import { Component, OnInit, Input, Output, EventEmitter, ElementRef, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpErrorResponse } from '@angular/common/http'; import { MastodonService, VisibilityEnum } from '../../services/mastodon.service'; import { Status } from '../../services/models/mastodon.interfaces'; import { ToolsService } from '../../services/tools.service'; import { NotificationService } from '../../services/notification.service'; import { StatusWrapper } from '../../models/common.model'; import { AccountInfo } from 'src/app/states/accounts.state'; @Component({ selector: 'app-create-status', templateUrl: './create-status.component.html', styleUrls: ['./create-status.component.scss'] }) export class CreateStatusComponent implements OnInit { title: string; status: string = ''; @Input() statusReplyingToWrapper: StatusWrapper; @Output() onClose = new EventEmitter(); @ViewChild('reply') replyElement: ElementRef; private statusReplyingTo: Status; selectedPrivacy = 'Public'; privacyList: string[] = ['Public', 'Unlisted', 'Follows-only', 'DM']; constructor( // private readonly store: Store, private readonly notificationService: NotificationService, private readonly toolsService: ToolsService, private readonly mastodonService: MastodonService) { } ngOnInit() { if (this.statusReplyingToWrapper) { if (this.statusReplyingToWrapper.status.reblog) { this.statusReplyingTo = this.statusReplyingToWrapper.status.reblog; } else { this.statusReplyingTo = this.statusReplyingToWrapper.status; } // const mentions = [ => x.acct), this.statusReplyingTo.account.acct]; // let uniqueMentions = []; // for(const mention of mentions){ // if(!uniqueMentions.includes(mention)){ // uniqueMentions.push(mention); // } // } const uniqueMentions = this.getMentions(this.statusReplyingTo, this.statusReplyingToWrapper.provider); for (const mention of uniqueMentions) { this.status += `@${mention} `; } } setTimeout(() => { this.replyElement.nativeElement.focus(); }, 0); } private getMentions(status: Status, providerInfo: AccountInfo): string[]{ const mentions = [ => x.acct), status.account.acct]; let uniqueMentions = []; for(let mention of mentions){ if(!uniqueMentions.includes(mention)){ uniqueMentions.push(mention); } } let globalUniqueMentions = []; for(let mention of uniqueMentions){ if(!mention.includes('@')){ mention += `@${providerInfo.instance}`; } globalUniqueMentions.push(mention); } return globalUniqueMentions; } onSubmit(): boolean { let visibility: VisibilityEnum = VisibilityEnum.Unknown; switch (this.selectedPrivacy) { //FIXME: in case of responding, set the visibility to original case 'Public': visibility = VisibilityEnum.Public; break; case 'Unlisted': visibility = VisibilityEnum.Unlisted; break; case 'Follows-only': visibility = VisibilityEnum.Private; break; case 'DM': visibility = VisibilityEnum.Direct; break; } let spoiler = this.title; if (this.statusReplyingToWrapper) { spoiler = this.statusReplyingTo.spoiler_text; } const acc = this.toolsService.getSelectedAccounts()[0]; let usableStatus: Promise; if (this.statusReplyingToWrapper) { usableStatus = this.toolsService.getStatusUsableByAccount(acc, this.statusReplyingToWrapper); } else { usableStatus = Promise.resolve(null); } usableStatus .then((status: Status) => { let inReplyToId = null; if (status) { inReplyToId =; } return this.mastodonService.postNewStatus(acc, this.status, visibility, spoiler, inReplyToId); }) .then((res: Status) => { this.title = ''; this.status = ''; this.onClose.emit(); }) .catch((err: HttpErrorResponse) => { this.notificationService.notifyHttpError(err); }); return false; } // private getRegisteredAccounts(): AccountInfo[] { // var regAccounts =; // return regAccounts; // } onCtrlEnter(): boolean { this.onSubmit(); return false; } }