Discover Sengi

A FLOSS multi-account Mastodon and Pleroma desktop client
Now available in Beta

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Sengi will let you use all your accounts
easily and seamlessly

Quick Overview

Main Functionalities

Seamless account switch

Just click on the account's avatar,
and all your next actions will be performed by it.
Yes, it's powerful.

All instances timelines in one place

Add the timelines and lists of your account' instances all next to each other in the same interface.

Don't lose your focus

Opening a profile, thread, hashtag or even just replying to someone will always take place in the current Timeline.


Get a quick insight if a status is part of a thread, has replies, is from a bot, is old, was cross-posted (limited to local TL), etcetera.

Auto-remove Thread's Content-Warnings

Easily remove all CW from a thread
with one single click!

And many more!

Sengi is for power users. There is a lot more things to discover and more to come too!