
228 lines
7.5 KiB

import { Component, OnInit, Input, Output, EventEmitter, ViewChild, ElementRef } from "@angular/core";
import { faStar, faRetweet, faList, faThumbtack } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons";
import { Status, Account } from "../../../services/models/mastodon.interfaces";
import { OpenThreadEvent, ToolsService } from "../../../services/tools.service";
import { ActionBarComponent } from "./action-bar/action-bar.component";
import { StatusWrapper } from '../../../models/common.model';
import { EmojiConverter, EmojiTypeEnum } from '../../../tools/';
import { ContentWarningPolicyEnum } from '../../../states/settings.state';
import { stat } from 'fs';
selector: "app-status",
templateUrl: "./status.component.html",
styleUrls: ["./status.component.scss"]
export class StatusComponent implements OnInit {
private emojiConverter = new EmojiConverter();
faStar = faStar;
faRetweet = faRetweet;
faList = faList;
faThumbtack = faThumbtack;
displayedStatus: Status;
displayedStatusWrapper: StatusWrapper;
// statusAccountName: string;
statusContent: string;
reblog: boolean;
hasAttachments: boolean;
replyingToStatus: boolean;
isCrossPoster: boolean;
isThread: boolean;
isOld: boolean;
isContentWarned: boolean;
hasReply: boolean;
contentWarningText: string;
isDirectMessage: boolean;
isSelected: boolean;
isRemote: boolean;
hideStatus: boolean = false;
@Output() browseAccountEvent = new EventEmitter<string>();
@Output() browseHashtagEvent = new EventEmitter<string>();
@Output() browseThreadEvent = new EventEmitter<OpenThreadEvent>();
@ViewChild('appActionBar') appActionBar: ActionBarComponent;
@Input() isThreadDisplay: boolean;
@Input() notificationType: 'mention' | 'reblog' | 'favourite' | 'poll';
@Input() notificationAccount: Account;
private _statusWrapper: StatusWrapper;
status: Status;
set statusWrapper(value: StatusWrapper) {
this._statusWrapper = value;
this.status = value.status;
this.isSelected = value.isSelected;
this.isRemote = value.isRemote;
if (this.status.reblog) {
this.reblog = true;
this.displayedStatus = this.status.reblog;
} else {
this.displayedStatus = this.status;
this.isDirectMessage = this.displayedStatus.visibility === 'direct';
let cwPolicy = this.toolsService.checkContentWarning(this.displayedStatus);
this.displayedStatusWrapper = new StatusWrapper(cwPolicy.status, value.provider, cwPolicy.applyCw, cwPolicy.hide);
this.displayedStatusWrapper.isRemote = value.isRemote;
if (!this.displayedStatus.account.display_name) {
this.displayedStatus.account.display_name = this.displayedStatus.account.username;
if (this.displayedStatus.media_attachments && this.displayedStatus.media_attachments.length > 0) {
this.hasAttachments = true;
// const instanceUrl = 'https://' + this.status.uri.split('https://')[1].split('/')[0];
// this.statusAccountName = this.emojiConverter.applyEmojis(this.displayedStatus.account.emojis, this.displayedStatus.account.display_name, EmojiTypeEnum.small);
let statusContent = this.emojiConverter.applyEmojis(this.displayedStatus.emojis, this.displayedStatus.content, EmojiTypeEnum.medium);
this.statusContent = this.ensureMentionAreDisplayed(statusContent);
get statusWrapper(): StatusWrapper {
return this._statusWrapper;
public elem: ElementRef,
private readonly toolsService: ToolsService) { }
ngOnInit() {
private ensureMentionAreDisplayed(data: string): string {
const mentions = this.displayedStatus.mentions;
if(!mentions || mentions.length === 0) return data;
let textMentions = '';
for (const m of mentions) {
textMentions += `<span class="h-card"><a class="u-url mention" data-user="${}" href="${m.url}" rel="ugc">@<span>${m.username}</span></a></span> `
if(textMentions !== ''){
data = textMentions + data;
return data;
private setContentWarning(status: StatusWrapper) {
this.hideStatus = status.hide;
this.isContentWarned = status.applyCw;
let spoiler = this.htmlEncode(status.status.spoiler_text);
this.contentWarningText = this.emojiConverter.applyEmojis(this.displayedStatus.emojis, spoiler, EmojiTypeEnum.medium);
private htmlEncode(str: string): string {
var encodedStr = str.replace(/[\u00A0-\u9999<>\&]/gim, function (i) {
return '&#' + i.charCodeAt(0) + ';';
return encodedStr;
removeContentWarning(): boolean {
this.isContentWarned = false;
return false;
changeCw(cwIsActive: boolean) {
this.isContentWarned = cwIsActive;
private checkLabels(status: Status) {
//since API is limited with federated status...
if (! {
if (status.uri.includes('')) {
this.isCrossPoster = true;
else if (status.application) {
const usedApp =;
if (usedApp && (usedApp.includes('moa') || usedApp.includes('birdsite') || usedApp.includes('twitter'))) {
this.isCrossPoster = true;
if (this.isThreadDisplay) return;
if (status.in_reply_to_account_id && status.in_reply_to_account_id === {
this.isThread = true;
this.hasReply = status.replies_count > 0;
let createdAt = new Date(status.created_at);
let now = new Date();
now.setMonth(now.getMonth() - 3);
if (now > createdAt) {
this.isOld = true;
openAccount(account: Account): boolean {
let accountName = this.toolsService.getAccountFullHandle(account);;
return false;
openReply(): boolean {
this.replyingToStatus = !this.replyingToStatus;
return false;
closeReply(): boolean {
this.replyingToStatus = false;
return false;
accountSelected(accountName: string): void {;
hashtagSelected(hashtag: string): void {;
textSelected(): boolean {
if (this.isSelected) return false;
const status = this._statusWrapper.status;
const accountInfo = this._statusWrapper.provider;
let openThread: OpenThreadEvent;
if (status.reblog) {
openThread = new OpenThreadEvent(status.reblog, accountInfo);
} else {
openThread = new OpenThreadEvent(status, accountInfo);
return false;
browseThread(event: OpenThreadEvent): void {;
openUrl(url: string): boolean {
event.preventDefault();, "_blank");
return false;