arrayOf(Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) // Manifest.permission.CAMERA, , PERMISSION_REQUEST_CODE ) } else { showToast(this, true, R.string.missing_permission_to_access_media) } } override fun onRequestPermissionsResult( requestCode : Int, permissions : Array, grantResults : IntArray ) { when(requestCode) { PERMISSION_REQUEST_CODE -> { var bNotGranted = false var i = 0 val ie = permissions.size while(i < ie) { if(grantResults[i] != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { bNotGranted = true } ++ i } if(bNotGranted) { showToast(this, true, R.string.missing_permission_to_access_media) } else { openAttachment() } } } } fun getDocumentName(uri : Uri) : String { val errorName = "no_name" return contentResolver.query(uri, null, null, null, null, null) ?.use { cursor -> return if(! cursor.moveToFirst()) { errorName } else { val colIdx = cursor.getColumnIndex(OpenableColumns.DISPLAY_NAME) if(cursor.isNull(colIdx)) { errorName } else { cursor.getString(colIdx) } } } ?: errorName } @Throws(IOException::class) internal fun getStreamSize(bClose : Boolean, inStream : InputStream) : Long { try { var size = 0L while(true) { val r = IOUtils.skip(inStream, 16384) if(r <= 0) break size += r } return size } finally { @Suppress("DEPRECATION") if(bClose) IOUtils.closeQuietly(inStream) } } private fun showVisibility() { btnVisibility.setImageResource(Styler.getVisibilityIcon(this, visibility)) } private fun performVisibility() { val caption_list = arrayOf( Styler.getVisibilityCaption(this, TootStatus.VISIBILITY_WEB_SETTING), Styler.getVisibilityCaption(this, TootStatus.VISIBILITY_PUBLIC), Styler.getVisibilityCaption(this, TootStatus.VISIBILITY_UNLISTED), Styler.getVisibilityCaption(this, TootStatus.VISIBILITY_PRIVATE), Styler.getVisibilityCaption(this, TootStatus.VISIBILITY_DIRECT) ) AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setTitle(R.string.choose_visibility) .setItems(caption_list) { _, which -> when(which) { 0 -> visibility = TootStatus.VISIBILITY_WEB_SETTING 1 -> visibility = TootStatus.VISIBILITY_PUBLIC 2 -> visibility = TootStatus.VISIBILITY_UNLISTED 3 -> visibility = TootStatus.VISIBILITY_PRIVATE 4 -> visibility = TootStatus.VISIBILITY_DIRECT } showVisibility() } .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, null) .show() } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private fun performMore() { val dialog = ActionsDialog() dialog.addAction(getString(R.string.open_picker_emoji)) { post_helper.openEmojiPickerFromMore() } dialog.addAction(getString(R.string.clear_text)) { etContent.setText("") etContentWarning.setText("") } dialog.addAction(getString(R.string.clear_text_and_media)) { etContent.setText("") etContentWarning.setText("") attachment_list.clear() showMediaAttachment() } if(PostDraft.hasDraft()) dialog.addAction(getString(R.string.restore_draft)) { openDraftPicker() } dialog.addAction(getString(R.string.recommended_plugin)) { showRecommendedPlugin(null) }, null) } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // post private fun performPost() { val account = this.account ?: return // アップロード中は投稿できない for(pa in attachment_list) { if(pa.status == PostAttachment.STATUS_UPLOADING) { showToast(this, false, R.string.media_attachment_still_uploading) return } } post_helper.content = etContent.text.toString().trim { it <= ' ' } if(! cbEnquete.isChecked) { post_helper.enquete_items = null } else { val enquete_items = ArrayList() for(et in list_etChoice) { enquete_items.add(et.text.toString().trim { it <= ' ' }) } post_helper.enquete_items = enquete_items } if(! cbContentWarning.isChecked) { post_helper.spoiler_text = null // nullはCWチェックなしを示す } else { post_helper.spoiler_text = etContentWarning.text.toString().trim { it <= ' ' } } post_helper.visibility = this.visibility post_helper.bNSFW = cbNSFW.isChecked post_helper.in_reply_to_id = this.in_reply_to_id post_helper.attachment_list = this.attachment_list post_helper.emojiMapCustom = App1.custom_emoji_lister.getMap( post_helper.redraft_status_id = redraft_status_id { target_account, status -> val data = Intent() data.putExtra(EXTRA_POSTED_ACCT, target_account.acct) data.putExtra(EXTRA_POSTED_STATUS_ID, data.putExtra(EXTRA_POSTED_REDRAFT_ID, redraft_status_id) val reply_id = status.in_reply_to_id if(reply_id != null) data.putExtra(EXTRA_POSTED_REPLY_ID, reply_id) setResult(RESULT_OK, data) isPostComplete = true this@ActPost.finish() } } internal fun showReplyTo() { if(in_reply_to_id == - 1L) { llReply.visibility = View.GONE } else { llReply.visibility = View.VISIBLE tvReplyTo.text = DecodeOptions( this@ActPost, linkHelper = account, short = true, decodeEmoji = true ).decodeHTML(in_reply_to_text) ivReply.setImageUrl(pref, Styler.calcIconRound(ivReply.layoutParams), in_reply_to_image) } } private fun removeReply() { in_reply_to_id = - 1L in_reply_to_text = null in_reply_to_image = null in_reply_to_url = null showReplyTo() } private fun saveDraft() { val content = etContent.text.toString() val content_warning = if(cbContentWarning.isChecked) etContentWarning.text.toString() else "" val isEnquete = cbEnquete.isChecked val str_choice = arrayOf( if(isEnquete) list_etChoice[0].text.toString() else "", if(isEnquete) list_etChoice[1].text.toString() else "", if(isEnquete) list_etChoice[2].text.toString() else "", if(isEnquete) list_etChoice[3].text.toString() else "" ) var hasContent = false if(content.isNotBlank()) hasContent = true if(content_warning.isNotBlank()) hasContent = true for(s in str_choice) { if(s.isNotBlank()) hasContent = true } if(! hasContent) { log.d("saveDraft: dont save empty content") return } try { val tmp_attachment_list = JSONArray() for(pa in attachment_list) { val a = pa.attachment if(a != null) tmp_attachment_list.put(a.json) } val json = JSONObject() json.put(DRAFT_CONTENT, content) json.put(DRAFT_CONTENT_WARNING, content_warning) json.put(DRAFT_CONTENT_WARNING_CHECK, cbContentWarning.isChecked) json.put(DRAFT_NSFW_CHECK, cbNSFW.isChecked) json.put(DRAFT_VISIBILITY, visibility) json.put(DRAFT_ACCOUNT_DB_ID, account?.db_id ?: - 1L) json.put(DRAFT_ATTACHMENT_LIST, tmp_attachment_list) json.put(DRAFT_REPLY_ID, in_reply_to_id) json.put(DRAFT_REPLY_TEXT, in_reply_to_text) json.put(DRAFT_REPLY_IMAGE, in_reply_to_image) json.put(DRAFT_REPLY_URL, in_reply_to_url) json.put(DRAFT_IS_ENQUETE, isEnquete) val array = JSONArray() for(s in str_choice) { array.put(s) } json.put(DRAFT_ENQUETE_ITEMS, array), json) } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } private fun openDraftPicker() { DlgDraftPicker().open(this) { draft -> restoreDraft(draft) } } private fun restoreDraft(draft : JSONObject) { @Suppress("DEPRECATION") val progress = ProgressDialogEx(this) val task = @SuppressLint("StaticFieldLeak") object : AsyncTask() { internal val list_warning = ArrayList() internal var account : SavedAccount? = null override fun doInBackground(vararg params : Void) : String? { var content = draft.parseString(DRAFT_CONTENT) ?: "" val account_db_id = draft.parseLong(DRAFT_ACCOUNT_DB_ID) ?: - 1L var tmp_attachment_list = draft.optJSONArray(DRAFT_ATTACHMENT_LIST) val account = SavedAccount.loadAccount(this@ActPost, account_db_id) if(account == null) { list_warning.add(getString(R.string.account_in_draft_is_lost)) try { var i = 0 val ie = tmp_attachment_list.length() while(i < ie) { val ta = parseItem(::TootAttachment, tmp_attachment_list.optJSONObject(i)) val text_url = ta?.text_url if(text_url?.isNotEmpty() == true) { content = content.replace(text_url, "") } ++ i } tmp_attachment_list = JSONArray() draft.put(DRAFT_ATTACHMENT_LIST, tmp_attachment_list) draft.put(DRAFT_CONTENT, content) draft.remove(DRAFT_REPLY_ID) draft.remove(DRAFT_REPLY_TEXT) draft.remove(DRAFT_REPLY_IMAGE) draft.remove(DRAFT_REPLY_URL) } catch(ignored : JSONException) { } return "OK" } this.account = account // アカウントがあるなら基本的にはすべての情報を復元できるはずだが、いくつか確認が必要だ val api_client = TootApiClient(this@ActPost, callback = object : TootApiCallback { override val isApiCancelled : Boolean get() = isCancelled override fun publishApiProgress(s : String) { runOnMainLooper { progress.setMessage(s) } } }) api_client.account = account if(in_reply_to_id != - 1L) { val result = api_client.request("/api/v1/statuses/$in_reply_to_id") if(isCancelled) return null val jsonObject = result?.jsonObject if(jsonObject == null) { list_warning.add(getString(R.string.reply_to_in_draft_is_lost)) draft.remove(DRAFT_REPLY_ID) draft.remove(DRAFT_REPLY_TEXT) draft.remove(DRAFT_REPLY_IMAGE) } } try { var isSomeAttachmentRemoved = false for(i in tmp_attachment_list.length() - 1 downTo 0) { if(isCancelled) return null val ta = parseItem(::TootAttachment, tmp_attachment_list.optJSONObject(i)) if(ta == null) { isSomeAttachmentRemoved = true tmp_attachment_list.remove(i) } else if(! check_exist(ta.url)) { isSomeAttachmentRemoved = true tmp_attachment_list.remove(i) val text_url = ta.text_url if(text_url?.isNotEmpty() == true) { content = content.replace(text_url, "") } } } if(isSomeAttachmentRemoved) { list_warning.add(getString(R.string.attachment_in_draft_is_lost)) draft.put(DRAFT_ATTACHMENT_LIST, tmp_attachment_list) draft.put(DRAFT_CONTENT, content) } } catch(ex : JSONException) { log.trace(ex) } return "OK" } override fun onCancelled(result : String?) { onPostExecute(result) } override fun onPostExecute(result : String?) { progress.dismiss() if(isCancelled || result == null) { // cancelled. return } val content = draft.optString(DRAFT_CONTENT) val content_warning = draft.optString(DRAFT_CONTENT_WARNING) val content_warning_checked = draft.optBoolean(DRAFT_CONTENT_WARNING_CHECK) val nsfw_checked = draft.optBoolean(DRAFT_NSFW_CHECK) val tmp_attachment_list = draft.optJSONArray(DRAFT_ATTACHMENT_LIST) val reply_id = draft.parseLong(DRAFT_REPLY_ID) ?: - 1L val reply_text = draft.optString(DRAFT_REPLY_TEXT, null) val reply_image = draft.optString(DRAFT_REPLY_IMAGE, null) val reply_url = draft.optString(DRAFT_REPLY_URL, null) val draft_visibility = draft.parseString(DRAFT_VISIBILITY) val evEmoji = DecodeOptions(this@ActPost, decodeEmoji = true).decodeEmoji(content) etContent.setText(evEmoji) etContent.setSelection(evEmoji.length) etContentWarning.setText(content_warning) etContentWarning.setSelection(content_warning.length) cbContentWarning.isChecked = content_warning_checked cbNSFW.isChecked = nsfw_checked if(draft_visibility != null) this@ActPost.visibility = draft_visibility cbEnquete.isChecked = draft.optBoolean(DRAFT_IS_ENQUETE, false) val array = draft.optJSONArray(DRAFT_ENQUETE_ITEMS) if(array != null) { var src_index = 0 for(et in list_etChoice) { if(src_index < array.length()) { et.setText(array.optString(src_index)) ++ src_index } else { et.setText("") } } } if(account != null) selectAccount(account) if(tmp_attachment_list.length() > 0) { attachment_list.clear() var i = 0 val ie = tmp_attachment_list.length() while(i < ie) { val ta = parseItem(::TootAttachment, tmp_attachment_list.optJSONObject(i)) if(ta != null) { val pa = PostAttachment(ta) attachment_list.add(pa) } ++ i } } if(reply_id != - 1L) { in_reply_to_id = reply_id in_reply_to_text = reply_text in_reply_to_image = reply_image in_reply_to_url = reply_url } updateContentWarning() showMediaAttachment() showVisibility() updateTextCount() showReplyTo() showEnquete() if(! list_warning.isEmpty()) { val sb = StringBuilder() for(s in list_warning) { if(sb.isNotEmpty()) sb.append("\n") sb.append(s) } AlertDialog.Builder(this@ActPost) .setMessage(sb) .setNeutralButton(R.string.close, null) .show() } } } progress.isIndeterminate = true progress.setCancelable(true) progress.setOnCancelListener { task.cancel(true) } task.executeOnExecutor(App1.task_executor) } private fun prepareMushroomText(et : EditText) : String { mushroom_start = et.selectionStart mushroom_end = et.selectionEnd return if(mushroom_end > mushroom_start) { et.text.toString().substring(mushroom_start, mushroom_end) } else { "" } } private fun applyMushroomText(et : EditText, text : String) { val src = et.text.toString() if(mushroom_start > src.length) mushroom_start = src.length if(mushroom_end > src.length) mushroom_end = src.length val sb = StringBuilder() sb.append(src.substring(0, mushroom_start)) // int new_sel_start = sb.length(); sb.append(text) val new_sel_end = sb.length sb.append(src.substring(mushroom_end)) et.setText(sb) et.setSelection(new_sel_end, new_sel_end) } private fun openMushroom() { try { var text : String? = null when { etContentWarning.hasFocus() -> { mushroom_input = 1 text = prepareMushroomText(etContentWarning) } etContent.hasFocus() -> { mushroom_input = 0 text = prepareMushroomText(etContent) } else -> for(i in 0 .. 3) { if(list_etChoice[i].hasFocus()) { mushroom_input = i + 2 text = prepareMushroomText(list_etChoice[i]) } } } if(text == null) { mushroom_input = 0 text = prepareMushroomText(etContent) } val intent = Intent("") intent.addCategory("") intent.putExtra("replace_key", text) // Create intent to show chooser val chooser = Intent.createChooser(intent, getString(R.string.select_plugin)) // Verify the intent will resolve to at least one activity if(intent.resolveActivity(packageManager) == null) { showRecommendedPlugin(getString(R.string.plugin_not_installed)) return } startActivityForResult(chooser, REQUEST_CODE_MUSHROOM) } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) showRecommendedPlugin(getString(R.string.plugin_not_installed)) } } private fun applyMushroomResult(text : String) { when(mushroom_input) { 0 -> applyMushroomText(etContent, text) 1 -> applyMushroomText(etContentWarning, text) else -> for(i in 0 .. 3) { if(mushroom_input == i + 2) { applyMushroomText(list_etChoice[i], text) } } } } @SuppressLint("InflateParams") private fun showRecommendedPlugin(title : String?) { val res_id = when(getString(R.string.language_code)) { "ja" -> R.raw.recommended_plugin_ja "fr" -> R.raw.recommended_plugin_fr else -> R.raw.recommended_plugin_en } this.loadRawResource(res_id)?.let { data -> val text = data.decodeUTF8() val viewRoot = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.dlg_plugin_missing, null, false) val tvText = viewRoot.findViewById( val lcc = object : LinkHelper { override val host : String? get() = null } val sv = DecodeOptions(this@ActPost, lcc).decodeHTML(text) tvText.text = sv tvText.movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() val tvTitle = viewRoot.findViewById( if(title?.isEmpty() != false) { tvTitle.visibility = View.GONE } else { tvTitle.text = title } AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setView(viewRoot) .setCancelable(true) .setNeutralButton(R.string.close, null) .show() } } private fun showEnquete() { llEnquete.visibility = if(cbEnquete.isChecked) View.VISIBLE else View.GONE } private val commitContentListener = InputConnectionCompat.OnCommitContentListener { inputContentInfo : InputContentInfoCompat, flags : Int, _ : Bundle? -> // Intercepts InputConnection#commitContent API calls. // - inputContentInfo : content to be committed // - flags : {@code 0} or {@link #INPUT_CONTENT_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION} // - opts : optional bundle data. This can be {@code null} // return // - true if this request is accepted by the application, // no matter if the request is already handled or still being handled in background. // - false to use the default implementation // read and display inputContentInfo asynchronously if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 25 && flags and InputConnectionCompat.INPUT_CONTENT_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION != 0 ) { try { inputContentInfo.requestPermission() } catch(e : Exception) { return@OnCommitContentListener false // return false if failed } } addAttachment(inputContentInfo.contentUri) { inputContentInfo.releasePermission() } true } }