// Karma configuration file, see link for more information // https://karma-runner.github.io/1.0/config/configuration-file.html module.exports = function (config) { config.set({ basePath: '', frameworks: ['jasmine', '@angular-devkit/build-angular'], plugins: [ require('karma-jasmine'), require('karma-chrome-launcher'), require('karma-jasmine-html-reporter'), require('karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter'), require('@angular-devkit/build-angular/plugins/karma'), require('karma-junit-reporter') ], client:{ clearContext: false // leave Jasmine Spec Runner output visible in browser }, coverageIstanbulReporter: { dir: require('path').join(__dirname, 'coverage'), reports: [ 'html', 'lcovonly' ], fixWebpackSourcePaths: true }, reporters: ['progress', 'kjhtml', 'junit'], port: 9876, colors: true, logLevel: config.LOG_INFO, autoWatch: true, browsers: ['Chrome'], singleRun: false, // the default configuration junitReporter: { outputDir: '', // results will be saved as $outputDir/$browserName.xml outputFile: undefined, // if included, results will be saved as $outputDir/$browserName/$outputFile suite: '', // suite will become the package name attribute in xml testsuite element useBrowserName: true, // add browser name to report and classes names nameFormatter: undefined, // function (browser, result) to customize the name attribute in xml testcase element classNameFormatter: undefined, // function (browser, result) to customize the classname attribute in xml testcase element properties: {}, // key value pair of properties to add to the section of the report xmlVersion: null // use '1' if reporting to be per SonarQube 6.2 XML format } }); };