package jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util import android.content.ContentValues import android.content.Context import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabaseCorruptException import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper import import import import import android.os.Handler import android.os.SystemClock import android.provider.BaseColumns import com.caverock.androidsvg.SVG import jp.juggler.apng.ApngFrames import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.App1 import jp.juggler.util.LogCategory import jp.juggler.util.TableCompanion import jp.juggler.util.getBlobOrNull import jp.juggler.util.getLong import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel import import java.lang.ref.WeakReference import java.util.* import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import kotlin.math.ceil class CustomEmojiCache( val context: Context, private val handler: Handler, ) { companion object { private val log = LogCategory("CustomEmojiCache") internal const val DEBUG = false internal const val CACHE_MAX = 512 // 使用中のビットマップは掃除しないので、頻度によってはこれより多くなることもある internal const val ERROR_EXPIRE = 60000L * 10 private val elapsedTime: Long get() = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() // カスタム絵文字のキャッシュ専用のデータベースファイルを作る // (DB破損などの際に削除してしまえるようにする) private const val CACHE_DB_NAME = "emoji_cache_db" private const val CACHE_DB_VERSION = 1 } private class DbCache( val id: Long, val timeUsed: Long, val data: ByteArray, ) { companion object : TableCompanion { override val table = "custom_emoji_cache" const val COL_ID = BaseColumns._ID const val COL_TIME_SAVE = "time_save" const val COL_TIME_USED = "time_used" const val COL_URL = "url" const val COL_DATA = "data" override fun onDBCreate(db: SQLiteDatabase) { db.execSQL( """create table if not exists $table ($COL_ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ,$COL_TIME_SAVE integer not null ,$COL_TIME_USED integer not null ,$COL_URL text not null ,$COL_DATA blob not null )""".trimIndent() ) db.execSQL("create unique index if not exists ${table}_url on $table($COL_URL)") db.execSQL("create index if not exists ${table}_old on $table($COL_TIME_USED)") } override fun onDBUpgrade( db: SQLiteDatabase, oldVersion: Int, newVersion: Int, ) { } fun load(db: SQLiteDatabase, url: String, now: Long) = db.rawQuery( "select $COL_ID,$COL_TIME_USED,$COL_DATA from $table where $COL_URL=?", arrayOf(url) )?.use { cursor -> if (cursor.moveToNext()) { DbCache( id = cursor.getLong(COL_ID), timeUsed = cursor.getLong(COL_TIME_USED), data = cursor.getBlobOrNull(COL_DATA)!! ).apply { if (now - timeUsed >= 5 * 3600000L) { db.update( table, ContentValues().apply { put(COL_TIME_USED, now) }, "$COL_ID=?", arrayOf(id.toString()) ) } } } else { null } } fun sweep(db: SQLiteDatabase, now: Long) { val expire = now - TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(30) db.delete( table, "$COL_TIME_USED < ?", arrayOf(expire.toString()) ) } fun update(db: SQLiteDatabase, url: String, data: ByteArray) { val now = System.currentTimeMillis() db.replace(table, null, ContentValues().apply { put(COL_URL, url) put(COL_DATA, data) put(COL_TIME_USED, now) put(COL_TIME_SAVE, now) } ) } } } private class DbOpenHelper(val context: Context) : SQLiteOpenHelper(context, CACHE_DB_NAME, null, CACHE_DB_VERSION) { private val tables = arrayOf(DbCache) override fun onCreate(db: SQLiteDatabase) = tables.forEach { it.onDBCreate(db) } override fun onUpgrade(db: SQLiteDatabase, oldVersion: Int, newVersion: Int) = tables.forEach { it.onDBUpgrade(db, oldVersion, newVersion) } fun deleteDatabase() { try { close() } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } try { SQLiteDatabase.deleteDatabase(context.getDatabasePath(databaseName)) } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } } private class CacheItem(val url: String, var frames: ApngFrames?) { var timeUsed: Long = elapsedTime } private class Request( val refTarget: WeakReference, val url: String, val onLoadComplete: () -> Unit, ) // APNGデコード済のキャッシュデータ private val cache = ConcurrentHashMap() // エラーキャッシュ private val cacheError = ConcurrentHashMap() private val cacheErrorItem = CacheItem("error", null) // リクエストキュー // キャンセル操作の都合上、アクセス時に排他が必要 private val queue = LinkedList() private val dbOpenHelper = DbOpenHelper(context) private var lastSweepDbCache = 0L private val workerLock = Channel(capacity = 8) // 他の変数より後に初期化すること private val workers = (1..4).map { Worker(workerLock) }.toList() // DB処理を行い、SQLiteDatabaseCorruptExceptionを検出したらDBを削除してリトライする private fun useDbCache(block: (SQLiteDatabase) -> T?): T? { for (ignored in (1..3)) { try { val db = dbOpenHelper.writableDatabase ?: break return block(db) } catch (ex: SQLiteDatabaseCorruptException) { log.trace(ex) dbOpenHelper.deleteDatabase() } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.trace(ex) break } } return null } // ネットワーク接続が切り替わったタイミングでエラーキャッシュをクリアする fun onNetworkChanged() { cacheError.clear() } // カラムのリロードボタンを押したタイミングでエラーキャッシュをクリアする fun clearErrorCache() { cacheError.clear() } // tag_target を持つリクエストまたはtagがGCされたリクエストをキューから除去する fun cancelRequest(refTarget: WeakReference) { val targetTag = refTarget.get() ?: return synchronized(queue) { val it = queue.iterator() while (it.hasNext()) { val request = val tag = request.refTarget.get() if (tag === null || tag === targetTag) it.remove() } } } private fun getCached(now: Long, url: String): CacheItem? { // 成功キャッシュ val item = cache[url] if (item != null) { item.timeUsed = now return item } // エラーキャッシュ val timeError = cacheError[url] if (timeError != null && now < timeError + ERROR_EXPIRE) { return cacheErrorItem } return null } fun getFrames( refDrawTarget: WeakReference?, url: String, onLoadComplete: () -> Unit, ): ApngFrames? { try { if (refDrawTarget?.get() == null) { log.e("draw: DrawTarget is null ") return null } cancelRequest(refDrawTarget) // APNG frame cache synchronized(cache) { getCached(elapsedTime, url)?.let { return it.frames } } // キャンセル操作の都合上、排他が必要 synchronized(queue) { queue.addLast(Request(refDrawTarget, url, onLoadComplete)) } workers.first().notifyEx() } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.trace(ex) // たまにcache変数がなぜかnullになる端末があるらしい } return null } fun delete() { synchronized(cache) { for (entry in cache.entries) { entry.value.frames?.dispose() } cache.clear() cacheError.clear() } dbOpenHelper.deleteDatabase() } private inner class Worker(waiter: Channel) : WorkerBase(waiter) { override fun cancel() { // このスレッドはプロセスが生きてる限りキャンセルされない } override suspend fun run() { var ts: Long var te: Long while (true) { try { var queueSize: Int val request = synchronized(queue) { val x = if (queue.isNotEmpty()) queue.removeFirst() else null queueSize = queue.size x } if (request == null) { if (DEBUG) log.d("wait") synchronized(cache) { val now = System.currentTimeMillis() if (now - lastSweepDbCache >= TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(1)) { lastSweepDbCache = now useDbCache { DbCache.sweep(it, now) } } } ts = elapsedTime waitEx(86400000L) te = elapsedTime if (te - ts >= 200L) log.d("sleep ${te - ts}ms") continue } // 描画先がGCされたなら何もしない request.refTarget.get() ?: continue ts = elapsedTime var cacheSize: Int = -1 val cacheUsed = synchronized(cache) { val now = elapsedTime val item = getCached(now, request.url) if (item != null) { if (item.frames != null) { fireCallback(request) } return@synchronized true } sweepCache(now) cacheSize = cache.size return@synchronized false } te = elapsedTime if (te - ts >= 200L) log.d("cache_used? ${te - ts}ms") if (cacheUsed) continue if (DEBUG) log.d("start get image. queue_size=$queueSize, cache_size=$cacheSize url=${request.url}") val now = System.currentTimeMillis() // データベースからロードしてみる ts = elapsedTime val dbCache = useDbCache { DbCache.load(it, request.url, now) } te = elapsedTime if (te - ts >= 200L) log.d("DbCache.load ${te - ts}ms") var data = dbCache?.data // データベースにblobがなければHTTPリクエスト if (data == null) { ts = elapsedTime data = try { App1.getHttpCached(request.url) } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.trace(ex, "get failed. url=${request.url}") null } te = elapsedTime if (te - ts >= 200L) log.d("image get? ${te - ts}ms") if (data != null) { useDbCache { db -> DbCache.update(db, request.url, data) } } } ts = elapsedTime val frames = try { data?.let { decodeAPNG(it, request.url) } } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.e(ex, "decode failed.") null } te = elapsedTime if (te - ts >= 200L) log.d("image decode? ${te - ts}ms") ts = elapsedTime synchronized(cache) { if (frames == null) { cacheError[request.url] = elapsedTime } else { var item: CacheItem? = cache[request.url] if (item == null) { // 新しいキャッシュ項目 item = CacheItem(request.url, frames) cache[request.url] = item } else { // 古いキャッシュを更新する item.frames?.dispose() item.frames = frames } fireCallback(request) } } te = elapsedTime if (te - ts >= 200L) log.d("update_cache ${te - ts}ms") } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.trace(ex) // Fujitsu F-01H(F01H), 2048MB RAM, Android 6.0 // java.lang.NullPointerException: // at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.get ( // at jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.CustomEmojiCache$ ( waitEx(3000L) } } } private fun fireCallback(request: Request) { { request.onLoadComplete() } } private fun sweepCache(now: Long) { // キャッシュ限界を超過した数 val over = cache.size - CACHE_MAX // 超過した数がある程度大きくなるまで掃除しない if (over <= 64) return // 掃除する候補 val list = ArrayList() for (item in cache.values) { // 最近使われていないものが掃除対象 if (now - item.timeUsed > 1000L) list.add(item) } // 昇順ソート list.sortBy { it.timeUsed } // 古い物から順に捨てる var removed = 0 for (item in list) { cache.remove(item.url) item.frames?.dispose() if (++removed >= over) break } } private fun decodeAPNG(data: ByteArray, url: String): ApngFrames? { try { // APNGをデコード val x = ApngFrames.parse(64) { ByteArrayInputStream(data) } if (x != null) return x // fall thru } catch (ex: Throwable) { if (DEBUG) log.trace(ex) log.e(ex, "PNG decode failed. $url ") } // 通常のビットマップでのロードを試みる try { val b = decodeBitmap(data, 128) if (b != null) { if (DEBUG) log.d("bitmap decoded.") return ApngFrames(b) } else { log.e("Bitmap decode returns null. $url") } // fall thru } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.e(ex, "Bitmap decode failed. $url") } // SVGのロードを試みる try { val b = decodeSVG(url, data, 128.toFloat()) if (b != null) { if (DEBUG) log.d("SVG decoded.") return ApngFrames(b) } // fall thru } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.e(ex, "SVG decode failed. $url") } return null } private val options = BitmapFactory.Options() private fun decodeBitmap( data: ByteArray, @Suppress("SameParameterValue") pixelMax: Int, ): Bitmap? { options.inJustDecodeBounds = true options.inScaled = false options.outWidth = 0 options.outHeight = 0 BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.size, options) var w = options.outWidth var h = options.outHeight if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) { log.e("can't decode bounds.") return null } var bits = 0 while (w > pixelMax || h > pixelMax) { ++bits w = w shr 1 h = h shr 1 } options.inJustDecodeBounds = false options.inSampleSize = 1 shl bits return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0, data.size, options) } private fun decodeSVG( url: String, data: ByteArray, @Suppress("SameParameterValue") pixelMax: Float, ): Bitmap? { try { val svg = SVG.getFromInputStream(ByteArrayInputStream(data)) // the width in pixels, or -1 if there is no width available. // the height in pixels, or -1 if there is no height available. val srcW = svg.documentWidth val srcH = svg.documentHeight val aspect = if (srcW <= 0f || srcH <= 0f) { // widthやheightの情報がない 1f } else { srcW / srcH } val dstW: Float val dstH: Float if (aspect >= 1f) { dstW = pixelMax dstH = pixelMax / aspect } else { dstH = pixelMax dstW = pixelMax * aspect } val wCeil = ceil(dstW) val hCeil = ceil(dstH) // Create a Bitmap to render our SVG to val b = Bitmap.createBitmap(wCeil.toInt(), hCeil.toInt(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888) // Create a Canvas to use for rendering val canvas = Canvas(b) svg.renderToCanvas( canvas, if (aspect >= 1f) { RectF(0f, hCeil - dstH, dstW, dstH) // 後半はw,hを指定する } else { RectF(wCeil - dstW, 0f, dstW, dstH) // 後半はw,hを指定する } ) return b } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.e(ex, "decodeSVG failed. $url") } return null } } }