package jp.juggler.subwaytooter import android.Manifest import android.annotation.SuppressLint import import android.content.ContentValues import android.content.Intent import android.content.SharedPreferences import import import import import android.os.AsyncTask import android.os.Build import android.os.Bundle import android.os.Handler import android.provider.MediaStore import android.provider.Settings import import import import import android.text.Editable import android.text.SpannableString import android.text.TextWatcher import android.view.View import android.widget.* import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.* import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.* import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.dialog.ActionsDialog import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.dialog.ProgressDialogEx import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.AcctColor import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.SavedAccount import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.* import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.view.MyNetworkImageView import jp.juggler.util.* import okhttp3.MediaType import okhttp3.MultipartBody import okhttp3.RequestBody import okio.BufferedSink import org.json.JSONObject import* import java.util.regex.Pattern class ActAccountSetting : AppCompatActivity(), View.OnClickListener, CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener { companion object { internal val log = LogCategory("ActAccountSetting") internal const val KEY_ACCOUNT_DB_ID = "account_db_id" internal const val REQUEST_CODE_ACCT_CUSTOMIZE = 1 internal const val REQUEST_CODE_NOTIFICATION_SOUND = 2 private const val REQUEST_CODE_AVATAR_ATTACHMENT = 3 private const val REQUEST_CODE_HEADER_ATTACHMENT = 4 private const val REQUEST_CODE_AVATAR_CAMERA = 5 private const val REQUEST_CODE_HEADER_CAMERA = 6 internal const val RESULT_INPUT_ACCESS_TOKEN = Activity.RESULT_FIRST_USER + 10 internal const val EXTRA_DB_ID = "db_id" internal const val max_length_display_name = 30 internal const val max_length_note = 160 internal const val max_length_fields = 255 private const val PERMISSION_REQUEST_AVATAR = 1 private const val PERMISSION_REQUEST_HEADER = 2 internal const val MIME_TYPE_JPEG = "image/jpeg" internal const val MIME_TYPE_PNG = "image/png" fun open(activity : Activity, ai : SavedAccount, requestCode : Int) { val intent = Intent(activity, intent.putExtra(KEY_ACCOUNT_DB_ID, ai.db_id) activity.startActivityForResult(intent, requestCode) } } internal lateinit var account : SavedAccount internal lateinit var pref : SharedPreferences private lateinit var tvInstance : TextView private lateinit var tvUser : TextView private lateinit var btnAccessToken : View private lateinit var btnInputAccessToken : View private lateinit var btnAccountRemove : View private lateinit var btnVisibility : Button private lateinit var swNSFWOpen : Switch private lateinit var swDontShowTimeout : Switch private lateinit var btnOpenBrowser : Button private lateinit var btnPushSubscription : Button private lateinit var cbNotificationMention : CheckBox private lateinit var cbNotificationBoost : CheckBox private lateinit var cbNotificationFavourite : CheckBox private lateinit var cbNotificationFollow : CheckBox private lateinit var cbNotificationReaction : CheckBox private lateinit var cbNotificationVote : CheckBox private lateinit var cbConfirmFollow : CheckBox private lateinit var cbConfirmFollowLockedUser : CheckBox private lateinit var cbConfirmUnfollow : CheckBox private lateinit var cbConfirmBoost : CheckBox private lateinit var cbConfirmFavourite : CheckBox private lateinit var cbConfirmUnboost : CheckBox private lateinit var cbConfirmUnfavourite : CheckBox private lateinit var cbConfirmToot : CheckBox private lateinit var tvUserCustom : TextView private lateinit var btnUserCustom : View private lateinit var full_acct : String private lateinit var btnNotificationSoundEdit : Button private lateinit var btnNotificationSoundReset : Button private lateinit var btnNotificationStyleEdit : Button private var notification_sound_uri : String? = null private lateinit var ivProfileHeader : MyNetworkImageView private lateinit var ivProfileAvatar : MyNetworkImageView private lateinit var btnProfileAvatar : View private lateinit var btnProfileHeader : View private lateinit var etDisplayName : EditText private lateinit var btnDisplayName : View private lateinit var etNote : EditText private lateinit var cbLocked : CheckBox private lateinit var btnNote : View private lateinit var etDefaultText : EditText private lateinit var name_invalidator : NetworkEmojiInvalidator private lateinit var note_invalidator : NetworkEmojiInvalidator private lateinit var default_text_invalidator : NetworkEmojiInvalidator internal lateinit var handler : Handler internal var loading = false private lateinit var listEtFieldName : List private lateinit var listEtFieldValue : List private lateinit var listFieldNameInvalidator : List private lateinit var listFieldValueInvalidator : List private lateinit var btnFields : View /////////////////////////////////////////////////// internal var visibility = TootVisibility.Public private var uriCameraImage : Uri? = null override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState : Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) App1.setActivityTheme(this, false) this.pref = App1.pref initUI() val a = SavedAccount.loadAccount(this, intent.getLongExtra(KEY_ACCOUNT_DB_ID, - 1L)) if(a == null) { finish() return } this.account = a loadUIFromData(account) initializeProfile() btnOpenBrowser.text = getString(R.string.open_instance_website, } override fun onStop() { PollingWorker.queueUpdateNotification(this) super.onStop() } override fun onActivityResult(requestCode : Int, resultCode : Int, data : Intent?) { when(requestCode) { REQUEST_CODE_ACCT_CUSTOMIZE -> { if(resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { showAcctColor() } } REQUEST_CODE_NOTIFICATION_SOUND -> { if(resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { // RINGTONE_PICKERからの選択されたデータを取得する val uri = data?.extras?.get(RingtoneManager.EXTRA_RINGTONE_PICKED_URI) if(uri is Uri) { notification_sound_uri = uri.toString() saveUIToData() // Ringtone ringtone = RingtoneManager.getRingtone(getApplicationContext(), uri); // TextView ringView = (TextView) findViewById(; // ringView.setText(ringtone.getTitle(getApplicationContext())); // ringtone.setStreamType(AudioManager.STREAM_ALARM); //; // SystemClock.sleep(1000); // ringtone.stop(); } } } REQUEST_CODE_AVATAR_ATTACHMENT, REQUEST_CODE_HEADER_ATTACHMENT -> { if(resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK && data != null) { data.handleGetContentResult(contentResolver).firstOrNull()?.let { addAttachment( requestCode, it.uri, if(it.mimeType?.isNotEmpty() == true) it.mimeType else contentResolver.getType(it.uri) ) } } } REQUEST_CODE_AVATAR_CAMERA, REQUEST_CODE_HEADER_CAMERA -> { if(resultCode != Activity.RESULT_OK) { // 失敗したら DBからデータを削除 val uriCameraImage = this@ActAccountSetting.uriCameraImage if(uriCameraImage != null) { contentResolver.delete(uriCameraImage, null, null) this@ActAccountSetting.uriCameraImage = null } } else { // 画像のURL val uri = data?.data ?: uriCameraImage if(uri != null) { val type = contentResolver.getType(uri) addAttachment(requestCode, uri, type) } } } else -> super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data) } } var density : Float = 1f private fun initUI() { this.density = resources.displayMetrics.density this.handler = Handler() setContentView(R.layout.act_account_setting) Styler.fixHorizontalPadding(findViewById( tvInstance = findViewById( tvUser = findViewById( btnAccessToken = findViewById( btnInputAccessToken = findViewById( btnAccountRemove = findViewById( btnVisibility = findViewById( swNSFWOpen = findViewById( swDontShowTimeout = findViewById( btnOpenBrowser = findViewById( btnPushSubscription = findViewById( cbNotificationMention = findViewById( cbNotificationBoost = findViewById( cbNotificationFavourite = findViewById( cbNotificationFollow = findViewById( cbNotificationReaction = findViewById( cbNotificationVote = findViewById( cbConfirmFollow = findViewById( cbConfirmFollowLockedUser = findViewById( cbConfirmUnfollow = findViewById( cbConfirmBoost = findViewById( cbConfirmFavourite = findViewById( cbConfirmUnboost = findViewById( cbConfirmUnfavourite = findViewById( cbConfirmToot = findViewById( tvUserCustom = findViewById( btnUserCustom = findViewById( ivProfileHeader = findViewById( ivProfileAvatar = findViewById( btnProfileAvatar = findViewById( btnProfileHeader = findViewById( etDisplayName = findViewById( etDefaultText = findViewById( btnDisplayName = findViewById( etNote = findViewById( btnNote = findViewById( cbLocked = findViewById( listEtFieldName = arrayOf(,,, ).map { requireNotNull(findViewById(it)) } listEtFieldValue = arrayOf(,,, ).map { requireNotNull(findViewById(it)) } btnFields = findViewById( btnOpenBrowser.setOnClickListener(this) btnPushSubscription.setOnClickListener(this) btnAccessToken.setOnClickListener(this) btnInputAccessToken.setOnClickListener(this) btnAccountRemove.setOnClickListener(this) btnVisibility.setOnClickListener(this) btnUserCustom.setOnClickListener(this) btnProfileAvatar.setOnClickListener(this) btnProfileHeader.setOnClickListener(this) btnDisplayName.setOnClickListener(this) btnNote.setOnClickListener(this) btnFields.setOnClickListener(this) swNSFWOpen.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this) swDontShowTimeout.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this) cbNotificationMention.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this) cbNotificationBoost.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this) cbNotificationFavourite.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this) cbNotificationFollow.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this) cbNotificationReaction.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this) cbNotificationVote.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this) cbLocked.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this) cbConfirmFollow.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this) cbConfirmFollowLockedUser.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this) cbConfirmUnfollow.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this) cbConfirmBoost.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this) cbConfirmFavourite.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this) cbConfirmUnboost.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this) cbConfirmUnfavourite.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this) cbConfirmToot.setOnCheckedChangeListener(this) btnNotificationSoundEdit = findViewById( btnNotificationSoundReset = findViewById( btnNotificationStyleEdit = findViewById( btnNotificationSoundEdit.setOnClickListener(this) btnNotificationSoundReset.setOnClickListener(this) btnNotificationStyleEdit.setOnClickListener(this) name_invalidator = NetworkEmojiInvalidator(handler, etDisplayName) note_invalidator = NetworkEmojiInvalidator(handler, etNote) default_text_invalidator = NetworkEmojiInvalidator(handler, etDefaultText) listFieldNameInvalidator = { NetworkEmojiInvalidator(handler, it) } listFieldValueInvalidator = { NetworkEmojiInvalidator(handler, it) } etDefaultText.addTextChangedListener(object : TextWatcher { override fun afterTextChanged(s : Editable?) { saveUIToData() } override fun beforeTextChanged( s : CharSequence?, start : Int, count : Int, after : Int ) { } override fun onTextChanged( s : CharSequence?, start : Int, before : Int, count : Int ) { } }) } private fun loadUIFromData(a : SavedAccount) { this.full_acct = a.acct tvInstance.text = tvUser.text = a.acct this.visibility = a.visibility loading = true swNSFWOpen.isChecked = a.dont_hide_nsfw swDontShowTimeout.isChecked = a.dont_show_timeout cbNotificationMention.isChecked = a.notification_mention cbNotificationBoost.isChecked = a.notification_boost cbNotificationFavourite.isChecked = a.notification_favourite cbNotificationFollow.isChecked = a.notification_follow cbNotificationReaction.isChecked = a.notification_reaction cbNotificationVote.isChecked = a.notification_vote cbConfirmFollow.isChecked = a.confirm_follow cbConfirmFollowLockedUser.isChecked = a.confirm_follow_locked cbConfirmUnfollow.isChecked = a.confirm_unfollow cbConfirmBoost.isChecked = a.confirm_boost cbConfirmFavourite.isChecked = a.confirm_favourite cbConfirmUnboost.isChecked = a.confirm_unboost cbConfirmUnfavourite.isChecked = a.confirm_unfavourite cbConfirmToot.isChecked = a.confirm_post notification_sound_uri = a.sound_uri etDefaultText.setText(a.default_text) loading = false val enabled = ! a.isPseudo btnAccessToken.isEnabled = enabled btnInputAccessToken.isEnabled = enabled btnVisibility.isEnabled = enabled btnPushSubscription.isEnabled = enabled btnNotificationSoundEdit.isEnabled = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 26 && enabled btnNotificationSoundReset.isEnabled = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 26 && enabled btnNotificationStyleEdit.isEnabled = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26 && enabled cbNotificationMention.isEnabled = enabled cbNotificationBoost.isEnabled = enabled cbNotificationFavourite.isEnabled = enabled cbNotificationFollow.isEnabled = enabled cbNotificationReaction.isEnabled = enabled cbNotificationVote.isEnabled = enabled cbConfirmFollow.isEnabled = enabled cbConfirmFollowLockedUser.isEnabled = enabled cbConfirmUnfollow.isEnabled = enabled cbConfirmBoost.isEnabled = enabled cbConfirmFavourite.isEnabled = enabled cbConfirmUnboost.isEnabled = enabled cbConfirmUnfavourite.isEnabled = enabled cbConfirmToot.isEnabled = enabled updateVisibility() showAcctColor() } private fun showAcctColor() { val ac = AcctColor.load(full_acct) val nickname = ac.nickname tvUserCustom.text = if(nickname?.isNotEmpty() == true) nickname else full_acct tvUserCustom.setTextColor( if(ac.color_fg != 0) ac.color_fg else getAttributeColor( this, R.attr.colorTimeSmall ) ) tvUserCustom.setBackgroundColor(ac.color_bg) } private fun saveUIToData() { if(! ::account.isInitialized) return if(loading) return account.visibility = visibility account.dont_hide_nsfw = swNSFWOpen.isChecked account.dont_show_timeout = swDontShowTimeout.isChecked account.notification_mention = cbNotificationMention.isChecked account.notification_boost = cbNotificationBoost.isChecked account.notification_favourite = cbNotificationFavourite.isChecked account.notification_follow = cbNotificationFollow.isChecked account.notification_reaction = cbNotificationReaction.isChecked account.notification_vote = cbNotificationVote.isChecked account.sound_uri = notification_sound_uri ?: "" account.confirm_follow = cbConfirmFollow.isChecked account.confirm_follow_locked = cbConfirmFollowLockedUser.isChecked account.confirm_unfollow = cbConfirmUnfollow.isChecked account.confirm_boost = cbConfirmBoost.isChecked account.confirm_favourite = cbConfirmFavourite.isChecked account.confirm_unboost = cbConfirmUnboost.isChecked account.confirm_unfavourite = cbConfirmUnfavourite.isChecked account.confirm_post = cbConfirmToot.isChecked account.default_text = etDefaultText.text.toString() account.saveSetting() } override fun onCheckedChanged(buttonView : CompoundButton, isChecked : Boolean) { if(buttonView == cbLocked) { if(! profile_busy) sendLocked(isChecked) } else { saveUIToData() } } override fun onClick(v : View) { when( { -> performAccessToken() -> inputAccessToken() -> performAccountRemove() -> performVisibility() -> App1.openBrowser(this@ActAccountSetting,"https://" + + "/") -> startTest() -> this, full_acct, false, REQUEST_CODE_ACCT_CUSTOMIZE ) -> openNotificationSoundPicker() -> { notification_sound_uri = "" saveUIToData() } -> pickAvatarImage() -> pickHeaderImage() -> sendDisplayName() -> sendNote() -> sendFields() -> if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) { val channel = NotificationHelper.createNotificationChannel(this, account) val intent = Intent("android.settings.CHANNEL_NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS") intent.putExtra(Settings.EXTRA_CHANNEL_ID, intent.putExtra(Settings.EXTRA_APP_PACKAGE, packageName) startActivity(intent) } } } private fun updateVisibility() { btnVisibility.text = Styler.getVisibilityString(this, account.isMisskey, visibility) } private fun performVisibility() { val list = if(account.isMisskey) { arrayOf( // TootVisibility.WebSetting, TootVisibility.Public, TootVisibility.UnlistedHome, TootVisibility.PrivateFollowers, TootVisibility.LocalPublic, TootVisibility.LocalHome, TootVisibility.LocalFollowers, TootVisibility.DirectSpecified, TootVisibility.DirectPrivate ) } else { arrayOf( TootVisibility.WebSetting, TootVisibility.Public, TootVisibility.UnlistedHome, TootVisibility.PrivateFollowers, TootVisibility.DirectSpecified ) } val caption_list = { Styler.getVisibilityCaption(this, account.isMisskey, it) }.toTypedArray() AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setTitle(R.string.choose_visibility) .setItems(caption_list) { _, which -> if(which in 0 until list.size) { visibility = list[which] updateVisibility() saveUIToData() } } .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, null) .show() } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// private fun performAccountRemove() { AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setTitle(R.string.confirm) .setMessage(R.string.confirm_account_remove) .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, null) .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok) { _, _ -> account.delete() val pref = Pref.pref(this@ActAccountSetting) if(account.db_id == Pref.lpTabletTootDefaultAccount(pref)) { pref.edit().put(Pref.lpTabletTootDefaultAccount, - 1L).apply() } finish() val task = @SuppressLint("StaticFieldLeak") object : AsyncTask() { fun unregister() { try { val install_id = PrefDevice.prefDevice(this@ActAccountSetting) .getString(PrefDevice.KEY_INSTALL_ID, null) if(install_id?.isEmpty() != false) { log.d("performAccountRemove: missing install_id") return } val tag = account.notification_tag if(tag?.isEmpty() != false) { log.d("performAccountRemove: missing notification_tag") return } val call = App1.ok_http_client.newCall( ("instance_url=" + ("https://" + + "&app_id=" + packageName.encodePercent() + "&tag=" + tag ) .toRequestBody() .toPost() .url(PollingWorker.APP_SERVER + "/unregister") .build() ) val response = call.execute() log.e("performAccountRemove: %s", response) } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex, "performAccountRemove failed.") } } override fun doInBackground(vararg params : Void) : String? { unregister() return null } override fun onCancelled(s : String?) { onPostExecute(s) } override fun onPostExecute(s : String?) { } } task.executeOnExecutor(App1.task_executor) } .show() } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// private fun performAccessToken() { TootTaskRunner(this@ActAccountSetting).run(account, object : TootTask { override fun background(client : TootApiClient) : TootApiResult? { return client.authentication1(Pref.spClientName(this@ActAccountSetting)) } override fun handleResult(result : TootApiResult?) { result ?: return // cancelled. val uri = result.string.mayUri() val error = result.error when { uri != null -> { val data = Intent() = uri setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, data) finish() } error != null -> { showToast(this@ActAccountSetting, true, error) log.e("can't get oauth browser URL. $error") } } } }) } private fun inputAccessToken() { val data = Intent() data.putExtra(EXTRA_DB_ID, account.db_id) setResult(RESULT_INPUT_ACCESS_TOKEN, data) finish() } private fun openNotificationSoundPicker() { val intent = Intent(RingtoneManager.ACTION_RINGTONE_PICKER) intent.putExtra(RingtoneManager.EXTRA_RINGTONE_TYPE, RingtoneManager.TYPE_NOTIFICATION) intent.putExtra(RingtoneManager.EXTRA_RINGTONE_TITLE, R.string.notification_sound) intent.putExtra(RingtoneManager.EXTRA_RINGTONE_SHOW_SILENT, false) intent.putExtra(RingtoneManager.EXTRA_RINGTONE_SHOW_DEFAULT, false) notification_sound_uri.mayUri()?.let { uri -> intent.putExtra(RingtoneManager.EXTRA_RINGTONE_EXISTING_URI, uri) } val chooser = Intent.createChooser(intent, getString(R.string.notification_sound)) startActivityForResult(chooser, REQUEST_CODE_NOTIFICATION_SOUND) } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private fun initializeProfile() { // 初期状態 val question_id = getAttributeResourceId(this, R.attr.ic_question) ivProfileAvatar.setErrorImageResId(question_id) ivProfileAvatar.setDefaultImageResId(question_id) val loadingText = when(account.isPseudo) { true -> "(disabled for pseudo account)" else -> "(loading…)" } etDisplayName.setText(loadingText) etNote.setText(loadingText) // 初期状態では編集不可能 btnProfileAvatar.isEnabled = false btnProfileHeader.isEnabled = false etDisplayName.isEnabled = false btnDisplayName.isEnabled = false etNote.isEnabled = false btnNote.isEnabled = false cbLocked.isEnabled = false for(et in listEtFieldName) { et.setText(loadingText) et.isEnabled = false } for(et in listEtFieldValue) { et.setText(loadingText) et.isEnabled = false } // 疑似アカウントなら編集不可のまま if(! account.isPseudo) loadProfile() } private fun loadProfile() { // サーバから情報をロードする TootTaskRunner(this).run(account, object : TootTask { var data : TootAccount? = null override fun background(client : TootApiClient) : TootApiResult? { if(account.isMisskey) { val params = account.putMisskeyApiToken(JSONObject()) val result = client.request("/api/i", params.toPostRequestBuilder()) val jsonObject = result?.jsonObject if(jsonObject != null) { data = TootParser(this@ActAccountSetting, account).account(jsonObject) if(data == null) return TootApiResult("TootAccount parse failed.") } return result } else { var result = account.checkConfirmed(this@ActAccountSetting,client) if(result == null || result.error!=null) return result result = client.request("/api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials") val jsonObject = result?.jsonObject if(jsonObject != null) { data = TootParser(this@ActAccountSetting, account).account(jsonObject) if(data == null) return TootApiResult("TootAccount parse failed.") } return result } } override fun handleResult(result : TootApiResult?) { if(result == null) return // cancelled. val data = if(data != null) { showProfile(data) } else { showToast(this@ActAccountSetting, true, result.error) } } }) } var profile_busy : Boolean = false internal fun showProfile(src : TootAccount) { profile_busy = true try { ivProfileAvatar.setImageUrl( App1.pref, Styler.calcIconRound(ivProfileAvatar.layoutParams), src.avatar_static, src.avatar ) ivProfileHeader.setImageUrl( App1.pref, 0f, src.header_static, src.header ) val decodeOptions = DecodeOptions( context = this@ActAccountSetting, linkHelper = account, emojiMapProfile = src.profile_emojis, emojiMapCustom = src.custom_emojis ) // fieldsのnameにはカスタム絵文字が適用されない val decodeOptionsNoCustomEmoji = DecodeOptions( context = this@ActAccountSetting, linkHelper = account, emojiMapProfile = src.profile_emojis ) val display_name = src.display_name val name = decodeOptions.decodeEmoji(display_name) etDisplayName.setText(name) name_invalidator.register(name) val noteString = src.source?.note ?: src.note val noteSpannable = when { account.isMisskey -> { SpannableString(noteString ?: "") } else -> { decodeOptions.decodeEmoji(noteString) } } etNote.setText(noteSpannable) note_invalidator.register(noteSpannable) cbLocked.isChecked = src.locked // 編集可能にする btnProfileAvatar.isEnabled = true btnProfileHeader.isEnabled = true etDisplayName.isEnabled = true btnDisplayName.isEnabled = true etNote.isEnabled = true btnNote.isEnabled = true cbLocked.isEnabled = true if(src.source?.fields != null) { val fields = src.source.fields listEtFieldName.forEachIndexed { i, et -> val text = decodeOptionsNoCustomEmoji.decodeEmoji( when { i >= fields.size -> "" else -> fields[i].name } ) et.setText(text) et.isEnabled = true val invalidator = NetworkEmojiInvalidator(et.handler, et) invalidator.register(text) } listEtFieldValue.forEachIndexed { i, et -> val text = decodeOptions.decodeEmoji( when { i >= fields.size -> "" else -> fields[i].value } ) et.setText(text) et.isEnabled = true val invalidator = NetworkEmojiInvalidator(et.handler, et) invalidator.register(text) } } else { val fields = src.fields listEtFieldName.forEachIndexed { i, et -> val text = decodeOptionsNoCustomEmoji.decodeEmoji( when { fields == null || i >= fields.size -> "" else -> fields[i].name } ) et.setText(text) et.isEnabled = true val invalidator = NetworkEmojiInvalidator(et.handler, et) invalidator.register(text) } listEtFieldValue.forEachIndexed { i, et -> val text = decodeOptions.decodeHTML( when { fields == null || i >= fields.size -> "" else -> fields[i].value } ) et.text = text et.isEnabled = true val invalidator = NetworkEmojiInvalidator(et.handler, et) invalidator.register(text) } } } finally { profile_busy = false } } private fun updateCredential(key : String, value : Any) { updateCredential(listOf(Pair(key, value))) } private fun updateCredential(args : List>) { TootTaskRunner(this).run(account, object : TootTask { private fun uploadImageMisskey( client : TootApiClient, opener : InputStreamOpener ) : TootApiResult? { val size = getStreamSize(true, val multipart_builder = MultipartBody.Builder() .setType(MultipartBody.FORM) val apiKey = account.token_info?.parseString(TootApiClient.KEY_API_KEY_MISSKEY) if(apiKey?.isNotEmpty() == true) { multipart_builder.addFormDataPart("i", apiKey) } multipart_builder.addFormDataPart( "file", getDocumentName(contentResolver, opener.uri), object : RequestBody() { override fun contentType() : MediaType? { return MediaType.parse(opener.mimeType) } @Throws(IOException::class) override fun contentLength() : Long { return size } @Throws(IOException::class) override fun writeTo(sink : BufferedSink) { { inData -> val tmp = ByteArray(4096) while(true) { val r =, 0, tmp.size) if(r <= 0) break sink.write(tmp, 0, r) } } } } ) val result = client.request( "/api/drive/files/create", ) val jsonObject = result?.jsonObject if(jsonObject != null) { val a = parseItem(::TootAttachment, ServiceType.MISSKEY, jsonObject) if(a == null) { result.error = "TootAttachment.parse failed" } else { = a } } return result } var data : TootAccount? = null override fun background(client : TootApiClient) : TootApiResult? { try { if(account.isMisskey) { val params = account.putMisskeyApiToken() for(arg in args) { val key = arg.first val value = arg.second val misskeyKey = when(key) { "header" -> "bannerId" "avatar" -> "avatarId" "display_name" -> "name" "note" -> "description" "locked" -> "isLocked" else -> return TootApiResult("Misskey does not support property '${key}'") } when(value) { is String -> params.put(misskeyKey, value) is Boolean -> params.put(misskeyKey, value) is InputStreamOpener -> { val result = uploadImageMisskey(client, value) val ta = result?.data as? TootAttachment ?: return result params.put(misskeyKey, } } } val result = client.request("/api/i/update", params.toPostRequestBuilder()) val jsonObject = result?.jsonObject if(jsonObject != null) { val a = TootParser(this@ActAccountSetting, account).account(jsonObject) ?: return TootApiResult("TootAccount parse failed.") data = a } return result } else { val multipart_body_builder = MultipartBody.Builder() .setType(MultipartBody.FORM) for(arg in args) { val key = arg.first val value = arg.second if(value is String) { multipart_body_builder.addFormDataPart(key, value) } else if(value is Boolean) { multipart_body_builder.addFormDataPart( key, if(value) "true" else "false" ) } else if(value is InputStreamOpener) { val fileName = "%x".format(System.currentTimeMillis()) multipart_body_builder.addFormDataPart( key, fileName, object : RequestBody() { override fun contentType() : MediaType? { return MediaType.parse(value.mimeType) } override fun writeTo(sink : BufferedSink) { { inData -> val tmp = ByteArray(4096) while(true) { val r =, 0, tmp.size) if(r <= 0) break sink.write(tmp, 0, r) } } } }) } } val result = client.request( "/api/v1/accounts/update_credentials", ) val jsonObject = result?.jsonObject if(jsonObject != null) { val a = TootParser(this@ActAccountSetting, account).account(jsonObject) ?: return TootApiResult("TootAccount parse failed.") data = a } return result } } finally { for(arg in args) { val value = arg.second (value as? InputStreamOpener)?.deleteTempFile() } } } override fun handleResult(result : TootApiResult?) { if(result == null) return // cancelled. val data = if(data != null) { showProfile(data) } else { showToast(this@ActAccountSetting, true, result.error) for(arg in args) { val key = arg.first val value = arg.second if(key == "locked" && value is Boolean) { profile_busy = true cbLocked.isChecked = ! value profile_busy = false } } } } }) } private fun sendDisplayName(bConfirmed : Boolean = false) { val sv = etDisplayName.text.toString() if(! bConfirmed) { val length = sv.codePointCount(0, sv.length) if(length > max_length_display_name) { AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setMessage( getString( R.string.length_warning, getString(R.string.display_name), length, max_length_display_name ) ) .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, null) .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok) { _, _ -> sendDisplayName(bConfirmed = true) } .setCancelable(true) .show() return } } updateCredential("display_name", EmojiDecoder.decodeShortCode(sv)) } private fun sendNote(bConfirmed : Boolean = false) { val sv = etNote.text.toString() if(! bConfirmed) { val length = countNoteText(sv) if(length > max_length_note) { AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setMessage( getString( R.string.length_warning, getString(R.string.note), length, max_length_note ) ) .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, null) .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok) { _, _ -> sendNote(bConfirmed = true) } .setCancelable(true) .show() return } } updateCredential("note", EmojiDecoder.decodeShortCode(sv)) } // Mastodon 2.7 でnoteの文字数計算が変わる // private val reLinkUrl = Pattern.compile("""(https?://[\w/:%#@${'$'}&?!()\[\]~.=+\-]+)""") private val reMention =Pattern.compile("""(?<=^|[^/\w\p{Pc}])@((\w+([\w.-]+\w+)?)(?:@[a-z0-9.\-]+[a-z0-9]+)?)""",Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE) private val strUrlReplacement = (0 until 23).map{ ' '}.joinToString() private fun countNoteText(s:String):Int{ val s2 = s .replaceAll(reLinkUrl,strUrlReplacement) .replaceAll(reMention,"@\\2") return s2.codePointCount(0,s2.length) } private fun sendLocked(willLocked : Boolean) { updateCredential("locked", willLocked) } private fun sendFields(bConfirmed : Boolean = false) { val args = ArrayList>() var lengthLongest = - 1 for(i in 0 until listEtFieldName.size) { val k = listEtFieldName[i].text.toString().trim() val v = listEtFieldValue[i].text.toString().trim() args.add(Pair("fields_attributes[$i][name]", k)) args.add(Pair("fields_attributes[$i][value]", v)) lengthLongest = Math.max( lengthLongest, Math.max( k.codePointCount(0, k.length), v.codePointCount(0, v.length) ) ) } if(! bConfirmed && lengthLongest > max_length_fields) { AlertDialog.Builder(this) .setMessage( getString( R.string.length_warning, getString(R.string.profile_metadata), lengthLongest, max_length_fields ) ) .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, null) .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok) { _, _ -> sendFields(bConfirmed = true) } .setCancelable(true) .show() return } updateCredential(args) } private fun pickAvatarImage() { openPicker(PERMISSION_REQUEST_AVATAR) } private fun pickHeaderImage() { openPicker(PERMISSION_REQUEST_HEADER) } private fun openPicker(permission_request_code : Int) { val permissionCheck = ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission( this, android.Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE ) if(permissionCheck != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { preparePermission(permission_request_code) return } val a = ActionsDialog() a.addAction(getString(R.string.pick_image)) { performAttachment( if(permission_request_code == PERMISSION_REQUEST_AVATAR) REQUEST_CODE_AVATAR_ATTACHMENT else REQUEST_CODE_HEADER_ATTACHMENT ) } a.addAction(getString(R.string.image_capture)) { performCamera( if(permission_request_code == PERMISSION_REQUEST_AVATAR) REQUEST_CODE_AVATAR_CAMERA else REQUEST_CODE_HEADER_CAMERA ) }, null) } private fun preparePermission(request_code : Int) { if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) { // No explanation needed, we can request the permission. ActivityCompat.requestPermissions( this, arrayOf(Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE), request_code ) return } showToast(this, true, R.string.missing_permission_to_access_media) } override fun onRequestPermissionsResult( requestCode : Int, permissions : Array, grantResults : IntArray ) { when(requestCode) { PERMISSION_REQUEST_AVATAR, PERMISSION_REQUEST_HEADER -> // If request is cancelled, the result arrays are empty. if(grantResults.isNotEmpty() && grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { openPicker(requestCode) } else { showToast(this, true, R.string.missing_permission_to_access_media) } } } private fun performAttachment(request_code : Int) { try { val intent = intentGetContent(false, getString(R.string.pick_image), "image/*") startActivityForResult(intent, request_code) } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex, "performAttachment failed.") showToast(this, ex, "performAttachment failed.") } } private fun performCamera(request_code : Int) { try { // カメラで撮影 val filename = System.currentTimeMillis().toString() + ".jpg" val values = ContentValues() values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.TITLE, filename) values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.MIME_TYPE, "image/jpeg") uriCameraImage = contentResolver.insert(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, values) val intent = Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE) intent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, uriCameraImage) startActivityForResult(intent, request_code) } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex, "opening camera app failed.") showToast(this, ex, "opening camera app failed.") } } internal interface InputStreamOpener { val mimeType : String val uri : Uri @Throws(IOException::class) fun open() : InputStream fun deleteTempFile() } private fun createOpener(uriArg : Uri, mime_type : String) : InputStreamOpener { while(true) { try { // 画像の種別 val is_jpeg = MIME_TYPE_JPEG == mime_type val is_png = MIME_TYPE_PNG == mime_type if(! is_jpeg && ! is_png) { log.d("createOpener: source is not jpeg or png") break } // 設定からリサイズ指定を読む val resize_to = 1280 val bitmap = createResizedBitmap(this, uriArg, resize_to) if(bitmap != null) { try { val cache_dir = externalCacheDir if(cache_dir == null) { showToast(this, false, "getExternalCacheDir returns null.") break } cache_dir.mkdir() val temp_file = File( cache_dir, "tmp." + System.currentTimeMillis() + "." + Thread.currentThread().id ) FileOutputStream(temp_file).use { os -> if(is_jpeg) { bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 95, os) } else { bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, os) } } return object : InputStreamOpener { override val mimeType : String get() = mime_type override val uri : Uri get() = uriArg @Throws(IOException::class) override fun open() = FileInputStream(temp_file) override fun deleteTempFile() { temp_file.delete() } } } finally { bitmap.recycle() } } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex, "Resizing image failed.") showToast(this, ex, "Resizing image failed.") } break } return object : InputStreamOpener { override val mimeType : String get() = mime_type override val uri : Uri get() = uriArg @Throws(IOException::class) override fun open() : InputStream { return contentResolver.openInputStream(uri) ?: error("openInputStream returns null") } override fun deleteTempFile() { } } } private fun addAttachment(request_code : Int, uri : Uri, mime_type : String?) { if(mime_type == null) { showToast(this, false, "mime type is not provided.") return } if(! mime_type.startsWith("image/")) { showToast(this, false, "mime type is not image.") return } val progress = ProgressDialogEx(this) val task = @SuppressLint("StaticFieldLeak") object : AsyncTask() { override fun doInBackground(vararg params : Void) : InputStreamOpener? { return try { createOpener(uri, mime_type) } catch(ex : Throwable) { showToast(this@ActAccountSetting, ex, "image converting failed.") null } } override fun onPostExecute(opener : InputStreamOpener?) { progress.dismiss() if(opener != null) { updateCredential( when(request_code) { REQUEST_CODE_HEADER_ATTACHMENT, REQUEST_CODE_HEADER_CAMERA -> "header" else -> "avatar" }, opener ) } } } progress.isIndeterminate = true progress.setMessage("preparing image…") progress.setOnCancelListener { task.cancel(true) } task.executeOnExecutor(App1.task_executor) } @SuppressLint("StaticFieldLeak") private fun startTest() { TootTaskRunner(this).run(account, object : TootTask { val wps = PushSubscriptionHelper( this@ActAccountSetting, account, verbose = true ) override fun background(client : TootApiClient) : TootApiResult? { return wps.updateSubscription(client) } override fun handleResult(result : TootApiResult?) { result ?: return val log = wps.log if(log.isNotEmpty()) { AlertDialog.Builder(this@ActAccountSetting) .setMessage(log) .setPositiveButton(R.string.close, null) .show() } } }) } }