package jp.juggler.subwaytooter.actmain import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import import import android.os.Handler import android.text.Spannable import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder import android.text.TextPaint import android.text.method.LinkMovementMethod import import import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import android.widget.BaseAdapter import android.widget.FrameLayout import android.widget.ListView import android.widget.TextView import androidx.core.view.GravityCompat import androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.* import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.action.* import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.TootStatus import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.column.ColumnType import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.dialog.pickAccount import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.pref.PrefB import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.pref.PrefS import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.SavedAccount import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.VersionString import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.util.openBrowser import jp.juggler.util.* import kotlinx.coroutines.* import org.jetbrains.anko.backgroundColor import java.lang.ref.WeakReference import java.util.* import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import kotlin.math.abs class SideMenuAdapter( private val actMain: ActMain, val handler: Handler, navigationView: ViewGroup, private val drawer: DrawerLayout, ) : BaseAdapter() { companion object { private val log = LogCategory("SideMenuAdapter") private val itemTypeCount = ItemType.values().size private var lastVersionView: WeakReference? = null private var versionRow = SpannableStringBuilder("") private var releaseInfo: JsonObject? = null private fun clickableSpan(url: String) = object : ClickableSpan() { override fun onClick(widget: View) { widget.activity?.openBrowser(url) } override fun updateDrawState(ds: TextPaint) { super.updateDrawState(ds) ds.isUnderlineText = false } } // 文字列を組み立ててhandler経由でViewに設定する // メインスレッドでもそれ以外でも動作する fun afterGet(appContext: Context, handler: Handler, currentVersion: String) { versionRow = SpannableStringBuilder().apply { append( appContext.getString( R.string.app_name_with_version, appContext.getString(R.string.app_name), currentVersion ) ) val newRelease = releaseInfo?.jsonObject( if (PrefB.bpCheckBetaVersion()) "beta" else "stable" ) val newVersion = (newRelease?.string("name")?.notEmpty() ?: newRelease?.string("tag_name")) ?.replace("""(v|version)\s*""".toRegex(RegexOption.IGNORE_CASE), "") ?.trim() if (newVersion == null || newVersion.isEmpty() || VersionString(currentVersion) >= VersionString( newVersion ) ) { val url = "" append("\n") val start = length append(appContext.getString(R.string.release_note)) setSpan( clickableSpan(url), start, length, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE ) } else { append("\n") var start = length append( appContext.getString( R.string.new_version_available, newVersion ) ) setSpan( ForegroundColorSpan( appContext.attrColor(R.attr.colorRegexFilterError) ), start, length, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE ) newRelease?.string("html_url")?.let { url -> append("\n") start = length append(appContext.getString(R.string.release_note_with_assets)) setSpan( clickableSpan(url), start, length, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE ) } } } { lastVersionView?.get()?.text = versionRow } } // メインスレッドから呼ばれる private fun checkVersion(appContext: Context, handler: Handler) { val currentVersion = try { appContext.packageManager.getPackageInfo(appContext.packageName, 0).versionName } catch (ignored: PackageManager.NameNotFoundException) { "??" } versionRow = SpannableStringBuilder().apply { append( appContext.getString( R.string.app_name_with_version, appContext.getString(R.string.app_name), currentVersion ) ) } val lastUpdated = releaseInfo?.string("updated_at")?.let { TootStatus.parseTime(it) } if (lastUpdated != null && System.currentTimeMillis() - lastUpdated < 86400000L) { afterGet(appContext, handler, currentVersion) } else { launchIO { val json = App1.getHttpCached("") ?.decodeUTF8()?.decodeJsonObject() if (json != null) { releaseInfo = json afterGet(appContext, handler, currentVersion) } } } } } private enum class ItemType(val id: Int) { IT_NORMAL(0), IT_GROUP_HEADER(1), IT_DIVIDER(2), IT_VERSION(3), IT_TIMEZONE(4) } private class Item( // 項目の文字列リソース or 0: divider, 1: バージョン表記, 2: タイムゾーン val title: Int = 0, val icon: Int = 0, val action: ActMain.() -> Unit = {}, ) { val itemType: ItemType get() = when { title == 0 -> ItemType.IT_DIVIDER title == 1 -> ItemType.IT_VERSION title == 2 -> ItemType.IT_TIMEZONE icon == 0 -> ItemType.IT_GROUP_HEADER else -> ItemType.IT_NORMAL } } /* no title => section divider else no icon => section header with title else => menu item with icon and title */ private val list = arrayOf( Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_info, title = 1), Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_info, title = 2), Item(), Item(title = R.string.account), Item(title = R.string.account_add, icon = R.drawable.ic_account_add) { accountAdd() }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_settings, title = R.string.account_setting) { accountOpenSetting() }, Item(), Item(title = R.string.column), Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_list_numbered, title = R.string.column_list) { openColumnList() }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_close, title = R.string.close_all_columns) { closeColumnAll() }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_paste, title = R.string.open_column_from_url) { openColumnFromUrl() }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_home, title = R.string.home) { timeline(defaultInsertPosition, ColumnType.HOME) }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_announcement, title = R.string.notifications) { timeline(defaultInsertPosition, ColumnType.NOTIFICATIONS) }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_mail, title = R.string.direct_messages) { timeline(defaultInsertPosition, ColumnType.DIRECT_MESSAGES) }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_share, title = R.string.misskey_hybrid_timeline_long) { timeline(defaultInsertPosition, ColumnType.MISSKEY_HYBRID) }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_run, title = R.string.local_timeline) { timeline(defaultInsertPosition, ColumnType.LOCAL) }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_bike, title = R.string.federate_timeline) { timeline(defaultInsertPosition, ColumnType.FEDERATE) }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_list_list, title = R.string.lists) { timeline(defaultInsertPosition, ColumnType.LIST_LIST) }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_satellite, title = R.string.antenna_list_misskey) { timeline(defaultInsertPosition, ColumnType.MISSKEY_ANTENNA_LIST) }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_search, title = { timeline(defaultInsertPosition, ColumnType.SEARCH, args = arrayOf("", false)) }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_hashtag, title = R.string.trend_tag) { timeline(defaultInsertPosition, ColumnType.TREND_TAG) }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_star, title = R.string.favourites) { timeline(defaultInsertPosition, ColumnType.FAVOURITES) }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_bookmark, title = R.string.bookmarks) { timeline(defaultInsertPosition, ColumnType.BOOKMARKS) }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_face, title = R.string.reactioned_posts) { launchMain { accountListCanSeeMyReactions()?.let { list -> if (list.isEmpty()) { showToast(false, R.string.not_available_for_current_accounts) } else { val columnType = ColumnType.REACTIONS pickAccount( accountListArg = list.toMutableList(), bAuto = true, message = getString( R.string.account_picker_add_timeline_of, columnType.name1(applicationContext) ) )?.let { addColumn(defaultInsertPosition, it, columnType) } } } } }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_account_box, title = R.string.profile) { timeline(defaultInsertPosition, ColumnType.PROFILE) }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_follow_wait, title = R.string.follow_requests) { timeline(defaultInsertPosition, ColumnType.FOLLOW_REQUESTS) }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_follow_plus, title = R.string.follow_suggestion) { timeline(defaultInsertPosition, ColumnType.FOLLOW_SUGGESTION) }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_follow_plus, title = R.string.endorse_set) { timeline(defaultInsertPosition, ColumnType.ENDORSEMENT) }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_follow_plus, title = R.string.profile_directory) { serverProfileDirectoryFromSideMenu() }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_volume_off, title = R.string.muted_users) { timeline(defaultInsertPosition, ColumnType.MUTES) }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_block, title = R.string.blocked_users) { timeline(defaultInsertPosition, ColumnType.BLOCKS) }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_volume_off, title = R.string.keyword_filters) { timeline(defaultInsertPosition, ColumnType.KEYWORD_FILTER) }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_cloud_off, title = R.string.blocked_domains) { timeline(defaultInsertPosition, ColumnType.DOMAIN_BLOCKS) }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_timer, title = R.string.scheduled_status_list) { timeline(defaultInsertPosition, ColumnType.SCHEDULED_STATUS) }, Item(), Item(title = R.string.toot_search), Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_search, title = R.string.mastodon_search_portal) { addColumn(defaultInsertPosition,, ColumnType.SEARCH_MSP, "") }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_search, title = R.string.tootsearch) { addColumn(defaultInsertPosition,, ColumnType.SEARCH_TS, "") }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_search, title = R.string.notestock) { addColumn(defaultInsertPosition,, ColumnType.SEARCH_NOTESTOCK, "") }, Item(), Item(title = R.string.setting), Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_settings, title = R.string.app_setting) { arAppSetting.launch( ActAppSetting.createIntent(this) ) }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_settings, title = R.string.highlight_word) { startActivity(Intent(this, }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_volume_off, title = R.string.muted_app) { startActivity(Intent(this, }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_volume_off, title = R.string.muted_word) { startActivity(Intent(this, }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_volume_off, title = R.string.fav_muted_user) { startActivity(Intent(this, }, Item( icon = R.drawable.ic_volume_off, title = R.string.muted_users_from_pseudo_account ) { startActivity(Intent(this, }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_info, title = R.string.app_about) { arAbout.launch( Intent(this, ) }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_info, title = R.string.oss_license) { startActivity(Intent(this, }, Item(icon = R.drawable.ic_hot_tub, title = R.string.app_exit) { finish() } ) private val iconColor = actMain.attrColor(R.attr.colorTimeSmall) override fun getCount(): Int = list.size override fun getItem(position: Int): Any = list[position] override fun getItemId(position: Int): Long = 0L override fun getViewTypeCount(): Int = itemTypeCount override fun getItemViewType(position: Int): Int = list[position] private inline fun viewOrInflate( view: View?, parent: ViewGroup?, resId: Int, ): T = (view ?: actMain.layoutInflater.inflate(resId, parent, false)) as? T ?: error("invalid view type! ${}") override fun getView(position: Int, view: View?, parent: ViewGroup?): View = list[position].run { when (itemType) { ItemType.IT_DIVIDER -> viewOrInflate(view, parent, R.layout.lv_sidemenu_separator) ItemType.IT_GROUP_HEADER -> viewOrInflate(view, parent, R.layout.lv_sidemenu_group).apply { text = actMain.getString(title) } ItemType.IT_NORMAL -> viewOrInflate(view, parent, R.layout.lv_sidemenu_item).apply { isAllCaps = false text = actMain.getString(title) val drawable = createColoredDrawable(actMain, icon, iconColor, 1f) setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds( drawable, null, null, null ) setOnClickListener { action(actMain) drawer.closeDrawer(GravityCompat.START) } } ItemType.IT_VERSION -> viewOrInflate(view, parent, R.layout.lv_sidemenu_item).apply { lastVersionView = WeakReference(this) movementMethod = LinkMovementMethod.getInstance() textSize = 18f isAllCaps = false background = null text = versionRow } ItemType.IT_TIMEZONE -> viewOrInflate(view, parent, R.layout.lv_sidemenu_item).apply { textSize = 14f isAllCaps = false background = null text = getTimeZoneString(context) } } } private fun getTimeZoneString(context: Context): String { try { var tz = TimeZone.getDefault() val tzId = PrefS.spTimeZone() if (tzId.isBlank()) { return tz.displayName + "(" + context.getString(R.string.device_timezone) + ")" } tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(tzId) var offset = tz.rawOffset.toLong() return when (offset) { 0L -> "(UTC\u00B100:00) ${} ${tz.displayName}" else -> { val format = when { offset > 0 -> "(UTC+%02d:%02d) %s %s" else -> "(UTC-%02d:%02d) %s %s" } offset = abs(offset) val hours = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(offset) val minutes = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(offset) - TimeUnit.HOURS.toMinutes(hours) String.format(format, hours, minutes,, tz.displayName) } } } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.w(ex) return "(incorrect TimeZone)" } } fun onActivityStart() { this.notifyDataSetChanged() } init { checkVersion(actMain.applicationContext, handler) ListView(actMain).apply { adapter = this@SideMenuAdapter layoutParams = FrameLayout.LayoutParams( FrameLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, FrameLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT ) backgroundColor = actMain.attrColor(R.attr.colorWindowBackground) selector = StateListDrawable() divider = null dividerHeight = 0 isScrollbarFadingEnabled = false val padV = (actMain.density * 12f + 0.5f).toInt() setPadding(0, padV, 0, padV) clipToPadding = false scrollBarStyle = ListView.SCROLLBARS_OUTSIDE_OVERLAY navigationView.addView(this) } } }