package jp.juggler.subwaytooter import android.content.Context import android.content.res.ColorStateList import import android.os.SystemClock import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat import import android.text.Spannable import android.text.SpannableString import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder import android.text.TextUtils import import android.util.TypedValue import android.view.Gravity import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.* import import import import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.Styler.defaultColorIcon import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.action.* import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.* import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.* import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.dialog.ActionsDialog import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.dialog.DlgConfirm import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.drawable.PollPlotDrawable import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.drawable.PreviewCardBorder import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.span.MyClickableSpan import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.span.NetworkEmojiSpan import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.* import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.* import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.view.* import jp.juggler.util.* import org.jetbrains.anko.* import kotlin.math.max internal class ItemViewHolder( val activity : ActMain ) : View.OnClickListener, View.OnLongClickListener { companion object { private val log = LogCategory("ItemViewHolder") var toot_color_unlisted : Int = 0 var toot_color_follower : Int = 0 var toot_color_direct_user : Int = 0 var toot_color_direct_me : Int = 0 } val viewRoot : View private var bSimpleList : Boolean = false lateinit var column : Column internal lateinit var list_adapter : ItemListAdapter private lateinit var llBoosted : View private lateinit var ivBoosted : ImageView private lateinit var tvBoosted : TextView private lateinit var tvBoostedAcct : TextView private lateinit var tvBoostedTime : TextView private lateinit var llReply : View private lateinit var ivReply : ImageView private lateinit var tvReply : TextView private lateinit var llFollow : View private lateinit var ivFollow : MyNetworkImageView private lateinit var tvFollowerName : TextView private lateinit var tvFollowerAcct : TextView private lateinit var btnFollow : ImageButton private lateinit var ivFollowedBy : ImageView private lateinit var llStatus : View private lateinit var ivThumbnail : MyNetworkImageView private lateinit var tvName : TextView private lateinit var tvTime : TextView private lateinit var tvAcct : TextView private lateinit var llContentWarning : View private lateinit var tvContentWarning : MyTextView private lateinit var btnContentWarning : Button private lateinit var llContents : View private lateinit var tvMentions : MyTextView internal lateinit var tvContent : MyTextView private lateinit var flMedia : View private lateinit var llMedia : View private lateinit var btnShowMedia : BlurhashView private lateinit var ivMedia1 : MyNetworkImageView private lateinit var ivMedia2 : MyNetworkImageView private lateinit var ivMedia3 : MyNetworkImageView private lateinit var ivMedia4 : MyNetworkImageView private lateinit var btnHideMedia : ImageButton private lateinit var statusButtonsViewHolder : StatusButtonsViewHolder private lateinit var llButtonBar : View private lateinit var llSearchTag : View private lateinit var btnSearchTag : Button private lateinit var llTrendTag : View private lateinit var tvTrendTagName : TextView private lateinit var tvTrendTagDesc : TextView private lateinit var tvTrendTagCount : TextView private lateinit var cvTagHistory : TagHistoryView private lateinit var llList : View private lateinit var btnListTL : Button private lateinit var btnListMore : ImageButton private lateinit var llFollowRequest : View private lateinit var btnFollowRequestAccept : ImageButton private lateinit var btnFollowRequestDeny : ImageButton private lateinit var llFilter : View private lateinit var tvFilterPhrase : TextView private lateinit var tvFilterDetail : TextView private lateinit var tvMediaDescription : TextView private lateinit var llCardOuter : View private lateinit var tvCardText : MyTextView private lateinit var flCardImage : View private lateinit var llCardImage : View private lateinit var ivCardImage : MyNetworkImageView private lateinit var btnCardImageHide : ImageButton private lateinit var btnCardImageShow : BlurhashView private lateinit var llExtra : LinearLayout private lateinit var llConversationIcons : View private lateinit var ivConversationIcon1 : MyNetworkImageView private lateinit var ivConversationIcon2 : MyNetworkImageView private lateinit var ivConversationIcon3 : MyNetworkImageView private lateinit var ivConversationIcon4 : MyNetworkImageView private lateinit var tvConversationIconsMore : TextView private lateinit var tvConversationParticipants : TextView private lateinit var tvApplication : TextView private lateinit var tvMessageHolder : TextView private lateinit var llInstanceTicker : View private lateinit var ivInstanceTicker : MyNetworkImageView private lateinit var tvInstanceTicker : TextView private lateinit var tvLastStatusAt : TextView private lateinit var access_info : SavedAccount private var buttons_for_status : StatusButtons? = null private var item : TimelineItem? = null private var status_showing : TootStatus? = null private var status_reply : TootStatus? = null private var status_account : TootAccountRef? = null private var boost_account : TootAccountRef? = null private var follow_account : TootAccountRef? = null private var boost_time : Long = 0L private var content_color : Int = 0 private var acct_color : Int = 0 private var content_color_csl : ColorStateList = ColorStateList.valueOf(0) private val boost_invalidator : NetworkEmojiInvalidator private val reply_invalidator : NetworkEmojiInvalidator private val follow_invalidator : NetworkEmojiInvalidator private val name_invalidator : NetworkEmojiInvalidator private val content_invalidator : NetworkEmojiInvalidator private val spoiler_invalidator : NetworkEmojiInvalidator private val lastActive_invalidator : NetworkEmojiInvalidator private val extra_invalidator_list = ArrayList() init { this.viewRoot = inflate(activity) btnListTL.setOnClickListener(this) btnListMore.setOnClickListener(this) btnSearchTag.setOnClickListener(this) btnSearchTag.setOnLongClickListener(this) btnContentWarning.setOnClickListener(this) btnShowMedia.setOnClickListener(this) ivMedia1.setOnClickListener(this) ivMedia2.setOnClickListener(this) ivMedia3.setOnClickListener(this) ivMedia4.setOnClickListener(this) btnFollow.setOnClickListener(this) btnFollow.setOnLongClickListener(this) ivCardImage.setOnClickListener(this) ivCardImage.setOnLongClickListener(this) btnCardImageHide.setOnClickListener(this) btnCardImageShow.setOnClickListener(this) ivThumbnail.setOnClickListener(this) llBoosted.setOnClickListener(this) llBoosted.setOnLongClickListener(this) llReply.setOnClickListener(this) llReply.setOnLongClickListener(this) llFollow.setOnClickListener(this) llFollow.setOnLongClickListener(this) llConversationIcons.setOnLongClickListener(this) btnFollow.setOnClickListener(this) btnFollowRequestAccept.setOnClickListener(this) btnFollowRequestDeny.setOnClickListener(this) // ロングタップ ivThumbnail.setOnLongClickListener(this) // tvContent.movementMethod = MyLinkMovementMethod tvMentions.movementMethod = MyLinkMovementMethod tvContentWarning.movementMethod = MyLinkMovementMethod tvMediaDescription.movementMethod = MyLinkMovementMethod tvCardText.movementMethod = MyLinkMovementMethod btnHideMedia.setOnClickListener(this) llTrendTag.setOnClickListener(this) llTrendTag.setOnLongClickListener(this) llFilter.setOnClickListener(this) var f : Float f = activity.timeline_font_size_sp if(! f.isNaN()) { tvFollowerName.textSize = f tvName.textSize = f tvMentions.textSize = f tvContentWarning.textSize = f tvContent.textSize = f btnShowMedia.textSize = f btnCardImageShow.textSize = f tvApplication.textSize = f tvMessageHolder.textSize = f btnListTL.textSize = f tvTrendTagName.textSize = f tvTrendTagCount.textSize = f tvFilterPhrase.textSize = f tvMediaDescription.textSize = f tvCardText.textSize = f tvConversationIconsMore.textSize = f tvConversationParticipants.textSize = f } f = activity.notification_tl_font_size_sp if(! f.isNaN()) { tvBoosted.textSize = f tvReply.textSize = f } f = activity.acct_font_size_sp if(! f.isNaN()) { tvBoostedAcct.textSize = f tvBoostedTime.textSize = f tvFollowerAcct.textSize = f tvLastStatusAt.textSize = f tvAcct.textSize = f tvTime.textSize = f tvTrendTagDesc.textSize = f tvFilterDetail.textSize = f } val spacing = activity.timeline_spacing if(spacing != null) { tvFollowerName.setLineSpacing(0f, spacing) tvName.setLineSpacing(0f, spacing) tvMentions.setLineSpacing(0f, spacing) tvContentWarning.setLineSpacing(0f, spacing) tvContent.setLineSpacing(0f, spacing) btnShowMedia.setLineSpacing(0f, spacing) btnCardImageShow.setLineSpacing(0f, spacing) tvApplication.setLineSpacing(0f, spacing) tvMessageHolder.setLineSpacing(0f, spacing) btnListTL.setLineSpacing(0f, spacing) tvTrendTagName.setLineSpacing(0f, spacing) tvTrendTagCount.setLineSpacing(0f, spacing) tvFilterPhrase.setLineSpacing(0f, spacing) tvMediaDescription.setLineSpacing(0f, spacing) tvCardText.setLineSpacing(0f, spacing) tvConversationIconsMore.setLineSpacing(0f, spacing) tvConversationParticipants.setLineSpacing(0f, spacing) tvBoosted.setLineSpacing(0f, spacing) tvReply.setLineSpacing(0f, spacing) } var s = activity.avatarIconSize ivThumbnail.layoutParams.height = s ivThumbnail.layoutParams.width = s ivFollow.layoutParams.width = s ivBoosted.layoutParams.width = s s = ActMain.replyIconSize + (activity.density * 8).toInt() ivReply.layoutParams.width = s ivReply.layoutParams.height = s s = activity.notificationTlIconSize ivBoosted.layoutParams.height = s this.content_invalidator = NetworkEmojiInvalidator(activity.handler, tvContent) this.spoiler_invalidator = NetworkEmojiInvalidator(activity.handler, tvContentWarning) this.boost_invalidator = NetworkEmojiInvalidator(activity.handler, tvBoosted) this.reply_invalidator = NetworkEmojiInvalidator(activity.handler, tvReply) this.follow_invalidator = NetworkEmojiInvalidator(activity.handler, tvFollowerName) this.name_invalidator = NetworkEmojiInvalidator(activity.handler, tvName) this.lastActive_invalidator = NetworkEmojiInvalidator(activity.handler, tvLastStatusAt) val cardBackground = llCardOuter.background if(cardBackground is PreviewCardBorder) { val density = activity.density cardBackground.round = (density * 8f) cardBackground.width = (density * 1f) } val textShowMedia = SpannableString(activity.getString(R.string.tap_to_show)) .apply { val colorBg = getAttributeColor(activity, R.attr.colorShowMediaBackground) .applyAlphaMultiplier(0.5f) setSpan( BackgroundColorSpan(colorBg), 0, this.length, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE ) } btnShowMedia.text = textShowMedia btnCardImageShow.text = textShowMedia } fun onViewRecycled() { } fun bind( list_adapter : ItemListAdapter, column : Column, bSimpleList : Boolean, item : TimelineItem ) { val b = Benchmark(log, "Item-bind", 40L) this.list_adapter = list_adapter this.column = column this.bSimpleList = bSimpleList this.access_info = column.access_info val font_bold = ActMain.timeline_font_bold val font_normal = ActMain.timeline_font viewRoot.scan { v -> try { when(v) { // ボタンは太字なので触らない is CountImageButton -> { } // ボタンは太字なので触らない is Button -> { } is TextView -> v.typeface = when { v === tvName || v === tvFollowerName || v === tvBoosted || v === tvReply || v === tvTrendTagCount || v === tvTrendTagName || v === tvConversationIconsMore || v === tvConversationParticipants || v === tvFilterPhrase -> font_bold else -> font_normal } } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } if(bSimpleList) { viewRoot.setOnTouchListener { _, ev -> // ポップアップを閉じた時にクリックでリストを触ったことになってしまう不具合の回避 val now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() // ポップアップを閉じた直後はタッチダウンを無視する if(now - StatusButtonsPopup.last_popup_close >= 30L) { false } else { val action = ev.action log.d("onTouchEvent action=$action") true } } viewRoot.setOnClickListener { viewClicked -> activity.closeListItemPopup() status_showing?.let { status -> val popup = StatusButtonsPopup(activity, column, bSimpleList, this@ItemViewHolder) activity.listItemPopup = popup list_adapter.columnVh.listView, viewClicked, status, item as? TootNotification ) } } llButtonBar.visibility = View.GONE this.buttons_for_status = null } else { viewRoot.isClickable = false llButtonBar.visibility = View.VISIBLE this.buttons_for_status = StatusButtons( activity, column, false, statusButtonsViewHolder, this ) } this.status_showing = null this.status_reply = null this.status_account = null this.boost_account = null this.follow_account = null this.boost_time = 0L this.viewRoot.setBackgroundColor(0) this.boostedAction = defaultBoostedAction llInstanceTicker.visibility = View.GONE llBoosted.visibility = View.GONE llReply.visibility = View.GONE llFollow.visibility = View.GONE llStatus.visibility = View.GONE llSearchTag.visibility = View.GONE llList.visibility = View.GONE llFollowRequest.visibility = View.GONE tvMessageHolder.visibility = View.GONE llTrendTag.visibility = View.GONE llFilter.visibility = View.GONE tvMediaDescription.visibility = View.GONE llCardOuter.visibility = View.GONE tvCardText.visibility = View.GONE flCardImage.visibility = View.GONE llConversationIcons.visibility = View.GONE removeExtraView() var c : Int c = column.getContentColor() this.content_color = c this.content_color_csl = ColorStateList.valueOf(c) tvBoosted.setTextColor(c) tvReply.setTextColor(c) tvFollowerName.setTextColor(c) tvName.setTextColor(c) tvMentions.setTextColor(c) tvContentWarning.setTextColor(c) tvContent.setTextColor(c) //NSFWは文字色固定 btnShowMedia.setTextColor( c ); tvApplication.setTextColor(c) tvMessageHolder.setTextColor(c) tvTrendTagName.setTextColor(c) tvTrendTagCount.setTextColor(c) cvTagHistory.setColor(c) tvFilterPhrase.setTextColor(c) tvMediaDescription.setTextColor(c) tvCardText.setTextColor(c) tvConversationIconsMore.setTextColor(c) tvConversationParticipants.setTextColor(c) (llCardOuter.background as? PreviewCardBorder)?.let { val rgb = c and 0xffffff val alpha = max(1, c ushr (24 + 1)) // 本来の値の半分にする it.color = rgb or (alpha shl 24) } c = column.getAcctColor() this.acct_color = c tvBoostedTime.setTextColor(c) tvTime.setTextColor(c) tvTrendTagDesc.setTextColor(c) tvFilterDetail.setTextColor(c) tvFilterPhrase.setTextColor(c) // 以下のビューの文字色はsetAcct() で設定される // tvBoostedAcct.setTextColor(c) // tvFollowerAcct.setTextColor(c) // tvAcct.setTextColor(c) this.item = item when(item) { is TootStatus -> { val reblog = item.reblog when { reblog == null -> showStatusOrReply(item) item.isQuoteToot -> { // 引用Renote val colorBg = Pref.ipEventBgColorBoost(activity.pref) showReply(reblog, R.drawable.ic_repeat, R.string.quote_to) showStatus(item, colorBg) } else -> { // 引用なしブースト val colorBg = Pref.ipEventBgColorBoost(activity.pref) showBoost( item.accountRef, item.time_created_at, R.drawable.ic_repeat, R.string.display_name_boosted_by, boost_status = item ) showStatusOrReply(item.reblog, colorBg) } } } is TootAccountRef -> showAccount(item) is TootNotification -> showNotification(item) is TootGap -> showGap() is TootSearchGap -> showSearchGap(item) is TootDomainBlock -> showDomainBlock(item) is TootList -> showList(item) is MisskeyAntenna -> showAntenna(item) is TootMessageHolder -> showMessageHolder(item) is TootTag -> showSearchTag(item) is TootFilter -> showFilter(item) is TootConversationSummary -> { showStatusOrReply(item.last_status) showConversationIcons(item) } is TootScheduled -> { showScheduled(item) } else -> { } } } private fun showScheduled(item : TootScheduled) { try { llStatus.visibility = View.VISIBLE this.viewRoot.setBackgroundColor(0) showStatusTimeScheduled(activity, tvTime, item) val who = column.who_account !!.get() val whoRef = TootAccountRef(TootParser(activity, access_info), who) this.status_account = whoRef setAcct(tvAcct, access_info, who) tvName.text = whoRef.decoded_display_name name_invalidator.register(whoRef.decoded_display_name) ivThumbnail.setImageUrl( activity.pref, Styler.calcIconRound(ivThumbnail.layoutParams), access_info.supplyBaseUrl(who.avatar_static), access_info.supplyBaseUrl(who.avatar) ) val content = SpannableString(item.text ?: "") tvMentions.visibility = View.GONE tvContent.text = content content_invalidator.register(content) tvContent.minLines = - 1 val decoded_spoiler_text = SpannableString(item.spoiler_text ?: "") when { decoded_spoiler_text.isNotEmpty() -> { // 元データに含まれるContent Warning を使う llContentWarning.visibility = View.VISIBLE tvContentWarning.text = decoded_spoiler_text spoiler_invalidator.register(decoded_spoiler_text) val cw_shown = ContentWarning.isShown(item.uri, access_info.expand_cw) showContent(cw_shown) } else -> { // CWしない llContentWarning.visibility = View.GONE llContents.visibility = View.VISIBLE } } val media_attachments = item.media_attachments if(media_attachments?.isEmpty() != false) { flMedia.visibility = View.GONE llMedia.visibility = View.GONE btnShowMedia.visibility = View.GONE } else { flMedia.visibility = View.VISIBLE // hide sensitive media val default_shown = when { column.hide_media_default -> false access_info.dont_hide_nsfw -> true else -> ! item.sensitive } val is_shown = MediaShown.isShown(item.uri, default_shown) btnShowMedia.visibility = if(! is_shown) View.VISIBLE else View.GONE llMedia.visibility = if(! is_shown) View.GONE else View.VISIBLE val sb = StringBuilder() setMedia(media_attachments, sb, ivMedia1, 0) setMedia(media_attachments, sb, ivMedia2, 1) setMedia(media_attachments, sb, ivMedia3, 2) setMedia(media_attachments, sb, ivMedia4, 3) if(sb.isNotEmpty()) { tvMediaDescription.visibility = View.VISIBLE tvMediaDescription.text = sb } setIconDrawableId( activity, btnHideMedia, R.drawable.ic_close, color = content_color, alphaMultiplier = Styler.boost_alpha ) } buttons_for_status?.hide() tvApplication.visibility = View.GONE } catch(ex : Throwable) { } llSearchTag.visibility = View.VISIBLE btnSearchTag.text = activity.getString(R.string.scheduled_status) + " " + TootStatus.formatTime( activity, item.timeScheduledAt, true ) } private fun removeExtraView() { llExtra.scan { v -> if(v is MyNetworkImageView) { v.cancelLoading() } } llExtra.removeAllViews() for(invalidator in extra_invalidator_list) { invalidator.register(null) } extra_invalidator_list.clear() } private fun showConversationIcons(cs : TootConversationSummary) { val last_account_id = val accountsOther = cs.accounts.filter { it.get().id != last_account_id } if(accountsOther.isNotEmpty()) { llConversationIcons.visibility = View.VISIBLE val size = accountsOther.size tvConversationParticipants.text = if(size <= 1) { activity.getString(R.string.conversation_to) } else { activity.getString(R.string.participants) } fun showIcon(iv : MyNetworkImageView, idx : Int) { val bShown = idx < size iv.visibility = if(bShown) View.VISIBLE else View.GONE if(! bShown) return val who = accountsOther[idx].get() iv.setImageUrl( activity.pref, Styler.calcIconRound(iv.layoutParams), access_info.supplyBaseUrl(who.avatar_static), access_info.supplyBaseUrl(who.avatar) ) } showIcon(ivConversationIcon1, 0) showIcon(ivConversationIcon2, 1) showIcon(ivConversationIcon3, 2) showIcon(ivConversationIcon4, 3) tvConversationIconsMore.text = when { size <= 4 -> "" else -> activity.getString(R.string.participants_and_more) } } if(cs.last_status.in_reply_to_id != null) { llSearchTag.visibility = View.VISIBLE btnSearchTag.text = activity.getString(R.string.show_conversation) } } private fun openConversationSummary() { val cs = item as? TootConversationSummary ?: return if(cs.unread) { cs.unread = false // 表示の更新 list_adapter.notifyChange( reason = "ConversationSummary reset unread", reset = true ) // 未読フラグのクリアをサーバに送る Action_Toot.clearConversationUnread(activity, access_info, cs) } Action_Toot.conversation( activity, activity.nextPosition(column), access_info, cs.last_status ) } private fun showStatusOrReply(item : TootStatus, colorBgArg : Int = 0) { var colorBg = colorBgArg val reply = item.reply val in_reply_to_id = item.in_reply_to_id val in_reply_to_account_id = item.in_reply_to_account_id when { reply != null -> { showReply(reply, R.drawable.ic_reply, R.string.reply_to) if(colorBgArg == 0) colorBg = Pref.ipEventBgColorMention(activity.pref) } in_reply_to_id != null && in_reply_to_account_id != null -> { showReply(item, in_reply_to_account_id) if(colorBgArg == 0) colorBg = Pref.ipEventBgColorMention(activity.pref) } } showStatus(item, colorBg) } private fun showMessageHolder(item : TootMessageHolder) { tvMessageHolder.visibility = View.VISIBLE tvMessageHolder.text = item.text tvMessageHolder.gravity = item.gravity } private fun showNotification(n : TootNotification) { val n_status = n.status val n_accountRef = n.accountRef val n_account = n_accountRef?.get() fun showNotificationStatus(item : TootStatus, colorBgDefault : Int) { val reblog = item.reblog when { reblog == null -> showStatusOrReply(item, colorBgDefault) item.isQuoteToot -> { // 引用Renote showReply(reblog, R.drawable.ic_repeat, R.string.quote_to) showStatus(item, Pref.ipEventBgColorQuote(activity.pref)) } else -> { // 通常のブースト。引用なしブースト。 // ブースト表示は通知イベントと被るのでしない showStatusOrReply(reblog, Pref.ipEventBgColorBoost(activity.pref)) } } } when(n.type) { TootNotification.TYPE_FAVOURITE -> { val colorBg = Pref.ipEventBgColorFavourite(activity.pref) if(n_account != null) showBoost( n_accountRef, n.time_created_at, if(access_info.isNicoru(n_account)) R.drawable.ic_nicoru else R.drawable.ic_star, R.string.display_name_favourited_by ) if(n_status != null) { showNotificationStatus(n_status, colorBg) } } TootNotification.TYPE_REBLOG -> { val colorBg = Pref.ipEventBgColorBoost(activity.pref) if(n_account != null) showBoost( n_accountRef, n.time_created_at, R.drawable.ic_repeat, R.string.display_name_boosted_by, boost_status = n_status ) if(n_status != null) { showNotificationStatus(n_status, colorBg) } } TootNotification.TYPE_RENOTE -> { // 引用のないreblog val colorBg = Pref.ipEventBgColorBoost(activity.pref) if(n_account != null) showBoost( n_accountRef, n.time_created_at, R.drawable.ic_repeat, R.string.display_name_boosted_by, boost_status = n_status ) if(n_status != null) { showNotificationStatus(n_status, colorBg) } } TootNotification.TYPE_FOLLOW -> { val colorBg = Pref.ipEventBgColorFollow(activity.pref) if(n_account != null) { showBoost( n_accountRef, n.time_created_at, R.drawable.ic_follow_plus, R.string.display_name_followed_by ) showAccount(n_accountRef) if(colorBg != 0) this.viewRoot.backgroundColor = colorBg } } TootNotification.TYPE_UNFOLLOW -> { val colorBg = Pref.ipEventBgColorUnfollow(activity.pref) if(n_account != null) { showBoost( n_accountRef, n.time_created_at, R.drawable.ic_follow_cross, R.string.display_name_unfollowed_by ) showAccount(n_accountRef) if(colorBg != 0) this.viewRoot.backgroundColor = colorBg } } TootNotification.TYPE_MENTION, TootNotification.TYPE_REPLY -> { val colorBg = Pref.ipEventBgColorMention(activity.pref) if(! bSimpleList && ! access_info.isMisskey) { when { n_account == null -> { } n_status?.in_reply_to_id != null || n_status?.reply != null -> { // トゥート内部に「~への返信」を表示するので、 // 通知イベントの「~からの返信」は表示しない } else -> // 返信ではなくメンションの場合は「~からの返信」を表示する showBoost( n_accountRef, n.time_created_at, R.drawable.ic_reply, R.string.display_name_mentioned_by ) } } if(n_status != null) { showNotificationStatus(n_status, colorBg) } } TootNotification.TYPE_REACTION -> { val colorBg = Pref.ipEventBgColorReaction(activity.pref) val reaction = MisskeyReaction.shortcodeMap[n.reaction ?: ""] if(n_account != null) showBoost( n_accountRef, n.time_created_at, R.drawable.ic_question, // not used R.string.display_name_reaction_by, misskeyReaction = reaction ) if(n_status != null) { showNotificationStatus(n_status, colorBg) } } TootNotification.TYPE_QUOTE -> { val colorBg = Pref.ipEventBgColorQuote(activity.pref) if(n_account != null) showBoost( n_accountRef, n.time_created_at, R.drawable.ic_repeat, R.string.display_name_quoted_by ) if(n_status != null) { showNotificationStatus(n_status, colorBg) } } TootNotification.TYPE_FOLLOW_REQUEST, TootNotification.TYPE_FOLLOW_REQUEST_MISSKEY -> { val colorBg = Pref.ipEventBgColorFollowRequest(activity.pref) if(n_account != null) { showBoost( n_accountRef, n.time_created_at, R.drawable.ic_follow_wait, R.string.display_name_follow_request_by ) if(colorBg != 0) this.viewRoot.backgroundColor = colorBg boostedAction = { activity.addColumn( activity.nextPosition(column) , access_info , ColumnType.FOLLOW_REQUESTS ) } } } TootNotification.TYPE_FOLLOW_REQUEST_ACCEPTED_MISSKEY -> { val colorBg = Pref.ipEventBgColorFollow(activity.pref) if(n_account != null) { showBoost( n_accountRef, n.time_created_at, R.drawable.ic_follow_plus, R.string.display_name_follow_request_accepted_by ) showAccount(n_accountRef) if(colorBg != 0) this.viewRoot.backgroundColor = colorBg } } TootNotification.TYPE_VOTE, TootNotification.TYPE_POLL_VOTE_MISSKEY -> { val colorBg = Pref.ipEventBgColorVote(activity.pref) if(n_account != null) showBoost( n_accountRef, n.time_created_at, R.drawable.ic_vote, R.string.display_name_voted_by ) if(n_status != null) { showNotificationStatus(n_status, colorBg) } } TootNotification.TYPE_POLL -> { val colorBg = 0 if(n_account != null) showBoost( n_accountRef, n.time_created_at, R.drawable.ic_vote, R.string.end_of_polling_from ) if(n_status != null) { showNotificationStatus(n_status, colorBg) } } else -> { val colorBg = 0 if(n_account != null) showBoost( n_accountRef, n.time_created_at, R.drawable.ic_question, R.string.unknown_notification_from ) if(n_status != null) { showNotificationStatus(n_status, colorBg) } tvMessageHolder.visibility = View.VISIBLE tvMessageHolder.text = "notification type is ${n.type}" tvMessageHolder.gravity = Gravity.CENTER } } } private fun showList(list : TootList) { llList.visibility = View.VISIBLE btnListTL.text = list.title btnListTL.textColor = content_color btnListMore.imageTintList = content_color_csl } private fun showAntenna(a : MisskeyAntenna) { llList.visibility = View.VISIBLE btnListTL.text = btnListTL.textColor = content_color btnListMore.imageTintList = content_color_csl } private fun showDomainBlock(domain_block : TootDomainBlock) { llSearchTag.visibility = View.VISIBLE btnSearchTag.text = domain_block.domain.pretty } private fun showFilter(filter : TootFilter) { llFilter.visibility = View.VISIBLE tvFilterPhrase.text = filter.phrase val sb = StringBuffer() // sb.append(activity.getString(R.string.filter_context)) .append(": ") .append(filter.getContextNames(activity).joinToString("/")) // val flags = ArrayList() if(filter.irreversible) flags.add(activity.getString(R.string.filter_irreversible)) if(filter.whole_word) flags.add(activity.getString(R.string.filter_word_match)) if(flags.isNotEmpty()) { sb.append('\n') .append(flags.joinToString(", ")) } // if(filter.time_expires_at != 0L) { sb.append('\n') .append(activity.getString(R.string.filter_expires_at)) .append(": ") .append(TootStatus.formatTime(activity, filter.time_expires_at, false)) } tvFilterDetail.text = sb.toString() } private fun showSearchTag(tag : TootTag) { if(tag.history?.isNotEmpty() == true) { llTrendTag.visibility = View.VISIBLE tvTrendTagName.text = "#${}" tvTrendTagDesc.text = activity.getString(R.string.people_talking, tag.accountDaily, tag.accountWeekly) tvTrendTagCount.text = "${tag.countDaily}(${tag.countWeekly})" cvTagHistory.setHistory(tag.history) } else { llSearchTag.visibility = View.VISIBLE btnSearchTag.text = "#" + } } private fun showGap() { llSearchTag.visibility = View.VISIBLE btnSearchTag.text = activity.getString(R.string.read_gap) } private fun showSearchGap(item : TootSearchGap) { llSearchTag.visibility = View.VISIBLE btnSearchTag.text = activity.getString( when(item.type) { TootSearchGap.SearchType.Hashtag -> R.string.read_more_hashtag TootSearchGap.SearchType.Account -> R.string.read_more_account TootSearchGap.SearchType.Status -> R.string.read_more_status } ) } private fun showReply(iconId : Int, text : Spannable) { llReply.visibility = View.VISIBLE setIconDrawableId( activity, ivReply, iconId, color = content_color, alphaMultiplier = Styler.boost_alpha ) tvReply.text = text reply_invalidator.register(text) } private fun showReply(reply : TootStatus, iconId : Int, stringId : Int) { status_reply = reply showReply( iconId, reply.accountRef.decoded_display_name.intoStringResource(activity, stringId) ) } private fun showReply(reply : TootStatus, accountId : EntityId) { val name = if(accountId == { // 自己レスなら AcctColor.getNicknameWithColor(access_info, reply.account) } else { val m = reply.mentions?.find { == accountId } if(m != null) { AcctColor.getNicknameWithColor(access_info.getFullAcct(m.acct)) } else { SpannableString("ID(${accountId})") } } val text = name.intoStringResource(activity, R.string.reply_to) showReply(R.drawable.ic_reply, text) // tootsearchはreplyオブジェクトがなくin_reply_toだけが提供される場合があるが // tootsearchではどのタンスから読んだか分からないのでin_reply_toのIDも信用できない } private fun showBoost( whoRef : TootAccountRef, time : Long, iconId : Int, string_id : Int, misskeyReaction : MisskeyReaction? = null, boost_status : TootStatus? = null ) { boost_account = whoRef val who = whoRef.get() // フォローの場合 decoded_display_name が2箇所で表示に使われるのを避ける必要がある val text : Spannable = who.decodeDisplayName(activity) .intoStringResource(activity, string_id) val emojiResource = misskeyReaction?.emojiResource if(emojiResource != null) { emojiResource.loadToImageView(activity, ivBoosted) // TODO パディング少し変える? } else { setIconDrawableId( activity, ivBoosted, iconId, color = content_color, alphaMultiplier = Styler.boost_alpha ) } boost_time = time llBoosted.visibility = View.VISIBLE showStatusTime(activity, tvBoostedTime, who, time = time, status = boost_status) tvBoosted.text = text boost_invalidator.register(text) setAcct(tvBoostedAcct, access_info, who) } private fun showAccount(whoRef : TootAccountRef) { follow_account = whoRef val who = whoRef.get() llFollow.visibility = View.VISIBLE ivFollow.setImageUrl( activity.pref, Styler.calcIconRound(ivFollow.layoutParams), access_info.supplyBaseUrl(who.avatar_static), access_info.supplyBaseUrl(who.avatar) ) tvFollowerName.text = whoRef.decoded_display_name follow_invalidator.register(whoRef.decoded_display_name) setAcct(tvFollowerAcct, access_info, who) who.setAccountExtra(access_info, tvLastStatusAt, lastActive_invalidator) val relation = UserRelation.load(access_info.db_id, Styler.setFollowIcon( activity, btnFollow, ivFollowedBy, relation, who, content_color, alphaMultiplier = Styler.boost_alpha ) if(column.type == ColumnType.FOLLOW_REQUESTS) { llFollowRequest.visibility = View.VISIBLE btnFollowRequestAccept.imageTintList = content_color_csl btnFollowRequestDeny.imageTintList = content_color_csl } } private fun showStatus(status : TootStatus, colorBg : Int = 0) { val filteredWord = status.filteredWord if(filteredWord != null) { showMessageHolder( TootMessageHolder( if(Pref.bpShowFilteredWord(activity.pref)) { "${activity.getString(R.string.filtered)} / $filteredWord" } else { activity.getString(R.string.filtered) } ) ) return } this.status_showing = status llStatus.visibility = View.VISIBLE if(status.conversation_main) { val conversationMainBgColor = Pref.ipConversationMainTootBgColor(activity.pref).notZero() ?: (getAttributeColor(activity,R.attr.colorImageButtonAccent) and 0xffffff) or 0x20000000 this.viewRoot.setBackgroundColor( conversationMainBgColor ) } else { val c = colorBg.notZero() ?: when(status.bookmarked) { true -> Pref.ipEventBgColorBookmark(App1.pref) false -> 0 }.notZero() ?: when(status.getBackgroundColorType(access_info)) { TootVisibility.UnlistedHome -> toot_color_unlisted TootVisibility.PrivateFollowers -> toot_color_follower TootVisibility.DirectSpecified -> toot_color_direct_user TootVisibility.DirectPrivate -> toot_color_direct_me else -> 0 } if(c != 0) { this.viewRoot.backgroundColor = c } } showStatusTime(activity, tvTime, who = status.account, status = status) val whoRef = status.accountRef val who = whoRef.get() this.status_account = whoRef setAcct(tvAcct, access_info, who) // if(who == null) { // tvName.text = "?" // name_invalidator.register(null) // ivThumbnail.setImageUrl(activity.pref, 16f, null, null) // } else { tvName.text = whoRef.decoded_display_name name_invalidator.register(whoRef.decoded_display_name) ivThumbnail.setImageUrl( activity.pref, Styler.calcIconRound(ivThumbnail.layoutParams), access_info.supplyBaseUrl(who.avatar_static), access_info.supplyBaseUrl(who.avatar) ) // } showInstanceTicker(who) var content = status.decoded_content // ニコフレのアンケートの表示 val enquete = status.enquete when { enquete == null -> { } enquete.pollType == TootPollsType.FriendsNico && enquete.type != TootPolls.TYPE_ENQUETE -> { // フレニコの投票の結果表示は普通にテキストを表示するだけでよい } else -> { // アンケートの本文を上書きする val question = enquete.decoded_question if(question.isNotBlank()) content = question showEnqueteItems(status, enquete) } } showPreviewCard(status) // if( status.decoded_tags == null ){ // tvTags.setVisibility( View.GONE ); // }else{ // tvTags.setVisibility( View.VISIBLE ); // tvTags.setText( status.decoded_tags ); // } if(status.decoded_mentions.isEmpty()) { tvMentions.visibility = View.GONE } else { tvMentions.visibility = View.VISIBLE tvMentions.text = status.decoded_mentions } if(status.time_deleted_at > 0L) { val s = SpannableStringBuilder() .append('(') .append( activity.getString( R.string.deleted_at, TootStatus.formatTime(activity, status.time_deleted_at, true) ) ) .append(')') content = s } tvContent.text = content content_invalidator.register(content) activity.checkAutoCW(status, content) val r = status.auto_cw tvContent.minLines = r?.originalLineCount ?: - 1 val decoded_spoiler_text = status.decoded_spoiler_text when { decoded_spoiler_text.isNotEmpty() -> { // 元データに含まれるContent Warning を使う llContentWarning.visibility = View.VISIBLE tvContentWarning.text = status.decoded_spoiler_text spoiler_invalidator.register(status.decoded_spoiler_text) val cw_shown = ContentWarning.isShown(status, access_info.expand_cw) showContent(cw_shown) } r?.decoded_spoiler_text != null -> { // 自動CW llContentWarning.visibility = View.VISIBLE tvContentWarning.text = r.decoded_spoiler_text spoiler_invalidator.register(r.decoded_spoiler_text) val cw_shown = ContentWarning.isShown(status, access_info.expand_cw) showContent(cw_shown) } else -> { // CWしない llContentWarning.visibility = View.GONE llContents.visibility = View.VISIBLE } } val media_attachments = status.media_attachments if(media_attachments == null || media_attachments.isEmpty()) { flMedia.visibility = View.GONE llMedia.visibility = View.GONE btnShowMedia.visibility = View.GONE } else { flMedia.visibility = View.VISIBLE // hide sensitive media val default_shown = when { column.hide_media_default -> false access_info.dont_hide_nsfw -> true else -> ! status.sensitive } val is_shown = MediaShown.isShown(status, default_shown) btnShowMedia.visibility = if(! is_shown) View.VISIBLE else View.GONE llMedia.visibility = if(! is_shown) View.GONE else View.VISIBLE val sb = StringBuilder() setMedia(media_attachments, sb, ivMedia1, 0) setMedia(media_attachments, sb, ivMedia2, 1) setMedia(media_attachments, sb, ivMedia3, 2) setMedia(media_attachments, sb, ivMedia4, 3) val m0 = if(media_attachments.isEmpty()) null else media_attachments[0] as? TootAttachment btnShowMedia.blurhash = m0?.blurhash if(sb.isNotEmpty()) { tvMediaDescription.visibility = View.VISIBLE tvMediaDescription.text = sb } setIconDrawableId( activity, btnHideMedia, R.drawable.ic_close, color = content_color, alphaMultiplier = Styler.boost_alpha ) } makeReactionsView(status) buttons_for_status?.bind(status, (item as? TootNotification)) var sb : StringBuilder? = null fun prepareSb() : StringBuilder = sb?.append(", ") ?: StringBuilder().also { sb = it } val application = status.application if(application != null && (column.type == ColumnType.CONVERSATION || Pref.bpShowAppName(activity.pref)) ) { prepareSb().append(activity.getString(R.string.application_is, ?: "")) } val language = status.language if(language != null && (column.type == ColumnType.CONVERSATION || Pref.bpShowLanguage(activity.pref)) ) { prepareSb().append(activity.getString(R.string.language_is, language)) } != null)?.text = sb } private fun showInstanceTicker(who : TootAccount) { try { if(! Column.useInstanceTicker) return val host = // LTLでホスト名が同じならTickerを表示しない when(column.type) { ColumnType.LOCAL, ColumnType.LOCAL_AROUND -> { if(host == return } else -> { } } val item = InstanceTicker.lastList[host.ascii] ?: return tvInstanceTicker.text = tvInstanceTicker.textColor = item.colorText val density = activity.density val lp = ivInstanceTicker.layoutParams lp.height = (density * 16f + 0.5f).toInt() lp.width = (density * item.imageWidth + 0.5f).toInt() ivInstanceTicker.layoutParams = lp ivInstanceTicker.setImageUrl(activity.pref, 0f, item.image) val colorBg = item.colorBg when { colorBg.isEmpty() -> { tvInstanceTicker.background = null ivInstanceTicker.background = null } colorBg.size == 1 -> { tvInstanceTicker.setBackgroundColor(colorBg.first()) ivInstanceTicker.setBackgroundColor(colorBg.first()) } else -> { ivInstanceTicker.setBackgroundColor(colorBg.last()) tvInstanceTicker.background = colorBg.getGradation() } } llInstanceTicker.visibility = View.VISIBLE llInstanceTicker.requestLayout() } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } private fun showStatusTime( activity : ActMain, tv : TextView, @Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") who : TootAccount, status : TootStatus? = null, time : Long? = null ) { val sb = SpannableStringBuilder() if(status != null) { if(status.account.isAdmin) { if(sb.isNotEmpty()) sb.append('\u200B') sb.appendColorShadeIcon(activity, R.drawable.ic_shield, "admin") } if(status.account.isPro) { if(sb.isNotEmpty()) sb.append('\u200B') sb.appendColorShadeIcon(activity, R.drawable.ic_authorized, "pro") } if(status.account.isCat) { if(sb.isNotEmpty()) sb.append('\u200B') sb.appendColorShadeIcon(activity, R.drawable.ic_cat, "cat") } // botマーク if( { if(sb.isNotEmpty()) sb.append('\u200B') sb.appendColorShadeIcon(activity, R.drawable.ic_bot, "bot") } // mobileマーク if(status.viaMobile) { if(sb.isNotEmpty()) sb.append('\u200B') sb.appendColorShadeIcon(activity, R.drawable.ic_mobile, "mobile") } // mobileマーク if(status.bookmarked) { if(sb.isNotEmpty()) sb.append('\u200B') sb.appendColorShadeIcon(activity, R.drawable.ic_bookmark, "bookmarked") } // NSFWマーク if(status.hasMedia() && status.sensitive) { if(sb.isNotEmpty()) sb.append('\u200B') sb.appendColorShadeIcon(activity, R.drawable.ic_eye_off, "NSFW") } // visibility val visIconId = Styler.getVisibilityIconId(access_info.isMisskey, status.visibility) if(R.drawable.ic_public != visIconId) { if(sb.isNotEmpty()) sb.append('\u200B') sb.appendColorShadeIcon( activity, visIconId, Styler.getVisibilityString( activity, access_info.isMisskey, status.visibility ) ) } // pinned if(status.pinned) { if(sb.isNotEmpty()) sb.append('\u200B') sb.appendColorShadeIcon(activity, R.drawable.ic_pin, "pinned") // val start = sb.length // sb.append("pinned") // val end = sb.length // val icon_id = Styler.getAttributeResourceId(activity, R.attr.ic_pin) // sb.setSpan( // EmojiImageSpan(activity, icon_id), // start, // end, // Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE // ) } // unread if(status.conversationSummary?.unread == true) { if(sb.isNotEmpty()) sb.append('\u200B') sb.appendColorShadeIcon( activity, R.drawable.ic_unread, "unread", color = MyClickableSpan.defaultLinkColor ) } if(status.isPromoted) { if(sb.isNotEmpty()) sb.append(' ') sb.append(activity.getString(R.string.promoted)) } if(status.isFeatured) { if(sb.isNotEmpty()) sb.append(' ') sb.append(activity.getString(R.string.featured)) } } if(sb.isNotEmpty()) sb.append(' ') sb.append( when { time != null -> TootStatus.formatTime( activity, time, column.type != ColumnType.CONVERSATION ) status != null -> TootStatus.formatTime( activity, status.time_created_at, column.type != ColumnType.CONVERSATION ) else -> "?" } ) tv.text = sb } private fun showStatusTimeScheduled( activity : ActMain, tv : TextView, item : TootScheduled ) { val sb = SpannableStringBuilder() // NSFWマーク if(item.hasMedia() && item.sensitive) { if(sb.isNotEmpty()) sb.append('\u200B') sb.appendColorShadeIcon(activity, R.drawable.ic_eye_off, "NSFW") } // visibility val visIconId = Styler.getVisibilityIconId(access_info.isMisskey, item.visibility) if(R.drawable.ic_public != visIconId) { if(sb.isNotEmpty()) sb.append('\u200B') sb.appendColorShadeIcon( activity, visIconId, Styler.getVisibilityString( activity, access_info.isMisskey, item.visibility ) ) } if(sb.isNotEmpty()) sb.append(' ') sb.append( TootStatus.formatTime( activity, item.timeScheduledAt, column.type != ColumnType.CONVERSATION ) ) tv.text = sb } // fun updateRelativeTime() { // val boost_time = this.boost_time // if(boost_time != 0L) { // tvBoostedTime.text = TootStatus.formatTime(tvBoostedTime.context, boost_time, true) // } // val status_showing = this.status_showing // if(status_showing != null) { // showStatusTime(activity, status_showing) // } // } private fun setAcct(tv : TextView, accessInfo : SavedAccount, who : TootAccount) { val ac = AcctColor.load(accessInfo, who) tv.text = when { AcctColor.hasNickname(ac) -> ac.nickname Pref.bpShortAcctLocalUser(App1.pref) -> "@${who.acct.pretty}" else -> "@${ac.nickname}" } tv.textColor = ac.color_fg.notZero() ?: this.acct_color tv.setBackgroundColor(ac.color_bg) // may 0 tv.setPaddingRelative(activity.acct_pad_lr, 0, activity.acct_pad_lr, 0) } private fun showContent(shown : Boolean) { llContents.visibility = if(shown) View.VISIBLE else View.GONE btnContentWarning.setText(if(shown) R.string.hide else status_showing?.let { status -> val r = status.auto_cw tvContent.minLines = r?.originalLineCount ?: - 1 if(r?.decoded_spoiler_text != null) { // 自動CWの場合はContentWarningのテキストを切り替える tvContentWarning.text = if(shown) activity.getString(R.string.auto_cw_prefix) else r.decoded_spoiler_text } } } private fun setMedia( media_attachments : ArrayList, sbDesc : StringBuilder, iv : MyNetworkImageView, idx : Int ) { val ta = if(idx < media_attachments.size) media_attachments[idx] else null if(ta == null) { iv.visibility = View.GONE return } iv.visibility = View.VISIBLE iv.setFocusPoint(ta.focusX, ta.focusY) if(Pref.bpDontCropMediaThumb(App1.pref)) { iv.scaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_CENTER } else { iv.setScaleTypeForMedia() } val showUrl : Boolean when(ta.type) { TootAttachmentType.Audio -> { iv.setMediaType(0) iv.setDefaultImage(defaultColorIcon(activity, R.drawable.wide_music)) iv.setImageUrl(activity.pref, 0f, ta.urlForThumbnail) showUrl = true } TootAttachmentType.Unknown -> { iv.setMediaType(0) iv.setDefaultImage(defaultColorIcon(activity, R.drawable.wide_question)) iv.setImageUrl(activity.pref, 0f, null) showUrl = true } else -> when(val urlThumbnail = ta.urlForThumbnail) { null, "" -> { iv.setMediaType(0) iv.setDefaultImage(defaultColorIcon(activity, R.drawable.wide_question)) iv.setImageUrl(activity.pref, 0f, null) showUrl = true } else -> { iv.setMediaType( when(ta.type) { TootAttachmentType.Video -> R.drawable.media_type_video TootAttachmentType.GIFV -> R.drawable.media_type_gifv else -> 0 } ) iv.setDefaultImage(null) iv.setImageUrl( activity.pref, 0f, access_info.supplyBaseUrl(urlThumbnail), access_info.supplyBaseUrl(urlThumbnail) ) showUrl = false } } } fun appendDescription(s : String) { // val lp = LinearLayout.LayoutParams( // LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, // LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT // ) // lp.topMargin = (0.5f + activity.density * 3f).toInt() // // val tv = MyTextView(activity) // tv.layoutParams = lp // // // tv.movementMethod = MyLinkMovementMethod // if(! activity.timeline_font_size_sp.isNaN()) { // tv.textSize = activity.timeline_font_size_sp // } // tv.setTextColor(content_color) if(sbDesc.isNotEmpty()) sbDesc.append("\n") val desc = activity.getString(R.string.media_description, idx + 1, s) sbDesc.append(desc) } when(val description = ta.description.notEmpty()) { null -> if(showUrl) ta.urlForDescription.notEmpty()?.let { appendDescription(it) } else -> appendDescription(description) } } private val defaultBoostedAction : () -> Unit = { val pos = activity.nextPosition(column) val notification = (item as? TootNotification) boost_account?.let { whoRef -> if(access_info.isPseudo) { DlgContextMenu(activity, column, whoRef, null, notification, tvContent).show() } else { Action_User.profileLocal(activity, pos, access_info, whoRef.get()) } } } private var boostedAction : () -> Unit = defaultBoostedAction override fun onClick(v : View) { val pos = activity.nextPosition(column) val item = this.item val notification = (item as? TootNotification) when(v) { btnHideMedia, btnCardImageHide -> { fun hideViews() { llMedia.visibility = View.GONE btnShowMedia.visibility = View.VISIBLE llCardImage.visibility = View.GONE btnCardImageShow.visibility = View.VISIBLE } status_showing?.let { status ->, false) hideViews() } if(item is TootScheduled) {, false) hideViews() } } btnShowMedia, btnCardImageShow -> { fun showViews() { llMedia.visibility = View.VISIBLE btnShowMedia.visibility = View.GONE llCardImage.visibility = View.VISIBLE btnCardImageShow.visibility = View.GONE } status_showing?.let { status ->, true) showViews() } if(item is TootScheduled) {, true) showViews() } } ivMedia1 -> clickMedia(0) ivMedia2 -> clickMedia(1) ivMedia3 -> clickMedia(2) ivMedia4 -> clickMedia(3) btnContentWarning -> { status_showing?.let { status -> val new_shown = llContents.visibility == View.GONE, new_shown) // 1個だけ開閉するのではなく、例えば通知TLにある複数の要素をまとめて開閉するなどある list_adapter.notifyChange(reason = "ContentWarning onClick", reset = true) } if(item is TootScheduled) { val new_shown = llContents.visibility == View.GONE, new_shown) // 1個だけ開閉するのではなく、例えば通知TLにある複数の要素をまとめて開閉するなどある list_adapter.notifyChange(reason = "ContentWarning onClick", reset = true) } } ivThumbnail -> status_account?.let { whoRef -> when { access_info.isNA -> DlgContextMenu( activity, column, whoRef, null, notification, tvContent ).show() // 2018/12/26 疑似アカウントでもプロフカラムを表示する else -> Action_User.profileLocal( activity, pos, access_info, whoRef.get() ) } } llBoosted -> boostedAction() llReply -> { val s = status_reply when { s != null -> Action_Toot.conversation(activity, pos, access_info, s) // tootsearchは返信元のIDを取得するのにひと手間必要 column.type == ColumnType.SEARCH_TS -> Action_Toot.showReplyTootsearch(activity, pos, status_showing) else -> { val id = status_showing?.in_reply_to_id if(id != null) { Action_Toot.conversationLocal(activity, pos, access_info, id) } } } } llFollow -> follow_account?.let { whoRef -> if(access_info.isPseudo) { DlgContextMenu(activity, column, whoRef, null, notification, tvContent).show() } else { Action_User.profileLocal(activity, pos, access_info, whoRef.get()) } } btnFollow -> follow_account?.let { who -> DlgContextMenu(activity, column, who, null, notification, tvContent).show() } btnSearchTag, llTrendTag -> when(item) { is TootConversationSummary -> openConversationSummary() is TootGap -> column.startGap(item) is TootSearchGap -> column.startGap(item) is TootDomainBlock -> { AlertDialog.Builder(activity) .setMessage( activity.getString( R.string.confirm_unblock_domain, item.domain.pretty ) ) .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, null) .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok) { _, _ -> Action_Instance.blockDomain( activity, access_info, item.domain, bBlock = false ) } .show() } is TootTag -> { Action_HashTag.timeline( activity, activity.nextPosition(column), access_info, // #を含まない ) } is TootScheduled -> { ActionsDialog() .addAction(activity.getString(R.string.edit)) { Action_Toot.editScheduledPost(activity, access_info, item) } .addAction(activity.getString(R.string.delete)) { Action_Toot.deleteScheduledPost(activity, access_info, item) { column.onScheduleDeleted(item) showToast(activity, false, R.string.scheduled_post_deleted) } } .show(activity) } } btnListTL -> if(item is TootList) { activity.addColumn(pos, access_info, ColumnType.LIST_TL, } else if(item is MisskeyAntenna) { // TODO activity.addColumn(pos, access_info, ColumnType.MISSKEY_ANTENNA_TL, } btnListMore -> if(item is TootList) { ActionsDialog() .addAction(activity.getString(R.string.list_timeline)) { activity.addColumn(pos, access_info, ColumnType.LIST_TL, } .addAction(activity.getString(R.string.list_member)) { activity.addColumn( false, pos, access_info, ColumnType.LIST_MEMBER, ) } .addAction(activity.getString(R.string.rename)) { Action_List.rename(activity, access_info, item) } .addAction(activity.getString(R.string.delete)) { Action_List.delete(activity, access_info, item) } .show(activity, item.title) } else if(item is MisskeyAntenna) { // TODO } btnFollowRequestAccept -> follow_account?.let { whoRef -> val who = whoRef.get() DlgConfirm.openSimple( activity, activity.getString( R.string.follow_accept_confirm, AcctColor.getNickname(access_info, who) ) ) { Action_Follow.authorizeFollowRequest(activity, access_info, whoRef, true) } } btnFollowRequestDeny -> follow_account?.let { whoRef -> val who = whoRef.get() DlgConfirm.openSimple( activity, activity.getString( R.string.follow_deny_confirm, AcctColor.getNickname(access_info, who) ) ) { Action_Follow.authorizeFollowRequest(activity, access_info, whoRef, false) } } llFilter -> if(item is TootFilter) { openFilterMenu(item) } ivCardImage -> status_showing?.card?.let { card -> val originalStatus = card.originalStatus if(originalStatus != null) { Action_Toot.conversation( activity, activity.nextPosition(column), access_info, originalStatus ) } else { val url = card.url if(url?.isNotEmpty() == true) { ChromeTabOpener( activity, pos, url, accessInfo = access_info ).open() } } } llConversationIcons -> openConversationSummary() } } override fun onLongClick(v : View) : Boolean { val notification = (item as? TootNotification) when(v) { ivThumbnail -> { status_account?.let { who -> DlgContextMenu( activity, column, who, null, notification, tvContent ).show() } return true } llBoosted -> { boost_account?.let { who -> DlgContextMenu( activity, column, who, null, notification, tvContent ).show() } return true } llReply -> { val s = status_reply when { // 返信元のstatusがあるならコンテキストメニュー s != null -> DlgContextMenu( activity, column, s.accountRef, s, notification, tvContent ).show() // それ以外はコンテキストメニューではなく会話を開く // tootsearchは返信元のIDを取得するのにひと手間必要 column.type == ColumnType.SEARCH_TS -> Action_Toot.showReplyTootsearch( activity, activity.nextPosition(column), status_showing ) else -> { val id = status_showing?.in_reply_to_id if(id != null) { Action_Toot.conversationLocal( activity, activity.nextPosition(column), access_info, id ) } } } } llFollow -> { follow_account?.let { whoRef -> DlgContextMenu( activity, column, whoRef, null, notification ).show() } return true } btnFollow -> { follow_account?.let { whoRef -> Action_Follow.followFromAnotherAccount( activity, activity.nextPosition(column), access_info, whoRef.get() ) } return true } ivCardImage -> Action_Toot.conversationOtherInstance( activity, activity.nextPosition(column), status_showing?.card?.originalStatus ) btnSearchTag, llTrendTag -> { when(val item = this.item) { // is TootGap -> column.startGap(item) // // is TootDomainBlock -> { // val domain = item.domain // AlertDialog.Builder(activity) // .setMessage(activity.getString(R.string.confirm_unblock_domain, domain)) // .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, null) // .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok) { _, _ -> Action_Instance.blockDomain(activity, access_info, domain, false) } // .show() // } is TootTag -> { // search_tag は#を含まない val tagEncoded = val url = "https://${}/tags/$tagEncoded" Action_HashTag.timelineOtherInstance( activity = activity, pos = activity.nextPosition(column), url = url, host =, tag_without_sharp = ) } } return true } } return false } private fun clickMedia(i : Int) { try { val media_attachments = status_showing?.media_attachments ?: (item as? TootScheduled)?.media_attachments ?: return when(val item = if(i < media_attachments.size) media_attachments[i] else return) { is TootAttachmentMSP -> { // マストドン検索ポータルのデータではmedia_attachmentsが簡略化されている // 会話の流れを表示する Action_Toot.conversationOtherInstance( activity, activity.nextPosition(column), status_showing ) } is TootAttachment -> when { // unknownが1枚だけなら内蔵ビューアを使わずにインテントを投げる item.type == TootAttachmentType.Unknown && media_attachments.size == 1 -> { // // メディアタイプがunknownの場合、そのほとんどはリモートから来たURLである // Pref.bpPriorLocalURL の状態に関わらずリモートURLがあればそれをブラウザで開く when(val remoteUrl = item.remote_url.notEmpty()) { null -> App1.openCustomTab(activity, item) else -> App1.openCustomTab(activity, remoteUrl) } } // 内蔵メディアビューアを使う Pref.bpUseInternalMediaViewer(App1.pref) -> activity, when(access_info.isMisskey) { true -> ServiceType.MISSKEY else -> ServiceType.MASTODON }, media_attachments, i ) // ブラウザで開く else -> App1.openCustomTab(activity, item) } } } catch(ex : Throwable) { log.trace(ex) } } private fun showPreviewCard(status : TootStatus) { if(Pref.bpDontShowPreviewCard(activity.pref)) return val card = status.card ?: return // 会話カラムで返信ステータスなら捏造したカードを表示しない if(column.type == ColumnType.CONVERSATION && card.originalStatus != null && status.reply != null ) { return } var bShowOuter = false val sb = StringBuilder() fun showString(){ if(sb.isNotEmpty()) { val text = DecodeOptions(activity, access_info, forceHtml = true) .decodeHTML(sb.toString()) if(text.isNotEmpty()) { tvCardText.visibility = View.VISIBLE tvCardText.text = text bShowOuter = true } } } if( status.reblog?.quote_muted == true){ addLinkAndCaption( sb, null, card.url, activity.getString(R.string.muted_quote) ) showString() }else{ addLinkAndCaption( sb, activity.getString(R.string.card_header_card), card.url, card.title ) addLinkAndCaption( sb, activity.getString(R.string.card_header_author), card.author_url, card.author_name ) addLinkAndCaption( sb, activity.getString(R.string.card_header_provider), card.provider_url, card.provider_name ) val description = card.description if(description != null && description.isNotEmpty()) { if(sb.isNotEmpty()) sb.append("
") val limit = Pref.spCardDescriptionLength.toInt(activity.pref) sb.append( HTMLDecoder.encodeEntity( ellipsize( description, if(limit <= 0) 64 else limit ) ) ) } showString() val image = card.image if( == true) != null) { flCardImage.layoutParams.height = if(card.originalStatus != null) { activity.avatarIconSize } else { activity.app_state.media_thumb_height } val imageUrl = access_info.supplyBaseUrl(image) ivCardImage.setImageUrl(activity.pref, 0f, imageUrl, imageUrl) btnCardImageShow.blurhash = card.blurhash // show about card outer bShowOuter = true // show about image content val default_shown = when { column.hide_media_default -> false access_info.dont_hide_nsfw -> true else -> ! status.sensitive } val is_shown = MediaShown.isShown(status, default_shown)! is_shown) } } if(bShowOuter) llCardOuter.visibility = View.VISIBLE } private fun addLinkAndCaption( sb : StringBuilder, header : String?, url : String?, caption : String? ) { if(url.isNullOrEmpty() && caption.isNullOrEmpty()) return if(sb.isNotEmpty()) sb.append("
") if( header?.isNotEmpty() == true){ sb.append(HTMLDecoder.encodeEntity(header)).append(": ") } if(url != null && url.isNotEmpty()) { sb.append("") } sb.append( HTMLDecoder.encodeEntity( when { caption != null && caption.isNotEmpty() -> caption url != null && url.isNotEmpty() -> url else -> "???" } ) ) if(url != null && url.isNotEmpty()) { sb.append("") } } private fun makeReactionsView(status : TootStatus) { if(! access_info.isMisskey) return val reactionsCount = status.reactionCounts val density = activity.density val buttonHeight = ActMain.boostButtonSize val marginBetween = (buttonHeight.toFloat() * 0.05f + 0.5f).toInt() val paddingH = (buttonHeight.toFloat() * 0.1f + 0.5f).toInt() val paddingV = (buttonHeight.toFloat() * 0.1f + 0.5f).toInt() val box = FlexboxLayout(activity).apply { flexWrap = FlexWrap.WRAP justifyContent = JustifyContent.FLEX_START layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ).apply { topMargin = (0.5f + density * 3f).toInt() } } // +ボタン run { val b = ImageButton(activity) val blp = FlexboxLayout.LayoutParams( buttonHeight, buttonHeight ) blp.endMargin = marginBetween b.layoutParams = blp b.background = ContextCompat.getDrawable( activity, R.drawable.btn_bg_transparent_round6dp ) val hasMyReaction = status.myReaction?.isNotEmpty() == true b.contentDescription = activity.getString(if(hasMyReaction) R.string.reaction_remove else R.string.reaction_add) b.scaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_CENTER b.padding = paddingV b.setOnClickListener { if(hasMyReaction) { removeReaction(status, false) } else { addReaction(status, null) } } b.setOnLongClickListener { Action_Toot.reactionFromAnotherAccount( activity, access_info, status_showing ) true } setIconDrawableId( activity, b, if(hasMyReaction) R.drawable.ic_remove else R.drawable.ic_add, color = content_color, alphaMultiplier = Styler.boost_alpha ) box.addView(b) } if(reactionsCount != null) { var lastButton : View? = null val options = DecodeOptions( activity, access_info, decodeEmoji = true, enlargeEmoji = 1.5f ) // 通常の絵文字はUnicodeを使う fun addEmojiReaction(name : String, unicode : String, count : Int) { val b = Button(activity).apply { layoutParams = FlexboxLayout.LayoutParams( FlexboxLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, buttonHeight ).apply { endMargin = marginBetween } text = EmojiDecoder.decodeEmoji(options, "$unicode $count") allCaps = false tag = name minWidthCompat = buttonHeight background = ContextCompat.getDrawable( this@ItemViewHolder.activity, R.drawable.btn_bg_transparent_round6dp ) // TODO 自分がリアクションしたやつは背景を変える setTextColor(content_color) setPadding(paddingH, paddingV, paddingH, paddingV) setOnClickListener { addReaction(status, it.tag as? String) } setOnLongClickListener { Action_Toot.reactionFromAnotherAccount( this@ItemViewHolder.activity, access_info, status_showing, it.tag as? String ) true } } box.addView(b) lastButton = b } fun addCustomEmojiReaction(name : String, customCode : String, count : Int) { val b = Button(activity).apply { layoutParams = FlexboxLayout.LayoutParams( FlexboxLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, buttonHeight ).apply { endMargin = marginBetween } minWidthCompat = buttonHeight background = ContextCompat.getDrawable( this@ItemViewHolder.activity, R.drawable.btn_bg_transparent_round6dp ) // TODO 自分がリアクションしたやつは背景を変える setTextColor(content_color) setPadding(paddingH, paddingV, paddingH, paddingV) val emoji = status.custom_emojis?.get(customCode) ?: App1.custom_emoji_lister.getMap(access_info) ?.get(customCode) val emojiUrl = emoji?.let { if(Pref.bpDisableEmojiAnimation(this@ItemViewHolder.activity.pref)) { it.static_url } else { it.url } } val sb = SpannableStringBuilder("$name $count") if(emojiUrl != null) { sb.setSpan( NetworkEmojiSpan(emojiUrl, scale = 1.5f), 0, name.length, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE ) val invalidator = NetworkEmojiInvalidator(this@ItemViewHolder.activity.handler, this) invalidator.register(sb) extra_invalidator_list.add(invalidator) } text = sb allCaps = false tag = name setOnClickListener { addReaction(status, it.tag as? String) } setOnLongClickListener { Action_Toot.reactionFromAnotherAccount( this@ItemViewHolder.activity, access_info, status_showing, it.tag as? String ) true } } box.addView(b) lastButton = b } for(entry in reactionsCount.entries) { val key = entry.key val count = entry.value if(count <= 0) continue // 組み込みのリアクション val mr = MisskeyReaction.shortcodeMap[key] if(mr != null) { addEmojiReaction(mr.shortcode, mr.emojiUtf16, count) continue } // カスタム絵文字のリアクション val customCode = key.replace(":", "") if(key != customCode) { addCustomEmojiReaction(key, customCode, count) continue } // Unicode絵文字のリアクション addEmojiReaction(key, key, count) } lastButton ?.layoutParams ?.cast() ?.endMargin = 0 } llExtra.addView(box) } private fun addReaction(status : TootStatus, code : String?) { if(status.myReaction?.isNotEmpty() == true) { showToast(activity, false, R.string.already_reactioned) return } if(access_info.isPseudo || ! access_info.isMisskey) return if(code == null) { val ad = ActionsDialog() for(mr in MisskeyReaction.values()) { val newCode = mr.shortcode val sb = SpannableStringBuilder() .appendMisskeyReaction(activity, mr.emojiUtf16, " ") .append(' ') .append(mr.shortcode) ad.addAction(sb) { addReaction(status, newCode) } } return } TootTaskRunner(activity, progress_style = TootTaskRunner.PROGRESS_NONE).run(access_info, object : TootTask { override fun background(client : TootApiClient) : TootApiResult? { val params = access_info.putMisskeyApiToken().apply { put("noteId", put("reaction", code) } @Suppress("UnnecessaryVariable") val result = client.request("/api/notes/reactions/create", params.toPostRequestBuilder()) // 成功すると204 no content return result } override fun handleResult(result : TootApiResult?) { result ?: return val error = result.error if(error != null) { showToast(activity, false, error) return } if((result.response?.code ?: - 1) in 200 until 300) { if(status.increaseReaction(code, true, "addReaction")) { // 1個だけ描画更新するのではなく、TLにある複数の要素をまとめて更新する list_adapter.notifyChange(reason = "addReaction complete", reset = true) } } } }) } private fun removeReaction(status : TootStatus, confirmed : Boolean = false) { val reaction = status.myReaction if(reaction?.isNotEmpty() != true) { showToast(activity, false, R.string.not_reactioned) return } if(access_info.isPseudo || ! access_info.isMisskey) return if(! confirmed) { AlertDialog.Builder(activity) .setMessage(activity.getString(R.string.reaction_remove_confirm, reaction)) .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, null) .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok) { _, _ -> removeReaction(status, confirmed = true) } .show() return } TootTaskRunner(activity, progress_style = TootTaskRunner.PROGRESS_NONE).run(access_info, object : TootTask { override fun background(client : TootApiClient) : TootApiResult? = // 成功すると204 no content client.request( "/api/notes/reactions/delete", access_info.putMisskeyApiToken().apply { put("noteId", } .toPostRequestBuilder() ) override fun handleResult(result : TootApiResult?) { result ?: return val error = result.error if(error != null) { showToast(activity, false, error) return } if((result.response?.code ?: - 1) in 200 until 300) { if(status.decreaseReaction(reaction, true, "removeReaction")) { // 1個だけ描画更新するのではなく、TLにある複数の要素をまとめて更新する list_adapter.notifyChange( reason = "removeReaction complete", reset = true ) } } } }) } private fun showEnqueteItems(status : TootStatus, enquete : TootPolls) { val items = enquete.items ?: return val now = System.currentTimeMillis() val canVote = when(enquete.pollType) { TootPollsType.Mastodon -> when { enquete.expired -> false now >= enquete.expired_at -> false enquete.ownVoted -> false else -> true } TootPollsType.FriendsNico -> { val remain = enquete.time_start + TootPolls.ENQUETE_EXPIRE - now remain > 0L && ! enquete.ownVoted } TootPollsType.Misskey -> ! enquete.ownVoted } items.forEachIndexed { index, choice -> makeEnqueteChoiceView(status, enquete, canVote, index, choice) } when(enquete.pollType) { TootPollsType.Mastodon -> makeEnqueteFooterMastodon(status, enquete, canVote) TootPollsType.FriendsNico -> makeEnqueteFooterFriendsNico(enquete) TootPollsType.Misskey -> { } } } private fun makeEnqueteChoiceView( status : TootStatus, enquete : TootPolls, canVote : Boolean, i : Int, item : TootPollsChoice ) { val text = when(enquete.pollType) { TootPollsType.Misskey -> { val sb = SpannableStringBuilder() .append(item.decoded_text) if(enquete.ownVoted) { sb.append(" / ") sb.append(activity.getString(R.string.vote_count_text, item.votes)) if(item.isVoted) sb.append(' ').append(0x2713.toChar()) } sb } TootPollsType.FriendsNico -> { item.decoded_text } TootPollsType.Mastodon -> if(canVote) { item.decoded_text } else { val sb = SpannableStringBuilder() .append(item.decoded_text) if(! canVote) { val v = item.votes sb.append(" / ") sb.append( when { v == null || (column.isSearchColumn && column.access_info.isNA) -> activity.getString(R.string.vote_count_unavailable) else -> activity.getString(R.string.vote_count_text, v) } ) if(item.isVoted) sb.append(' ').append(0x2713.toChar()) } sb } } // 投票ボタンの表示 val lp = LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ).apply { if(i == 0) topMargin = (0.5f + activity.density * 3f).toInt() } if(! canVote) { val b = TextView(activity) b.layoutParams = lp b.text = text val invalidator = NetworkEmojiInvalidator(activity.handler, b) extra_invalidator_list.add(invalidator) invalidator.register(text) b.padding = (activity.density * 3f + 0.5f).toInt() val ratio = when(enquete.pollType) { TootPollsType.Mastodon -> { val votesCount = enquete.votes_count ?: 0 val max = enquete.maxVotesCount ?: 0 if(max > 0 && votesCount > 0) { (item.votes ?: 0).toFloat() / votesCount.toFloat() } else { null } } else -> { val ratios = enquete.ratios if(ratios != null && i <= ratios.size) { ratios[i] } else { null } } } if(ratio != null) { b.backgroundDrawable = PollPlotDrawable( color = (content_color and 0xFFFFFF) or 0x20000000, ratio = ratio, isRtl = b.layoutDirection == View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL, startWidth = (activity.density * 2f + 0.5f).toInt() ) } llExtra.addView(b) } else if(enquete.multiple) { // 複数選択なのでチェックボックス val b = CheckBox(activity) b.layoutParams = lp b.isAllCaps = false b.text = text val invalidator = NetworkEmojiInvalidator(activity.handler, b) extra_invalidator_list.add(invalidator) invalidator.register(text) if(! canVote) { b.isEnabled = false } else { b.isChecked = item.checked b.setOnCheckedChangeListener { _, checked -> item.checked = checked } } llExtra.addView(b) } else { val b = Button(activity) b.layoutParams = lp b.isAllCaps = false b.text = text val invalidator = NetworkEmojiInvalidator(activity.handler, b) extra_invalidator_list.add(invalidator) invalidator.register(text) if(! canVote) { b.isEnabled = false } else { val accessInfo = this@ItemViewHolder.access_info b.setOnClickListener { view -> val context = view.context ?: return@setOnClickListener onClickEnqueteChoice(status, enquete, context, accessInfo, i) } } llExtra.addView(b) } } private fun makeEnqueteFooterFriendsNico(enquete : TootPolls) { val density = activity.density val height = (0.5f + 6 * density).toInt() val view = EnqueteTimerView(activity) view.layoutParams = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, height) view.setParams(enquete.time_start, TootPolls.ENQUETE_EXPIRE) llExtra.addView(view) } private fun makeEnqueteFooterMastodon( status : TootStatus, enquete : TootPolls, canVote : Boolean ) { val density = activity.density if(canVote && enquete.multiple) { // 複数選択の投票ボタン val lp = LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ).apply { topMargin = (0.5f + density * 3f).toInt() } val b = Button(activity) b.layoutParams = lp b.isAllCaps = false b.text = activity.getString(R.string.vote_button) val accessInfo = this@ItemViewHolder.access_info b.setOnClickListener { view -> val context = view.context ?: return@setOnClickListener sendMultiple(status, enquete, context, accessInfo) } llExtra.addView(b) } val tv = TextView(activity) val lp = LinearLayout.LayoutParams( LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ) lp.topMargin = (0.5f + 3 * density).toInt() tv.layoutParams = lp val sb = StringBuilder() val votes_count = enquete.votes_count ?: 0 when { votes_count == 1 -> sb.append(activity.getString(R.string.vote_1)) votes_count > 1 -> sb.append(activity.getString(R.string.vote_2, votes_count)) } when(val t = enquete.expired_at) { Long.MAX_VALUE -> { } else -> { if(sb.isNotEmpty()) sb.append(" ") sb.append( activity.getString( R.string.vote_expire_at, TootStatus.formatTime(activity, t, false) ) ) } } tv.text = sb.toString() llExtra.addView(tv) } private fun onClickEnqueteChoice( status : TootStatus, enquete : TootPolls, context : Context, accessInfo : SavedAccount, idx : Int ) { if(enquete.ownVoted) { showToast(context, false, R.string.already_voted) return } val now = System.currentTimeMillis() when(enquete.pollType) { TootPollsType.Misskey -> { // Misskeyのアンケートには期限がない? } TootPollsType.FriendsNico -> { val remain = enquete.time_start + TootPolls.ENQUETE_EXPIRE - now if(remain <= 0L) { showToast(context, false, R.string.enquete_was_end) return } } TootPollsType.Mastodon -> { if(enquete.expired || now >= enquete.expired_at) { showToast(context, false, R.string.enquete_was_end) return } } } TootTaskRunner(context).run(accessInfo, object : TootTask { override fun background(client : TootApiClient) = when(enquete.pollType) { TootPollsType.Misskey -> client.request( "/api/notes/polls/vote", accessInfo.putMisskeyApiToken().apply { put("noteId", enquete.status_id.toString()) put("choice", idx) }.toPostRequestBuilder() ) TootPollsType.Mastodon -> client.request( "/api/v1/polls/${enquete.pollId}/votes", jsonObject { put("choices", jsonArray { add(idx) }) }.toPostRequestBuilder() ) TootPollsType.FriendsNico -> client.request( "/api/v1/votes/${enquete.status_id}", jsonObject { put("item_index", idx.toString()) }.toPostRequestBuilder() ) } override fun handleResult(result : TootApiResult?) { result ?: return // cancelled. val data = result.jsonObject if(data != null) { when(enquete.pollType) { TootPollsType.Misskey -> if(enquete.increaseVote(activity, idx, true)) { showToast(context, false, R.string.enquete_voted) // 1個だけ開閉するのではなく、例えば通知TLにある複数の要素をまとめて開閉するなどある list_adapter.notifyChange(reason = "onClickEnqueteChoice", reset = true) } TootPollsType.Mastodon -> { val newPoll = TootPolls.parse( TootParser(activity, accessInfo), status, status.media_attachments, data, TootPollsType.Mastodon ) if(newPoll != null) { status.enquete = newPoll // 1個だけ開閉するのではなく、例えば通知TLにある複数の要素をまとめて開閉するなどある list_adapter.notifyChange( reason = "onClickEnqueteChoice", reset = true ) } else if(result.error != null) { showToast(context, true, "response parse error") } } TootPollsType.FriendsNico -> { val message = data.string("message") ?: "?" val valid = data.optBoolean("valid") if(valid) { showToast(context, false, R.string.enquete_voted) } else { showToast(context, true, R.string.enquete_vote_failed, message) } } } } else { showToast(context, true, result.error) } } }) } private fun sendMultiple( status : TootStatus, enquete : TootPolls, context : Context, accessInfo : SavedAccount ) { val now = System.currentTimeMillis() if(now >= enquete.expired_at) { showToast(context, false, R.string.enquete_was_end) return } if(enquete.items?.find { it.checked } == null) { showToast(context, false, R.string.polls_choice_not_selected) return } TootTaskRunner(context).run(accessInfo, object : TootTask { var newPoll : TootPolls? = null override fun background(client : TootApiClient) : TootApiResult? { return client.request( "/api/v1/polls/${enquete.pollId}/votes", jsonObject { put("choices", jsonArray { enquete.items.forEachIndexed { index, choice -> if(choice.checked) add(index) } }) }.toPostRequestBuilder() )?.also { result -> val data = result.jsonObject if(data != null) { newPoll = TootPolls.parse( TootParser(activity, accessInfo), status, status.media_attachments, data, TootPollsType.Mastodon ) if(newPoll == null) result.setError("response parse error") } } } override fun handleResult(result : TootApiResult?) { result ?: return // cancelled. val newPoll = this.newPoll if(newPoll != null) { status.enquete = newPoll // 1個だけ開閉するのではなく、例えば通知TLにある複数の要素をまとめて開閉するなどある list_adapter.notifyChange(reason = "onClickEnqueteChoice", reset = true) } else if(result.error != null) { showToast(context, true, result.error) } } }) } private fun openFilterMenu(item : TootFilter) { val ad = ActionsDialog() ad.addAction(activity.getString(R.string.edit)) {, access_info, } ad.addAction(activity.getString(R.string.delete)) { Action_Filter.delete(activity, access_info, item) }, activity.getString(R.string.filter_of, item.phrase)) } internal fun getAccount() = status_account ?: boost_account ?: follow_account ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private fun inflate(activity : ActMain) = with(activity.UI {}) { val b = Benchmark(log, "Item-Inflate", 40L) val rv = verticalLayout { // トップレベルのViewGroupのlparamsはイニシャライザ内部に置くしかないみたい layoutParams = androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.LayoutParams(matchParent, wrapContent) .apply { marginStart = dip(8) marginEnd = dip(8) topMargin = dip(2f) bottomMargin = dip(1f) } setPaddingRelative(dip(4), dip(1f), dip(4), dip(2f)) descendantFocusability = ViewGroup.FOCUS_BLOCK_DESCENDANTS llBoosted = linearLayout { lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) { bottomMargin = dip(6) } backgroundResource = R.drawable.btn_bg_transparent_round6dp gravity = Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL ivBoosted = imageView { scaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_END importantForAccessibility = View.IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO }.lparams(dip(48), dip(32)) { endMargin = dip(4) } verticalLayout { lparams(dip(0), wrapContent) { weight = 1f } linearLayout { lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) tvBoostedAcct = textView { ellipsize = TextUtils.TruncateAt.END gravity = Gravity.END maxLines = 1 textSize = 12f // textSize の単位はSP // tools:text ="who@hoge" }.lparams(dip(0), wrapContent) { weight = 1f } tvBoostedTime = textView { startPadding = dip(2) gravity = Gravity.END textSize = 12f // textSize の単位はSP // tools:ignore="RtlSymmetry" // tools:text="2017-04-16 09:37:14" }.lparams(wrapContent, wrapContent) } tvBoosted = textView { // tools:text = "~にブーストされました" }.lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) } } llFollow = linearLayout { lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) background = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.btn_bg_transparent_round6dp) gravity = Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL ivFollow = myNetworkImageView { contentDescription = context.getString(R.string.thumbnail) scaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_END }.lparams(dip(48), dip(40)) { endMargin = dip(4) } verticalLayout { lparams(dip(0), wrapContent) { weight = 1f } tvFollowerName = textView { // tools:text="Follower Name" }.lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) tvFollowerAcct = textView { setPaddingStartEnd(dip(4), dip(4)) textSize = 12f // SP // tools:text="aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" }.lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) tvLastStatusAt = myTextView { setPaddingStartEnd(dip(4), dip(4)) textSize = 12f // SP // tools:text="aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" }.lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) } frameLayout { lparams(dip(40), dip(40)) { startMargin = dip(4) } btnFollow = imageButton { background = ContextCompat.getDrawable( context, R.drawable.btn_bg_transparent_round6dp ) contentDescription = context.getString(R.string.follow) scaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER // tools:src="?attr/ic_follow_plus" }.lparams(matchParent, matchParent) ivFollowedBy = imageView { scaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER // tools:src="?attr/ic_followed_by" importantForAccessibility = View.IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO }.lparams(matchParent, matchParent) } } llStatus = verticalLayout { lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) linearLayout { lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) tvAcct = textView { ellipsize = TextUtils.TruncateAt.END gravity = Gravity.END maxLines = 1 textSize = 12f // SP // tools:text="who@hoge" }.lparams(dip(0), wrapContent) { weight = 1f } tvTime = textView { gravity = Gravity.END startPadding = dip(2) textSize = 12f // SP // tools:ignore="RtlSymmetry" // tools:text="2017-04-16 09:37:14" }.lparams(wrapContent, wrapContent) } linearLayout { lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) ivThumbnail = myNetworkImageView { background = ContextCompat.getDrawable( context, R.drawable.btn_bg_transparent_round6dp ) contentDescription = context.getString(R.string.thumbnail) scaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP }.lparams(dip(48), dip(48)) { topMargin = dip(4) endMargin = dip(4) } verticalLayout { lparams(dip(0), wrapContent) { weight = 1f } tvName = textView { }.lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) llInstanceTicker = linearLayout { lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) ivInstanceTicker = myNetworkImageView { }.lparams(dip(16), dip(16)) { isBaselineAligned = false } tvInstanceTicker = textView { setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 10f) gravity = Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL setPaddingStartEnd(dip(4f), dip(4f)) }.lparams(0, dip(16)) { isBaselineAligned = false weight = 1f } } llReply = linearLayout { lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) { bottomMargin = dip(3) } background = ContextCompat.getDrawable( context, R.drawable.btn_bg_transparent_round6dp ) gravity = Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL ivReply = imageView { scaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_END importantForAccessibility = View.IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO padding = dip(4) }.lparams(dip(32), dip(32)) { endMargin = dip(4) } tvReply = textView { }.lparams(dip(0), wrapContent) { weight = 1f } } llContentWarning = linearLayout { lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) { topMargin = dip(3) isBaselineAligned = false } gravity = Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL btnContentWarning = button { backgroundDrawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.bg_button_cw) minWidthCompat = dip(40) padding = dip(4) //tools:text="見る" }.lparams(wrapContent, dip(40)) { endMargin = dip(8) } verticalLayout { lparams(dip(0), wrapContent) { weight = 1f } tvMentions = myTextView { }.lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) tvContentWarning = myTextView { }.lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) { topMargin = dip(3) } } } llContents = verticalLayout { lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) tvContent = myTextView { setLineSpacing(lineSpacingExtra, 1.1f) // tools:text="Contents\nContents" }.lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) { topMargin = dip(3) } val thumbnailHeight = activity.app_state.media_thumb_height val verticalArrangeThumbnails = Pref.bpVerticalArrangeThumbnails(activity.pref) flMedia = if(verticalArrangeThumbnails) { frameLayout { lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) { topMargin = dip(3) } llMedia = verticalLayout { lparams(matchParent, matchParent) btnHideMedia = imageButton { background = ContextCompat.getDrawable( context, R.drawable.btn_bg_transparent_round6dp ) contentDescription = context.getString(R.string.hide) imageResource = R.drawable.ic_close }.lparams(dip(32), dip(32)) { gravity = Gravity.END } ivMedia1 = myNetworkImageView { background = ContextCompat.getDrawable( context, R.drawable.bg_thumbnail ) contentDescription = context.getString(R.string.thumbnail) scaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP }.lparams(matchParent, thumbnailHeight) { topMargin = dip(3) } ivMedia2 = myNetworkImageView { background = ContextCompat.getDrawable( context, R.drawable.bg_thumbnail ) contentDescription = context.getString(R.string.thumbnail) scaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP }.lparams(matchParent, thumbnailHeight) { topMargin = dip(3) } ivMedia3 = myNetworkImageView { background = ContextCompat.getDrawable( context, R.drawable.bg_thumbnail ) contentDescription = context.getString(R.string.thumbnail) scaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP }.lparams(matchParent, thumbnailHeight) { topMargin = dip(3) } ivMedia4 = myNetworkImageView { background = ContextCompat.getDrawable( context, R.drawable.bg_thumbnail ) contentDescription = context.getString(R.string.thumbnail) scaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP }.lparams(matchParent, thumbnailHeight) { topMargin = dip(3) } } btnShowMedia = blurhashView { errorColor = getAttributeColor( context, R.attr.colorShowMediaBackground ) gravity = Gravity.CENTER textColor = getAttributeColor( context, R.attr.colorShowMediaText ) minHeightCompat = dip(48) }.lparams(matchParent, thumbnailHeight) } } else { frameLayout { lparams(matchParent, thumbnailHeight) { topMargin = dip(3) } llMedia = linearLayout { lparams(matchParent, matchParent) ivMedia1 = myNetworkImageView { background = ContextCompat.getDrawable( context, R.drawable.bg_thumbnail ) contentDescription = context.getString(R.string.thumbnail) scaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP }.lparams(0, matchParent) { weight = 1f } ivMedia2 = myNetworkImageView { background = ContextCompat.getDrawable( context, R.drawable.bg_thumbnail ) contentDescription = context.getString(R.string.thumbnail) scaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP }.lparams(0, matchParent) { startMargin = dip(8) weight = 1f } ivMedia3 = myNetworkImageView { background = ContextCompat.getDrawable( context, R.drawable.bg_thumbnail ) contentDescription = context.getString(R.string.thumbnail) scaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP }.lparams(0, matchParent) { startMargin = dip(8) weight = 1f } ivMedia4 = myNetworkImageView { background = ContextCompat.getDrawable( context, R.drawable.bg_thumbnail ) contentDescription = context.getString(R.string.thumbnail) scaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP }.lparams(0, matchParent) { startMargin = dip(8) weight = 1f } btnHideMedia = imageButton { background = ContextCompat.getDrawable( context, R.drawable.btn_bg_transparent_round6dp ) contentDescription = context.getString(R.string.hide) imageResource = R.drawable.ic_close }.lparams(dip(32), matchParent) { startMargin = dip(8) } } btnShowMedia = blurhashView { errorColor = getAttributeColor( context, R.attr.colorShowMediaBackground ) gravity = Gravity.CENTER textColor = getAttributeColor( context, R.attr.colorShowMediaText ) }.lparams(matchParent, matchParent) } } tvMediaDescription = textView {}.lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) llCardOuter = verticalLayout { lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) { topMargin = dip(3) startMargin = dip(12) endMargin = dip(6) } padding = dip(3) bottomPadding = dip(6) background = PreviewCardBorder() tvCardText = myTextView { }.lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) { } flCardImage = frameLayout { lparams(matchParent, activity.app_state.media_thumb_height) { topMargin = dip(3) } llCardImage = linearLayout { lparams(matchParent, matchParent) ivCardImage = myNetworkImageView { contentDescription = context.getString(R.string.thumbnail) scaleType = if(Pref.bpDontCropMediaThumb(App1.pref)) ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_CENTER else ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP }.lparams(0, matchParent) { weight = 1f } btnCardImageHide = imageButton { background = ContextCompat.getDrawable( context, R.drawable.btn_bg_transparent_round6dp ) contentDescription = context.getString(R.string.hide) imageResource = R.drawable.ic_close }.lparams(dip(32), matchParent) { startMargin = dip(4) } } btnCardImageShow = blurhashView { errorColor = getAttributeColor( context, R.attr.colorShowMediaBackground ) gravity = Gravity.CENTER textColor = getAttributeColor( context, R.attr.colorShowMediaText ) }.lparams(matchParent, matchParent) } } llExtra = verticalLayout { lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) { topMargin = dip(0) } } } // button bar statusButtonsViewHolder = StatusButtonsViewHolder( activity , matchParent , 3f , justifyContent = when(Pref.ipBoostButtonJustify(App1.pref)) { 0 -> JustifyContent.FLEX_START 1 -> JustifyContent.CENTER else -> JustifyContent.FLEX_END } ) llButtonBar = statusButtonsViewHolder.viewRoot addView(llButtonBar) tvApplication = textView { gravity = Gravity.END }.lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) } } } llConversationIcons = linearLayout { lparams(matchParent, dip(40)) isBaselineAligned = false gravity = Gravity.START or Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL tvConversationParticipants = textView { text = context.getString(R.string.participants) }.lparams(wrapContent, wrapContent) { endMargin = dip(3) } ivConversationIcon1 = myNetworkImageView { scaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP }.lparams(dip(24), dip(24)) { endMargin = dip(3) } ivConversationIcon2 = myNetworkImageView { scaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP }.lparams(dip(24), dip(24)) { endMargin = dip(3) } ivConversationIcon3 = myNetworkImageView { scaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP }.lparams(dip(24), dip(24)) { endMargin = dip(3) } ivConversationIcon4 = myNetworkImageView { scaleType = ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP }.lparams(dip(24), dip(24)) { endMargin = dip(3) } tvConversationIconsMore = textView { }.lparams(wrapContent, wrapContent) } llSearchTag = linearLayout { lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) btnSearchTag = button { background = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.btn_bg_transparent_round6dp) allCaps = false }.lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) } llTrendTag = linearLayout { lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) gravity = Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL background = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.btn_bg_transparent_round6dp) verticalLayout { lparams(0, wrapContent) { weight = 1f } tvTrendTagName = textView { }.lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) tvTrendTagDesc = textView { textSize = 12f // SP }.lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) } tvTrendTagCount = textView { }.lparams(wrapContent, wrapContent) { startMargin = dip(6) endMargin = dip(6) } cvTagHistory = trendTagHistoryView { }.lparams(dip(64), dip(32)) } llList = linearLayout { lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) gravity = Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL isBaselineAligned = false minimumHeight = dip(40) btnListTL = button { background = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.btn_bg_transparent_round6dp) allCaps = false }.lparams(0, wrapContent) { weight = 1f } btnListMore = imageButton { background = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.btn_bg_transparent_round6dp) imageResource = R.drawable.ic_more contentDescription = context.getString(R.string.more) }.lparams(dip(40), matchParent) { startMargin = dip(4) } } tvMessageHolder = textView { padding = dip(4) }.lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) llFollowRequest = linearLayout { lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) { topMargin = dip(6) } gravity = Gravity.END btnFollowRequestAccept = imageButton { background = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.btn_bg_transparent_round6dp) contentDescription = context.getString(R.string.follow_accept) imageResource = R.drawable.ic_check setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0) }.lparams(dip(48f), dip(32f)) btnFollowRequestDeny = imageButton { background = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.btn_bg_transparent_round6dp) contentDescription = context.getString(R.string.follow_deny) imageResource = R.drawable.ic_close setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0) }.lparams(dip(48f), dip(32f)) { startMargin = dip(4) } } llFilter = verticalLayout { lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) { } minimumHeight = dip(40) tvFilterPhrase = textView { typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD }.lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) tvFilterDetail = textView { textSize = 12f // SP }.lparams(matchParent, wrapContent) } } rv } }