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synced 2025-02-06 05:13:47 +01:00
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809 lines
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//Made by Lumaa
import Foundation
import RegexBuilder
import SwiftUI
public protocol Endpoint: Sendable {
func path() -> String
func queryItems() -> [URLQueryItem]?
var jsonValue: Encodable? { get }
public extension Endpoint {
var jsonValue: Encodable? {
extension Endpoint {
func makePaginationParam(sinceId: String?, maxId: String?, mindId: String?) -> [URLQueryItem]? {
if let sinceId {
return [.init(name: "since_id", value: sinceId)]
} else if let maxId {
return [.init(name: "max_id", value: maxId)]
} else if let mindId {
return [.init(name: "min_id", value: mindId)]
return nil
public enum Oauth: Endpoint {
case authorize(clientId: String)
case token(code: String, clientId: String, clientSecret: String)
public func path() -> String {
switch self {
case .authorize:
case .token:
public var jsonValue: Encodable? {
switch self {
case let .token(code, clientId, clientSecret):
TokenData(clientId: clientId, clientSecret: clientSecret, code: code)
public struct TokenData: Encodable {
public let grantType = "authorization_code"
public let clientId: String
public let clientSecret: String
public let redirectUri = AppInfo.scheme
public let code: String
public let scope = AppInfo.scopes
public func queryItems() -> [URLQueryItem]? {
switch self {
case let .authorize(clientId):
return [
.init(name: "response_type", value: "code"),
.init(name: "client_id", value: clientId),
.init(name: "redirect_uri", value: AppInfo.scheme),
.init(name: "scope", value: AppInfo.scopes),
return nil
public struct LinkHandler {
public let rawLink: String
public var maxId: String? {
do {
let regex = try Regex("max_id=[0-9]+")
if let match = rawLink.firstMatch(of: regex) {
return match.output.first?.substring?.replacingOccurrences(of: "max_id=", with: "")
} catch {
return nil
return nil
extension LinkHandler: Sendable {}
public struct ServerError: Decodable, Error {
public let error: String?
public var httpCode: Int?
extension ServerError: Sendable {}
public enum Apps: Endpoint {
case registerApp
public func path() -> String {
switch self {
case .registerApp:
public func queryItems() -> [URLQueryItem]? {
switch self {
case .registerApp:
return [
.init(name: "client_name", value: AppInfo.clientName),
.init(name: "redirect_uris", value: AppInfo.scheme),
.init(name: "scopes", value: AppInfo.scopes),
.init(name: "website", value: AppInfo.website),
public enum Instances: Endpoint {
case instance
case peers
public func path() -> String {
switch self {
case .instance:
case .peers:
public func queryItems() -> [URLQueryItem]? {
public enum Accounts: Endpoint {
case accounts(id: String)
case lookup(name: String)
case favorites(sinceId: String?)
case bookmarks(sinceId: String?)
case followedTags
case featuredTags(id: String)
case verifyCredentials
case updateCredentials(json: UpdateCredentialsData)
case statuses(id: String,
sinceId: String?,
tag: String?,
onlyMedia: Bool?,
excludeReplies: Bool?,
pinned: Bool?)
case relationships(ids: [String])
case follow(id: String, notify: Bool, reblogs: Bool)
case unfollow(id: String)
case familiarFollowers(withAccount: String)
case suggestions
case followers(id: String, maxId: String?)
case following(id: String, maxId: String?)
case lists(id: String)
case preferences
case block(id: String)
case unblock(id: String)
case mute(id: String, json: MuteData)
case unmute(id: String)
case relationshipNote(id: String, json: RelationshipNoteData)
public func path() -> String {
switch self {
case let .accounts(id):
case .lookup:
case .favorites:
case .bookmarks:
case .followedTags:
case let .featuredTags(id):
case .verifyCredentials:
case .updateCredentials:
case let .statuses(id, _, _, _, _, _):
case .relationships:
case let .follow(id, _, _):
case let .unfollow(id):
case .familiarFollowers:
case .suggestions:
case let .following(id, _):
case let .followers(id, _):
case let .lists(id):
case .preferences:
case let .block(id):
case let .unblock(id):
case let .mute(id, _):
case let .unmute(id):
case let .relationshipNote(id, _):
public func queryItems() -> [URLQueryItem]? {
switch self {
case let .lookup(name):
return [
.init(name: "acct", value: name),
case let .statuses(_, sinceId, tag, onlyMedia, excludeReplies, pinned):
var params: [URLQueryItem] = []
if let tag {
params.append(.init(name: "tagged", value: tag))
if let sinceId {
params.append(.init(name: "max_id", value: sinceId))
if let onlyMedia {
params.append(.init(name: "only_media", value: onlyMedia ? "true" : "false"))
if let excludeReplies {
params.append(.init(name: "exclude_replies", value: excludeReplies ? "true" : "false"))
if let pinned {
params.append(.init(name: "pinned", value: pinned ? "true" : "false"))
return params
case let .relationships(ids):
return ids.map {
URLQueryItem(name: "id[]", value: $0)
case let .follow(_, notify, reblogs):
return [
.init(name: "notify", value: notify ? "true" : "false"),
.init(name: "reblogs", value: reblogs ? "true" : "false"),
case let .familiarFollowers(withAccount):
return [.init(name: "id[]", value: withAccount)]
case let .followers(_, maxId):
return makePaginationParam(sinceId: nil, maxId: maxId, mindId: nil)
case let .following(_, maxId):
return makePaginationParam(sinceId: nil, maxId: maxId, mindId: nil)
case let .favorites(sinceId):
guard let sinceId else { return nil }
return [.init(name: "max_id", value: sinceId)]
case let .bookmarks(sinceId):
guard let sinceId else { return nil }
return [.init(name: "max_id", value: sinceId)]
return nil
public var jsonValue: Encodable? {
switch self {
case let .mute(_, json):
case let .relationshipNote(_, json):
case let .updateCredentials(json):
public struct MuteData: Encodable, Sendable {
public let duration: Int
public init(duration: Int) {
self.duration = duration
enum MuteDuration: Int, CaseIterable {
case infinite = 0
case fiveMinutes = 300
case thirtyMinutes = 1800
case oneHour = 3600
case sixHours = 21600
case twelveHours = 43200
case oneDay = 86400
case threeDays = 259_200
case sevenDays = 604_800
public var description: LocalizedStringKey {
switch self {
case .infinite:
case .fiveMinutes:
case .thirtyMinutes:
case .oneHour:
case .sixHours:
case .twelveHours:
case .oneDay:
case .threeDays:
case .sevenDays:
public struct RelationshipNoteData: Encodable, Sendable {
public let comment: String
public init(note comment: String) {
self.comment = comment
public struct UpdateCredentialsData: Encodable, Sendable {
public struct SourceData: Encodable, Sendable {
public let privacy: Visibility
public let sensitive: Bool
public init(privacy: Visibility, sensitive: Bool) {
self.privacy = privacy
self.sensitive = sensitive
public struct FieldData: Encodable, Sendable {
public let name: String
public let value: String
public init(name: String, value: String) {
self.name = name
self.value = value
public let displayName: String
public let note: String
public let source: SourceData
public let bot: Bool
public let locked: Bool
public let discoverable: Bool
public let fieldsAttributes: [String: FieldData]
public init(displayName: String,
note: String,
source: UpdateCredentialsData.SourceData,
bot: Bool,
locked: Bool,
discoverable: Bool,
fieldsAttributes: [FieldData])
self.displayName = displayName
self.note = note
self.source = source
self.bot = bot
self.locked = locked
self.discoverable = discoverable
var fieldAttributes: [String: FieldData] = [:]
for (index, field) in fieldsAttributes.enumerated() {
fieldAttributes[String(index)] = field
self.fieldsAttributes = fieldAttributes
public enum Timelines: Endpoint {
case pub(sinceId: String?, maxId: String?, minId: String?, local: Bool)
case home(sinceId: String?, maxId: String?, minId: String?)
case list(listId: String, sinceId: String?, maxId: String?, minId: String?)
case hashtag(tag: String, additional: [String]?, maxId: String?)
public func path() -> String {
switch self {
case .pub:
case .home:
case let .list(listId, _, _, _):
case let .hashtag(tag, _, _):
public func queryItems() -> [URLQueryItem]? {
switch self {
case let .pub(sinceId, maxId, minId, local):
var params = makePaginationParam(sinceId: sinceId, maxId: maxId, mindId: minId) ?? []
params.append(.init(name: "local", value: local ? "true" : "false"))
return params
case let .home(sinceId, maxId, mindId):
return makePaginationParam(sinceId: sinceId, maxId: maxId, mindId: mindId)
case let .list(_, sinceId, maxId, mindId):
return makePaginationParam(sinceId: sinceId, maxId: maxId, mindId: mindId)
case let .hashtag(_, additional, maxId):
var params = makePaginationParam(sinceId: nil, maxId: maxId, mindId: nil) ?? []
params.append(contentsOf: (additional ?? [])
.map { URLQueryItem(name: "any[]", value: $0) })
return params
public enum Statuses: Endpoint {
case postStatus(json: StatusData)
case editStatus(id: String, json: StatusData)
case status(id: String)
case context(id: String)
case favorite(id: String)
case unfavorite(id: String)
case reblog(id: String)
case unreblog(id: String)
case rebloggedBy(id: String, maxId: String?)
case favoritedBy(id: String, maxId: String?)
case pin(id: String)
case unpin(id: String)
case bookmark(id: String)
case unbookmark(id: String)
case history(id: String)
case translate(id: String, lang: String?)
case report(accountId: String, statusId: String, comment: String)
public func path() -> String {
switch self {
case .postStatus:
case let .status(id):
case let .editStatus(id, _):
case let .context(id):
case let .favorite(id):
case let .unfavorite(id):
case let .reblog(id):
case let .unreblog(id):
case let .rebloggedBy(id, _):
case let .favoritedBy(id, _):
case let .pin(id):
case let .unpin(id):
case let .bookmark(id):
case let .unbookmark(id):
case let .history(id):
case let .translate(id, _):
case .report:
public func queryItems() -> [URLQueryItem]? {
switch self {
case let .rebloggedBy(_, maxId):
return makePaginationParam(sinceId: nil, maxId: maxId, mindId: nil)
case let .favoritedBy(_, maxId):
return makePaginationParam(sinceId: nil, maxId: maxId, mindId: nil)
case let .translate(_, lang):
if let lang {
return [.init(name: "lang", value: lang)]
return nil
case let .report(accountId, statusId, comment):
return [.init(name: "account_id", value: accountId),
.init(name: "status_ids[]", value: statusId),
.init(name: "comment", value: comment)]
return nil
public var jsonValue: Encodable? {
switch self {
case let .postStatus(json):
case let .editStatus(_, json):
public struct StatusData: Encodable, Sendable {
public let status: String
public let visibility: Visibility
public let inReplyToId: String?
public let spoilerText: String?
public let mediaIds: [String]?
public let poll: PollData?
public let language: String?
public let mediaAttributes: [MediaAttribute]?
public struct PollData: Encodable, Sendable {
public let options: [String]
public let multiple: Bool
public let expires_in: Int
public init(options: [String], multiple: Bool, expires_in: Int) {
self.options = options
self.multiple = multiple
self.expires_in = expires_in
enum DefaultExpiry: Int, CaseIterable {
case fiveMinutes = 300
case thirtyMinutes = 1800
case oneHour = 3600
case sixHours = 21600
case twelveHours = 43200
case oneDay = 86400
case threeDays = 259_200
case sevenDays = 604_800
public var description: LocalizedStringKey {
switch self {
case .fiveMinutes:
case .thirtyMinutes:
case .oneHour:
case .sixHours:
case .twelveHours:
case .oneDay:
case .threeDays:
case .sevenDays:
public struct MediaAttribute: Encodable, Sendable {
public let id: String
public let description: String?
public let thumbnail: String?
public let focus: String?
public init(id: String, description: String?, thumbnail: String?, focus: String?) {
self.id = id
self.description = description
self.thumbnail = thumbnail
self.focus = focus
public init(status: String,
visibility: Visibility,
inReplyToId: String? = nil,
spoilerText: String? = nil,
mediaIds: [String]? = nil,
poll: PollData? = nil,
language: String? = nil,
mediaAttributes: [MediaAttribute]? = nil)
self.status = status
self.visibility = visibility
self.inReplyToId = inReplyToId
self.spoilerText = spoilerText
self.mediaIds = mediaIds
self.poll = poll
self.language = language
self.mediaAttributes = mediaAttributes
public enum Trends: Endpoint {
case tags
case statuses(offset: Int?)
case links
public func path() -> String {
switch self {
case .tags:
case .statuses:
case .links:
public func queryItems() -> [URLQueryItem]? {
switch self {
case let .statuses(offset):
if let offset {
return [.init(name: "offset", value: String(offset))]
return nil
return nil
public enum CustomEmojis: Endpoint {
case customEmojis
public func path() -> String {
switch self {
case .customEmojis:
public func queryItems() -> [URLQueryItem]? {
public enum Media: Endpoint {
case medias
case media(id: String, json: MediaDescriptionData?)
public func path() -> String {
switch self {
case .medias:
case let .media(id, _):
public func queryItems() -> [URLQueryItem]? {
public var jsonValue: Encodable? {
switch self {
case let .media(_, json):
if let json {
return json
return nil
return nil
public struct MediaDescriptionData: Encodable, Sendable {
public let description: String?
public init(description: String?) {
self.description = description
public enum Notifications: Endpoint {
case notifications(minId: String?,
maxId: String?,
types: [String]?,
limit: Int)
case notification(id: String)
case clear
public func path() -> String {
switch self {
case .notifications:
case let .notification(id):
case .clear:
public func queryItems() -> [URLQueryItem]? {
switch self {
case let .notifications(mindId, maxId, types, limit):
var params = makePaginationParam(sinceId: nil, maxId: maxId, mindId: mindId) ?? []
params.append(.init(name: "limit", value: String(limit)))
if let types {
for type in types {
params.append(.init(name: "exclude_types[]", value: type))
return params
return nil
public enum Conversations: Endpoint {
case conversations(maxId: String?)
case delete(id: String)
case read(id: String)
public func path() -> String {
switch self {
case .conversations:
case let .delete(id):
case let .read(id):
public func queryItems() -> [URLQueryItem]? {
switch self {
case let .conversations(maxId):
makePaginationParam(sinceId: nil, maxId: maxId, mindId: nil)
public enum Polls: Endpoint {
case poll(id: String)
case vote(id: String, votes: [Int])
public func path() -> String {
switch self {
case let .poll(id):
case let .vote(id, _):
public func queryItems() -> [URLQueryItem]? {
switch self {
case let .vote(_, votes):
var params: [URLQueryItem] = []
for vote in votes {
params.append(.init(name: "choices[]", value: "\(vote)"))
return params
return nil
public enum Restricted: Endpoint {
case mutes(maxId: String?)
case blockedUsers(maxId: String?)
case blockedDomains(maxId: String?) // array of strings
public func path() -> String {
switch self {
case .mutes:
case .blockedUsers:
case .blockedDomains:
public func queryItems() -> [URLQueryItem]? {
switch self {
case let .mutes(maxId):
return makePaginationParam(sinceId: nil, maxId: maxId, mindId: nil)
case let .blockedUsers(maxId):
return makePaginationParam(sinceId: nil, maxId: maxId, mindId: nil)
case let .blockedDomains(maxId):
return makePaginationParam(sinceId: nil, maxId: maxId, mindId: nil)