# Lightweight Android Twitter app [![GitHub release (latest by date)](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/nuclearfog/shitter)](../../releases/latest/download/SH1TT3R.apk) ![](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/nuclearfog/Shitter/total) ## Features - fast access to tweets, userprofiles and trends - tweet, directmessage and userlist editor - customizable theme - image/video preview - GPS locale support - proxy support - multi account support - custom API key support ## Screenshots ## How to build You can import this project with Android Studio. To get access to the Twitter API, you have to apply for a developer account. For more information visit Twitter Developer Platform. Add your oauth 1.0 keys to this [file](app/src/main/java/org/nuclearfog/twidda/backend/utils/Tokens.java). ## Information App releases may contain private API keys belonging to the repository owner. Please check the Twitter rules here and here. If you have any questions or if you have found a bug, please open an issue. ## 3rd party libraries and licenses - picasso 2.8 - QuadFlask colorpicker - String obfuscation - SwitchButton - Picasso Transformations - SwitchButton - Android-Link-Preview - LicenseView - ZoomView - Tagger - LinkAndScrollMovement - Version 1.x: Twitter4J 4.0.7 ## Graphics - SVG Icons from Entypo & SVG Repo - logo and app icon design by @Tobaloidee - Twitter4J logo (version 1.x) from Twitter4J website ## Thanks to - @Tobaloidee for app logo design - @lehmaning for simplified chinese translation