package jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util import android.os.Handler import android.os.SystemClock import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread import import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.R import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootApiCallback import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootApiClient import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootApiResult import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.auth.AuthBase import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.EntityId import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.InstanceType import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.ServiceType import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.TootAttachment import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.TootAttachment.Companion.tootAttachment import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.TootInstance import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.parseItem import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.runApiTask import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.SavedAccount import jp.juggler.util.coroutine.AppDispatchers import jp.juggler.util.coroutine.launchIO import import import import import import import import jp.juggler.util.log.LogCategory import jp.juggler.util.log.showToast import jp.juggler.util.log.withCaption import import import import import import import kotlinx.coroutines.CancellationException import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ClosedReceiveChannelException import kotlinx.coroutines.delay import kotlinx.coroutines.isActive import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext import okhttp3.MultipartBody import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException import kotlin.coroutines.coroutineContext class AttachmentUploader( activity: AppCompatActivity, private val handler: Handler, ) { companion object { val log = LogCategory("AttachmentUploader") } private val safeContext = activity.applicationContext!! private var lastAttachmentAdd = 0L private var lastAttachmentComplete = 0L private val channel = Channel(capacity = Channel.UNLIMITED) init { launchIO { while (true) { try { val request = channel.receive() if ( continue withContext(AppDispatchers.MainImmediate) { val pa = pa.status = try { withContext(pa.job + AppDispatchers.IO) { request.upload() } = "" val now = System.currentTimeMillis() if (now - lastAttachmentComplete >= 5000L) { safeContext.showToast(false, R.string.attachment_uploaded) } lastAttachmentComplete = now PostAttachment.Status.Ok } catch (ex: Throwable) { if (ex is CancellationException) { // キャンセルはメッセージを出さない } else if (ex.message?.contains("cancel", ignoreCase = true) == true) { // キャンセルはメッセージを出さない } else if (ex is IllegalStateException) { safeContext.showToast(true, "${ex.message}") } else { safeContext.showToast(true, ex.withCaption("upload failed.")) } PostAttachment.Status.Error } // 投稿中に画面回転があった場合、新しい画面のコールバックを呼び出す必要がある pa.callback?.onPostAttachmentComplete(pa) } } catch (ex: Throwable) { when (ex) { is CancellationException -> { log.i("AttachmentUploader: channel cancelled.") break } is ClosedChannelException, is ClosedReceiveChannelException -> { log.i("AttachmentUploader: channel closed.") break } else -> safeContext.showToast(ex) } } } } } fun onActivityDestroy() { try { channel.close() } catch (ignored: Throwable) { } } fun addRequest(request: AttachmentRequest) { = safeContext.getString(R.string.attachment_handling_start) // マストドンは添付メディアをID順に表示するため // 画像が複数ある場合は一つずつ処理する必要がある // 投稿画面ごとに作成したチャネルにsendして、受け側は順次処理する launchIO { try { val now = System.currentTimeMillis() // アップロード開始トースト(連発しない) if (now - lastAttachmentAdd >= 5000L) { safeContext.showToast(false, R.string.attachment_uploading) } lastAttachmentAdd = now channel.send(request) } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.e(ex, "addRequest failed.") } } } @WorkerThread private suspend fun AttachmentRequest.upload() { val account = this.account val instance = this.instance() val mediaConfig = this.mediaConfig() // ensure mimeType this.mimeType if (instance.instanceType == InstanceType.Pixelfed && isReply) { error(safeContext.getString(R.string.pixelfed_does_not_allow_reply_with_media)) } val client = TootApiClient(safeContext, callback = object : TootApiCallback { override suspend fun isApiCancelled() = !coroutineContext.isActive }) client.account = account client.currentCallCallback = {} // 入力データの変換など val opener = this.createOpener() try { val maxBytes = when (opener.isImage) { true -> maxBytesImage(instance, mediaConfig) else -> maxBytesVideo(instance, mediaConfig) } if (opener.contentLength > maxBytes.toLong()) { error(safeContext.getString(R.string.file_size_too_big, maxBytes / 1_000_000)) } else if (!opener.mimeType.mimeTypeIsSupported(instance)) { error(safeContext.getString(R.string.mime_type_not_acceptable, opener.mimeType)) } val fileName = fixDocumentName( getDocumentName(safeContext.contentResolver, uri), fixExt = opener.fixExt, ) pa.progress = safeContext.getString(R.string.attachment_handling_uploading, 0) fun writeProgress(percent: Int) { pa.progress = if (percent < 100) { safeContext.getString(R.string.attachment_handling_uploading, percent) } else { safeContext.getString(R.string.attachment_handling_waiting) } } if (account.isMisskey) { val multipartBuilder = MultipartBody.Builder() .setType(MultipartBody.FORM) val apiKey = account.tokenJson?.string(AuthBase.KEY_API_KEY_MISSKEY) if (apiKey?.isNotEmpty() == true) { multipartBuilder.addFormDataPart("i", apiKey) } multipartBuilder.addFormDataPart( "file", fileName, opener.toRequestBody { writeProgress(it) }, ) val result = client.request( "/api/drive/files/create", ) opener.deleteTempFile() result ?: throw CancellationException() val jsonObject = result.jsonObject ?: error(result.error ?: "missing error detail") pa.attachment = parseItem(jsonObject) { tootAttachment(ServiceType.MISSKEY, it) } ?: error("TootAttachment.parse failed") } else { suspend fun postMedia(path: String) = client.request( path, MultipartBody.Builder() .setType(MultipartBody.FORM) .addFormDataPart( "file", fileName, opener.toRequestBody { writeProgress(it) }, ) .build().toPost() ) suspend fun postV1() = postMedia("/api/v1/media") suspend fun postV2(): TootApiResult? { // 3.1.3未満は v1 APIを使う if (!instance.versionGE(TootInstance.VERSION_3_1_3)) { return postV1() } // v2 APIを試す val result = postMedia("/api/v2/media") ?: throw CancellationException() val code = result.response?.code // complete,or 4xx error when { // 404ならv1 APIにフォールバック code == 404 -> return postV1() // 202 accepted 以外はポーリングしない code != 202 -> return result } // ポーリングして処理完了を待つ pa.progress = safeContext.getString(R.string.attachment_handling_waiting_async) val id = parseItem(result.jsonObject) { tootAttachment(ServiceType.MASTODON, it) }?.id ?: error("/api/v2/media did not return the media ID.") var lastResponse = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() while (true) { delay(1000L) val r2 = client.request("/api/v1/media/$id") ?: throw CancellationException() val now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() when (r2.response?.code) { // complete,or 4xx error 200, in 400 until 500 -> return r2 // continue to wait 206 -> lastResponse = now // temporary errors, check timeout without 206 response. else -> if (now - lastResponse >= 120000L) error("timeout.") } } } val result = postV2() ?: throw CancellationException() val jsonObject = result.jsonObject ?: error(result.error ?: "missing error detail") pa.attachment = parseItem(jsonObject) { tootAttachment(ServiceType.MASTODON, it) } ?: error("TootAttachment.parse failed") } } finally { opener.deleteTempFile() } } private fun fixDocumentName(s: String, fixExt: String?): String { val sLength = s.length val m = """([^\x20-\x7f])""".asciiPattern().matcher(s) m.reset() val sb = StringBuilder(sLength) var lastEnd = 0 while (m.find()) { sb.append(s.substring(lastEnd, m.start())) val escaped = m.groupEx(1)!!.encodeUTF8().encodeHex() sb.append(escaped) lastEnd = m.end() } if (lastEnd < sLength) sb.append(s.substring(lastEnd, sLength)) var escaped = sb.toString() if (!fixExt.isNullOrEmpty()) { escaped = """\.[^./\\]*\z""".toRegex().replace(escaped, "") + ".${fixExt}" } return escaped } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 添付データのカスタムサムネイル suspend fun uploadCustomThumbnail( account: SavedAccount, src: GetContentResultEntry, pa: PostAttachment, ): TootApiResult? = try { safeContext.runApiTask(account) { client -> val ar = AttachmentRequest( context = safeContext, account = account, pa = pa, uri = src.uri, mimeTypeArg = src.mimeType, imageResizeConfig = ResizeConfig(ResizeType.SquarePixel, 400), maxBytesImage = { _, _ -> 1000000 }, maxBytesVideo = { _, _ -> 1000000 }, ) val instance = ar.instance() val mediaConfig = ar.mediaConfig() val maxBytesImage = ar.maxBytesImage(instance, mediaConfig) val opener = ar.createOpener() try { if (opener.contentLength > maxBytesImage.toLong()) { return@runApiTask TootApiResult( getString( R.string.file_size_too_big, maxBytesImage / 1000000 ) ) } val fileName = fixDocumentName( getDocumentName(safeContext.contentResolver, src.uri), fixExt = opener.fixExt, ) if (account.isMisskey) { TootApiResult("custom thumbnail is not supported on misskey account.") } else { val result = client.request( "/api/v1/media/${pa.attachment?.id}", MultipartBody.Builder() .setType(MultipartBody.FORM) .addFormDataPart( "thumbnail", fileName, opener.toRequestBody(), ) .build().toPut() ) val jsonObject = result?.jsonObject if (jsonObject != null) { val a = parseItem(jsonObject) { tootAttachment(ServiceType.MASTODON, it) } if (a == null) { result.error = "TootAttachment.parse failed" } else { pa.attachment = a } } result } } finally { opener.deleteTempFile() } } } catch (ex: Throwable) { TootApiResult(ex.withCaption("uploadCustomThumbnail failed.")) } suspend fun setAttachmentDescription( account: SavedAccount, attachmentId: EntityId, description: String, ): Pair { var resultAttachment: TootAttachment? = null val result = try { safeContext.runApiTask(account) { client -> if (account.isMisskey) { client.request( "/api/drive/files/update", account.putMisskeyApiToken().apply { put("fileId", attachmentId.toString()) put("comment", description) }.toPostRequestBuilder() )?.also { result -> resultAttachment = parseItem(result.jsonObject) { tootAttachment(ServiceType.MISSKEY, it) } } } else { client.request( "/api/v1/media/$attachmentId", buildJsonObject { put("description", description) }.toPutRequestBuilder() )?.also { result -> resultAttachment = parseItem(result.jsonObject) { tootAttachment(ServiceType.MASTODON, it) } } } } } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.e(ex, "setAttachmentDescription failed.") TootApiResult(ex.withCaption("setAttachmentDescription failed.")) } return Pair(result, resultAttachment) } }