
78 lines
1.9 KiB

$token="XXXXX"; // Token of your Mastodon welcome bot account
$base_url=""; // URL of your instance (Do not include '/' at the end.)
$visibility="private"; // "Direct" means sending welcome message as a private message. The four tiers of visibility for toots are Public , Unlisted, Private, and Direct (default)
$language="en"; // en for English, zh for Chinese, etc.
$feed_url = "";
$file = 'data.txt';
if (!($rss = simplexml_load_file($feed_url)))
die('Error loading the feed url');
$first_article = false;
$lastDate = '';
if($f = fopen($file, 'r')){
$lastDate = fgets($f);
$statuses = array();
foreach ($rss->channel->item as $item) {
$ts = strtotime($item->pubDate);
if ($lastDate == "" || $ts > $lastDate) {
$post = new BlogPost();
$post->link = (string) $item->link;
$post->title = (string) $item->title;
$post->category = $item->category;
array_push($statuses, $post);
if (!$first_article) {
$myfile = fopen($file, "w") or die("Unable to open file!");
fwrite($myfile, $ts);
$first_article = true;
$statuses = array_reverse($statuses);
$mastodon = new MastodonAPI($token, $base_url);
foreach ($statuses as $s) {
$statusText = $s->title . " leggi su " . $s->link . " ";
foreach ($s->category as $c) {
$statusText = $statusText . "#" . formatHashTag($c) . " ";
$status_data = array(
"status" => $statusText,
"visibility" => $visibility,
"language" => $language
$mastodon -> postStatus($status_data);
function formatHashTag($category) {
$filtered = str_replace('/', ' ', $category);
$upper = ucwords($filtered);
return str_replace(' ', '', $upper);
class BlogPost {
var $ts;
var $link;
var $category;
var $title;