import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, Input, Output, EventEmitter, ViewChildren, QueryList, ViewChild, ElementRef } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpErrorResponse, HttpClient, HttpHeaders } from '@angular/common/http'; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { MastodonWrapperService } from '../../../services/mastodon-wrapper.service'; import { ToolsService, OpenThreadEvent } from '../../../services/tools.service'; import { Results, Context, Status } from '../../../services/models/mastodon.interfaces'; import { NotificationService, NewReplyData } from '../../../services/notification.service'; import { AccountInfo } from '../../../states/accounts.state'; import { StatusWrapper } from '../../../models/common.model'; import { StatusComponent } from '../status/status.component'; import scrollIntoView from 'scroll-into-view-if-needed'; import { UserNotificationService, UserNotification } from '../../../services/user-notification.service'; import { TimeLineModeEnum } from '../../../states/settings.state'; import { BrowseBase } from '../../common/browse-base'; import { SettingsService } from '../../../services/settings.service'; @Component({ selector: 'app-thread', templateUrl: '../stream-statuses/stream-statuses.component.html', styleUrls: ['../stream-statuses/stream-statuses.component.scss'] }) export class ThreadComponent extends BrowseBase { statuses: StatusWrapper[] = []; displayError: string; isLoading = true; isThread = true; hasContentWarnings = false; private remoteStatusFetchingDisabled = false; context = 'thread'; numNewItems: number; //html compatibility only bufferStream: Status[] = []; //html compatibility only streamPositionnedAtTop: boolean = true; //html compatibility only timelineLoadingMode: TimeLineModeEnum = TimeLineModeEnum.OnTop; //html compatibility only private lastThreadEvent: OpenThreadEvent; @Input() refreshEventEmitter: EventEmitter; @Input() goToTopEventEmitter: EventEmitter; @Input('currentThread') set currentThread(thread: OpenThreadEvent) { if (thread) { this.lastThreadEvent = thread; this.getThread(thread); } } @ViewChildren(StatusComponent) statusChildren: QueryList; private newPostSub: Subscription; private hideAccountSubscription: Subscription; private deleteStatusSubscription: Subscription; private refreshSubscription: Subscription; private goToTopSubscription: Subscription; private responseSubscription: Subscription; constructor( private readonly settingsService: SettingsService, private readonly httpClient: HttpClient, private readonly notificationService: NotificationService, private readonly userNotificationService: UserNotificationService, private readonly toolsService: ToolsService, private readonly mastodonService: MastodonWrapperService) { super(); } ngOnInit() { let settings = this.settingsService.getSettings(); this.remoteStatusFetchingDisabled = settings.disableRemoteStatusFetching; if (this.refreshEventEmitter) { this.refreshSubscription = this.refreshEventEmitter.subscribe(() => { this.refresh(); }) } if (this.goToTopEventEmitter) { this.goToTopSubscription = this.goToTopEventEmitter.subscribe(() => { this.goToTop(); }) } this.newPostSub = this.notificationService.newRespondPostedStream.subscribe((replyData: NewReplyData) => { if (replyData) { const repondingStatus = this.statuses.find(x => === replyData.uiStatusId); const responseStatus = replyData.response; if (repondingStatus && this.statuses[0]) { this.statuses.push(responseStatus); } } }); this.hideAccountSubscription = this.notificationService.hideAccountUrlStream.subscribe((accountUrl: string) => { if (accountUrl) { this.statuses = this.statuses.filter(x => { if (x.status.reblog) { return x.status.reblog.account.url != accountUrl; } else { return x.status.account.url != accountUrl; } }); } }); this.deleteStatusSubscription = this.notificationService.deletedStatusStream.subscribe((status: StatusWrapper) => { if (status) { this.statuses = this.statuses.filter(x => { return !(x.status.url.replace('https://', '').split('/')[0] === status.provider.instance && ===; }); } }); this.responseSubscription = this.userNotificationService.userNotifications.subscribe((userNotifications: UserNotification[]) => { userNotifications.forEach(x => { x.mentions.forEach(y => { if(y.status){ if( => && ! => z.status.uri).includes(y.status.uri)) { let cwResult = this.toolsService.checkContentWarning(y.status); this.statuses.push(new StatusWrapper(y.status, x.account, cwResult.applyCw, cwResult.hide)); return; } } }); }); }); } ngOnDestroy(): void { if (this.newPostSub) this.newPostSub.unsubscribe(); if (this.hideAccountSubscription) this.hideAccountSubscription.unsubscribe(); if (this.deleteStatusSubscription) this.deleteStatusSubscription.unsubscribe(); if (this.refreshSubscription) this.refreshSubscription.unsubscribe(); if (this.goToTopSubscription) this.goToTopSubscription.unsubscribe(); if (this.responseSubscription) this.responseSubscription.unsubscribe(); } @ViewChild('statusstream') public statustream: ElementRef; goToTop(): any { const stream = this.statustream.nativeElement as HTMLElement; setTimeout(() => { stream.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: 'smooth' }); }, 0); } private getThread(openThreadEvent: OpenThreadEvent) { this.statuses.length = 0; this.displayError = null; let currentAccount = this.toolsService.getSelectedAccounts()[0]; const status = openThreadEvent.status; const sourceAccount = openThreadEvent.sourceAccount; if (status.visibility === 'public' || status.visibility === 'unlisted') { // var statusPromise: Promise = Promise.resolve(status); // if (!sourceAccount || !== { var statusPromise = this.toolsService.getInstanceInfo(currentAccount) .then(instance => { let version: 'v1' | 'v2' = 'v1'; if (instance.major >= 3) version = 'v2'; return, status.uri, version, true); }) .then((result: Results) => { if (result.statuses.length === 1) { const retrievedStatus = result.statuses[0]; return retrievedStatus; } throw new Error('could not find status'); }); // } this.retrieveThread(currentAccount, statusPromise); } else if (sourceAccount && === { var statusPromise = Promise.resolve(status); this.retrieveThread(currentAccount, statusPromise); } else { this.isLoading = false; this.displayError = `You need to use your account ${sourceAccount.username}@${sourceAccount.instance} to show this thread`; } } private retrieveThread(currentAccount: AccountInfo, pipeline: Promise) { pipeline .then((status: Status) => { return this.mastodonService.getStatusContext(currentAccount, .then((context: Context) => { let contextStatuses = [...context.ancestors, status, ...context.descendants] const position = context.ancestors.length; let localStatuses = []; for (let i = 0; i < contextStatuses.length; i++) { let s = contextStatuses[i]; let cwPolicy = this.toolsService.checkContentWarning(s); const wrapper = new StatusWrapper(cwPolicy.status, currentAccount, cwPolicy.applyCw, cwPolicy.hide); if (i == position) wrapper.isSelected = true; // this.statuses.push(wrapper); localStatuses.push(wrapper); } return localStatuses; }) .then(async (localStatuses: StatusWrapper[]) => { let remoteStatuses = await this.retrieveRemoteThread(status); let unknownStatuses = remoteStatuses.filter(x => !localStatuses.find(y => y.status.uri == x.uri)); for(let s of unknownStatuses){ let cwPolicy = this.toolsService.checkContentWarning(s); let wrapper = new StatusWrapper(s, null, cwPolicy.applyCw, cwPolicy.hide); wrapper.isRemote = true; localStatuses.push(wrapper); } localStatuses.sort((a,b) => { if(a.status.created_at > b.status.created_at) return 1; if(a.status.created_at < b.status.created_at) return -1; return 0; }); this.statuses = localStatuses; this.hasContentWarnings = this.statuses.filter(x => x.applyCw).length > 1; let newPosition = this.statuses.findIndex(x => x.isSelected); return newPosition; }); }) .then((position: number) => { setTimeout(() => { const el = this.statusChildren.toArray()[position]; //el.elem.nativeElement.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded({ behavior: 'auto', block: 'start', inline: 'nearest' }); scrollIntoView(el.elem.nativeElement, { behavior: 'smooth', block: 'nearest' }); }, 250); }) .catch((err: HttpErrorResponse) => { this.notificationService.notifyHttpError(err, currentAccount); }) .then(() => { this.isLoading = false; }); } private async retrieveRemoteThread(status: Status): Promise { if(this.remoteStatusFetchingDisabled) return []; try { let url = status.url; let splitUrl = url.replace('https://', '').split('/'); let id = splitUrl[splitUrl.length - 1]; let instance = splitUrl[0]; //Pleroma if(url.includes('/objects/')){ var webpage = await this.httpClient.get(url, { responseType: 'text' }).toPromise(); id = webpage.split(` { if(!s.account.acct.includes('@')){ s.account.acct += `@${instance}`; } }); return remoteStatuses; } catch (err) { return []; }; } refresh(): any { this.isLoading = true; this.displayError = null; this.statuses.length = 0; this.getThread(this.lastThreadEvent); } onScroll() { //Do nothing } removeCw(): boolean { const statuses = this.statusChildren.toArray(); statuses.forEach(x => { x.removeContentWarning(); if (x.isSelected) { setTimeout(() => { scrollIntoView(x.elem.nativeElement, { behavior: 'auto', block: 'nearest' }); }, 0); } }); this.hasContentWarnings = false; return false; } }