import { WebSocketClient } from '../../_thirdparty/websocket/websocket' import { lifecycle } from '../../_utils/lifecycle' import { getStreamUrl } from './getStreamUrl' import { EventEmitter } from 'events-light' import { eventBus } from '../../_utils/eventBus' export class TimelineStream extends EventEmitter { constructor (streamingApi, accessToken, timeline) { super() this._streamingApi = streamingApi this._accessToken = accessToken this._timeline = timeline this._onStateChange = this._onStateChange.bind(this) this._onOnline = this._onOnline.bind(this) this._onOffline = this._onOffline.bind(this) this._onForcedOnlineStateChange = this._onForcedOnlineStateChange.bind(this) this._setupWebSocket() this._setupEvents() } close () { this._closed = true this._closeWebSocket() this._teardownEvents() // events-light currently does not support removeAllListeners() // for (const event of ['open', 'close', 'reconnect', 'message']) { this.removeAllListeners(event) } } _closeWebSocket () { if (this._ws) { this.emit('close') this._ws.onopen = null this._ws.onmessage = null this._ws.onclose = null this._ws.close() this._ws = null } } _setupWebSocket () { const url = getStreamUrl(this._streamingApi, this._accessToken, this._timeline) const ws = new WebSocketClient(url) ws.onopen = () => { if (!this._opened) { this.emit('open') this._opened = true } else { // we may close or reopen websockets due to freeze/unfreeze events // and we want to fire "reconnect" rather than "open" in that case this.emit('reconnect') } } ws.onmessage = (e) => this.emit('message', JSON.parse( ws.onclose = () => this.emit('close') // The ws "onreconnect" event seems unreliable. When the server goes down and comes back up, // it doesn't fire (but "open" does). When we freeze and unfreeze, it fires along with the // "open" event. The above is my attempt to normalize it. this._ws = ws } _setupEvents () { lifecycle.addEventListener('statechange', this._onStateChange) eventBus.on('forcedOnline', this._onForcedOnlineStateChange) // only happens in tests window.addEventListener('online', this._onOnline) window.addEventListener('offline', this._onOffline) } _teardownEvents () { lifecycle.removeEventListener('statechange', this._onStateChange) eventBus.removeListener('forcedOnline', this._onForcedOnlineStateChange) // only happens in tests window.removeEventListener('online', this._onOnline) window.removeEventListener('offline', this._onOffline) } _pause () { if (this._closed) { return } this._closeWebSocket() } _unpause () { if (this._closed) { return } this._closeWebSocket() this._setupWebSocket() } _onStateChange (event) { // when the page enters or exits a frozen state, pause or resume websocket polling if (event.newState === 'frozen') { // page is frozen console.log('frozen') this._pause() } else if (event.oldState === 'frozen') { // page is unfrozen console.log('unfrozen') this._unpause() } if (event.newState === 'active') { // page is reopened from a background tab console.log('active') this._tryToReconnect() } } _onOnline () { console.log('online') this._unpause() // if we're not paused, then this is a no-op this._tryToReconnect() // to be safe, try to reset and reconnect } _onOffline () { console.log('offline') this._pause() // in testing, it seems to work better to stop polling when we get this event } _onForcedOnlineStateChange (online) { if (online) { console.log('online forced') this._unpause() } else { console.log('offline forced') this._pause() } } _tryToReconnect () { console.log('websocket readyState', this._ws && this._ws.readyState) if (this._ws && this._ws.readyState !== WebSocketClient.OPEN) { // if a websocket connection is not currently open, then reset the // backoff counter to ensure that fresh notifications come in faster this._ws.reset() this._ws.reconnect() } } }