//Made by Lumaa import Foundation public struct Instance: Codable, Sendable { static let blocklistUrl: URL? = URL(string: "https://codeberg.org/oliphant/blocklists/raw/branch/main/blocklists/_unified_tier0_blocklist.csv") @MainActor static func getBlocklist() async -> [String] { var final: [String] = [] //locate the file you want to use guard let filelink = Instance.blocklistUrl else { return [] } //convert that file into one long string var string = "" do { let data = try await URLSession.shared.data(from: filelink).0 string = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) ?? "" } catch { print(error) return [] } //now split that string into an array of "rows" of data. Each row is a string. var rows = string.components(separatedBy: "\n") //if you have a header row, remove it here rows.removeFirst() //now loop around each row, and split it into each of its columns for row in rows { let columns = row.components(separatedBy: ",") //check that we have enough columns if columns.count > 0 { let instanceUrl = columns[0] final.append(instanceUrl) } } return final } public struct Stats: Codable, Sendable { public let userCount: Int public let statusCount: Int public let domainCount: Int } public struct Configuration: Codable, Sendable { public struct Statuses: Codable, Sendable { public let maxCharacters: Int public let maxMediaAttachments: Int } public struct Polls: Codable, Sendable { public let maxOptions: Int public let maxCharactersPerOption: Int public let minExpiration: Int public let maxExpiration: Int } public let statuses: Statuses public let polls: Polls } public struct Rule: Codable, Identifiable, Sendable { public let id: String public let text: String } public struct URLs: Codable, Sendable { public let streamingApi: URL? } public let title: String public let shortDescription: String public let email: String public let version: String public let stats: Stats public let languages: [String]? public let registrations: Bool public let thumbnail: URL? public let configuration: Configuration? public let rules: [Rule]? public let urls: URLs? } public struct InstanceApp: Codable, Identifiable { public let id: String public let name: String public let website: URL? public let redirectUri: String public let clientId: String public let clientSecret: String public let vapidKey: String? } extension InstanceApp: Sendable {}