2025-01-26 14:02:11 +01:00

555 lines
15 KiB

function resetStores() {
function zipFileAlreadyLoaded(file) {
if (
Alpine.store("files").sources.some((source) => {
return (
source.fileInfos.name === file.name &&
source.fileInfos.size === file.size &&
source.fileInfos.lastModified === file.lastModified
) {
const msg = `File already loaded: <b>${file.name}</b>`;
marlConsole(msg, "warn");
return true;
} else {
return false;
function preprocessToots(t, index) {
// build the '_marl' prop for each toot
let marl = {
langs: [],
source: index,
// check for duplicates (in case of multiple archive files)
if (Alpine.store("files").toc.includes(t.id)) {
const alts = Alpine.store("files").toots.filter((t2) => t2.id === t.id);
let identical = false;
const flat1 = JSON.stringify(t);
alts.forEach((alt) => {
let alt2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(alt));
delete alt2._marl;
const flat2 = JSON.stringify(alt2);
if (flat1 === flat2) {
identical = true;
} else {
alt._marl.duplicate = true;
marl.duplicate = true;
Alpine.store("files").duplicates = true;
if (identical) {
return false;
} else {
if (t.type === "Create") {
if (typeof t.object === "object" && t.object !== null && t.object.contentMap) {
let langs = [];
for (let lang in t.object.contentMap) {
marl.langs = langs;
} else {
marl.langs = ["undefined"];
if (typeof t.object === "object" && t.object !== null) {
if (t.object.content) {
const content = t.object.content.toLowerCase();
marl.textContent = stripHTML(content);
marl.externalLinks = extractExternalLinks(content);
if (t.object.summary) {
marl.summary = t.object.summary.toLowerCase();
if (t.object.attachment && t.object.attachment.length) {
marl.hasAttachments = true;
} else if (t.object) {
marl.textContent = t.object.toLowerCase();
marl.visibility = tootVisibility(t);
const id = t.id.split("/");
marl.id = id[id.length - 2];
t._marl = marl;
return t;
function checkAppReady(ok) {
if (ok) {
Alpine.store("files").loading = false;
function buildTootsInfos() {
let langs = {};
let boosts = [];
if (Alpine.store("files").toots.length > 0) {
let infos = Alpine.store("files").toots.reduce(
(accu, toot) => {
for (let lang in toot._marl.langs) {
const l = toot._marl.langs[lang];
if (!accu.langs[l]) {
accu.langs[l] = 1;
} else {
if (toot.type === "Announce") {
// since Mastodon doesn't allow (yet?) cross-origin requests to
// retrieve post data (for boosts), we try to at least extract the
// user names for all the boosts contained in the archive
// [ISSUE] "object" value is a string most of the times, but
// sometimes it's a complex object similar to type "Create"
if (typeof toot.object === "object" && toot.object !== null) {
// let's ignore this case for now...
// [TODO], but not clear how it should be handled
} else if (toot.object) {
// if it's not an object and it has a value, then it's simply a
// url (string) pointing to the original (boosted) post.
// [ISSUE] URL format not always consistent... (esp. in the case
// of non-Mastodon instances) - e.g:
// https://craftopi.art/objects/[...]
// https://firefish.city/notes/[...]
// https://bsky.brid.gy/convert/ap/at://did:plc:[...]/app.bsky.feed.post/[...]
// -> the user name is not always present in URL
const url = toot.object.split("/");
let name;
let user;
let domain;
if (url.length > 2) {
domain = url[2];
if (url[0] === "https:" && url[3] === "users" && url[5] === "statuses") {
// Mastodon URL format -> user name
name = url[4];
user = `https://${url[2]}/users/${url[4]}/`;
} else {
// other URL format -> domain name
name = `? ${url[2]}`;
user = `https://${url[2]}/`;
if (!accu.boosts[name]) {
accu.boosts[name] = {
nb: 1,
name: name,
url: user,
domain: domain,
} else {
return accu;
{ langs: {}, boosts: {} }
langs = infos.langs;
boosts = [];
for (var key in infos.boosts) {
Alpine.store("files").languages = langs;
Alpine.store("files").boostsAuthors = boosts;
function buildDynamicFilters() {
for (const lang in Alpine.store("files").languages) {
Alpine.store("files").filtersDefault["lang_" + lang] = true;
for (const source of Alpine.store("files").sources) {
Alpine.store("files").filtersDefault["actor_" + source.id] = true;
function cleanUpRaw() {
for (let i = 0; i < Alpine.store("files").sources.length; i++) {
const content = Alpine.store("files").sources[i]._raw;
if (content.cleanedUp) {
const actor = Alpine.store("files").sources[i].actor;
if (actor.image && actor.image.url) {
delete content[actor.image.url];
if (actor.icon && actor.icon.url) {
delete content[actor.icon.url];
delete content["actor.json"];
delete content["outbox.json"];
delete content["likes.json"];
delete content["bookmarks.json"];
content.cleanedUp = true;
Alpine.store("files").sources[i]._raw = content;
function setHueForSources() {
const nbSources = Alpine.store("files").sources.length;
const hueStart = Math.round(Math.random() * 360); // MARL accent: 59.17
const hueSpacing = Math.round(360 / nbSources);
for (let i = 0; i < nbSources; i++) {
Alpine.store("files").sources[i].hue = hueStart + hueSpacing * i;
function loadAttachedMedia(att, index) {
if (attachmentIsImage(att) || attachmentIsVideo(att) || attachmentIsSound(att)) {
const data = Alpine.store("files").sources[index]._raw;
const root = Alpine.store("files").sources[index].fileInfos.archiveRoot;
let url = att.url;
// ?! some instances seem to add their own name in front of the path,
// resulting in an invalid path with relation to the archive
// structure (e.g. "/framapiaf/media_attachments/...", but in the
// archive there is only a folder "/media_attachments")
// => So we remove everything that comes before "media_attachments/",
// hoping it doesn't break something else... :/
const prefix = url.indexOf("media_attachments/");
if (prefix > 0) {
url = url.slice(prefix);
if (!data[root + url]) {
// media not found in archive
// we still want to show the metadata for the attachement
Alpine.store("files").sources[index][att.url] = {
type: att.mediaType,
content: null,
} else {
data[root + url].async("base64").then((content) => {
Alpine.store("files").sources[index][att.url] = {
type: att.mediaType,
content: content,
function pagingUpdated() {
document.querySelectorAll(`#toots details[open]`).forEach((e) => {
function scrollTootsToTop(setFocusTo) {
setTimeout(() => {
document.getElementById("toots").scrollTop = 0;
if (setFocusTo) {
// for keyboard users: we transfer the focus to the corresponding button
// in the upper paging module; or, in the cases where said button is
// disabled, we set the focus on the list of posts.
}, 50);
function contentType(data) {
let r = "";
switch (data) {
case "Create":
r = "Post";
case "Announce":
r = "Boost";
return r;
function tootVisibility(data) {
if (data.to.includes("https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public")) {
return ["public", AlpineI18n.t("filters.visibilityPublic")];
if (
data.to.some((x) => x.indexOf("/followers") > -1) &&
!data.to.includes("https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public") &&
) {
return ["unlisted", AlpineI18n.t("filters.visibilityUnlisted")];
if (
data.to.some((x) => x.indexOf("/followers") > -1) &&
!data.to.includes("https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public") &&
) {
return ["followers", AlpineI18n.t("filters.visibilityFollowers")];
if (
!data.to.some((x) => x.indexOf("/followers") > -1) &&
!data.to.includes("https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public") &&
) {
return ["mentioned", AlpineI18n.t("filters.visibilityMentioned")];
function tootHasTags(toot) {
return typeof toot.object === "object" && toot.object !== null && toot.object.tag && toot.object.tag.length;
function formatJson(data) {
let r = data;
if (r._marl) {
// not a part of the source data; let's hide it to avoid confusion
r = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data));
delete r._marl;
return JSON.stringify(r, null, 4);
function formatAuthor(author, plainText) {
if (plainText) {
return author.split("/").pop();
} else {
return `<a href="${author}" target="_blank">${author.split("/").pop()}</a>`;
function formatDateTime(data) {
let date = new Date(data);
const dateOptions = {
weekday: "long",
year: "numeric",
month: "long",
day: "numeric",
hour: "numeric",
minute: "2-digit",
second: "2-digit",
return date.toLocaleDateString(Alpine.store("ui").lang, dateOptions);
function formatFileDateTime(data) {
let date = new Date(data);
const dateOptions = {
year: "numeric",
month: "2-digit",
day: "2-digit",
hour12: false,
hour: "2-digit",
minute: "2-digit",
second: "2-digit",
return date.toLocaleDateString(Alpine.store("ui").lang, dateOptions);
function formatFileSize(size) {
var i = size == 0 ? 0 : Math.floor(Math.log(size) / Math.log(1024));
return +(size / Math.pow(1024, i)).toFixed(2) * 1 + " " + ["B", "kB", "MB", "GB", "TB"][i]; // ### i18n
function formatDate(data) {
let date = new Date(data);
const dateOptions = {
weekday: "long",
year: "numeric",
month: "long",
day: "numeric",
return date.toLocaleDateString(Alpine.store("ui").lang, dateOptions);
function formatNumber(nb) {
return nb.toLocaleString();
function formatLikesBookmarks(url) {
const u = url.split("/");
u.splice(0, 2);
// 0 [domain]
// 1 "users"
// 2 [username]
// 3 "statuses"
// 4 [post id]
let text = `<span class="url-instance">${u[0]}</span>`;
if (u[1] === "users" && u[3] === "statuses") {
text += `<span class="url-actor">${u[2]}</span><span class="url-post-id">${u[4]}</span>`;
} else {
u.splice(0, 1);
text += `<span class="url-post-id">${u.join("/")}</span>`;
return text;
function stripHTML(str) {
let doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(str, "text/html");
return doc.body.textContent || "";
function extractExternalLinks(str) {
const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(str, "text/html");
const nodes = doc.querySelectorAll("a[href]:not(.mention)");
let links = [];
nodes.forEach((link) => {
href: link.href,
text: link.textContent,
return links;
function attachmentIsImage(att) {
return att.mediaType === "image/jpeg" || att.mediaType === "image/png";
function attachmentIsVideo(att) {
return att.mediaType === "video/mp4";
function attachmentIsSound(att) {
return att.mediaType === "audio/mpeg";
function attachmentWrapperClass(att) {
let r = [];
if (attachmentIsImage(att)) {
} else if (attachmentIsSound(att)) {
} else if (attachmentIsVideo(att)) {
if (!att.name) {
return r;
function isFilterActive(name) {
return Alpine.store("files").filters[name] !== Alpine.store("files").filtersDefault[name];
function startOver() {
const txt = AlpineI18n.t("tools.startOverConfirm");
if (confirm(txt)) {
function detectLangFromBrowser() {
const langs = navigator.languages;
if (langs && langs.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < langs.length; i++) {
let lang = langs[i].split("-")[0];
if (Alpine.store("ui").appLangs[lang]) {
const msg = `Setting language based on browser preference: <b>'${lang}' (${
marlConsole(msg, "info");
return lang;
return false;
function setLang() {
const lang = Alpine.store("ui").lang;
AlpineI18n.locale = lang;
Alpine.store("userPrefs").save("lang", lang);
document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].setAttribute("lang", lang);
const msg = `App language set to <b>'${lang}' (${Alpine.store("ui").appLangs[lang]})</b>`;
function setTheme(theme) {
document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].setAttribute("class", theme);
if (theme === "dark") {
document.querySelector('meta[name="color-scheme"]').setAttribute("content", "dark");
} else {
document.querySelector('meta[name="color-scheme"]').setAttribute("content", "light");
function marlConsole(msg, cls = "info") {
Alpine.store("ui").logMsg(msg, cls);
// drag'n'drop over entire page
const drag = {
el: null,
init(el) {
this.dropArea = document.getElementById(el);
["dragenter", "dragover", "dragleave", "drop"].forEach((eventName) => {
this.dropArea.addEventListener(eventName, (e) => this.preventDragDefaults(e), false);
["dragenter", "dragover"].forEach((eventName) => {
this.dropArea.addEventListener(eventName, () => this.highlightDrag(), false);
["dragleave", "drop"].forEach((eventName) => {
this.dropArea.addEventListener(eventName, () => this.unhighlightDrag(), false);
this.dropArea.addEventListener("drop", (e) => this.handleDrop(e), false);
preventDragDefaults(e) {
highlightDrag() {
unhighlightDrag() {
handleDrop(e) {
const dt = e.dataTransfer;
const files = dt.files;