package jp.juggler.subwaytooter.column import android.content.Context import android.os.Environment import androidx.annotation.RawRes import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.R import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootApiClient import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootApiResult import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.TootParser import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.api.entity.* import jp.juggler.subwaytooter.columnviewholder.saveScrollPosition import jp.juggler.util.* import private val log = LogCategory("ColumnExtra2") val Column.isMastodon: Boolean get() = accessInfo.isMastodon val Column.isMisskey: Boolean get() = accessInfo.isMisskey val Column.misskeyVersion: Int get() = accessInfo.misskeyVersion val Column.isSearchColumn: Boolean get() { return when (type) { ColumnType.SEARCH, ColumnType.SEARCH_MSP, ColumnType.SEARCH_TS, ColumnType.SEARCH_NOTESTOCK, -> true else -> false } } val Column.isNotificationColumn: Boolean get() = when (type) { ColumnType.NOTIFICATIONS, ColumnType.NOTIFICATION_FROM_ACCT -> true else -> false } // 公開ストリームなら真 val Column.isPublicStream: Boolean get() { return when (type) { ColumnType.LOCAL, ColumnType.FEDERATE, ColumnType.HASHTAG, ColumnType.LOCAL_AROUND, ColumnType.FEDERATED_AROUND, ColumnType.DOMAIN_TIMELINE, -> true else -> false } } fun Column.canAutoRefresh() = !accessInfo.isNA && type.canAutoRefresh val Column.isConversation get() = when (type) { ColumnType.CONVERSATION, ColumnType.CONVERSATION_WITH_REFERENCE, -> true else -> false } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 読み込み処理の内部で使うメソッド fun Column.getNotificationTypeString(): String { val sb = StringBuilder() sb.append("(") when (quickFilter) { Column.QUICK_FILTER_ALL -> { var n = 0 if (!dontShowReply) { if (n++ > 0) sb.append(", ") sb.append(context.getString(R.string.notification_type_mention)) } if (!dontShowFollow) { if (n++ > 0) sb.append(", ") sb.append(context.getString(R.string.notification_type_follow)) } if (!dontShowBoost) { if (n++ > 0) sb.append(", ") sb.append(context.getString(R.string.notification_type_boost)) } if (!dontShowFavourite) { if (n++ > 0) sb.append(", ") sb.append(context.getString(R.string.notification_type_favourite)) } if (isMisskey && !dontShowReaction) { if (n++ > 0) sb.append(", ") sb.append(context.getString(R.string.notification_type_reaction)) } if (!dontShowVote) { if (n++ > 0) sb.append(", ") sb.append(context.getString(R.string.notification_type_vote)) } val nMax = if (isMisskey) { 6 } else { 5 } if (n == 0 || n == nMax) return "" // 全部か皆無なら部分表記は要らない } Column.QUICK_FILTER_MENTION -> sb.append(context.getString(R.string.notification_type_mention)) Column.QUICK_FILTER_FAVOURITE -> sb.append(context.getString(R.string.notification_type_favourite)) Column.QUICK_FILTER_BOOST -> sb.append(context.getString(R.string.notification_type_boost)) Column.QUICK_FILTER_FOLLOW -> sb.append(context.getString(R.string.notification_type_follow)) Column.QUICK_FILTER_REACTION -> sb.append(context.getString(R.string.notification_type_reaction)) Column.QUICK_FILTER_VOTE -> sb.append(context.getString(R.string.notification_type_vote)) Column.QUICK_FILTER_POST -> sb.append(context.getString(R.string.notification_type_post)) } sb.append(")") return sb.toString() } suspend fun Column.loadProfileAccount( client: TootApiClient, parser: TootParser, bForceReload: Boolean, ): TootApiResult? = when { // リロード不要なら何もしない this.whoAccount != null && !bForceReload -> null isMisskey -> client.request( "/api/users/show", accessInfo.putMisskeyApiToken().apply { put("userId", profileId) }.toPostRequestBuilder() )?.also { result1 -> // ユーザリレーションの取り扱いのため、別のparserを作ってはいけない parser.misskeyDecodeProfilePin = true try { TootAccountRef.mayNull(parser, parser.account(result1.jsonObject))?.also { a -> this.whoAccount = a client.publishApiProgress("") // カラムヘッダの再表示 } } finally { parser.misskeyDecodeProfilePin = false } } else -> client.request( "/api/v1/accounts/$profileId" )?.also { result1 -> TootAccountRef.mayNull(parser, parser.account(result1.jsonObject))?.also { a -> this.whoAccount = a this.whoFeaturedTags = null client.request("/api/v1/accounts/$profileId/featured_tags") ?.also { result2 -> this.whoFeaturedTags = TootTag.parseListOrNull(parser, result2.jsonArray) } client.publishApiProgress("") // カラムヘッダの再表示 } } } fun Column.loadSearchDesc(@RawRes rawEn: Int, @RawRes rawJa: Int): String { @RawRes val rawId = if ("ja" == context.getString(R.string.language_code)) rawJa else rawEn return context.loadRawResource(rawId).decodeUTF8() } suspend fun Column.updateRelation( client: TootApiClient, list: ArrayList?, whoRef: TootAccountRef?, parser: TootParser, ) { if (accessInfo.isPseudo) return val env = UserRelationLoader(this) env.add(whoRef) list?.forEach { when (it) { is TootAccountRef -> env.add(it) is TootStatus -> env.add(it) is TootNotification -> env.add(it) is TootConversationSummary -> env.add(it.last_status) } } env.update(client, parser) } fun Column.parseRange( result: TootApiResult?, list: List?, ): Pair { var idMin: EntityId? = null var idMax: EntityId? = null if (isMisskey && list != null) { // MisskeyはLinkヘッダがないので、常にデータからIDを読む for (item in list) { // injectされたデータをデータ範囲に追加しない if (item.isInjected()) continue val id = item.getOrderId() if (id.notDefaultOrConfirming) { if (idMin == null || id < idMin) idMin = id if (idMax == null || id > idMax) idMax = id } } } else { // Linkヘッダを読む idMin = Column.reMaxId.matcher(result?.linkOlder ?: "").findOrNull() ?.let { EntityId(it.groupEx(1)!!) } idMax = Column.reMinId.matcher(result?.linkNewer ?: "").findOrNull() ?.let { // min_idとsince_idの読み分けは現在利用してない it.groupEx(1)=="min_id" EntityId(it.groupEx(2)!!) } } return Pair(idMin, idMax) } // int scroll_hack; // return true if list bottom may have unread remain // カラムが既に範囲を持ってる場合、その範囲を拡張する。 fun Column.saveRange( bBottom: Boolean, bTop: Boolean, result: TootApiResult?, list: List?, ): Boolean { val (idMin, idMax) = parseRange(result, list) var hasBottomRemain = false if (bBottom) when (idMin) { null -> idOld = null // リストの終端 else -> { val i = idOld?.compareTo(idMin) if (i == null || i > 0) { idOld = idMin hasBottomRemain = true } } } if (bTop) when (idMax) { null -> { // リロードを許容するため、取得内容がカラでもidRecentを変更しない } else -> { val i = idRecent?.compareTo(idMax) if (i == null || i < 0) { idRecent = idMax } } } return hasBottomRemain } // return true if list bottom may have unread remain fun Column.saveRangeBottom(result: TootApiResult?, list: List?) = saveRange(true, bTop = false, result = result, list = list) // no return value: can't find there may be more items. fun Column.saveRangeTop(result: TootApiResult?, list: List?) { saveRange(false, bTop = true, result = result, list = list) } fun Column.addRange( bBottom: Boolean, path: String, delimiter: Char = if (-1 == path.indexOf('?')) '?' else '&', ) = if (bBottom) { if (idOld != null) "$path${delimiter}max_id=$idOld" else path } else { if (idRecent != null) "$path${delimiter}since_id=$idRecent" else path } fun Column.addRangeMin( path: String, delimiter: Char = if (-1 != path.indexOf('?')) '&' else '?', ) = if (idRecent == null) path else "$path${delimiter}min_id=$idRecent" fun Column.toAdapterIndex(listIndex: Int): Int { return if (type.headerType != null) listIndex + 1 else listIndex } fun Column.toListIndex(adapterIndex: Int): Int { return if (type.headerType != null) adapterIndex - 1 else adapterIndex } fun Column.saveScrollPosition() { try { if (viewHolder?.saveScrollPosition() == true) { val ss = this.scrollSave if (ss != null) { val idx = toListIndex(ss.adapterIndex) if (0 <= idx && idx < listData.size) { val item = listData[idx] this.lastViewingItemId = item.getOrderId() // とりあえず保存はするが // TLデータそのものを永続化しないかぎり出番はないっぽい } } } } catch (ex: Throwable) { log.e(ex, "can't get last_viewing_item_id.") } } inline fun addAll( dstArg: ArrayList?, src: List, head: Boolean = false, ): ArrayList = (dstArg ?: ArrayList(src.size)).apply { if (head) { addAll(0, src) } else { addAll(src) } } fun addOne( dstArg: ArrayList?, item: TimelineItem?, head: Boolean = false, ): ArrayList = (dstArg ?: ArrayList()).apply { if (item != null) { if (head) { add(0, item) } else { add(item) } } } fun ColumnTask.addWithFilterStatus( dstArg: ArrayList?, srcArg: List, head: Boolean = false, ): ArrayList = (dstArg ?: ArrayList(srcArg.size)).apply { val src = srcArg.filter { !column.isFiltered(it) } if (head) { addAll(0, src) } else { addAll(src) } } fun ColumnTask.addWithFilterConversationSummary( dstArg: ArrayList?, srcArg: List, head: Boolean = false, ): ArrayList = (dstArg ?: ArrayList(srcArg.size)).apply { val src = srcArg.filter { !column.isFiltered(it.last_status) } if (head) { addAll(0, src) } else { addAll(src) } } fun ColumnTask.addWithFilterNotification( dstArg: ArrayList?, srcArg: List, head: Boolean = false, ): ArrayList = (dstArg ?: ArrayList(srcArg.size)).apply { val src = srcArg.filter { !column.isFiltered(it) } if (head) { addAll(0, src) } else { addAll(src) } } fun Column.dispatchProfileTabStatus() = when { isMisskey -> ColumnType.ProfileStatusMisskey else -> ColumnType.ProfileStatusMastodon } fun Column.dispatchProfileTabFollowing() = when { misskeyVersion >= 11 -> ColumnType.FollowingMisskey11 isMisskey -> ColumnType.FollowingMisskey10 accessInfo.isPseudo -> ColumnType.FollowingMastodonPseudo else -> ColumnType.FollowingMastodon } fun Column.dispatchProfileTabFollowers() = when { misskeyVersion >= 11 -> ColumnType.FollowersMisskey11 isMisskey -> ColumnType.FollowersMisskey10 accessInfo.isPseudo -> ColumnType.FollowersMastodonPseudo else -> ColumnType.FollowersMastodon } fun ColumnTask.dispatchProfileTabStatus() = column.dispatchProfileTabStatus() fun ColumnTask.dispatchProfileTabFollowing() = column.dispatchProfileTabFollowing() fun ColumnTask.dispatchProfileTabFollowers() = column.dispatchProfileTabFollowers() suspend fun Column.loadListInfo(client: TootApiClient, bForceReload: Boolean) { val parser = TootParser(context, accessInfo) if (bForceReload || this.listInfo == null) { val result = if (isMisskey) { client.request( "/api/users/lists/show", makeMisskeyBaseParameter(parser).apply { put("listId", profileId) }.toPostRequestBuilder() ) } else { client.request("/api/v1/lists/$profileId") } val jsonObject = result?.jsonObject if (jsonObject != null) { val data = parseItem(::TootList, parser, jsonObject) if (data != null) { this.listInfo = data client.publishApiProgress("") // カラムヘッダの再表示 } } } } suspend fun Column.loadAntennaInfo(client: TootApiClient, bForceReload: Boolean) { val parser = TootParser(context, accessInfo) if (bForceReload || this.antennaInfo == null) { val result = if (isMisskey) { client.request( "/api/antennas/show", makeMisskeyBaseParameter(parser).apply { put("antennaId", profileId) }.toPostRequestBuilder() ) } else { TootApiResult("antenna feature is not supported on Mastodon") } val jsonObject = result?.jsonObject if (jsonObject != null) { val data = parseItem(::MisskeyAntenna, jsonObject) if (data != null) { this.antennaInfo = data client.publishApiProgress("") // カラムヘッダの再表示 } } } } fun JsonObject.putMisskeyUntil(id: EntityId?): JsonObject { if (id != null) put("untilId", id.toString()) return this } fun JsonObject.putMisskeySince(id: EntityId?): JsonObject { if (id != null) put("sinceId", id.toString()) return this } fun JsonObject.addRangeMisskey(column: Column, bBottom: Boolean): JsonObject { if (bBottom) { putMisskeyUntil(column.idOld) } else { putMisskeySince(column.idRecent) } return this } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private const val DIR_BACKGROUND_IMAGE = "columnBackground" fun getBackgroundImageDir(context: Context): File { val externalDir = context.getExternalFilesDir(Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES) if (externalDir == null) { log.e("getExternalFilesDir is null.") } else { val state = Environment.getExternalStorageState() if (state != Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED) { log.e("getExternalStorageState: $state") } else { log.i("externalDir: $externalDir") externalDir.mkdir() val backgroundDir = File(externalDir, DIR_BACKGROUND_IMAGE) backgroundDir.mkdir() log.i("backgroundDir: $backgroundDir exists=${backgroundDir.exists()}") return backgroundDir } } val backgroundDir = context.getDir(DIR_BACKGROUND_IMAGE, Context.MODE_PRIVATE) log.i("backgroundDir: $backgroundDir exists=${backgroundDir.exists()}") return backgroundDir }