package jp.juggler.subwaytooter.column import android.content.Context import android.view.Gravity import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.R import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.ApiPath import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootApiClient import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootApiResult import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.* import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.finder.* import import import import import import import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.streaming.StreamSpec import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.AcctColor import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.table.SavedAccount import jp.juggler.util.* import java.util.* import kotlin.math.max import kotlin.math.min /* カラム種別ごとの処理 - Loading : 初回ロード - Refresh : (始端/終端の)差分更新 - Gap : ギャップ部分の読み込み loading,refresh,gap はそれぞれ this の種類が異なるので注意 同じ関数を呼び出してるように見えても実際には異なるクラスの異なる関数を呼び出している場合がある */ private val unsupportedRefresh: suspend ColumnTask_Refresh.(client: TootApiClient) -> TootApiResult? = { TootApiResult("edge reading not supported.") } private val unsupportedGap: suspend ColumnTask_Gap.(client: TootApiClient) -> TootApiResult? = { TootApiResult("gap reading not supported.") } private val unusedIconId: (Acct) -> Int = { R.drawable.ic_question } private val unusedName: (context: Context) -> String = { "?" } private val unusedName2: Column.(long: Boolean) -> String? = { null } private val gapDirectionNone: Column.(head: Boolean) -> Boolean = { false } private val gapDirectionBoth: Column.(head: Boolean) -> Boolean = { true } private val gapDirectionHead: Column.(head: Boolean) -> Boolean = { it } // Pagination in some Mastodon APIs has no relation between the content ID and the pagination ID, // so the app cannot filter the data using the content ID. // (max_id..since_id) API request is worked, // but (max_id..min_id) API is not worked on v3.2.0 // related: private val gapDirectionMastodonWorkaround: Column.(head: Boolean) -> Boolean = { head -> when { isMisskey -> true isMastodon -> head else -> false } } private val streamingTypeYes: Column.() -> Boolean = { true } private val streamingTypeNo: Column.() -> Boolean = { false } enum class ColumnType( val id: Int = 0, val iconId: (Acct) -> Int = unusedIconId, val name1: (context: Context) -> String = unusedName, val name2: Column.(long: Boolean) -> String? = unusedName2, val loading: suspend ColumnTask_Loading.(client: TootApiClient) -> TootApiResult?, val refresh: suspend ColumnTask_Refresh.(client: TootApiClient) -> TootApiResult? = unsupportedRefresh, val gap: suspend ColumnTask_Gap.(client: TootApiClient) -> TootApiResult? = unsupportedGap, val bAllowPseudo: Boolean = true, val bAllowMisskey: Boolean = true, val bAllowMastodon: Boolean = true, val headerType: HeaderType? = null, val gapDirection: Column.(head: Boolean) -> Boolean = gapDirectionNone, val canAutoRefresh: Boolean = false, val canStreamingMastodon: Column.() -> Boolean, val canStreamingMisskey: Column.() -> Boolean, val streamKeyMastodon: Column.() -> JsonObject? = { null }, val streamFilterMastodon: Column.(JsonArray, TimelineItem) -> Boolean = { _, _ -> true }, val streamNameMisskey: String? = null, val streamParamMisskey: Column.() -> JsonObject? = { null }, val streamPathMisskey9: Column.() -> String? = { null }, ) { ProfileStatusMastodon( loading = { client -> val (instance, instanceResult) = TootInstance.get(client) if (instance == null) { instanceResult } else { val path = column.makeProfileStatusesUrl(column.profileId) if (instance.versionGE(TootInstance.VERSION_1_6) // 将来的に正しく判定できる見込みがないので、Pleroma条件でのフィルタは行わない // && instance.instanceType != TootInstance.InstanceType.Pleroma ) { getStatusesPinned(client, "$path&pinned=true") } getStatusList(client, path) } }, refresh = { client -> getStatusList( client, column.makeProfileStatusesUrl(column.profileId) ) }, gap = { client -> getStatusList( client, column.makeProfileStatusesUrl(column.profileId), mastodonFilterByIdRange = true, ) }, gapDirection = gapDirectionBoth, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), ProfileStatusMisskey( loading = { client -> // 固定トゥートの取得 val pinnedNotes = column.whoAccount?.get()?.pinnedNotes if (pinnedNotes != null) { this.listPinned = addWithFilterStatus(null, pinnedNotes) } // 通常トゥートの取得 getStatusList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_PROFILE_STATUSES, misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyParamsProfileStatuses(parser) ) }, refresh = { client -> getStatusList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_PROFILE_STATUSES, misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyParamsProfileStatuses(parser) ) }, gap = { client -> getStatusList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_PROFILE_STATUSES, mastodonFilterByIdRange = true, misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyParamsProfileStatuses(parser) ) }, gapDirection = gapDirectionMastodonWorkaround, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), FollowingMastodon( loading = { client -> getAccountList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, ApiPath.PATH_ACCOUNT_FOLLOWING, column.profileId), emptyMessage = context.getString(R.string.none_or_hidden_following) ) }, refresh = { client -> getAccountList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, ApiPath.PATH_ACCOUNT_FOLLOWING, column.profileId) ) }, gap = { client -> getAccountList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, ApiPath.PATH_ACCOUNT_FOLLOWING, column.profileId), mastodonFilterByIdRange = false, ) }, gapDirection = gapDirectionMastodonWorkaround, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), FollowingMastodonPseudo( loading = { column.idRecent = null column.idOld = null listTmp = addOne( listTmp, TootMessageHolder(context.getString(R.string.pseudo_account_cant_get_follow_list)) ) TootApiResult() }, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), FollowingMisskey10( loading = { client -> column.pagingType = ColumnPagingType.Cursor getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_PROFILE_FOLLOWING, emptyMessage = context.getString(R.string.none_or_hidden_following), misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyParamsUserId(parser), arrayFinder = misskeyArrayFinderUsers ) }, refresh = { client -> getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_PROFILE_FOLLOWING, misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyParamsUserId(parser), arrayFinder = misskeyArrayFinderUsers ) }, gap = { client -> getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_PROFILE_FOLLOWING, mastodonFilterByIdRange = false, misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyParamsUserId(parser), arrayFinder = misskeyArrayFinderUsers ) }, gapDirection = gapDirectionMastodonWorkaround, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), FollowingMisskey11( loading = { client -> column.pagingType = ColumnPagingType.Default getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_PROFILE_FOLLOWING, emptyMessage = context.getString(R.string.none_or_hidden_following), misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyParamsUserId(parser), listParser = misskey11FollowingParser ) }, refresh = { client -> getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_PROFILE_FOLLOWING, misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyParamsUserId(parser), listParser = misskey11FollowingParser ) }, gap = { client -> getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_PROFILE_FOLLOWING, mastodonFilterByIdRange = false, misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyParamsUserId(parser), listParser = misskey11FollowingParser ) }, gapDirection = gapDirectionMastodonWorkaround, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), FollowersMisskey11( loading = { client -> column.pagingType = ColumnPagingType.Default getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_PROFILE_FOLLOWERS, emptyMessage = context.getString(R.string.none_or_hidden_followers), misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyParamsUserId(parser), listParser = misskey11FollowersParser ) }, refresh = { client -> getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_PROFILE_FOLLOWERS, misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyParamsUserId(parser), listParser = misskey11FollowersParser ) }, gap = { client -> getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_PROFILE_FOLLOWING, mastodonFilterByIdRange = false, misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyParamsUserId(parser), listParser = misskey11FollowersParser ) }, gapDirection = gapDirectionMastodonWorkaround, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), FollowersMisskey10( loading = { client -> column.pagingType = ColumnPagingType.Cursor getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_PROFILE_FOLLOWERS, emptyMessage = context.getString(R.string.none_or_hidden_followers), misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyParamsUserId(parser), arrayFinder = misskeyArrayFinderUsers ) }, refresh = { client -> getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_PROFILE_FOLLOWERS, misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyParamsUserId(parser), arrayFinder = misskeyArrayFinderUsers ) }, gap = { client -> getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_PROFILE_FOLLOWERS, mastodonFilterByIdRange = false, misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyParamsUserId(parser) ) }, gapDirection = gapDirectionMastodonWorkaround, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), FollowersMastodonPseudo( loading = { column.idRecent = null column.idOld = null listTmp = addOne( listTmp, TootMessageHolder(context.getString(R.string.pseudo_account_cant_get_follow_list)) ) TootApiResult() }, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), FollowersMastodon( loading = { client -> getAccountList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, ApiPath.PATH_ACCOUNT_FOLLOWERS, column.profileId), emptyMessage = context.getString(R.string.none_or_hidden_followers) ) }, refresh = { client -> getAccountList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, ApiPath.PATH_ACCOUNT_FOLLOWERS, column.profileId) ) }, gap = { client -> getAccountList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, ApiPath.PATH_ACCOUNT_FOLLOWERS, column.profileId), mastodonFilterByIdRange = false ) }, gapDirection = gapDirectionMastodonWorkaround, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), TabStatus( loading = { dispatchProfileTabStatus().loading(this, it) }, refresh = { dispatchProfileTabStatus().refresh(this, it) }, gap = { dispatchProfileTabStatus().gap(this, it) }, gapDirection = { dispatchProfileTabStatus().gapDirection(this, it) }, canStreamingMastodon = { dispatchProfileTabStatus().canStreamingMastodon(this) }, canStreamingMisskey = { dispatchProfileTabStatus().canStreamingMisskey(this) }, ), TabFollowing( loading = { dispatchProfileTabFollowing().loading(this, it) }, refresh = { dispatchProfileTabFollowing().refresh(this, it) }, gap = { dispatchProfileTabFollowing().gap(this, it) }, gapDirection = { dispatchProfileTabFollowing().gapDirection(this, it) }, canStreamingMastodon = { dispatchProfileTabFollowing().canStreamingMastodon(this) }, canStreamingMisskey = { dispatchProfileTabFollowing().canStreamingMisskey(this) }, ), TabFollowers( loading = { dispatchProfileTabFollowers().loading(this, it) }, refresh = { dispatchProfileTabFollowers().refresh(this, it) }, gap = { dispatchProfileTabFollowers().gap(this, it) }, gapDirection = { dispatchProfileTabFollowers().gapDirection(this, it) }, canStreamingMastodon = { dispatchProfileTabFollowers().canStreamingMastodon(this) }, canStreamingMisskey = { dispatchProfileTabFollowers().canStreamingMisskey(this) }, ), HOME( id = 1, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_home }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.home) }, loading = { client -> val ra = getAnnouncements(client, force = true) when { ra == null || ra.error != null -> ra else -> getStatusList(client, column.makeHomeTlUrl()) } }, refresh = { client -> val ra = getAnnouncements(client) when { ra == null || ra.error != null -> ra else -> getStatusList(client, column.makeHomeTlUrl()) } }, gap = { client -> val ra = getAnnouncements(client) when { ra == null || ra.error != null -> ra else -> getStatusList( client, column.makeHomeTlUrl(), mastodonFilterByIdRange = true ) } }, gapDirection = gapDirectionBoth, bAllowPseudo = false, canAutoRefresh = true, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeYes, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeYes, streamKeyMastodon = { jsonObjectOf(StreamSpec.STREAM to "user") }, streamFilterMastodon = { stream, item -> when { item !is TootStatus -> false unmatchMastodonStream(stream, "user") -> false else -> true } }, streamNameMisskey = "homeTimeline", streamParamMisskey = { null }, streamPathMisskey9 = { "/" }, ), LOCAL( id = 2, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_run }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.local_timeline) }, bAllowPseudo = true, loading = { client -> getStatusList(client, column.makePublicLocalUrl()) }, refresh = { client -> getStatusList(client, column.makePublicLocalUrl()) }, gap = { client -> getStatusList( client, column.makePublicLocalUrl(), mastodonFilterByIdRange = true ) }, gapDirection = gapDirectionBoth, canAutoRefresh = true, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeYes, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeYes, streamKeyMastodon = { jsonObjectOf(StreamSpec.STREAM to streamKeyLtl()) }, streamFilterMastodon = { stream, item -> when { item !is TootStatus -> false unmatchMastodonStream(stream, streamKeyLtl()) -> false else -> true } }, streamNameMisskey = "localTimeline", streamParamMisskey = { null }, streamPathMisskey9 = { "/local-timeline" }, ), FEDERATE( 3, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_bike }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.federate_timeline) }, bAllowPseudo = true, loading = { client -> getStatusList(client, column.makePublicFederateUrl()) }, refresh = { client -> getStatusList(client, column.makePublicFederateUrl()) }, gap = { client -> getStatusList( client, column.makePublicFederateUrl(), mastodonFilterByIdRange = true ) }, gapDirection = gapDirectionBoth, canAutoRefresh = true, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeYes, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeYes, streamKeyMastodon = { jsonObjectOf(StreamSpec.STREAM to streamKeyFtl()) }, streamFilterMastodon = { stream, item -> when { item !is TootStatus -> false unmatchMastodonStream(stream, streamKeyFtl()) -> false remoteOnly && item.account.acct == accessInfo.acct -> false withAttachment && item.media_attachments.isNullOrEmpty() -> false else -> true } }, streamNameMisskey = "globalTimeline", streamParamMisskey = { null }, streamPathMisskey9 = { "/global-timeline" }, ), MISSKEY_HYBRID( 27, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_share }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.misskey_hybrid_timeline) }, bAllowPseudo = false, bAllowMastodon = false, loading = { client -> getStatusList(client, column.makeMisskeyHybridTlUrl()) }, refresh = { client -> getStatusList(client, column.makeMisskeyHybridTlUrl()) }, gap = { client -> getStatusList( client, column.makeMisskeyHybridTlUrl(), mastodonFilterByIdRange = true ) }, gapDirection = gapDirectionBoth, canAutoRefresh = true, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeYes, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeYes, streamNameMisskey = "hybridTimeline", streamParamMisskey = { null }, streamPathMisskey9 = { "/hybrid-timeline" }, ), DOMAIN_TIMELINE( id = 38, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_domain }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.domain_timeline) }, name2 = { context.getString( R.string.domain_timeline_of, instanceUri.notEmpty() ?: "?" ) }, bAllowPseudo = true, // サイドメニューから開けないのでこの値は参照されない loading = { client -> getStatusList(client, column.makeDomainTimelineUrl()) }, refresh = { client -> getStatusList(client, column.makeDomainTimelineUrl()) }, gap = { client -> getStatusList( client, column.makeDomainTimelineUrl(), mastodonFilterByIdRange = true ) }, gapDirection = gapDirectionBoth, canAutoRefresh = true, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeYes, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeYes, streamKeyMastodon = { jsonObjectOf(StreamSpec.STREAM to streamKeyDomainTl(), "domain" to instanceUri) }, streamFilterMastodon = { stream, item -> when { item !is TootStatus -> false unmatchMastodonStream(stream, streamKeyDomainTl(), instanceUri) -> false withAttachment && item.media_attachments.isNullOrEmpty() -> false else -> true } } ), LOCAL_AROUND( 29, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_run }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.ltl_around) }, name2 = { context.getString( R.string.ltl_around_of, statusId?.toString() ?: "null" ) }, loading = { client -> getPublicTlAroundTime(client, column.makePublicLocalUrl()) }, refresh = { client -> getStatusList(client, column.makePublicLocalUrl(), useMinId = true) }, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), FEDERATED_AROUND( 30, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_bike }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.ftl_around) }, name2 = { context.getString( R.string.ftl_around_of, statusId?.toString() ?: "null" ) }, loading = { client -> getPublicTlAroundTime(client, column.makePublicFederateUrl()) }, refresh = { client -> getStatusList(client, column.makePublicFederateUrl(), useMinId = true) }, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), PROFILE( 4, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_account_box }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.profile) }, name2 = { val who = whoAccount?.get() context.getString( R.string.profile_of, when (who) { null -> profileId.toString() else -> AcctColor.getNickname(accessInfo, who) } ) }, bAllowPseudo = false, headerType = HeaderType.Profile, loading = { client -> val whoResult = column.loadProfileAccount(client, parser, true) when { client.isApiCancelled() || column.whoAccount == null -> whoResult else -> column.profileTab.ct.loading(this, client) } }, refresh = { client -> column.loadProfileAccount(client, parser, false) column.profileTab.ct.refresh(this, client) }, gap = {, it) }, gapDirection = { profileTab.ct.gapDirection(this, it) }, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), FAVOURITES( 5, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_star_outline }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.favourites) }, bAllowPseudo = false, loading = { client -> if (isMisskey) { getStatusList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_FAVORITES, misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyTimelineParameter(parser), listParser = misskeyCustomParserFavorites ) } else { getStatusList(client, ApiPath.PATH_FAVOURITES) } }, refresh = { client -> if (isMisskey) { getStatusList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_FAVORITES, misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyTimelineParameter(parser), listParser = misskeyCustomParserFavorites ) } else { getStatusList(client, ApiPath.PATH_FAVOURITES) } }, gap = { client -> if (isMisskey) { getStatusList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_FAVORITES, mastodonFilterByIdRange = false, misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyTimelineParameter(parser), listParser = misskeyCustomParserFavorites ) } else { getStatusList( client, ApiPath.PATH_FAVOURITES, mastodonFilterByIdRange = false ) } }, gapDirection = gapDirectionMastodonWorkaround, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), REACTIONS( 42, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_face }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.reactioned_posts) }, bAllowPseudo = false, bAllowMisskey = false, loading = { client -> if (isMisskey) { getStatusList( client, ApiPath.PATH_M544_REACTIONS, misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyTimelineParameter(parser), listParser = misskeyCustomParserFavorites ) } else { getStatusList(client, column.makeReactionsUrl()) } }, refresh = { client -> if (isMisskey) { getStatusList( client, ApiPath.PATH_M544_REACTIONS, misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyTimelineParameter(parser), listParser = misskeyCustomParserFavorites ) } else { getStatusList(client, column.makeReactionsUrl()) } }, gap = { client -> if (isMisskey) { getStatusList( client, ApiPath.PATH_M544_REACTIONS, mastodonFilterByIdRange = false, misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyTimelineParameter(parser), listParser = misskeyCustomParserFavorites ) } else { getStatusList( client, column.makeReactionsUrl(), mastodonFilterByIdRange = false ) } }, gapDirection = gapDirectionMastodonWorkaround, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), BOOKMARKS( 37, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_bookmark }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.bookmarks) }, bAllowPseudo = false, loading = { client -> if (isMisskey) { TootApiResult("Misskey has no bookmarks feature.") } else { getStatusList(client, ApiPath.PATH_BOOKMARKS) } }, refresh = { client -> if (isMisskey) { TootApiResult("Misskey has no bookmarks feature.") } else { getStatusList(client, ApiPath.PATH_BOOKMARKS) } }, gap = { client -> if (isMisskey) { TootApiResult("Misskey has no bookmarks feature.") } else { getStatusList(client, ApiPath.PATH_BOOKMARKS, mastodonFilterByIdRange = false) } }, gapDirection = gapDirectionMastodonWorkaround, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), NOTIFICATIONS( 7, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_announcement }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.notifications) }, name2 = { context.getString(R.string.notifications) + getNotificationTypeString() }, loading = { client -> getNotificationList(client) }, refresh = { client -> getNotificationList(client) }, gap = { client -> getNotificationList(client, mastodonFilterByIdRange = true) }, gapDirection = gapDirectionBoth, bAllowPseudo = false, canAutoRefresh = true, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeYes, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeYes, streamKeyMastodon = { jsonObjectOf(StreamSpec.STREAM to "user") }, streamFilterMastodon = { stream, item -> when { item !is TootNotification -> false unmatchMastodonStream(stream, "user") -> false else -> true } }, streamNameMisskey = "main", streamParamMisskey = { null }, streamPathMisskey9 = { "/" }, ), NOTIFICATION_FROM_ACCT( 35, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_announcement }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.notifications_from_acct) }, name2 = { context.getString( R.string.notifications_from, hashtagAcct ) + getNotificationTypeString() }, loading = { client -> getNotificationList(client, column.hashtagAcct) }, refresh = { client -> getNotificationList(client, column.hashtagAcct) }, gap = { client -> getNotificationList(client, column.hashtagAcct, mastodonFilterByIdRange = true) }, gapDirection = gapDirectionBoth, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), CONVERSATION( 8, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_forum }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.conversation) }, name2 = { context.getString( R.string.conversation_around, statusId?.toString() ?: "null" ) }, loading = { client -> getConversation(client) }, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), CONVERSATION_WITH_REFERENCE( 47, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_link }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.conversation_with_reference) }, name2 = { context.getString(R.string.conversation_with_reference) }, loading = { client -> getConversation(client, withReference = true) }, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), HASHTAG( 9, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_hashtag }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.hashtag) }, name2 = { StringBuilder( context.getString( R.string.hashtag_of, hashtag.ellipsizeDot3(Column.HASHTAG_ELLIPSIZE) ) ) .appendHashtagExtra(this) .toString() }, loading = { client -> if (isMisskey) { getStatusList( client, column.makeHashtagUrl(), misskeyParams = column.makeHashtagParams(parser) ) } else { getStatusList(client, column.makeHashtagUrl()) } }, refresh = { client -> if (isMisskey) { getStatusList( client, column.makeHashtagUrl(), misskeyParams = column.makeHashtagParams(parser) ) } else { getStatusList(client, column.makeHashtagUrl()) } }, gap = { client -> if (isMisskey) { getStatusList( client, column.makeHashtagUrl(), mastodonFilterByIdRange = true, misskeyParams = column.makeHashtagParams(parser) ) } else { getStatusList(client, column.makeHashtagUrl(), mastodonFilterByIdRange = true) } }, gapDirection = gapDirectionBoth, canAutoRefresh = true, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeYes, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeYes, streamKeyMastodon = { jsonObjectOf( StreamSpec.STREAM to streamKeyHashtagTl(), "tag" to hashtag ) }, streamFilterMastodon = { stream, item -> when { item !is TootStatus -> false // unmatchMastodonStream(stream, streamKeyHashtagTl(), hashtag) -> false instanceLocal && item.account.acct != accessInfo.acct -> false else -> this.checkHashtagExtra(item) } }, // {"type":"connect","body":{"channel":"hashtag","id":"84970575","params":{"q":[["misskey"]]}}} streamNameMisskey = "hashtag", streamParamMisskey = { jsonObjectOf("q" to jsonArrayOf(jsonArrayOf(hashtag))) }, // Misskey10 というかめいすきーでタグTLのストリーミングができるのか不明 // streamPathMisskey10 = { "/???? ?q=${hashtag.encodePercent()}" }, ), HASHTAG_FROM_ACCT( 34, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_hashtag }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.hashtag_from_acct) }, name2 = { StringBuilder( context.getString( R.string.hashtag_of_from, hashtag.ellipsizeDot3(Column.HASHTAG_ELLIPSIZE), hashtagAcct ) ) .appendHashtagExtra(this) .toString() }, loading = { client -> getStatusList( client, column.makeHashtagAcctUrl(client), // null if misskey misskeyParams = column.makeHashtagParams(parser) ) }, refresh = { client -> getStatusList( client, column.makeHashtagAcctUrl(client), // null if misskey misskeyParams = column.makeHashtagParams(parser) ) }, gap = { client -> getStatusList( client, column.makeHashtagAcctUrl(client), // null if misskey mastodonFilterByIdRange = true, misskeyParams = column.makeHashtagParams(parser) ) }, gapDirection = gapDirectionBoth, bAllowMisskey = false, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), SEARCH( 10, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_search }, name1 = { it.getString( }, name2 = { long -> when { long -> context.getString(R.string.search_of, searchQuery) else -> context.getString( } }, bAllowPseudo = false, headerType = HeaderType.Search, loading = { client -> getSearch(client) }, gap = { client -> getSearchGap(client) }, gapDirection = gapDirectionHead, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), // ミスキーのミュートとブロックののページングは misskey v10 の途中で変わった // // ST的には新しい方にだけ対応する MUTES( 11, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_volume_off }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.muted_users) }, bAllowPseudo = false, loading = { client -> when { isMisskey -> { column.pagingType = ColumnPagingType.Default getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_MUTES, misskeyParams = accessInfo.putMisskeyApiToken(), listParser = misskeyCustomParserMutes ) } else -> getAccountList(client, ApiPath.PATH_MUTES) } }, refresh = { client -> when { isMisskey -> getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_MUTES, misskeyParams = accessInfo.putMisskeyApiToken(), arrayFinder = misskeyArrayFinderUsers, listParser = misskeyCustomParserMutes ) else -> getAccountList(client, ApiPath.PATH_MUTES) } }, gap = { client -> when { isMisskey -> getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_MUTES, mastodonFilterByIdRange = false, misskeyParams = accessInfo.putMisskeyApiToken(), arrayFinder = misskeyArrayFinderUsers, listParser = misskeyCustomParserMutes ) else -> getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MUTES, mastodonFilterByIdRange = false ) } }, gapDirection = gapDirectionMastodonWorkaround, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), BLOCKS( 12, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_block }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.blocked_users) }, bAllowPseudo = false, loading = { client -> when { isMisskey -> { column.pagingType = ColumnPagingType.Default getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_BLOCKS, misskeyParams = accessInfo.putMisskeyApiToken(), listParser = misskeyCustomParserBlocks ) } else -> getAccountList(client, ApiPath.PATH_BLOCKS) } }, refresh = { client -> when { isMisskey -> { getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_BLOCKS, misskeyParams = accessInfo.putMisskeyApiToken(), listParser = misskeyCustomParserBlocks ) } else -> getAccountList(client, ApiPath.PATH_BLOCKS) } }, gap = { client -> when { isMisskey -> { getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_BLOCKS, mastodonFilterByIdRange = false, misskeyParams = accessInfo.putMisskeyApiToken(), listParser = misskeyCustomParserBlocks ) } else -> getAccountList(client, ApiPath.PATH_BLOCKS, mastodonFilterByIdRange = false) } }, gapDirection = gapDirectionMastodonWorkaround, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), FOLLOW_REQUESTS( 13, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_follow_wait }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.follow_requests) }, bAllowPseudo = false, loading = { client -> if (isMisskey) { column.pagingType = ColumnPagingType.None getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_FOLLOW_REQUESTS, misskeyParams = accessInfo.putMisskeyApiToken(), listParser = misskeyCustomParserFollowRequest ) } else { getAccountList(client, ApiPath.PATH_FOLLOW_REQUESTS) } }, refresh = { client -> if (isMisskey) { getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_FOLLOW_REQUESTS, misskeyParams = accessInfo.putMisskeyApiToken(), listParser = misskeyCustomParserFollowRequest ) } else { getAccountList(client, ApiPath.PATH_FOLLOW_REQUESTS) } }, gap = { client -> if (isMisskey) { getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_FOLLOW_REQUESTS, mastodonFilterByIdRange = false, misskeyParams = accessInfo.putMisskeyApiToken(), listParser = misskeyCustomParserFollowRequest ) } else { getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_FOLLOW_REQUESTS, mastodonFilterByIdRange = false ) } }, gapDirection = gapDirectionMastodonWorkaround, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), BOOSTED_BY( 14, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_repeat }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.boosted_by) }, loading = { client -> getAccountList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, ApiPath.PATH_BOOSTED_BY, column.statusId) ) }, refresh = { client -> getAccountList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, ApiPath.PATH_BOOSTED_BY, postedStatusId) ) }, gap = { client -> getAccountList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, ApiPath.PATH_BOOSTED_BY, column.statusId), mastodonFilterByIdRange = false, ) }, gapDirection = gapDirectionMastodonWorkaround, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), FAVOURITED_BY( 15, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_star_outline }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.favourited_by) }, loading = { client -> getAccountList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, ApiPath.PATH_FAVOURITED_BY, column.statusId) ) }, refresh = { client -> getAccountList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, ApiPath.PATH_FAVOURITED_BY, postedStatusId) ) }, gap = { client -> getAccountList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, ApiPath.PATH_FAVOURITED_BY, column.statusId), mastodonFilterByIdRange = false, ) }, gapDirection = gapDirectionMastodonWorkaround, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), DOMAIN_BLOCKS( 16, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_cloud_off }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.blocked_domains) }, bAllowPseudo = false, bAllowMisskey = false, loading = { client -> getDomainBlockList(client, ApiPath.PATH_DOMAIN_BLOCK) }, refresh = { client -> getDomainList(client, ApiPath.PATH_DOMAIN_BLOCK) }, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), SEARCH_MSP( 17, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_search }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.toot_search_msp) }, name2 = { long -> when { long -> context.getString(R.string.toot_search_msp_of, searchQuery) else -> context.getString(R.string.toot_search_msp) } }, headerType = HeaderType.Search, loading = { loadingMSP(it) }, refresh = { refreshMSP(it) }, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), SEARCH_TS( 22, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_search }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.toot_search_ts) }, name2 = { long -> when { long -> context.getString(R.string.toot_search_ts_of, searchQuery) else -> context.getString(R.string.toot_search_ts) } }, headerType = HeaderType.Search, loading = { loadingTootsearch(it) }, refresh = { refreshTootsearch(it) }, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), SEARCH_NOTESTOCK( 41, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_search }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.toot_search_notestock) }, name2 = { long -> when { long -> context.getString(R.string.toot_search_notestock_of, searchQuery) else -> context.getString(R.string.toot_search_notestock) } }, headerType = HeaderType.Search, loading = { loadingNotestock(it) }, refresh = { refreshNotestock(it) }, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), INSTANCE_INFORMATION( 18, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_info_outline }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.instance_information) }, name2 = { long -> when { long -> context.getString(R.string.instance_information_of, instanceUri) else -> context.getString(R.string.instance_information) } }, headerType = HeaderType.Instance, loading = { client -> val (ti, ri) = TootInstance.getEx( client, Host.parse(column.instanceUri), allowPixelfed = true, forceUpdate = true ) if (ti != null) { column.instanceInformation = ti column.handshake = ri?.response?.handshake } ri }, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), LIST_LIST( 19, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_list_list }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.lists) }, bAllowPseudo = false, loading = { client -> if (isMisskey) { getListList( client, "/api/users/lists/list", misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyBaseParameter(parser) ) } else { getListList(client, ApiPath.PATH_LIST_LIST) } }, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), LIST_TL( 20, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_list_tl }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.list_timeline) }, name2 = { context.getString( R.string.list_tl_of, listInfo?.title ?: profileId.toString() ) }, loading = { client -> column.loadListInfo(client, true) if (isMisskey) { getStatusList( client, column.makeListTlUrl(), misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyTimelineParameter(parser).apply { put("listId", column.profileId) } ) } else { getStatusList(client, column.makeListTlUrl()) } }, refresh = { client -> column.loadListInfo(client, false) if (isMisskey) { getStatusList( client, column.makeListTlUrl(), misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyTimelineParameter(parser).apply { put("listId", column.profileId) } ) } else { getStatusList(client, column.makeListTlUrl()) } }, gap = { client -> if (isMisskey) { getStatusList( client, column.makeListTlUrl(), mastodonFilterByIdRange = true, misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyTimelineParameter(parser).apply { put("listId", column.profileId) } ) } else { getStatusList(client, column.makeListTlUrl(), mastodonFilterByIdRange = true) } }, gapDirection = gapDirectionBoth, canAutoRefresh = true, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeYes, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeYes, streamKeyMastodon = { jsonObjectOf(StreamSpec.STREAM to "list", "list" to profileId.toString()) }, streamFilterMastodon = { stream, item -> when { item !is TootStatus -> false unmatchMastodonStream(stream, "list", profileId?.toString()) -> false else -> true } }, streamNameMisskey = "userList", streamParamMisskey = { jsonObjectOf("listId" to profileId.toString()) }, streamPathMisskey9 = { "/user-list?listId=$profileId" }, ), LIST_MEMBER( 21, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_list_member }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.list_member) }, name2 = { context.getString( R.string.list_member_of, listInfo?.title ?: profileId.toString() ) }, loading = { client -> column.loadListInfo(client, true) if (isMisskey) { column.pagingType = ColumnPagingType.None getAccountList( client, "/api/users/show", misskeyParams = accessInfo.putMisskeyApiToken().apply { val list = column.listInfo?.userIds?.map { it.toString() }?.toJsonArray() if (list != null) put("userIds", list) } ) } else { getAccountList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, ApiPath.PATH_LIST_MEMBER, column.profileId) ) } }, refresh = { client -> column.loadListInfo(client, false) getAccountList( client, String.format(Locale.JAPAN, ApiPath.PATH_LIST_MEMBER, column.profileId) ) }, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), DIRECT_MESSAGES( 23, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_mail }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.direct_messages) }, loading = { client -> column.useConversationSummaries = false if (column.useOldApi) { getStatusList(client, ApiPath.PATH_DIRECT_MESSAGES) } else { // try 2.6.0 new API val result = getConversationSummary(client, ApiPath.PATH_DIRECT_MESSAGES2) when { // cancelled result == null -> null // not error result.error.isNullOrBlank() -> { column.useConversationSummaries = true result } // fallback to old api else -> getStatusList(client, ApiPath.PATH_DIRECT_MESSAGES) } } }, refresh = { client -> if (column.useConversationSummaries) { // try 2.6.0 new API getConversationSummaryList(client, ApiPath.PATH_DIRECT_MESSAGES2) } else { // fallback to old api getStatusList(client, ApiPath.PATH_DIRECT_MESSAGES) } }, gap = { client -> if (column.useConversationSummaries) { // try 2.6.0 new API getConversationSummaryList( client, ApiPath.PATH_DIRECT_MESSAGES2, mastodonFilterByIdRange = false ) } else { // fallback to old api getStatusList(client, ApiPath.PATH_DIRECT_MESSAGES, mastodonFilterByIdRange = false) } }, gapDirection = gapDirectionMastodonWorkaround, bAllowPseudo = false, bAllowMisskey = false, canAutoRefresh = true, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeYes, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeYes, streamKeyMastodon = { jsonObjectOf(StreamSpec.STREAM to "direct") }, streamFilterMastodon = { stream, _ -> when { unmatchMastodonStream(stream, "direct") -> false else -> true } } ), TREND_TAG( 24, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_trend }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.trend_tag) }, bAllowPseudo = true, bAllowMastodon = true, bAllowMisskey = false, loading = { client -> val result = client.request("/api/v1/trends") val src = parser.tagList(result?.jsonArray) this.listTmp = addAll(this.listTmp, src) this.listTmp = addOne( this.listTmp, TootMessageHolder( context.getString(R.string.trend_tag_desc), gravity = Gravity.END ) ) result }, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), TREND_LINK( 44, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_trend }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.trend_link) }, bAllowPseudo = false, bAllowMastodon = true, bAllowMisskey = false, loading = { client -> val result = client.request("/api/v1/trends/links") val src = parser.tagList(result?.jsonArray) this.listTmp = addAll(this.listTmp, src) this.listTmp = addOne( this.listTmp, TootMessageHolder( context.getString(R.string.trend_tag_desc), gravity = Gravity.END ) ) result }, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), TREND_POST( 45, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_trend }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.trend_post) }, bAllowPseudo = false, bAllowMastodon = true, bAllowMisskey = false, loading = { client -> val result = client.request("/api/v1/trends/statuses") val src = parser.statusList(result?.jsonArray) this.listTmp = addAll(this.listTmp, src) // this.listTmp = addOne( // this.listTmp, TootMessageHolder( // context.getString(R.string.trend_tag_desc), // gravity = Gravity.END // ) // ) result }, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), FOLLOW_SUGGESTION( 25, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_person_add }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.follow_suggestion) }, bAllowPseudo = false, loading = { client -> if (isMisskey) { column.pagingType = ColumnPagingType.Offset getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_FOLLOW_SUGGESTION, misskeyParams = accessInfo.putMisskeyApiToken() ) } else { val (ti, ri) = TootInstance.get(client) when { ti == null -> ri ti.versionGE(TootInstance.VERSION_3_4_0_rc1) -> getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_FOLLOW_SUGGESTION2, listParser = mastodonFollowSuggestion2ListParser, ) else -> getAccountList(client, ApiPath.PATH_FOLLOW_SUGGESTION) } } }, refresh = { client -> if (isMisskey) { getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_FOLLOW_SUGGESTION, misskeyParams = accessInfo.putMisskeyApiToken() ) } else { val (ti, ri) = TootInstance.get(client) when { ti == null -> ri ti.versionGE(TootInstance.VERSION_3_4_0_rc1) -> getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_FOLLOW_SUGGESTION2, listParser = mastodonFollowSuggestion2ListParser, ) else -> getAccountList(client, ApiPath.PATH_FOLLOW_SUGGESTION) } } }, gap = { client -> if (isMisskey) { getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_MISSKEY_FOLLOW_SUGGESTION, mastodonFilterByIdRange = false, misskeyParams = accessInfo.putMisskeyApiToken() ) } else { val (ti, ri) = TootInstance.get(client) when { ti == null -> ri ti.versionGE(TootInstance.VERSION_3_4_0_rc1) -> getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_FOLLOW_SUGGESTION2, listParser = mastodonFollowSuggestion2ListParser, mastodonFilterByIdRange = false ) else -> getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_FOLLOW_SUGGESTION, mastodonFilterByIdRange = false ) } } }, gapDirection = gapDirectionMastodonWorkaround, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), ENDORSEMENT( 28, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_person_add }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.endorse_set) }, bAllowPseudo = false, bAllowMisskey = false, loading = { client -> getAccountList(client, ApiPath.PATH_ENDORSEMENT) }, refresh = { client -> getAccountList(client, ApiPath.PATH_ENDORSEMENT) }, gap = { client -> getAccountList( client, ApiPath.PATH_ENDORSEMENT, mastodonFilterByIdRange = false ) }, gapDirection = gapDirectionMastodonWorkaround, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), PROFILE_DIRECTORY( 36, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_person_add }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.profile_directory) }, name2 = { context.getString(R.string.profile_directory_of, instanceUri) }, bAllowPseudo = true, headerType = HeaderType.ProfileDirectory, loading = { client -> column.pagingType = ColumnPagingType.Offset getAccountList(client, profileDirectoryPath) }, refresh = { client -> getAccountList(client, profileDirectoryPath) }, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), ACCOUNT_AROUND( 31, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_account_box }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.account_tl_around) }, name2 = { val id = statusId?.toString() ?: "null" context.getString(R.string.account_tl_around_of, id) }, loading = { client -> getAccountTlAroundTime(client) }, refresh = { client -> getStatusList(client, column.makeProfileStatusesUrl(column.profileId), useMinId = true) }, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), @Suppress("unused") REPORTS( 6, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_info_outline }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.reports) }, loading = { client -> getReportList(client, ApiPath.PATH_REPORTS) }, refresh = { client -> getReportList(client, ApiPath.PATH_REPORTS) }, gap = { client -> getReportList( client, ApiPath.PATH_REPORTS, mastodonFilterByIdRange = false ) }, gapDirection = gapDirectionMastodonWorkaround, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), KEYWORD_FILTER( 26, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_volume_off }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.keyword_filters) }, bAllowPseudo = false, bAllowMisskey = false, headerType = HeaderType.Filter, loading = { client -> getFilterList(client, ApiPath.PATH_FILTERS) }, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), SCHEDULED_STATUS( 33, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_timer }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.scheduled_status) }, bAllowPseudo = false, bAllowMisskey = false, loading = { client -> val result = client.request("/api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials") if (result == null || result.error != null) { result } else { val a = parser.account(result.jsonObject) ?: accessInfo.loginAccount if (a == null) { TootApiResult("can't parse account information") } else { column.whoAccount = TootAccountRef(parser, a) getScheduledStatuses(client) } } }, refresh = { client -> getScheduledStatuses(client) }, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), MISSKEY_ANTENNA_LIST( 39, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_satellite }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.antenna_list) }, bAllowPseudo = false, bAllowMastodon = false, loading = { client -> if (isMisskey) { getAntennaList( client, "/api/antennas/list", misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyBaseParameter(parser) ) } else { TootApiResult("antenna is not supported on Mastodon") } }, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), MISSKEY_ANTENNA_TL( 40, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_satellite }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.antenna_timeline) }, name2 = { context.getString( R.string.antenna_timeline_of, antennaInfo?.name ?: profileId.toString() ) }, loading = { client -> column.loadAntennaInfo(client, true) if (isMisskey) { getStatusList( client, column.makeAntennaTlUrl(), misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyTimelineParameter(parser).apply { put("antennaId", column.profileId) } ) } else { getStatusList(client, column.makeAntennaTlUrl()) } }, refresh = { client -> column.loadAntennaInfo(client, false) if (isMisskey) { getStatusList( client, column.makeAntennaTlUrl(), misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyTimelineParameter(parser).apply { put("antennaId", column.profileId) } ) } else { getStatusList(client, column.makeAntennaTlUrl()) } }, gap = { client -> if (isMisskey) { getStatusList( client, column.makeAntennaTlUrl(), mastodonFilterByIdRange = true, misskeyParams = column.makeMisskeyTimelineParameter(parser).apply { put("antennaId", column.profileId) } ) } else { getStatusList(client, column.makeAntennaTlUrl(), mastodonFilterByIdRange = true) } }, gapDirection = gapDirectionBoth, canAutoRefresh = true, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeYes, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeYes, streamNameMisskey = "antenna", streamParamMisskey = { jsonObjectOf("antennaId" to profileId.toString()) }, // Misskey10 にアンテナはない ), STATUS_HISTORY( 43, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_history }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.edit_history) }, bAllowPseudo = true, bAllowMisskey = false, loading = { client -> getEditHistory(client) }, refresh = { client -> getEditHistory(client) }, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), FOLLOWED_HASHTAGS( 46, iconId = { R.drawable.ic_hashtag }, name1 = { it.getString(R.string.followed_tags) }, bAllowPseudo = false, bAllowMisskey = false, loading = { client -> getFollowedHashtags(client) }, refresh = { client -> getFollowedHashtags(client) }, canAutoRefresh = false, canStreamingMastodon = streamingTypeNo, canStreamingMisskey = streamingTypeNo, ), ; init { val old = Column.typeMap[id] if (id > 0 && old != null) error("ColumnType: duplicate id $id. name=$name, ${}") Column.typeMap.put(id, this) } companion object { val log = LogCategory("ColumnType") fun dump() { var min = Int.MAX_VALUE var max = Int.MIN_VALUE values().forEach { val id = min = min(min, id) max = max(max, id) } log.i("dump: ColumnType range=$min..$max") } fun parse(id: Int) = Column.typeMap[id] ?: HOME } } // public:local, public:local:media の2種類 fun Column.streamKeyLtl() = "public:local" .appendIf(":media", withAttachment) // public, public:remote, public:remote:media, public:media の4種類 fun Column.streamKeyFtl() = "public" .appendIf(":remote", remoteOnly) .appendIf(":media", withAttachment) // public:domain, public:domain:media の2種類 fun Column.streamKeyDomainTl() = "public:domain" .appendIf(":media", withAttachment) // hashtag, hashtag:local // fedibirdだとhashtag:localは無効でイベントが発生しないが、 // REST APIはフラグを無視するのでユーザからはストリーミングが動作していないように見える fun Column.streamKeyHashtagTl() = "hashtag" .appendIf(":local", instanceLocal) private fun unmatchMastodonStream( stream: JsonArray, name: String, expectArg: String? = null, ): Boolean { val key = stream.string(0) // when( key?.elementAtOrNull(0)){ // 'h' -> ColumnType.log.v("unmatchMastodonStream key=$key expect=$name") // } return when { // ストリーム名が合わない key != name -> true // 引数が合わない else -> unmatchMastodonStreamArg(stream.elementAtOrNull(1), expectArg) } } private fun unmatchMastodonStreamArg(actual: Any?, expect: String?) = when { expect == null -> actual != null actual == null -> true // unmatch else -> !expect.equals(actual.toString(), ignoreCase = true) }