import fetch from 'node-fetch' export async function waitForMastodonUiToStart () { while (true) { try { const html = await ((await fetch('')).text()) if (html) { break } } catch (err) { console.log('Waiting for Mastodon UI to start up...') await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5000)) } } console.log('Mastodon UI started up') } export async function waitForMastodonApiToStart () { while (true) { try { const json = await ((await fetch('')).json()) if (json.uri) { break } } catch (err) { console.log('Waiting for Mastodon API to start up...') await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5000)) } } console.log('Mastodon API started up') } if (require.main === module) { Promise.resolve() .then(waitForMastodonApiToStart) .then(waitForMastodonUiToStart).catch(err => { console.error(err) process.exit(1) }) }