package jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api import android.content.Context import android.content.SharedPreferences import import org.json.JSONException import org.json.JSONObject import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.App1 import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.Pref import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.ClientInfo import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.SavedAccount import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.R import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.put import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.* import okhttp3.* import org.json.JSONArray import java.util.regex.Pattern class TootApiClient( internal val context : Context, internal val httpClient : SimpleHttpClient = SimpleHttpClientImpl(App1.ok_http_client), internal val callback : TootApiCallback ) { // 認証に関する設定を保存する internal val pref : SharedPreferences // インスタンスのホスト名 var instance : String? = null // アカウントがある場合に使用する var account : SavedAccount? = null set(value) { instance = value?.host field = value } var currentCallCallback : CurrentCallCallback? get() = httpClient.currentCallCallback set(value) { httpClient.currentCallCallback = value } init { pref = Pref.pref(context) } companion object { private val log = LogCategory("TootApiClient") val MEDIA_TYPE_FORM_URL_ENCODED = MediaType.parse("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") val MEDIA_TYPE_JSON = MediaType.parse("application/json;charset=UTF-8") private const val DEFAULT_CLIENT_NAME = "SubwayTooter" internal const val KEY_CLIENT_CREDENTIAL = "SubwayTooterClientCredential" private const val KEY_AUTH_VERSION = "SubwayTooterAuthVersion" private const val AUTH_VERSION = 1 private const val REDIRECT_URL = "subwaytooter://oauth/" private const val NO_INFORMATION = "(no information)" private val reStartJsonArray = Pattern.compile("\\A\\s*\\[") private val reStartJsonObject = Pattern.compile("\\A\\s*\\{") private val mspTokenUrl = "" private val mspSearchUrl = "" private val mspApiKey = "e53de7f66130208f62d1808672bf6320523dcd0873dc69bc" fun getMspMaxId(array : JSONArray, max_id : String) : String { // max_id の更新 val size = array.length() if(size > 0) { val item = array.optJSONObject(size - 1) if(item != null) { val sv = item.optString("msp_id") if(sv?.isNotEmpty() == true) return sv } } return max_id } fun getTootsearchHits(root : JSONObject) : JSONArray? { val hits = root.optJSONObject("hits") return hits?.optJSONArray("hits") } // returns the number for "from" parameter of next page. // returns "" if no more next page. fun getTootsearchMaxId(root : JSONObject, old : String) : String { val old_from = Utils.parse_int(old, 0) val hits2 = getTootsearchHits(root) if(hits2 != null) { val size = hits2.length() return if(size == 0) "" else Integer.toString(old_from + hits2.length()) } return "" } val DEFAULT_JSON_ERROR_PARSER = { json : JSONObject -> Utils.optStringX(json, "error") } internal fun simplifyErrorHtml( response : Response, sv : String, jsonErrorParser : (json : JSONObject) -> String? = DEFAULT_JSON_ERROR_PARSER ) : String { // JSONObjectとして解釈できるならエラーメッセージを検出する try { val data = JSONObject(sv) val error_message = jsonErrorParser(data) if(error_message?.isNotEmpty() == true) { return error_message } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.e(ex, "response body is not JSON or missing 'error' attribute.") } // HTMLならタグの除去を試みる val ct = response.body()?.contentType() if(ct?.subtype() == "html") { return DecodeOptions().decodeHTML(null, null, sv).toString() } // XXX: Amazon S3 が403を返した場合にcontent-typeが?/xmlでserverがAmazonならXMLをパースしてエラーを整形することもできるが、多分必要ない return sv } fun formatResponse( response : Response, caption : String, bodyString : String? = null, jsonErrorParser : (json : JSONObject) -> String? = DEFAULT_JSON_ERROR_PARSER ) : String { val sb = StringBuilder() try { // body は既に読み終わっているか、そうでなければこれから読む if(bodyString != null) { sb.append(simplifyErrorHtml(response, bodyString, jsonErrorParser)) } else { try { val string = response.body()?.string() if(string != null) { sb.append(simplifyErrorHtml(response, string, jsonErrorParser)) } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.e(ex, "missing response body.") sb.append("(missing response body)") } } if(sb.isNotEmpty()) sb.append(' ') sb.append("(HTTP ").append(Integer.toString(response.code())) val message = response.message() if(message != null && message.isNotEmpty()) { sb.append(' ').append(message) } sb.append(")") if(caption.isNotEmpty()) { sb.append(' ').append(caption) } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } return sb.toString().replace("\n+".toRegex(), "\n") } } @Suppress("unused") internal val isApiCancelled : Boolean get() = callback.isApiCancelled fun publishApiProgress(s : String) { callback.publishApiProgress(s) } fun publishApiProgressRatio(value : Int, max : Int) { callback.publishApiProgressRatio(value, max) } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ユーティリティ // リクエストをokHttpに渡してレスポンスを取得する internal inline fun sendRequest( result : TootApiResult, progressPath : String? = null, block : () -> Request ) : Boolean { return try { result.response = null result.bodyString = null = null val request = block() callback.publishApiProgress( context.getString( R.string.request_api , request.method() , progressPath ?: request.url().encodedPath() ) ) result.response = httpClient.getResponse(request) null == result.error } catch(ex : Throwable) { result.setError(result.caption + ": " + Utils.formatError(ex, context.resources, R.string.network_error)) false } } // レスポンスがエラーかボディがカラならエラー状態を設定する // 例外を出すかも internal fun readBodyString( result : TootApiResult, progressPath : String? = null, jsonErrorParser : (json : JSONObject) -> String? = DEFAULT_JSON_ERROR_PARSER ) : String? { if(isApiCancelled) return null val response = result.response !! val request = response.request() if(request != null) { publishApiProgress(context.getString(R.string.reading_api, request.method(), progressPath ?: result.caption)) } val bodyString = response.body()?.string() if(isApiCancelled) return null if(! response.isSuccessful || bodyString?.isEmpty() != false) { result.error = TootApiClient.formatResponse( response, result.caption, if(bodyString?.isNotEmpty() == true) bodyString else NO_INFORMATION, jsonErrorParser ) } return if(result.error != null) { null } else { publishApiProgress(context.getString(R.string.parsing_response)) result.bodyString = bodyString bodyString } } internal fun parseString( result : TootApiResult, progressPath : String? = null, jsonErrorParser : (json : JSONObject) -> String? = DEFAULT_JSON_ERROR_PARSER ) : TootApiResult? { val response = result.response !! // nullにならないはず try { val bodyString = readBodyString(result, progressPath, jsonErrorParser) ?: return if(isApiCancelled) null else result = bodyString } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) result.error = formatResponse(response, result.caption, result.bodyString ?: NO_INFORMATION) } return result } // レスポンスからJSONデータを読む internal fun parseJson( result : TootApiResult, progressPath : String? = null, jsonErrorParser : (json : JSONObject) -> String? = DEFAULT_JSON_ERROR_PARSER ) : TootApiResult? // 引数に指定したresultそのものか、キャンセルされたらnull { val response = result.response !! // nullにならないはず try { val bodyString = readBodyString(result, progressPath, jsonErrorParser) ?: return if(isApiCancelled) null else result if(reStartJsonArray.matcher(bodyString).find()) { = JSONArray(bodyString) } else if(reStartJsonObject.matcher(bodyString).find()) { val json = JSONObject(bodyString) val error_message = jsonErrorParser(json) if(error_message != null) { result.error = error_message } else { = json } } else { result.error = context.getString(R.string.response_not_json) + "\n" + bodyString } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) result.error = formatResponse(response, result.caption, result.bodyString ?: NO_INFORMATION) } return result } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// fun request(path : String, request_builder : Request.Builder = Request.Builder()) : TootApiResult? { val result = TootApiResult.makeWithCaption(instance) if(result.error != null) return result val account = this.account ?: return result.setError("account is null") try { if(! sendRequest(result) { log.d("request: $path") request_builder.url("https://" + instance + path) val access_token = account.getAccessToken() if(access_token?.isNotEmpty() == true) { request_builder.header("Authorization", "Bearer " + access_token) } }) return result return parseJson(result) } finally { val error = result.error if(error != null) log.d("error: $error") } } // 疑似アカウントの追加時に、インスタンスの検証を行う fun getInstanceInformation() : TootApiResult? { val result = TootApiResult.makeWithCaption(instance) if(result.error != null) return result if(! sendRequest(result) { Request.Builder().url("https://$instance/api/v1/instance").build() }) return result return parseJson(result) } // クライアントをタンスに登録 internal fun registerClient(clientName : String) : TootApiResult? { val result = TootApiResult.makeWithCaption(this.instance) if(result.error != null) return result val instance = result.caption // same to instance // OAuth2 クライアント登録 if(! sendRequest(result) { Request.Builder() .url("https://$instance/api/v1/apps") .post(RequestBody.create(MEDIA_TYPE_FORM_URL_ENCODED, "client_name=" + Uri.encode(clientName) + "&redirect_uris=" + Uri.encode(REDIRECT_URL) + "&scopes=read write follow" )) .build() }) return result return parseJson(result) } // クライアントアプリの登録を確認するためのトークンを生成する // oAuth2 Client Credentials の取得 // // このトークンはAPIを呼び出すたびに新しく生成される… internal fun getClientCredential(client_info : JSONObject) : TootApiResult? { val result = TootApiResult.makeWithCaption(this.instance) if(result.error != null) return result if(! sendRequest(result) { Request.Builder() .url("https://$instance/oauth/token") .post(RequestBody.create(MEDIA_TYPE_FORM_URL_ENCODED, "grant_type=client_credentials" + "&client_id=" + Uri.encode(client_info.optString("client_id")) + "&client_secret=" + Uri.encode(client_info.optString("client_secret")) )) .build() }) return result val r2 = parseJson(result) val jsonObject = r2?.jsonObject ?: return r2 val sv = Utils.optStringX(jsonObject, "access_token") if(sv?.isNotEmpty() == true) { = sv } else { = null result.error = "missing client credential." } return result } // client_credentialがまだ有効か調べる internal fun verifyClientCredential(client_credential : String) : TootApiResult? { val result = TootApiResult.makeWithCaption(this.instance) if(result.error != null) return result if(! sendRequest(result) { Request.Builder() .url("https://$instance/api/v1/apps/verify_credentials") .header("Authorization", "Bearer $client_credential") .build() }) return result return parseJson(result) } internal fun prepareBrowserUrl(client_info : JSONObject) : String { val account = this.account // 認証ページURLを作る return ("https://" + instance + "/oauth/authorize" + "?client_id=" + Uri.encode(Utils.optStringX(client_info, "client_id")) + "&response_type=code" + "&redirect_uri=" + Uri.encode(REDIRECT_URL) + "&scope=read+write+follow" + "&scopes=read+write+follow" + "&state=" + (if(account != null) "db:" + account.db_id else "host:" + instance) + "&grant_type=authorization_code" + "&approval_prompt=force" // +"&access_type=offline" ) } // クライアントを登録してブラウザで開くURLを生成する fun authentication1(clientNameArg : String) : TootApiResult? { val result = TootApiResult.makeWithCaption(this.instance) if(result.error != null) return result val instance = result.caption // same to instance // クライアントIDがアプリ上に保存されているか? val client_name = if(clientNameArg.isNotEmpty()) clientNameArg else DEFAULT_CLIENT_NAME val client_info = ClientInfo.load(instance, client_name) if(client_info != null) { var client_credential = Utils.optStringX(client_info, KEY_CLIENT_CREDENTIAL) // client_credential をまだ取得していないなら取得する if(client_credential?.isEmpty() != false) { val resultSub = getClientCredential(client_info) client_credential = resultSub?.string if(client_credential?.isNotEmpty() == true) { try { client_info.put(KEY_CLIENT_CREDENTIAL, client_credential), client_name, client_info.toString()) } catch(ignored : JSONException) { } } } // client_credential があるならcredentialがまだ使えるか確認する if(client_credential?.isNotEmpty() == true) { val resultSub = verifyClientCredential(client_credential) if(resultSub?.jsonObject != null) { = prepareBrowserUrl(client_info) return result } } } val r2 = registerClient(client_name) val jsonObject = r2?.jsonObject ?: return r2 // {"id":999,"redirect_uri":"urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob","client_id":"******","client_secret":"******"} jsonObject.put(KEY_AUTH_VERSION, AUTH_VERSION), client_name, jsonObject.toString()) = prepareBrowserUrl(jsonObject) return result } // oAuth2認証の続きを行う fun authentication2(clientNameArg : String, code : String) : TootApiResult? { val result = TootApiResult.makeWithCaption(instance) if(result.error != null) return result val instance = result.caption // same to instance val client_name = if(clientNameArg.isNotEmpty()) clientNameArg else DEFAULT_CLIENT_NAME val client_info = ClientInfo.load(instance, client_name) ?: return result.setError("missing client id") if(! sendRequest(result) { val post_content = ("grant_type=authorization_code" + "&code=" + Uri.encode(code) + "&client_id=" + Uri.encode(Utils.optStringX(client_info, "client_id")) + "&redirect_uri=" + Uri.encode(REDIRECT_URL) + "&client_secret=" + Uri.encode(Utils.optStringX(client_info, "client_secret")) + "&scope=read+write+follow" + "&scopes=read+write+follow") Request.Builder() .url("https://$instance/oauth/token") .post(RequestBody.create(MEDIA_TYPE_FORM_URL_ENCODED, post_content)) .build() }) return result val r2 = parseJson(result) val token_info = r2?.jsonObject ?: return r2 // {"access_token":"******","token_type":"bearer","scope":"read","created_at":1492334641} val access_token = Utils.optStringX(token_info, "access_token") if(access_token?.isEmpty() != false) { return result.setError("missing access_token in the response.") } return getUserCredential(access_token, token_info) } // アクセストークン手動入力でアカウントを更新する場合 // verify_credentialsを呼び出す fun getUserCredential( access_token : String, tokenInfo : JSONObject = JSONObject() ) : TootApiResult? { val result = TootApiResult.makeWithCaption(instance) if(result.error != null) return result // 認証されたアカウントのユーザ情報を取得する if(! sendRequest(result) { Request.Builder() .url("https://$instance/api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials") .header("Authorization", "Bearer $access_token") .build() }) return result val r2 = parseJson(result) if(r2?.jsonObject != null) { // ユーザ情報を読めたならtokenInfoを保存する tokenInfo.put(KEY_AUTH_VERSION, AUTH_VERSION) tokenInfo.put("access_token", access_token) result.tokenInfo = tokenInfo } return r2 } fun searchMsp(query : String, max_id : String) : TootApiResult? { // ユーザトークンを読む var user_token :String? = Pref.spMspUserToken(pref) for(nTry in 0 until 3) { if(callback.isApiCancelled) return null // ユーザトークンがなければ取得する if( user_token == null || user_token.isEmpty() ){ callback.publishApiProgress("get MSP user token...") val result : TootApiResult = TootApiResult.makeWithCaption("Mastodon Search Portal") if(result.error != null) return result if(! sendRequest(result) { Request.Builder() .url(mspTokenUrl + "?apikey=" + Uri.encode(mspApiKey)) .build() }) return result val r2 = parseJson(result) { json -> val error = Utils.optStringX(json, "error") if(error == null) { null } else { val type = Utils.optStringX(json, "type") "error: $type $error" } } val jsonObject = r2?.jsonObject ?: return r2 user_token = jsonObject.optJSONObject("result")?.optString("token") if(user_token?.isEmpty() != false) { return result.setError("Can't get MSP user token. response=${result.bodyString}") }else{ pref.edit().put( Pref.spMspUserToken,user_token).apply() } } // ユーザトークンを使って検索APIを呼び出す val result : TootApiResult = TootApiResult.makeWithCaption("Mastodon Search Portal") if(result.error != null) return result if(! sendRequest(result) { val url = (mspSearchUrl + "?apikey=" + Uri.encode(mspApiKey) + "&utoken=" + Uri.encode(user_token) + "&q=" + Uri.encode(query) + "&max=" + Uri.encode(max_id)) Request.Builder().url(url).build() }) return result var isUserTokenError = false val r2 = parseJson(result) { json -> val error = Utils.optStringX(json, "error") if(error == null) { null } else { // ユーザトークンがダメなら生成しなおす val detail = json.optString("detail") if("utoken" == detail) { isUserTokenError = true } val type = Utils.optStringX(json, "type") "API returns error: $type $error" } } if(r2 == null || ! isUserTokenError) return r2 } return TootApiResult("MSP user token retry exceeded.") } fun searchTootsearch( query : String, max_id : String // 空文字列、もしくはfromに指定するパラメータ ) : TootApiResult? { val result = TootApiResult.makeWithCaption("Tootsearch") if(result.error != null) return result if(! sendRequest(result) { val url = ("" + "?sort=" + Uri.encode("created_at:desc") + "&from=" + max_id + "&q=" + Uri.encode(query)) Request.Builder() .url(url) .build() }) return result return parseJson(result) } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // JSONデータ以外を扱うリクエスト // 疑似アカウントでステータスURLからステータスIDを取得するためにHTMLを取得する fun getHttp(url : String) : TootApiResult? { val result = TootApiResult.makeWithCaption(url) if(result.error != null) return result if(! sendRequest(result, progressPath = url) { Request.Builder().url(url).build() }) return result return parseString(result) } fun webSocket(path : String, ws_listener : WebSocketListener) : TootApiResult? { val result = TootApiResult.makeWithCaption(instance) if(result.error != null) return result val account = this.account ?: return TootApiResult("account is null") try { var url = "wss://$instance$path" val request_builder = Request.Builder() val access_token = account.getAccessToken() if(access_token?.isNotEmpty() == true) { val delm = if(- 1 != url.indexOf('?')) '&' else '?' url = url + delm + "access_token=" + Uri.encode(access_token) } val request = request_builder.url(url).build() publishApiProgress(context.getString(R.string.request_api, request.method(), path)) val ws = httpClient.getWebSocket(request, ws_listener) if(isApiCancelled) { ws.cancel() return null } = ws } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) result.error = result.caption + ": " + Utils.formatError(ex, context.resources, R.string.network_error) } return result } }