import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, Input, Output, EventEmitter, ElementRef, ViewChild, ViewContainerRef, ComponentRef, HostListener } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpErrorResponse } from '@angular/common/http'; import { Overlay, OverlayConfig, FullscreenOverlayContainer, OverlayRef } from '@angular/cdk/overlay'; import { ComponentPortal, TemplatePortal } from '@angular/cdk/portal'; import { Store } from '@ngxs/store'; import { Subscription, Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { UP_ARROW, DOWN_ARROW, ENTER, ESCAPE } from '@angular/cdk/keycodes'; import { faPaperclip, faGlobe, faGlobeAmericas, faLock, faLockOpen, faEnvelope, faPollH } from "@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons"; import { faClock, faWindowClose as faWindowCloseRegular } from "@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons"; import { ContextMenuService, ContextMenuComponent } from 'ngx-contextmenu'; import { VisibilityEnum, PollParameters } from '../../services/mastodon.service'; import { MastodonWrapperService } from '../../services/mastodon-wrapper.service'; import { Status, Attachment } from '../../services/models/mastodon.interfaces'; import { ToolsService, InstanceInfo, InstanceType } from '../../services/tools.service'; import { NotificationService } from '../../services/notification.service'; import { StatusWrapper } from '../../models/common.model'; import { AccountInfo } from '../../states/accounts.state'; import { InstancesInfoService } from '../../services/instances-info.service'; import { MediaService, MediaWrapper } from '../../services/media.service'; import { AutosuggestSelection, AutosuggestUserActionEnum } from './autosuggest/autosuggest.component'; import { EmojiPickerComponent } from './emoji-picker/emoji-picker.component'; import { PollEditorComponent } from './poll-editor/poll-editor.component'; import { StatusSchedulerComponent } from './status-scheduler/status-scheduler.component'; import { ScheduledStatusService } from '../../services/scheduled-status.service'; import { StatusesStateService } from '../../services/statuses-state.service'; import { SettingsService } from '../../services/settings.service'; @Component({ selector: 'app-create-status', templateUrl: './create-status.component.html', styleUrls: ['./create-status.component.scss'] }) export class CreateStatusComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { faPaperclip = faPaperclip; faGlobe = faGlobe; faGlobeAmericas = faGlobeAmericas; faLock = faLock; faLockOpen = faLockOpen; faEnvelope = faEnvelope; faPollH = faPollH; faClock = faClock; autoSuggestUserActionsStream = new EventEmitter(); private isRedrafting: boolean; private _title: string; set title(value: string) { this._title = value; this.countStatusChar(this.status); } get title(): string { return this._title; } private _status: string = ''; @Input('status') set status(value: string) { if (this.isRedrafting) { this.statusStateService.setStatusContent(value, null); } else { this.statusStateService.setStatusContent(value, this.statusReplyingToWrapper); } this.countStatusChar(value); this.detectAutosuggestion(value); this._status = value; setTimeout(() => { this.autoGrow(); }, 0); } get status(): string { return this._status; } private trim(s, mask) { while (~mask.indexOf(s[0])) { s = s.slice(1); } while (~mask.indexOf(s[s.length - 1])) { s = s.slice(0, -1); } return s; } @Input('redraftedStatus') set redraftedStatus(value: StatusWrapper) { if (value) { this.isRedrafting = true; this.statusLoaded = false; if (value.status && value.status.media_attachments) { for (const m of value.status.media_attachments) { this.mediaService.addExistingMedia(new MediaWrapper(, null, m)); } } const newLine = String.fromCharCode(13, 10); let content = value.status.content; content = this.tranformHtmlRepliesToReplies(content); while (content.includes('

') || content.includes('

') || content.includes('
') || content.includes('
') || content.includes('
')) { content = content.replace('

', '').replace('

', newLine + newLine).replace('
', newLine).replace('
', newLine).replace('
', newLine); } content = this.trim(content, newLine); let parser = new DOMParser(); var dom = parser.parseFromString(content, 'text/html') this.status = dom.body.textContent; // this.statusStateService.setStatusContent(this.status, this.statusReplyingToWrapper); this.setVisibilityFromStatus(value.status); this.title = value.status.spoiler_text; this.statusLoaded = true; if (value.status.in_reply_to_id) { this.isSending = true; this.mastodonService.getStatus(value.provider, value.status.in_reply_to_id) .then((status: Status) => { let cwResult = this.toolsService.checkContentWarning(status); this.statusReplyingToWrapper = new StatusWrapper(cwResult.status, value.provider, cwResult.applyCw, cwResult.hide); }) .catch(err => { this.notificationService.notifyHttpError(err, value.provider); }) .then(() => { this.isSending = false; }); } } } private maxCharLength: number; charCountLeft: number; postCounts: number = 1; isSending: boolean; mentionTooFarAwayError: boolean; autosuggestData: string = null; instanceSupportsPoll = true; instanceSupportsScheduling = true; private statusLoaded: boolean; private hasSuggestions: boolean; @Input() statusReplyingToWrapper: StatusWrapper; @Output() onClose = new EventEmitter(); @ViewChild('reply') replyElement: ElementRef; @ViewChild('fileInput') fileInputElement: ElementRef; @ViewChild('footer') footerElement: ElementRef; @ViewChild(ContextMenuComponent) public contextMenu: ContextMenuComponent; @ViewChild(PollEditorComponent) pollEditor: PollEditorComponent; @ViewChild(StatusSchedulerComponent) statusScheduler: StatusSchedulerComponent; private _isDirectMention: boolean; @Input('isDirectMention') set isDirectMention(value: boolean) { if (value) { this._isDirectMention = value; this.initMention(); } } get isDirectMention(): boolean { return this._isDirectMention; } private _replyingUserHandle: string; @Input('replyingUserHandle') set replyingUserHandle(value: string) { if (value) { this._replyingUserHandle = value; this.initMention(); } } get replyingUserHandle(): string { return this._replyingUserHandle; } private statusReplyingTo: Status; selectedPrivacy = 'Public'; private selectedPrivacySetByRedraft = false; private accounts$: Observable; private accountSub: Subscription; private selectedAccount: AccountInfo; constructor( private readonly settingsService: SettingsService, private statusStateService: StatusesStateService, private readonly scheduledStatusService: ScheduledStatusService, private readonly contextMenuService: ContextMenuService, private readonly store: Store, private readonly notificationService: NotificationService, private readonly toolsService: ToolsService, private readonly mastodonService: MastodonWrapperService, private readonly instancesInfoService: InstancesInfoService, private readonly mediaService: MediaService, private readonly overlay: Overlay, public viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef) { this.accounts$ = => state.registeredaccounts.accounts); } ngOnInit() { if (!this.isRedrafting) { this.status = this.statusStateService.getStatusContent(this.statusReplyingToWrapper); } this.accountSub = this.accounts$.subscribe((accounts: AccountInfo[]) => { this.accountChanged(accounts); }); this.selectedAccount = this.toolsService.getSelectedAccounts()[0]; if (this.statusReplyingToWrapper) { if (this.statusReplyingToWrapper.status.reblog) { this.statusReplyingTo = this.statusReplyingToWrapper.status.reblog; } else { this.statusReplyingTo = this.statusReplyingToWrapper.status; } // let state = this.statusStateService.getStatusContent(this.statusReplyingToWrapper); // if (state && state !== '') { // this.status = state; // } else { if (!this.status || this.status === '') { const uniqueMentions = this.getMentions(this.statusReplyingTo); for (const mention of uniqueMentions) { this.status += `@${mention} `; } } this.setVisibilityFromStatus(this.statusReplyingTo); this.title = this.statusReplyingTo.spoiler_text; } else if (this.replyingUserHandle) { this.initMention(); } this.statusLoaded = true; this.focus(); this.innerHeight = window.innerHeight; } ngOnDestroy() { if (this.isRedrafting) { this.statusStateService.resetStatusContent(null); } this.accountSub.unsubscribe(); } onPaste(e: any) { const items = (e.clipboardData || e.originalEvent.clipboardData).items; let blobs: File[] = []; for (const item of items) { if (item.type.indexOf('image') === 0) { let blob = item.getAsFile(); blobs.push(blob); } } this.handleFileInput(blobs); } changePrivacy(value: string): boolean { this.selectedPrivacy = value; return false; } addMedia(): boolean {; return false; } handleFileInput(files: File[]): boolean { const acc = this.toolsService.getSelectedAccounts()[0]; this.mediaService.uploadMedia(acc, files); return false; } private detectAutosuggestion(status: string) { if (!this.statusLoaded) return; if (!status.includes('@') && !status.includes('#')) { this.autosuggestData = null; this.hasSuggestions = false; return; } const caretPosition = this.replyElement.nativeElement.selectionStart; const lastChar = status.substr(caretPosition - 1, 1); const lastCharIsSpace = lastChar === ' '; const splitedStatus = status.split(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/); let offset = 0; let currentSection = ''; for (let x of splitedStatus) { const sectionLength = x.length; if (offset + sectionLength >= caretPosition) { currentSection = x; break; } else { offset += sectionLength; } }; const word = this.getWordByPos(currentSection, caretPosition - offset); if (!lastCharIsSpace && word && word.length > 0 && (word.startsWith('@') || word.startsWith('#'))) { this.autosuggestData = word; return; } this.autosuggestData = null; this.hasSuggestions = false; } private getWordByPos(str, pos) { var preText = str.substring(0, pos); if (preText.indexOf(" ") > 0) { var words = preText.split(" "); return words[words.length - 1]; //return last word } else { return preText; } // // str = str.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, ""); // var left = str.substr(0, pos); // var right = str.substr(pos); // left = left.replace(/^.+ /g, ""); // right = right.replace(/ .+$/g, ""); // return left + right; } private focus(caretPos = null) { setTimeout(() => { this.replyElement.nativeElement.focus(); if (caretPos) { this.replyElement.nativeElement.setSelectionRange(caretPos, caretPos); } else { this.replyElement.nativeElement.setSelectionRange(this.status.length, this.status.length); } }, 0); } private initMention() { this.statusLoaded = false; if (!this.selectedAccount) { this.selectedAccount = this.toolsService.getSelectedAccounts()[0]; } if (this.isDirectMention) { this.setVisibility(VisibilityEnum.Direct); } else { this.getDefaultPrivacy(); } this.status = `${this.replyingUserHandle} `; this.countStatusChar(this.status); this.statusLoaded = true; this.focus(); } private accountChanged(accounts: AccountInfo[]): void { if (accounts && accounts.length > 0) { this.selectedAccount = accounts.filter(x => x.isSelected)[0]; const settings = this.settingsService.getAccountSettings(this.selectedAccount); if (settings.customStatusCharLengthEnabled) { this.maxCharLength = settings.customStatusCharLength; this.countStatusChar(this.status); } else { this.instancesInfoService.getMaxStatusChars(this.selectedAccount.instance) .then((maxChars: number) => { this.maxCharLength = maxChars; this.countStatusChar(this.status); }) .catch((err: HttpErrorResponse) => { this.notificationService.notifyHttpError(err, this.selectedAccount); }); } if (!this.statusReplyingToWrapper && !this.replyingUserHandle) { this.getDefaultPrivacy(); } this.toolsService.getInstanceInfo(this.selectedAccount) .then((instance: InstanceInfo) => { if (instance.type === InstanceType.Pixelfed) { this.instanceSupportsPoll = false; this.instanceSupportsScheduling = false; this.pollIsActive = false; this.scheduleIsActive = false; } else { this.instanceSupportsPoll = true; this.instanceSupportsScheduling = true; } }); } } private getDefaultPrivacy() { this.instancesInfoService.getDefaultPrivacy(this.selectedAccount) .then((defaultPrivacy: VisibilityEnum) => { this.setVisibility(defaultPrivacy); }) .catch((err: HttpErrorResponse) => { this.notificationService.notifyHttpError(err, this.selectedAccount); }); } private setVisibilityFromStatus(status: Status) { switch (status.visibility) { case 'unlisted': this.setVisibility(VisibilityEnum.Unlisted); break; case 'public': this.setVisibility(VisibilityEnum.Public); break; case 'private': this.setVisibility(VisibilityEnum.Private); break; case 'direct': this.setVisibility(VisibilityEnum.Direct); break; } this.selectedPrivacySetByRedraft = true; } private setVisibility(defaultPrivacy: VisibilityEnum) { if(this.selectedPrivacySetByRedraft) return; switch (defaultPrivacy) { case VisibilityEnum.Public: this.selectedPrivacy = 'Public'; break; case VisibilityEnum.Unlisted: this.selectedPrivacy = 'Unlisted'; break; case VisibilityEnum.Private: this.selectedPrivacy = 'Follows-only'; break; case VisibilityEnum.Direct: this.selectedPrivacy = 'DM'; break; } } private countStatusChar(status: string) { this.mentionTooFarAwayError = false; const parseStatus = this.parseStatus(status); const mentions = this.getMentionsFromStatus(status); if (mentions.length > 0) { let containAllMention = true; mentions.forEach(m => { if (!parseStatus[0].includes(m)) { containAllMention = false; } }); if (!containAllMention) { this.mentionTooFarAwayError = true; this.charCountLeft = this.maxCharLength - status.length; this.postCounts = 1; return; } } const currentStatus = parseStatus[parseStatus.length - 1]; const statusExtraChars = this.getMentionExtraChars(currentStatus); const linksExtraChars = this.getLinksExtraChars(currentStatus); const statusLength = [...currentStatus].length - statusExtraChars - linksExtraChars; this.charCountLeft = this.maxCharLength - statusLength - this.getCwLength(); this.postCounts = parseStatus.length; } private getCwLength(): number { let cwLength = 0; if (this.title) { cwLength = [...this.title].length; } return cwLength; } private getMentions(status: Status): string[] { let acct = status.account.acct; if(!acct.includes('@')) { acct += `@${status.account.url.replace('https://', '').split('/')[0]}` } const mentions = [acct]; status.mentions.forEach(m => { let mentionAcct = m.acct; if(!mentionAcct.includes('@')){ mentionAcct += `@${m.url.replace('https://', '').split('/')[0]}`; } mentions.push(mentionAcct); }); let uniqueMentions = []; for (let mention of mentions) { if (!uniqueMentions.includes(mention)) { uniqueMentions.push(mention); } } const selectedUser = this.toolsService.getSelectedAccounts()[0]; uniqueMentions = uniqueMentions.filter(x => x.toLowerCase() !== `${selectedUser.username}@${selectedUser.instance}`.toLowerCase()); return uniqueMentions; } onCtrlEnter(): boolean { this.onSubmit(); return false; } onSubmit(): boolean { if (this.isSending || this.mentionTooFarAwayError) return false; this.isSending = true; let visibility: VisibilityEnum = VisibilityEnum.Unknown; switch (this.selectedPrivacy) { case 'Public': visibility = VisibilityEnum.Public; break; case 'Unlisted': visibility = VisibilityEnum.Unlisted; break; case 'Follows-only': visibility = VisibilityEnum.Private; break; case 'DM': visibility = VisibilityEnum.Direct; break; } const mediaAttachments = => x.attachment); const acc = this.toolsService.getSelectedAccounts()[0]; let usableStatus: Promise; if (this.statusReplyingToWrapper) { usableStatus = this.toolsService.getStatusUsableByAccount(acc, this.statusReplyingToWrapper); } else { usableStatus = Promise.resolve(null); } let poll: PollParameters = null; if (this.pollIsActive) { poll = this.pollEditor.getPollParameters(); } let scheduledTime = null; if (this.scheduleIsActive) { scheduledTime = this.statusScheduler.getScheduledDate(); if (!scheduledTime || scheduledTime === '') { this.isSending = false; return; } } usableStatus .then((status: Status) => { return this.sendStatus(acc, this.status, visibility, this.title, status, mediaAttachments, poll, scheduledTime); }) .then((res: Status) => { this.title = ''; this.status = ''; this.onClose.emit(); if (this.scheduleIsActive) { this.scheduledStatusService.statusAdded(acc); } if (this.isRedrafting) { this.statusStateService.resetStatusContent(null); } else { this.statusStateService.resetStatusContent(this.statusReplyingToWrapper); } }) .catch((err: HttpErrorResponse) => { this.notificationService.notifyHttpError(err, acc); }) .then(() => { this.isSending = false; }); return false; } private sendStatus(account: AccountInfo, status: string, visibility: VisibilityEnum, title: string, previousStatus: Status, attachments: Attachment[], poll: PollParameters, scheduledAt: string): Promise { let parsedStatus = this.parseStatus(status); let resultPromise = Promise.resolve(previousStatus); for (let i = 0; i < parsedStatus.length; i++) { let s = parsedStatus[i]; resultPromise = resultPromise .then((pStatus: Status) => { let inReplyToId = null; if (pStatus) { inReplyToId =; } if (i === 0) { return this.mastodonService.postNewStatus(account, s, visibility, title, inReplyToId, =>, poll, scheduledAt) .then((status: Status) => { this.mediaService.clearMedia(); return status; }); } else { return this.mastodonService.postNewStatus(account, s, visibility, title, inReplyToId, [], null, scheduledAt); } }) .then((status: Status) => { if (this.statusReplyingToWrapper) { let cwPolicy = this.toolsService.checkContentWarning(status); this.notificationService.newStatusPosted(, new StatusWrapper(cwPolicy.status, account, cwPolicy.applyCw, cwPolicy.hide)); } return status; }); } return resultPromise; } private parseStatus(status: string): string[] { //console.error(status.toString()); let mentionExtraChars = this.getMentionExtraChars(status); let urlExtraChar = this.getLinksExtraChars(status); let trucatedStatus = `${status}`; let results = []; let aggregateMention = ''; let mentions = this.getMentionsFromStatus(status); mentions.forEach(x => { aggregateMention += `${x} `; }); let currentMaxCharLength = this.maxCharLength + mentionExtraChars + urlExtraChar - this.getCwLength(); let maxChars = currentMaxCharLength - 6; while (trucatedStatus.length > currentMaxCharLength) { const nextIndex = trucatedStatus.lastIndexOf(' ', maxChars); if(nextIndex === -1){ break; } results.push(trucatedStatus.substr(0, nextIndex) + ' (...)'); trucatedStatus = aggregateMention + trucatedStatus.substr(nextIndex + 1); // Refresh max let mentionExtraChars = this.getMentionExtraChars(trucatedStatus); let urlExtraChar = this.getLinksExtraChars(trucatedStatus); currentMaxCharLength = this.maxCharLength + mentionExtraChars + urlExtraChar - this.getCwLength(); maxChars = currentMaxCharLength - 6; } results.push(trucatedStatus); return results; } private getLinksExtraChars(status: string): number { let mentionExtraChars = 0; let links = status.split(/\s+/).filter(x => x.startsWith('http://') || x.startsWith('https://')); for (let link of links) { if (link.length > 23) { mentionExtraChars += link.length - 23; } } return mentionExtraChars; } private getMentionExtraChars(status: string): number { let mentionExtraChars = 0; let mentions = this.getMentionsFromStatus(status); for (const mention of mentions) { if (mention.lastIndexOf('@') !== 0) { const domain = mention.split('@')[2]; if (domain.length > 1) { mentionExtraChars += (domain.length + 1); } } } return mentionExtraChars; } private getMentionsFromStatus(status: string): string[] { return status.split(' ').filter(x => x.indexOf('@') === 0 && x.length > 1); } suggestionSelected(selection: AutosuggestSelection) { if (this.status.includes(selection.pattern)) { this.status = this.replacePatternWithAutosuggest(this.status, selection.pattern, selection.autosuggest); let cleanStatus = this.status.replace(/\r?\n/g, ' '); let newCaretPosition = cleanStatus.indexOf(`${selection.autosuggest}`) + selection.autosuggest.length; if (newCaretPosition > cleanStatus.length) newCaretPosition = cleanStatus.length; this.autosuggestData = null; this.hasSuggestions = false; if (document.activeElement === this.replyElement.nativeElement) { setTimeout(() => { this.replyElement.nativeElement.setSelectionRange(newCaretPosition, newCaretPosition); }, 0); } else { this.focus(newCaretPosition); } } } private replacePatternWithAutosuggest(status: string, pattern: string, autosuggest: string): string { status = status.replace(/ /g, ' '); const newLine = String.fromCharCode(13, 10); // let statusPerLines = status.split(newLine); let statusPerLines = status.split(/\r?\n/); let statusPerLinesPerWords: string[][] = []; let regex = new RegExp(`^${pattern}$`, 'i'); statusPerLines.forEach(line => { let words = line.split(' '); words = => { return word.replace(regex, `${autosuggest}`); }); statusPerLinesPerWords.push(words); }); let result = ''; let nberLines = statusPerLinesPerWords.length; let i = 0; statusPerLinesPerWords.forEach(line => { i++; let wordCount = line.length; let w = 0; line.forEach(word => { w++; result += `${word}`; if(w < wordCount || i === nberLines){ result += ' '; } }); if (i < nberLines) { result += newLine; } }) result = result.replace(' ', ' '); let endRegex = new RegExp(`${autosuggest} $`, 'i'); if(!result.match(endRegex)){ result = result.substring(0, result.length - 1); } return result; } suggestionsChanged(hasSuggestions: boolean) { this.hasSuggestions = hasSuggestions; } handleKeyDown(event: KeyboardEvent): boolean { if (this.hasSuggestions) { let keycode = event.keyCode; if (keycode === DOWN_ARROW || keycode === UP_ARROW || keycode === ENTER || keycode === ESCAPE) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); switch (keycode) { case DOWN_ARROW:; break; case UP_ARROW:; break; case ENTER:; break; case ESCAPE: this.autosuggestData = null; this.hasSuggestions = false; break; } return false; } } } statusTextEditorLostFocus(): boolean { setTimeout(() => { this.autosuggestData = null; this.hasSuggestions = false; }, 250); return false; } private autoGrow() { let scrolling = (this.replyElement.nativeElement.scrollHeight); if (scrolling > 110) { const isVisible = this.checkVisible(this.footerElement.nativeElement); // = `0px`; = `${this.replyElement.nativeElement.scrollHeight}px`; if (isVisible) { setTimeout(() => { try { this.footerElement.nativeElement.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded({ behavior: 'instant', block: 'end', inline: 'start' }); } catch (err) { this.footerElement.nativeElement.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'instant', block: 'end', inline: 'start' }); } }, 0); } } } private checkVisible(elm) { var rect = elm.getBoundingClientRect(); var viewHeight = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight); return !(rect.bottom < 0 || - viewHeight >= 0); } public onContextMenu($event: MouseEvent): void {{ // Optional - if unspecified, all context menu components will open contextMenu: this.contextMenu, event: $event, item: null }); $event.preventDefault(); $event.stopPropagation(); } // @ViewChild('emojiButton') emojiButtonElement: ElementRef; overlayRef: OverlayRef; public innerHeight: number; @HostListener('window:resize', ['$event']) onResize(event) { this.innerHeight = window.innerHeight; } private emojiCloseSub: Subscription; private emojiSelectedSub: Subscription; private beforeEmojiCaretPosition: number; openEmojiPicker(e: MouseEvent): boolean { if (this.overlayRef) return false; this.beforeEmojiCaretPosition = this.replyElement.nativeElement.selectionStart; let topPosition = e.pageY; if (this.innerHeight - e.pageY < 360) { topPosition -= 360; } let config = new OverlayConfig(); config.positionStrategy = this.overlay.position() .global() .left(`${e.pageX - 283}px`) .top(`${topPosition}px`); config.hasBackdrop = true; this.overlayRef = this.overlay.create(config); // this.overlayRef.backdropClick().subscribe(() => { // this.overlayRef.dispose(); // }); let comp = new ComponentPortal(EmojiPickerComponent); const compRef: ComponentRef = this.overlayRef.attach(comp); this.emojiCloseSub = compRef.instance.closedEvent.subscribe(() => { this.closeEmojiPanel(); }); this.emojiSelectedSub = compRef.instance.emojiSelectedEvent.subscribe((emoji) => { if (emoji) { this.status = [this.status.slice(0, this.beforeEmojiCaretPosition), emoji, ' ', this.status.slice(this.beforeEmojiCaretPosition)].join('').replace(' ', ' '); this.beforeEmojiCaretPosition += emoji.length + 1; this.closeEmojiPanel(); } }); return false; } private closeEmojiPanel() { if (this.emojiCloseSub) this.emojiCloseSub.unsubscribe(); if (this.emojiSelectedSub) this.emojiSelectedSub.unsubscribe(); if (this.overlayRef) this.overlayRef.dispose(); this.overlayRef = null; this.focus(this.beforeEmojiCaretPosition); } closeEmoji(): boolean { this.overlayRef.dispose(); return false; } pollIsActive: boolean; addPoll(): boolean { this.pollIsActive = !this.pollIsActive; return false; } scheduleIsActive: boolean; schedule(): boolean { this.scheduleIsActive = !this.scheduleIsActive; return false; } private tranformHtmlRepliesToReplies(data: string): string { const mastodonMentionRegex = /@([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{0,255})<\/span><\/a><\/span>/gmi; const pleromaMentionRegex = /@([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{0,255})<\/span><\/a><\/span>/gmi; while (data.match(mastodonMentionRegex)) { data = data.replace(mastodonMentionRegex, '@$2@$1'); } while (data.match(pleromaMentionRegex)) { data = data.replace(pleromaMentionRegex, '@$2@$1'); } return data; } }