package jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table import android.content.ContentValues import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase import android.provider.BaseColumns import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.App1 import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.EntityId import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.putMayNull import jp.juggler.util.LogCategory import jp.juggler.util.TableCompanion import jp.juggler.util.getLong import jp.juggler.util.minComparable import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap class NotificationTracking { private var dirty = false private var id = -1L set(value) { dirty = true; field = value } private var accountDbId: Long = 0 set(value) { dirty = true; field = value } private var notificationType: String = "" set(value) { dirty = true; field = value } var nid_read: EntityId? = null set(value) { dirty = true; field = value } var nid_show: EntityId? = null set(value) { dirty = true; field = value } var post_id: EntityId? = null set(value) { dirty = true; field = value } var post_time: Long = 0 set(value) { dirty = true; field = value } fun save(acct: String) { if (dirty) { try { val cv = ContentValues() cv.put(COL_ACCOUNT_DB_ID, accountDbId) cv.put(COL_NOTIFICATION_TYPE, notificationType) nid_read.putMayNull(cv, COL_NID_READ) nid_show.putMayNull(cv, COL_NID_SHOW) post_id.putMayNull(cv, COL_POST_ID) cv.put(COL_POST_TIME, post_time) val rv = App1.database.replaceOrThrow(table, null, cv) if (rv != -1L && id == -1L) id = rv log.d("$acct/$notificationType save. post=($post_id,$post_time)") dirty = false clearCache(accountDbId, notificationType) } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.e(ex, "save failed.") } } } fun updatePost(postId: EntityId, postTime: Long) { this.post_id = postId this.post_time = postTime if (dirty) { try { val cv = ContentValues() postId.putTo(cv, COL_POST_ID) cv.put(COL_POST_TIME, postTime) val rows = App1.database.update( table, cv, WHERE_AID, arrayOf(accountDbId.toString(), notificationType) ) log.d("updatePost account_db_id=$accountDbId, nt=$notificationType, post=$postId,$postTime update_rows=$rows") dirty = false clearCache(accountDbId, notificationType) } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.e(ex, "updatePost failed.") } } } companion object : TableCompanion { private val log = LogCategory("NotificationTracking") override val table = "noti_trac" private const val COL_ID = BaseColumns._ID // アカウントDBの行ID。 サーバ側のIDではない private const val COL_ACCOUNT_DB_ID = "a" // 通知ID。ここまで既読 private const val COL_NID_READ = "nr" // 通知ID。もっとも最近取得したもの private const val COL_NID_SHOW = "ns" // 最後に表示した通知のID private const val COL_POST_ID = "pi" // 最後に表示した通知の作成時刻 private const val COL_POST_TIME = "pt" // 返信だけ通知グループを分ける private const val COL_NOTIFICATION_TYPE = "nt" override fun onDBCreate(db: SQLiteDatabase) { db.execSQL( """ create table if not exists $table ($COL_ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ,$COL_ACCOUNT_DB_ID integer not null ,$COL_NID_READ text ,$COL_NID_SHOW text ,$COL_POST_ID text ,$COL_POST_TIME integer default 0 ,$COL_NOTIFICATION_TYPE text default '' ) """ ) db.execSQL( "create unique index if not exists ${table}_b on $table ($COL_ACCOUNT_DB_ID,$COL_NOTIFICATION_TYPE)" ) } override fun onDBUpgrade(db: SQLiteDatabase, oldVersion: Int, newVersion: Int) { if (newVersion < oldVersion) { try { db.execSQL("drop table if exists $table") } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.trace(ex, "delete DB failed.") } onDBCreate(db) return } if (oldVersion < 2 && newVersion >= 2) { onDBCreate(db) return } if (oldVersion < 40 && newVersion >= 40) { try { db.execSQL("drop index if exists ${table}_a") } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } try { db.execSQL("alter table $table add column $COL_NOTIFICATION_TYPE text default ''") } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } try { db.execSQL( "create unique index if not exists ${table}_b on $table ($COL_ACCOUNT_DB_ID,$COL_NOTIFICATION_TYPE)" ) } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private val cache = ConcurrentHashMap>() private fun ConcurrentHashMap.getOrCreate( key: K, creator: () -> V ): V { var v = this[key] if (v == null) v = creator().also { this[key] = it } return v } private fun loadCache(accountDbId: Long, notificationType: String): NotificationTracking? = cache[accountDbId]?.get(notificationType) private fun clearCache(accountDbId: Long, notificationType: String): NotificationTracking? = cache[accountDbId]?.remove(notificationType) private fun saveCache( accountDbId: Long, notificationType: String, nt: NotificationTracking ) { cache.getOrCreate(accountDbId) { ConcurrentHashMap() }[notificationType] = nt } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private const val WHERE_AID = "$COL_ACCOUNT_DB_ID=? and $COL_NOTIFICATION_TYPE=?" fun load(acct: String, accountDbId: Long, notificationType: String): NotificationTracking { loadCache(accountDbId, notificationType)?.let { dst -> if (!dst.dirty) { log.d( "$acct/$notificationType load-cached. post=(${dst.post_id},${dst.post_time}), read=${dst.nid_read}, show=${dst.nid_show}" ) return dst } } val dst = NotificationTracking() dst.accountDbId = accountDbId dst.notificationType = notificationType try { App1.database.query( table, null, WHERE_AID, arrayOf(accountDbId.toString(), notificationType), null, null, null )?.use { cursor -> if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { = cursor.getLong(COL_ID) dst.post_id = EntityId.from(cursor, COL_POST_ID) dst.post_time = cursor.getLong(COL_POST_TIME) val show = EntityId.from(cursor, COL_NID_SHOW) if (show == null) { dst.nid_show = null dst.nid_read = null } else { dst.nid_show = show val read = EntityId.from(cursor, COL_NID_READ) if (read == null) { dst.nid_read = null } else { val r2 = minComparable(show, read) dst.nid_read = r2 if (r2 != read) { log.i("$acct/$notificationType read>show! clip to $show") val cv = ContentValues() show.putTo(cv, COL_NID_READ) //変数名とキー名が異なるのに注意 val where_args = arrayOf(accountDbId.toString(), notificationType) App1.database.update(table, cv, WHERE_AID, where_args) } } } log.d( "$acct/$notificationType load. post=(${dst.post_id},${dst.post_time}), read=${dst.nid_read}, show=${dst.nid_show}" ) saveCache(accountDbId, notificationType, dst) } } } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.trace(ex, "load failed.") } finally { dst.dirty = false } return dst } fun updateRead(accountDbId: Long, notificationType: String) { try { val where_args = arrayOf(accountDbId.toString(), notificationType) App1.database.query( table, arrayOf(COL_NID_SHOW, COL_NID_READ), WHERE_AID, where_args, null, null, null )?.use { cursor -> when { !cursor.moveToFirst() -> log.e("updateRead[$accountDbId,$notificationType]: can't find the data row.") else -> { val nid_show = EntityId.from(cursor, COL_NID_SHOW) val nid_read = EntityId.from(cursor, COL_NID_READ) when { nid_show == null -> log.e("updateRead[$accountDbId,$notificationType]: nid_show is null.") nid_read != null && nid_read >= nid_show -> log.e("updateRead[$accountDbId,$notificationType]: nid_read already updated.") else -> { log.i("updateRead[$accountDbId,$notificationType]: update nid_read as $nid_show...") val cv = ContentValues() nid_show.putTo(cv, COL_NID_READ) //変数名とキー名が異なるのに注意 App1.database.update(table, cv, WHERE_AID, where_args) clearCache(accountDbId, notificationType) } } } } } } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.e(ex, "updateRead[$accountDbId] failed.") } } fun resetPostAll() { try { val cv = ContentValues() cv.putNull(COL_POST_ID) cv.put(COL_POST_TIME, 0) App1.database.update(table, cv, null, null) cache.clear() } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.e(ex, "resetPostAll failed.") } } // アカウント設定から手動で呼ばれる fun resetTrackingState(accountDbId: Long?) { accountDbId ?: return try { App1.database.delete(table, "$COL_ACCOUNT_DB_ID=?", arrayOf(accountDbId.toString())) cache.remove(accountDbId) } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.e(ex, "resetTrackingState failed.") } } } }