# Lightweight Twitter app for Android 4.1+
[![GitHub release (latest by date)](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/nuclearfog/shitter)](https://github.com/nuclearfog/Shitter/releases/latest/download/SH1TT3R.apk)
## Features
- fast access to tweets and userprofiles
- customizable colors
- Image/Video preview & upload
- Twitter trends and search
- Userlist
- Directmessage
- Profile editor
- GPS locale support
- Proxy support
- Custom API key support
- Multi account support
## Screenshots
## How to build
You can import this project with Android Studio. Add your API keys to this file.
## Information
Please check the Twitter rules here and here
If you have any questions, feel free to open a discussion
## 3rd party libraries and licenses
- Twitter4J 4.0.7
- picasso 2.8
- QuadFlask colorpicker
- String obfuscation
- SwitchButton
- Picasso Transformations
- SwitchButton
- Android-Link-Preview
- LicenseView
- ZoomView
- Tagger
- LinkAndScrollMovement
## Graphics
- SVG Icons from Entypo & SVG Repo
- logo and app icon design by @Tobaloidee
- Twitter4J logo from Twitter4J website
## Thanks to
- @Tobaloidee for app logo design
- @lehmaning for simplified chinese translation