//Made by Lumaa import Foundation public final class Status: AnyStatus, Codable, Identifiable, Equatable, Hashable { public static func == (lhs: Status, rhs: Status) -> Bool { lhs.id == rhs.id } public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) { hasher.combine(id) } public let id: String public var content: HTMLString public let account: Account public let createdAt: ServerDate public let editedAt: ServerDate? public let reblog: ReblogStatus? public let mediaAttachments: [MediaAttachment] public let mentions: [Mention] public let repliesCount: Int public let reblogsCount: Int public let favouritesCount: Int public let card: Card? public let favourited: Bool? public let reblogged: Bool? public let pinned: Bool? public let bookmarked: Bool? public let emojis: [Emoji] public let url: String? public let application: Application? public let inReplyToId: String? public let inReplyToAccountId: String? public let visibility: Visibility public let poll: Poll? public let spoilerText: HTMLString public let filtered: [Filtered]? public let sensitive: Bool public let language: String? public init(id: String, content: HTMLString, account: Account, createdAt: ServerDate, editedAt: ServerDate?, reblog: ReblogStatus?, mediaAttachments: [MediaAttachment], mentions: [Mention], repliesCount: Int, reblogsCount: Int, favouritesCount: Int, card: Card?, favourited: Bool?, reblogged: Bool?, pinned: Bool?, bookmarked: Bool?, emojis: [Emoji], url: String?, application: Application?, inReplyToId: String?, inReplyToAccountId: String?, visibility: Visibility, poll: Poll?, spoilerText: HTMLString, filtered: [Filtered]?, sensitive: Bool, language: String?) { self.id = id self.content = content self.account = account self.createdAt = createdAt self.editedAt = editedAt self.reblog = reblog self.mediaAttachments = mediaAttachments self.mentions = mentions self.repliesCount = repliesCount self.reblogsCount = reblogsCount self.favouritesCount = favouritesCount self.card = card self.favourited = favourited self.reblogged = reblogged self.pinned = pinned self.bookmarked = bookmarked self.emojis = emojis self.url = url self.application = application self.inReplyToId = inReplyToId self.inReplyToAccountId = inReplyToAccountId self.visibility = visibility self.poll = poll self.spoilerText = spoilerText self.filtered = filtered self.sensitive = sensitive self.language = language } public static func placeholder(forSettings: Bool = false, language: String? = nil) -> Status { .init(id: UUID().uuidString, content: .init(stringValue: "Have you ever tried [#Threaded](#)?", parseMarkdown: forSettings), account: .placeholder(), createdAt: ServerDate(), editedAt: nil, reblog: nil, mediaAttachments: [], mentions: [], repliesCount: 2, reblogsCount: 1, favouritesCount: 3, card: nil, favourited: false, reblogged: false, pinned: false, bookmarked: false, emojis: [], url: "https://example.com", application: nil, inReplyToId: nil, inReplyToAccountId: nil, visibility: .pub, poll: Poll.placeholder, spoilerText: .init(stringValue: ""), filtered: [], sensitive: false, language: language) } public static func placeholders() -> [Status] { [.placeholder(), .placeholder(), .placeholder(), .placeholder(), .placeholder()] } public var reblogAsAsStatus: Status? { if let reblog { return .init(id: reblog.id, content: reblog.content, account: reblog.account, createdAt: reblog.createdAt, editedAt: reblog.editedAt, reblog: nil, mediaAttachments: reblog.mediaAttachments, mentions: reblog.mentions, repliesCount: reblog.repliesCount, reblogsCount: reblog.reblogsCount, favouritesCount: reblog.favouritesCount, card: reblog.card, favourited: reblog.favourited, reblogged: reblog.reblogged, pinned: reblog.pinned, bookmarked: reblog.bookmarked, emojis: reblog.emojis, url: reblog.url, application: reblog.application, inReplyToId: reblog.inReplyToId, inReplyToAccountId: reblog.inReplyToAccountId, visibility: reblog.visibility, poll: reblog.poll, spoilerText: reblog.spoilerText, filtered: reblog.filtered, sensitive: reblog.sensitive, language: reblog.language) } return nil } } public final class ReblogStatus: AnyStatus, Codable, Identifiable, Equatable, Hashable { public static func == (lhs: ReblogStatus, rhs: ReblogStatus) -> Bool { lhs.id == rhs.id } public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) { hasher.combine(id) } public let id: String public let content: HTMLString public let account: Account public let createdAt: ServerDate public let editedAt: ServerDate? public let mediaAttachments: [MediaAttachment] public let mentions: [Mention] public let repliesCount: Int public let reblogsCount: Int public let favouritesCount: Int public let card: Card? public let favourited: Bool? public let reblogged: Bool? public let pinned: Bool? public let bookmarked: Bool? public let emojis: [Emoji] public let url: String? public let application: Application? public let inReplyToId: String? public let inReplyToAccountId: String? public let visibility: Visibility public let poll: Poll? public let spoilerText: HTMLString public let filtered: [Filtered]? public let sensitive: Bool public let language: String? public init(id: String, content: HTMLString, account: Account, createdAt: ServerDate, editedAt: ServerDate?, mediaAttachments: [MediaAttachment], mentions: [Mention], repliesCount: Int, reblogsCount: Int, favouritesCount: Int, card: Card?, favourited: Bool?, reblogged: Bool?, pinned: Bool?, bookmarked: Bool?, emojis: [Emoji], url: String?, application: Application? = nil, inReplyToId: String?, inReplyToAccountId: String?, visibility: Visibility, poll: Poll?, spoilerText: HTMLString, filtered: [Filtered]?, sensitive: Bool, language: String?) { self.id = id self.content = content self.account = account self.createdAt = createdAt self.editedAt = editedAt self.mediaAttachments = mediaAttachments self.mentions = mentions self.repliesCount = repliesCount self.reblogsCount = reblogsCount self.favouritesCount = favouritesCount self.card = card self.favourited = favourited self.reblogged = reblogged self.pinned = pinned self.bookmarked = bookmarked self.emojis = emojis self.url = url self.application = application self.inReplyToId = inReplyToId self.inReplyToAccountId = inReplyToAccountId self.visibility = visibility self.poll = poll self.spoilerText = spoilerText self.filtered = filtered self.sensitive = sensitive self.language = language } } // Every property in Status is immutable. extension Status: Sendable {} // Every property in ReblogStatus is immutable. extension ReblogStatus: Sendable {} public protocol AnyStatus { var id: String { get } var content: HTMLString { get } var account: Account { get } var createdAt: ServerDate { get } var editedAt: ServerDate? { get } var mediaAttachments: [MediaAttachment] { get } var mentions: [Mention] { get } var repliesCount: Int { get } var reblogsCount: Int { get } var favouritesCount: Int { get } var card: Card? { get } var favourited: Bool? { get } var reblogged: Bool? { get } var pinned: Bool? { get } var bookmarked: Bool? { get } var emojis: [Emoji] { get } var url: String? { get } var application: Application? { get } var inReplyToId: String? { get } var inReplyToAccountId: String? { get } var visibility: Visibility { get } var poll: Poll? { get } var spoilerText: HTMLString { get } var filtered: [Filtered]? { get } var sensitive: Bool { get } var language: String? { get } } public struct StatusContext: Decodable { public let ancestors: [Status] public let descendants: [Status] public static func empty() -> StatusContext { .init(ancestors: [], descendants: []) } } extension StatusContext: Sendable {} public struct MediaAttachment: Codable, Identifiable, Hashable, Equatable { public struct MetaContainer: Codable, Equatable { public struct Meta: Codable, Equatable { public let width: Int? public let height: Int? } public let original: Meta? } public enum SupportedType: String { case image, gifv, video, audio } public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) { hasher.combine(id) } public let id: String public let type: String public var supportedType: SupportedType? { SupportedType(rawValue: type) } public var localizedTypeDescription: String? { if let supportedType { switch supportedType { case .image: return NSLocalizedString("accessibility.media.supported-type.image.label", bundle: .main, comment: "A localized description of SupportedType.image") case .gifv: return NSLocalizedString("accessibility.media.supported-type.gifv.label", bundle: .main, comment: "A localized description of SupportedType.gifv") case .video: return NSLocalizedString("accessibility.media.supported-type.video.label", bundle: .main, comment: "A localized description of SupportedType.video") case .audio: return NSLocalizedString("accessibility.media.supported-type.audio.label", bundle: .main, comment: "A localized description of SupportedType.audio") } } return nil } public let url: URL? public let previewUrl: URL? public let description: String? public let meta: MetaContainer? init(id: String, type: String, url: URL?, previewUrl: URL? = URL.placeholder, description: String? = nil, meta: MetaContainer? = nil) { self.id = id self.type = type self.url = url self.previewUrl = previewUrl self.description = description self.meta = meta } } extension MediaAttachment: Sendable {} extension MediaAttachment.MetaContainer: Sendable {} extension MediaAttachment.MetaContainer.Meta: Sendable {} extension MediaAttachment.SupportedType: Sendable {} public struct Mention: Codable, Equatable, Hashable { public let id: String public let username: String public let url: URL public let acct: String } extension Mention: Sendable {} public struct Card: Codable, Identifiable, Equatable, Hashable { public var id: String { url } public let url: String public let title: String? public let description: String? public let type: String public let image: URL? } extension Card: Sendable {} public struct Application: Codable, Identifiable, Hashable, Equatable, Sendable { public var id: String { name } public let name: String public let website: URL? } public extension Application { init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { let values = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self) name = try values.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .name) ?? "" website = try? values.decodeIfPresent(URL.self, forKey: .website) } } public struct Filtered: Codable, Equatable, Hashable { public let filter: Filter public let keywordMatches: [String]? } public struct Filter: Codable, Identifiable, Equatable, Hashable { public enum Action: String, Codable, Equatable { case warn, hide } public enum Context: String, Codable { case home, notifications, account, thread case pub = "public" } public let id: String public let title: String public let context: [String] public let filterAction: Action } extension Filtered: Sendable {} extension Filter: Sendable {} extension Filter.Action: Sendable {} extension Filter.Context: Sendable {} public struct Poll: Codable, Equatable, Hashable { public static func == (lhs: Poll, rhs: Poll) -> Bool { lhs.id == rhs.id } public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) { hasher.combine(id) } public struct Option: Identifiable, Codable { enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { case title, votesCount } public var id = UUID().uuidString public let title: String public let votesCount: Int? } public let id: String public let expiresAt: NullableString public let expired: Bool public let multiple: Bool public let votesCount: Int public let votersCount: Int? public let voted: Bool? public let ownVotes: [Int]? public let options: [Option] // the votersCount can be null according to the docs when multiple is false. // Didn't find that to be true, but we make sure public var safeVotersCount: Int { votersCount ?? votesCount } static let placeholder: Poll = Poll(id: "ABC", expiresAt: NullableString(), expired: false, multiple: true, votesCount: 3, votersCount: 3, voted: false, ownVotes: nil, options: [ Poll.Option.init(id: "ABC", title: "Option 1", votesCount: 1), Poll.Option.init(id: "DEF", title: "Option 2", votesCount: 2) ]) } public struct NullableString: Codable, Equatable, Hashable { public let value: ServerDate? init() { self.value = ServerDate() } public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { do { let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer() value = try container.decode(ServerDate.self) } catch { value = nil } } } extension Poll: Sendable {} extension Poll.Option: Sendable {} extension NullableString: Sendable {}