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synced 2025-02-09 16:08:47 +01:00
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import WidgetKit
import SwiftUI
import Network
import DesignSystem
import Models
import Timeline
struct HashtagPostsWidgetProvider: AppIntentTimelineProvider {
func placeholder(in context: Context) -> PostsWidgetEntry {
.init(date: Date(),
title: "#Mastodon",
statuses: [.placeholder()],
images: [:])
func snapshot(for configuration: HashtagPostsWidgetConfiguration, in context: Context) async -> PostsWidgetEntry {
if let entry = await timeline(for: configuration, context: context).entries.first {
return entry
return .init(date: Date(),
title: "#Mastodon",
statuses: [],
images: [:])
func timeline(for configuration: HashtagPostsWidgetConfiguration, in context: Context) async -> Timeline<PostsWidgetEntry> {
await timeline(for: configuration, context: context)
private func timeline(for configuration: HashtagPostsWidgetConfiguration, context: Context) async -> Timeline<PostsWidgetEntry> {
do {
let timeline: TimelineFilter = .hashtag(tag: configuration.hashgtag, accountId: nil)
let statuses = await loadStatuses(for: timeline,
account: configuration.account,
widgetFamily: context.family)
let images = try await loadImages(urls: statuses.map{ $0.account.avatar } )
return Timeline(entries: [.init(date: Date(),
title: timeline.title,
statuses: statuses,
images: images)], policy: .atEnd)
} catch {
return Timeline(entries: [.init(date: Date(),
title: "#Mastodon",
statuses: [],
images: [:])],
policy: .atEnd)
struct HashtagPostsWidget: Widget {
let kind: String = "HashtagPostsWidget"
var body: some WidgetConfiguration {
AppIntentConfiguration(kind: kind,
intent: HashtagPostsWidgetConfiguration.self,
provider: HashtagPostsWidgetProvider()) { entry in
PostsWidgetView(entry: entry)
.containerBackground(Color("WidgetBackground").gradient, for: .widget)
.configurationDisplayName("Hashtag timeline")
.description("Show the latest post for the selected hashtag")
.supportedFamilies([.systemSmall, .systemMedium, .systemLarge, .systemExtraLarge])
#Preview(as: .systemMedium) {
} timeline: {
PostsWidgetEntry(date: .now,
title: "#Mastodon",
statuses: [.placeholder(), .placeholder(), .placeholder(), .placeholder()],
images: [:])