package jp.juggler import import import import import kotlin.test.DefaultAsserter.assertEquals import kotlin.test.DefaultAsserter.assertNotNull import kotlin.test.DefaultAsserter.assertTrue import kotlin.test.Test import kotlin.test.assertContentEquals class BinPackTest { @Test fun testTypes() { fun ByteArray.dump() = joinToString(" ") { "%d".format(it) } fun encodeDecode(v: Any?, expected: Any? = v) { val encoded = v.encodeBinPack() val decoded = encoded.decodeBinPack() val message = "($v ${v?.javaClass?.simpleName}) dump=${encoded.dump()}" when { expected is ByteArray -> assertContentEquals( expected, decoded as? ByteArray, "${v?.javaClass?.simpleName} $v", ) v is Set<*> -> { val decodedSet = (decoded as? BinPackList)?.toSet() assertNotNull("$message decoded?", decodedSet) assertEquals("$message same size", v.size, decodedSet!!.size) assertTrue("$message containsAll 1", v.containsAll(decodedSet)) assertTrue("$message containsAll 2", decodedSet.containsAll(v)) } else -> assertEquals( message, expected, decoded ) } } encodeDecode(null) encodeDecode(true) encodeDecode(false) encodeDecode(ByteArray(0)) encodeDecode(ByteArray(1) { it.toByte() }) encodeDecode(ByteArray(3) { it.toByte() }) encodeDecode("") encodeDecode("日本語") encodeDecode(emptyArray(), BinPackList()) encodeDecode(emptyList(), BinPackList()) encodeDecode(emptySet(), BinPackList()) encodeDecode(arrayOf(null), BinPackList(null)) encodeDecode(listOf(null), BinPackList(null)) encodeDecode(setOf(null)) encodeDecode(arrayOf("a"), BinPackList("a")) encodeDecode(listOf("a"), BinPackList("a")) encodeDecode(setOf("a")) encodeDecode(emptyMap(), BinPackMap()) encodeDecode(mapOf(null to null), BinPackMap(null to null)) encodeDecode(mapOf(1 to 1), BinPackMap(1 to 1)) fun doubleStepSequence(start: Double, endInclusive: Double, step: Double) = sequence { var v = start while (true) { yield(v) val newValue = v + step // 範囲を超えたか、オーバーフローで同じ値になるか if (newValue > endInclusive || newValue == v) break v = newValue } } fun floatStepSequence(start: Float, endInclusive: Float, step: Float) = sequence { var v = start while (true) { yield(v) val newValue = v + step // 範囲を超えたか、オーバーフローで同じ値になるか if (newValue > endInclusive || newValue == v) break v = newValue } } // - ビット数の多い数値型は適当に端折るが、下位ビットが毎回同じにならないよう stepを工夫する encodeDecode(0.0) encodeDecode(Double.NaN) encodeDecode(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) encodeDecode(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) encodeDecode(Double.MIN_VALUE) // nealy 0 positive value encodeDecode(-Double.MAX_VALUE) // negative min end encodeDecode(Double.MAX_VALUE) run { var callCount = 0 for (n in doubleStepSequence( -Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE / (256 - 7 - Double.MIN_VALUE) )) { encodeDecode(n) ++callCount } assertEquals("callCount", 498, callCount) } encodeDecode(0f) encodeDecode(Float.NaN) encodeDecode(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) encodeDecode(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY) encodeDecode(Float.MIN_VALUE) // nealy 0 positive value encodeDecode(-Float.MAX_VALUE) // negative min end encodeDecode(Float.MAX_VALUE) run { var callCount = 0 for (n in floatStepSequence( -Float.MAX_VALUE, Float.MAX_VALUE, Float.MAX_VALUE / (256 - 7 - Float.MIN_VALUE) )) { encodeDecode(n) ++callCount } assertEquals("callCount", 499, callCount) } // - ByteとShortにはIntRangeと同等のクラスがない encodeDecode(0.toByte()) encodeDecode(Byte.MIN_VALUE) encodeDecode(Byte.MAX_VALUE) for (n in Byte.MIN_VALUE.toInt()..Byte.MAX_VALUE.toInt()) { encodeDecode(n.toByte()) } encodeDecode(0.toShort()) encodeDecode(Short.MIN_VALUE) encodeDecode(Short.MAX_VALUE) for (n in Short.MIN_VALUE.toInt()..Short.MAX_VALUE.toInt() step 1.shl(Short.SIZE_BITS - 8) - 7) { encodeDecode(n.toShort()) } encodeDecode(0.toChar()) encodeDecode(Char.MIN_VALUE) encodeDecode(Char.MAX_VALUE) for (n in Char.MIN_VALUE..Char.MAX_VALUE step 1.shl(Char.SIZE_BITS - 8) - 7) { encodeDecode(n) } encodeDecode(0) encodeDecode(Int.MIN_VALUE) encodeDecode(Int.MAX_VALUE) for (n in Int.MIN_VALUE..Int.MAX_VALUE step 1.shl(Int.SIZE_BITS - 8) - 7) { encodeDecode(n) } encodeDecode(0.toLong()) encodeDecode(Long.MIN_VALUE) encodeDecode(Long.MAX_VALUE) for (n in Long.MIN_VALUE..Long.MAX_VALUE step 1L.shl(Long.SIZE_BITS - 8) - 7) { encodeDecode(n) } } }