import { store } from '../_store/store' import { toast } from '../_components/toast/toast' import { postStatus as postStatusToServer } from '../_api/statuses' import { addStatusOrNotification } from './addStatusOrNotification' import { database } from '../_database/database' import { emit } from '../_utils/eventBus' import { putMediaMetadata } from '../_api/media' import uniqBy from 'lodash-es/uniqBy' import { scheduleIdleTask } from '../_utils/scheduleIdleTask' import { formatIntl } from '../_utils/formatIntl' export async function insertHandleForReply (statusId) { const { currentInstance } = store.get() const status = await database.getStatus(currentInstance, statusId) const { currentVerifyCredentials } = store.get() const originalStatus = status.reblog || status let accounts = [originalStatus.account].concat(originalStatus.mentions || []) .filter(account => !== // Pleroma includes account in mentions as well, so make uniq accounts = uniqBy(accounts, _ => if (!store.getComposeData(statusId, 'text') && accounts.length) { store.setComposeData(statusId, { text: => `@${account.acct} `).join('') }) } } export async function postStatus (realm, text, inReplyToId, mediaIds, sensitive, spoilerText, visibility, mediaDescriptions, inReplyToUuid, poll, mediaFocalPoints) { const { currentInstance, accessToken, online } = store.get() if (!online) { /* no await */ toast.say('intl.cannotPostOffline') return } text = text || '' const mediaMetadata = (mediaIds || []).map((mediaId, idx) => { return { description: mediaDescriptions && mediaDescriptions[idx], focalPoint: mediaFocalPoints && mediaFocalPoints[idx] } }) store.set({ postingStatus: true }) try { await Promise.all( ({ description, focalPoint }, i) => { description = description || '' focalPoint = focalPoint || [0, 0] focalPoint[0] = focalPoint[0] || 0 focalPoint[1] = focalPoint[1] || 0 if (description || focalPoint[0] || focalPoint[1]) { return putMediaMetadata(currentInstance, accessToken, mediaIds[i], description, focalPoint) } })) const status = await postStatusToServer(currentInstance, accessToken, text, inReplyToId, mediaIds, sensitive, spoilerText, visibility, poll, mediaFocalPoints) addStatusOrNotification(currentInstance, 'home', status) store.clearComposeData(realm) emit('postedStatus', realm, inReplyToUuid) scheduleIdleTask(() => (mediaIds || []).forEach(mediaId => database.deleteCachedMediaFile(mediaId))) // clean up media cache } catch (e) { console.error(e) /* no await */ toast.say(formatIntl('intl.unableToPost', { error: (e.message || '') })) } finally { store.set({ postingStatus: false }) } } export function setReplySpoiler (realm, spoiler) { const contentWarning = store.getComposeData(realm, 'contentWarning') const contentWarningShown = store.getComposeData(realm, 'contentWarningShown') if (typeof contentWarningShown !== 'undefined' || contentWarning) { return // user has already interacted with the CW } store.setComposeData(realm, { contentWarning: spoiler, contentWarningShown: true }) } const PRIVACY_LEVEL = { direct: 1, private: 2, unlisted: 3, public: 4 } export function setReplyVisibility (realm, replyVisibility) { // return the most private between the user's preferred default privacy // and the privacy of the status they're replying to const postPrivacy = store.getComposeData(realm, 'postPrivacy') if (typeof postPrivacy !== 'undefined') { return // user has already set the postPrivacy } const { currentVerifyCredentials } = store.get() const defaultVisibility = currentVerifyCredentials.source.privacy const visibility = PRIVACY_LEVEL[replyVisibility] < PRIVACY_LEVEL[defaultVisibility] ? replyVisibility : defaultVisibility store.setComposeData(realm, { postPrivacy: visibility }) }