reorganize public JS files

This commit is contained in:
Vincent CLAVIEN 2025-01-15 17:25:51 +01:00
parent a33a55ea0b
commit 9712d2d382
12 changed files with 323 additions and 316 deletions

@ -23,6 +23,16 @@ document.addEventListener("alpine:init", () => {
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for (const lang in appLangs) {
const script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = `js/i18n/${lang}.js`;
document.addEventListener("alpine-i18n:ready", function () {
AlpineI18n.create("en", appStrings);
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@ -2,20 +2,20 @@ const isFileProtocol = window.location.protocol === "file:";
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src: "js/libs/alpinejs-i18n.min.js",
integrity: "sha256-o204NcFyHPFzboSC51fufMqFe2KJdQfSCl8AlvSZO/E=",
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
const appLangs = {
en: "English",
fr: "Français",

dev/public/js/i18n/en.js Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
appStrings["en"] = {
welcome: {
title: "Welcome to {appName}",
p1: `MARL allows you to explore the content of your Mastodon archive file in a
user-friendly interface. Everything takes place in the browser: your archive stays
strictly on your computer; none of its data is sent to any server.`,
p2: `You can request your Mastodon archive by logging into your account on the web,
then visiting "Preferences > Import and export > Request your archive".<br />
<strong>Please note:</strong> only ZIP files are supported (not GZ).`,
p3: `<strong>Start by opening your archive file with MARL.</strong><br />
You can drag and drop it anywhere on this page, or
{labelStart}click here to select it{labelEnd}.`,
misc: {
loading: "Loading",
closePanelBtn: "Close panel",
menu: {
profile: "Profile",
filters: "Filters",
filtersActive: "some filters are active",
tags: "Tags",
tools: "Tools",
lightbox: {
next: "Next image",
prev: "Previous image",
close: "Close image",
actor: {
accountInfo: "Account info",
accounts: "Accounts",
noAvatarImage: "No avatar image",
noHeaderImage: "No header image",
headerImage: "Header",
memberSince: "Member since",
countPosts: "posts",
countInArchive: "in archive",
countDiffWhy: "Why are those two numbers different?",
countDiffExplanation: `Posts that are not directly hosted on your instance are kept
in a cache by your instance for a given time, after what they are deleted from that
cache. Posts that are not in your instance cache any more are not included in your
archive. This affects boosts, likes, and bookmarks.`,
rawData: "Raw data {fileName}",
likes: "Favorites",
likesEmpty: "no favorites",
bookmarks: "Bookmarks",
bookmarksEmpty: "no bookmarks",
filters: {
panelTitle: "Filter posts",
panelNotice: `The list of posts will be automatically updated based on the active
filters below.`,
fullText: "Full text",
hashtagText: "Hashtags",
mentionText: "Mentions",
externalLink: "External links",
summary: "Summary (CW)",
isEdited: "Has been edited",
isDuplicate: "Non-exact duplicates",
mustContain: "Must contain",
hasHashtags: "Hashtag(s)",
hasMentions: "Mention(s)",
hasExternalLink: "External link(s)",
hasSummary: "Summary (CW)",
type: "Type",
typeOriginal: "Original posts (incl. replies)",
typeBoost: "Boosts",
noStartingAt: 'Does not start with "@"',
isSensitive: "Marked as sensitive",
mustHaveAttachement: "Must have attachment",
attachmentAny: "Any type",
attachmentImage: "Image(s)",
attachmentVideo: "Video(s)",
attachmentSound: "Sound(s)",
attachmentNoAltText: "Without alt text",
attachmentWithAltText: "With alt text",
visibility: "Visibility",
visibilityPublic: "Public",
visibilityUnlisted: "Unlisted",
visibilityFollowers: "Followers only",
visibilityMentioned: "Mentioned people only",
language: "Language",
author: "Author",
resetFilters: "Reset filters",
header: {
countLabel: "posts",
oldestFirst: "oldest first",
latestFirst: "latest first",
reverse: "Reverse",
loadNewFile: "Load new file",
paging: {
first: "First",
prev: "Prev",
next: "Next",
last: "Last",
pagingOptions: "Paging options",
page: "Page",
postsPerPage: "posts per page",
reverseOrder: "Reverse order",
posts: {
panelTitle: "Posts",
noResults: "No results for the specified filters",
noPostsError: "No posts found in archive",
post: {
by: "by",
lastUpdated: "Last updated",
linkToPost: "link",
attachmentNoAlt: "No description provided",
attachmentInArchive: "In archive:",
people: "People",
hashtags: "Hashtags",
extLinks: "External links",
rawData: "Raw data",
tags: {
panelTitle: "Tags",
hashtags: "Hashtags",
mentions: "Mentions",
boosts: "Boosted users",
hashtagsFilter: "Filter hashtags",
mentionsFilter: "Filter mentions",
boostsFilter: "Filter boosted users",
tools: {
panelTitle: "Tools",
appSettings: "App settings",
selectLanguage: "Select language",
useDarkTheme: "Use dark theme",
useLightTheme: "Use light theme",
loadedFiles: "Loaded files",
addAnother: "Add another archive",
"Tip: You can open multiple archives at once.<br>You can also drag and drop your archive files anywhere on this window.",
startOver: "Start over",
startOverConfirm: "Discard current data and load a new archive file?",
appLog: "App log",
projectPage: `Project page (github)`,

dev/public/js/i18n/fr.js Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
appStrings["fr"] = {
welcome: {
title: "Bienvenue dans {appName}",
p1: `MARL vous permet d'explorer le contenu de votre archive Mastodon dans une
interface simple d'utilisation. Tout se passe dans votre navigateur : votre archive
reste sur votre appareil; aucune donnée n'est envoyée à aucun serveur.`,
p2: `Vous pouvez demander votre archive Mastodon en vous identifiant avec votre compte
sur le web, puis en visitant "Préférences >Import et export >Demandez vos archives".<br />
<strong>Important :</strong> seuls les fichiers ZIP sont acceptés (pas les fichiers GZ).`,
p3: `<strong>Commencez par ouvrir votre archive avec MARL.</strong><br />
Vous pouvez la glisser-déposer n'importe sur cette page, ou
{labelStart}cliquer ici pour la sélectionner{labelEnd}.`,
misc: {
loading: "Chargement",
closePanelBtn: "Fermer le panneau",
menu: {
profile: "Profil",
filters: "Filtres",
filtersActive: "certains filtres sont actifs",
tags: "Tags",
tools: "Outils",
lightbox: {
next: "Image suivante",
prev: "Image précédente",
close: "Fermer l'image",
actor: {
accountInfo: "Infos du compte",
accounts: "Comptes",
noAvatarImage: "Pas d'avatar",
noHeaderImage: "pas d'image d'en-tête",
headerImage: "En-tête",
memberSince: "Membre depuis",
countPosts: "posts",
countInArchive: "dans l'archive",
countDiffWhy: "Pourquoi ces deux nombres sont-ils différents ?",
countDiffExplanation: `Les posts qui ne sont pas hébergés directement sur votre instance
sont gardés en cache par celle-ci pour une durée limitée, après quoi ils sont supprimés
de ce cache. Les posts qui ne sont plus présents dans le cache de votre instance ne sont
pas inclus dans votre archive. Cela concerne les partages, les favoris et les marque-pages.`,
rawData: "Données brutes {fileName}",
likes: "Favoris",
likesEmpty: "aucun favori",
bookmarks: "Marque-pages",
bookmarksEmpty: "aucun marque-page",
filters: {
panelTitle: "Filtrer les posts",
panelNotice: `La liste des posts sera automatiquement mise à jour en fonction des filtres
activés ci-dessous.`,
fullText: "Partout",
hashtagText: "Hashtags",
mentionText: "Mentions",
externalLink: "Liens externes",
summary: "Avertissement de contenu",
isEdited: "A été modifié",
isDuplicate: "Doublons imparfaits",
mustContain: "Doit contenir",
hasHashtags: "Hashtag(s)",
hasMentions: "Mention(s)",
hasExternalLink: "Lien(s) externe(s)",
hasSummary: "Avertissement de contenu",
type: "Type",
typeOriginal: "Posts originaux (y.c. réponses)",
typeBoost: "Partages",
noStartingAt: 'Ne commence pas par "@"',
isSensitive: "Marqué comme sensible",
mustHaveAttachement: "Doit avoir un fichier joint",
attachmentAny: "N'importe quel type",
attachmentImage: "Image(s)",
attachmentVideo: "Vidéo(s)",
attachmentSound: "Son(s)",
attachmentNoAltText: "Sans description alternative",
attachmentWithAltText: "Avec description alternative",
visibility: "Confidentialité",
visibilityPublic: "Public",
visibilityUnlisted: "Public discret",
visibilityFollowers: "Abonnés",
visibilityMentioned: "Personnes spécifiques",
language: "Langue",
author: "Auteur",
resetFilters: "Réinitialiser les filtres",
header: {
countLabel: "posts",
oldestFirst: "les plus anciens d'abord",
latestFirst: "les plus récents d'abord",
reverse: "Inverser",
loadNewFile: "Charger un nouveau fichier",
paging: {
first: "Première",
prev: "Précédente",
next: "Suivante",
last: "Dernière",
pagingOptions: "Options de pagination",
page: "Page",
postsPerPage: "posts par page",
reverseOrder: "Inverser l'ordre",
posts: {
panelTitle: "Posts",
noResults: "Pas de résultats pour les filtres spécifiés",
noPostsError: "Aucun post trouvé dans l'archive",
post: {
by: "par",
lastUpdated: "Dernière modification",
linkToPost: "lien",
attachmentNoAlt: "Aucune description fournie",
attachmentInArchive: "Dans l'archive :",
people: "Personnes",
hashtags: "Hashtags",
extLinks: "Liens externes",
rawData: "Données brutes",
tags: {
panelTitle: "Tags",
hashtags: "Hashtags",
mentions: "Mentions",
boosts: "Utilisateurs partagés",
hashtagsFilter: "Filtrer les hashtags",
mentionsFilter: "Filtrer les mentions",
boostsFilter: "Filter utilisateurs partagés",
tools: {
panelTitle: "Outils",
appSettings: "Réglages de l'app",
selectLanguage: "Choisir la langue",
useDarkTheme: "Utiliser le thème sombre",
useLightTheme: "Utiliser le thème clair",
loadedFiles: "Fichiers chargés",
addAnother: "Ajouter une autre archive",
"Astuce: Vous pouvez ouvrir plusieurs archives en même temps.<br>Vous pouvez aussi glisser-déposer vos fichiers d'archive n'importe où dans cette fenêtre.",
startOver: "Recommencer",
startOverConfirm: "Repartir de zéro et charger un nouveau fichier ?",
appLog: "Journal",
projectPage: `Page du project (github)`,

@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
const appLangs = {
en: "English",
fr: "Français",
const appStrings = {
en: {
welcome: {
title: "Welcome to {appName}",
p1: `MARL allows you to explore the content of your Mastodon archive file in a
user-friendly interface. Everything takes place in the browser: your archive stays
strictly on your computer; none of its data is sent to any server.`,
p2: `You can request your Mastodon archive by logging into your account on the web,
then visiting "Preferences > Import and export > Request your archive".<br />
<strong>Please note:</strong> only ZIP files are supported (not GZ).`,
p3: `<strong>Start by opening your archive file with MARL.</strong><br />
You can drag and drop it anywhere on this page, or
{labelStart}click here to select it{labelEnd}.`,
misc: {
loading: "Loading",
closePanelBtn: "Close panel",
menu: {
profile: "Profile",
filters: "Filters",
filtersActive: "some filters are active",
tags: "Tags",
tools: "Tools",
lightbox: {
next: "Next image",
prev: "Previous image",
close: "Close image",
actor: {
accountInfo: "Account info",
accounts: "Accounts",
noAvatarImage: "No avatar image",
noHeaderImage: "No header image",
headerImage: "Header",
memberSince: "Member since",
countPosts: "posts",
countInArchive: "in archive",
countDiffWhy: "Why are those two numbers different?",
countDiffExplanation: `Posts that are not directly hosted on your instance are kept
in a cache by your instance for a given time, after what they are deleted from that
cache. Posts that are not in your instance cache any more are not included in your
archive. This affects boosts, likes, and bookmarks.`,
rawData: "Raw data {fileName}",
likes: "Favorites",
likesEmpty: "no favorites",
bookmarks: "Bookmarks",
bookmarksEmpty: "no bookmarks",
filters: {
panelTitle: "Filter posts",
panelNotice: `The list of posts will be automatically updated based on the active
filters below.`,
fullText: "Full text",
hashtagText: "Hashtags",
mentionText: "Mentions",
externalLink: "External links",
summary: "Summary (CW)",
isEdited: "Has been edited",
isDuplicate: "Non-exact duplicates",
mustContain: "Must contain",
hasHashtags: "Hashtag(s)",
hasMentions: "Mention(s)",
hasExternalLink: "External link(s)",
hasSummary: "Summary (CW)",
type: "Type",
typeOriginal: "Original posts (incl. replies)",
typeBoost: "Boosts",
noStartingAt: 'Does not start with "@"',
isSensitive: "Marked as sensitive",
mustHaveAttachement: "Must have attachment",
attachmentAny: "Any type",
attachmentImage: "Image(s)",
attachmentVideo: "Video(s)",
attachmentSound: "Sound(s)",
attachmentNoAltText: "Without alt text",
attachmentWithAltText: "With alt text",
visibility: "Visibility",
visibilityPublic: "Public",
visibilityUnlisted: "Unlisted",
visibilityFollowers: "Followers only",
visibilityMentioned: "Mentioned people only",
language: "Language",
author: "Author",
resetFilters: "Reset filters",
header: {
countLabel: "posts",
oldestFirst: "oldest first",
latestFirst: "latest first",
reverse: "Reverse",
loadNewFile: "Load new file",
paging: {
first: "First",
prev: "Prev",
next: "Next",
last: "Last",
pagingOptions: "Paging options",
page: "Page",
postsPerPage: "posts per page",
reverseOrder: "Reverse order",
posts: {
panelTitle: "Posts",
noResults: "No results for the specified filters",
noPostsError: "No posts found in archive",
post: {
by: "by",
lastUpdated: "Last updated",
linkToPost: "link",
attachmentNoAlt: "No description provided",
attachmentInArchive: "In archive:",
people: "People",
hashtags: "Hashtags",
extLinks: "External links",
rawData: "Raw data",
tags: {
panelTitle: "Tags",
hashtags: "Hashtags",
mentions: "Mentions",
boosts: "Boosted users",
hashtagsFilter: "Filter hashtags",
mentionsFilter: "Filter mentions",
boostsFilter: "Filter boosted users",
tools: {
panelTitle: "Tools",
appSettings: "App settings",
selectLanguage: "Select language",
useDarkTheme: "Use dark theme",
useLightTheme: "Use light theme",
loadedFiles: "Loaded files",
addAnother: "Add another archive",
"Tip: You can open multiple archives at once.<br>You can also drag and drop your archive files anywhere on this window.",
startOver: "Start over",
startOverConfirm: "Discard current data and load a new archive file?",
appLog: "App log",
projectPage: `Project page (github)`,
fr: {
welcome: {
title: "Bienvenue dans {appName}",
p1: `MARL vous permet d'explorer le contenu de votre archive Mastodon dans une
interface simple d'utilisation. Tout se passe dans votre navigateur : votre archive
reste sur votre appareil; aucune donnée n'est envoyée à aucun serveur.`,
p2: `Vous pouvez demander votre archive Mastodon en vous identifiant avec votre compte
sur le web, puis en visitant "Préférences >Import et export >Demandez vos archives".<br />
<strong>Important :</strong> seuls les fichiers ZIP sont acceptés (pas les fichiers GZ).`,
p3: `<strong>Commencez par ouvrir votre archive avec MARL.</strong><br />
Vous pouvez la glisser-déposer n'importe sur cette page, ou
{labelStart}cliquer ici pour la sélectionner{labelEnd}.`,
misc: {
loading: "Chargement",
closePanelBtn: "Fermer le panneau",
menu: {
profile: "Profil",
filters: "Filtres",
filtersActive: "certains filtres sont actifs",
tags: "Tags",
tools: "Outils",
lightbox: {
next: "Image suivante",
prev: "Image précédente",
close: "Fermer l'image",
actor: {
accountInfo: "Infos du compte",
accounts: "Comptes",
noAvatarImage: "Pas d'avatar",
noHeaderImage: "pas d'image d'en-tête",
headerImage: "En-tête",
memberSince: "Membre depuis",
countPosts: "posts",
countInArchive: "dans l'archive",
countDiffWhy: "Pourquoi ces deux nombres sont-ils différents ?",
countDiffExplanation: `Les posts qui ne sont pas hébergés directement sur votre instance
sont gardés en cache par celle-ci pour une durée limitée, après quoi ils sont supprimés
de ce cache. Les posts qui ne sont plus présents dans le cache de votre instance ne sont
pas inclus dans votre archive. Cela concerne les partages, les favoris et les marque-pages.`,
rawData: "Données brutes {fileName}",
likes: "Favoris",
likesEmpty: "aucun favori",
bookmarks: "Marque-pages",
bookmarksEmpty: "aucun marque-page",
filters: {
panelTitle: "Filtrer les posts",
panelNotice: `La liste des posts sera automatiquement mise à jour en fonction des filtres
activés ci-dessous.`,
fullText: "Partout",
hashtagText: "Hashtags",
mentionText: "Mentions",
externalLink: "Liens externes",
summary: "Avertissement de contenu",
isEdited: "A été modifié",
isDuplicate: "Doublons imparfaits",
mustContain: "Doit contenir",
hasHashtags: "Hashtag(s)",
hasMentions: "Mention(s)",
hasExternalLink: "Lien(s) externe(s)",
hasSummary: "Avertissement de contenu",
type: "Type",
typeOriginal: "Posts originaux (y.c. réponses)",
typeBoost: "Partages",
noStartingAt: 'Ne commence pas par "@"',
isSensitive: "Marqué comme sensible",
mustHaveAttachement: "Doit avoir un fichier joint",
attachmentAny: "N'importe quel type",
attachmentImage: "Image(s)",
attachmentVideo: "Vidéo(s)",
attachmentSound: "Son(s)",
attachmentNoAltText: "Sans description alternative",
attachmentWithAltText: "Avec description alternative",
visibility: "Confidentialité",
visibilityPublic: "Public",
visibilityUnlisted: "Public discret",
visibilityFollowers: "Abonnés",
visibilityMentioned: "Personnes spécifiques",
language: "Langue",
author: "Auteur",
resetFilters: "Réinitialiser les filtres",
header: {
countLabel: "posts",
oldestFirst: "les plus anciens d'abord",
latestFirst: "les plus récents d'abord",
reverse: "Inverser",
loadNewFile: "Charger un nouveau fichier",
paging: {
first: "Première",
prev: "Précédente",
next: "Suivante",
last: "Dernière",
pagingOptions: "Options de pagination",
page: "Page",
postsPerPage: "posts par page",
reverseOrder: "Inverser l'ordre",
posts: {
panelTitle: "Posts",
noResults: "Pas de résultats pour les filtres spécifiés",
noPostsError: "Aucun post trouvé dans l'archive",
post: {
by: "par",
lastUpdated: "Dernière modification",
linkToPost: "lien",
attachmentNoAlt: "Aucune description fournie",
attachmentInArchive: "Dans l'archive :",
people: "Personnes",
hashtags: "Hashtags",
extLinks: "Liens externes",
rawData: "Données brutes",
tags: {
panelTitle: "Tags",
hashtags: "Hashtags",
mentions: "Mentions",
boosts: "Utilisateurs partagés",
hashtagsFilter: "Filtrer les hashtags",
mentionsFilter: "Filtrer les mentions",
boostsFilter: "Filter utilisateurs partagés",
tools: {
panelTitle: "Outils",
appSettings: "Réglages de l'app",
selectLanguage: "Choisir la langue",
useDarkTheme: "Utiliser le thème sombre",
useLightTheme: "Utiliser le thème clair",
loadedFiles: "Fichiers chargés",
addAnother: "Ajouter une autre archive",
"Astuce: Vous pouvez ouvrir plusieurs archives en même temps.<br>Vous pouvez aussi glisser-déposer vos fichiers d'archive n'importe où dans cette fenêtre.",
startOver: "Recommencer",
startOverConfirm: "Repartir de zéro et charger un nouveau fichier ?",
appLog: "Journal",
projectPage: `Page du project (github)`,

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import '../css/main.scss';
import App from '../components/App.astro';
import SvgSprites from '../components/SvgSprites.astro';
@ -21,10 +22,10 @@ import SvgSprites from '../components/SvgSprites.astro';
<App />
<SvgSprites />
<script src="/js/strings.js" is:inline></script>
<script src="/js/stores.js" is:inline></script>
<script src="/js/utils.js" is:inline></script>
<script src="/js/libs.js" is:inline></script>
<script src="/js/init.js" is:inline></script>
<script src="/js/i18n/_langs.js" is:inline></script>
<script src="/js/MARL/stores.js" is:inline></script>
<script src="/js/MARL/utils.js" is:inline></script>
<script src="/js/MARL/libs.js" is:inline></script>
<script src="/js/MARL/init.js" is:inline></script>