diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index c1273aa..ef11f61 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -1,12 +1,9 @@

An Increasingly Less-Brief Guide to Mastodon






Mastodon has several important differences from Twitter, but you'll get used to it. I've tried to mark all of the important differences with the :bangbang: emoji; forgive me if I missed some. It's been a while since I've been on Twitter!



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Mastodon has several important differences from Twitter, but you'll get used to it. I've tried to mark all of the important differences with the ‼️ emoji; forgive me if I missed some. It's been a while since I've been on Twitter!

I've done my best to make this understandable, but you're welcome to suggest changes! If you have a Github account, you can submit change requests directly; otherwise, feel free to contact me on Mastodon or by email at noelle AT noelle.codes.


When linking to this page, please use the link http://guidetomastodon.com, and please credit [@Noelle@elekk.xyz](https://elekk.xyz/@noelle). Thank you!


When linking to this page, please use the link http://guidetomastodon.com, and please credit @Noelle@elekk.xyz. Thank you!

Table of Contents


Weird, my server doesn't have a bunch of these features.


Weird, my server doesn't have a bunch of these features.

You might not be on Mastodon! The Fediverse - the vast collection of servers connected by the ActivityPub/OStatus protocol - has a lot of different kinds of servers on it. Your server might be running Pleroma, Misskey, GNU Social, or something else! Unfortunately, I don't know much about them, so you'll have to ask their users for a getting-started guide like this one.


Weird, my server has a bunch of extra features.


Weird, my server has a bunch of extra features.

Because Mastodon is open source, you can make a copy of it and make any changes you want. Some people have decided to make their changes public; one of the most popular edited versions of Mastodon is Mastodon Glitch Edition, or "glitch-soc". (It's called that, as far as I know, because it originated with the instance glitch.social. Glitch-soc has a bunch of extra features that users often appreciate, like the ability to use Markdown in toots and the option to make a given post only show up on your local instance and not get federated out to other servers.


I have other questions.


I have other questions.

Ask around! People are usually pretty happy to answer questions and help out. Also, you might benefit from checking out one of these other guides, which have a different perspective:


If you really get stuck, ask me: https://elekk.xyz/@noelle


If you really get stuck, ask me: https://elekk.xyz/@noelle

How can I contribute to the Guide?

Please check out the contributions guide!