Alternative Twitter app for Android 4.1+ [![GitHub release (latest by date)](]( ![]( [![License](]( Features: - fast access to tweets and userprofiles - customizable theme and colors - image/video upload & preview - Multi account support - Tweets with GPS locale - Twitter trends and search - Create, edit or follow user lists - Directmessage - Profile editor - Proxy server - custom API keys Please check the Twitter rules here and here If you have any questions, feel free to open a discussion Screenshots: 3rd party libraries and licenses: - Twitter4J 4.0.7 - picasso 2.71828 - QuadFlask colorpicker - String obfuscation - SwitchButton - Picasso Transformations - ZoomView - Tagger - LinkAndScrollMovement Graphics: - SVG Icons from Entypo & SVG Repo - logo and app icon design by @Tobaloidee Thanks to: - @Tobaloidee for app logo design - @lehmaning for simplified chinese translation