//Made by Lumaa import SwiftUI struct CompactPostView: View { @Environment(AccountManager.self) private var accountManager: AccountManager var status: Status @ObservedObject var navigator: Navigator var pinned: Bool = false @State private var preferences: UserPreferences = .defaultPreferences @State private var initialLike: Bool = false @State private var isLiked: Bool = false @State private var isReposted: Bool = false @State private var hasQuote: Bool = false @State private var quoteStatus: Status? = nil var body: some View { VStack { VStack(alignment: .leading) { if pinned { pinnedNotice .padding(.leading, 35) } if status.reblog != nil { repostNotice .padding(.leading, 30) } statusPost(status.reblog ?? status) } Rectangle() .fill(Color.gray.opacity(0.2)) .frame(width: .infinity, height: 1) .padding(.bottom, 3) } .onAppear { do { preferences = try UserPreferences.loadAsCurrent() ?? UserPreferences.defaultPreferences } catch { print(error) } isLiked = status.reblog != nil ? status.reblog!.favourited ?? false : status.favourited ?? false initialLike = isLiked isReposted = status.reblog != nil ? status.reblog!.reblogged ?? false : status.reblogged ?? false // let likeCount: Int = status.favouritesCount - (initialLike ? 1 : 0) // let incrLike: Int = isLiked ? 1 : 0 // print("original: \(status.favouritesCount)\nmin1: \(likeCount)\nincr1: \(likeCount + incrLike)") } .task { await loadEmbeddedStatus() } } func likePost() async throws { if let client = accountManager.getClient() { guard client.isAuth else { fatalError("Client is not authenticated") } let statusId: String = status.reblog != nil ? status.reblog!.id : status.id let endpoint = !isLiked ? Statuses.favorite(id: statusId) : Statuses.unfavorite(id: statusId) isLiked = !isLiked let newStatus: Status = try await client.post(endpoint: endpoint) if isLiked != newStatus.favourited { isLiked = newStatus.favourited ?? !isLiked } } } func repostPost() async throws { if let client = accountManager.getClient() { guard client.isAuth else { fatalError("Client is not authenticated") } let statusId: String = status.reblog != nil ? status.reblog!.id : status.id let endpoint = !isReposted ? Statuses.reblog(id: statusId) : Statuses.unreblog(id: statusId) isReposted = !isReposted let newStatus: Status = try await client.post(endpoint: endpoint) if isReposted != newStatus.reblogged { isReposted = newStatus.reblogged ?? !isReposted } } } @ViewBuilder func statusPost(_ status: AnyStatus) -> some View { HStack(alignment: .top, spacing: 0) { // MARK: Profile picture if status.repliesCount > 0 && preferences.experimental.replySymbol { VStack { profilePicture .onTapGesture { navigator.navigate(to: .account(acc: status.account)) } Spacer() Rectangle() .fill(Color.gray.opacity(0.3)) .frame(width: 2.5) .clipShape(.capsule) .padding([.vertical], 5) Spacer() Image(systemName: "person.crop.circle") .resizable() .frame(width: 15, height: 15) .symbolRenderingMode(.monochrome) .foregroundStyle(Color.gray.opacity(0.3)) .padding(.bottom, 2.5) } } else { profilePicture .onTapGesture { navigator.navigate(to: .account(acc: status.account)) } } VStack(alignment: .leading) { // MARK: Status main content VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 10) { Text(status.account.username) .multilineTextAlignment(.leading) .bold() .onTapGesture { navigator.navigate(to: .account(acc: status.account)) } if !status.content.asRawText.isEmpty { TextEmoji(status.content, emojis: status.emojis, language: status.language) .multilineTextAlignment(.leading) .frame(width: 300, alignment: .topLeading) .fixedSize(horizontal: false, vertical: true) .font(.callout) } if status.card != nil && status.mediaAttachments.isEmpty { PostCardView(card: status.card!) } if !status.mediaAttachments.isEmpty { if status.mediaAttachments.count > 1 { ScrollView(.horizontal) { HStack(alignment: .firstTextBaseline, spacing: 5) { ForEach(status.mediaAttachments) { attachment in PostAttachment(attachment: attachment) } } } .scrollIndicators(.hidden) .scrollClipDisabled() } else { PostAttachment(attachment: status.mediaAttachments.first!) } } // if hasQuote { // if quoteStatus != nil { // QuotePostView(status: quoteStatus!) // } else { // ProgressView() // .progressViewStyle(.circular) // } // } } //MARK: Action buttons HStack(spacing: 13) { asyncActionButton(isLiked ? "heart.fill" : "heart") { do { try await likePost() HapticManager.playHaptics(haptics: Haptic.tap) } catch { HapticManager.playHaptics(haptics: Haptic.error) print("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } actionButton("bubble.right") { print("reply") navigator.presentedSheet = .post() } asyncActionButton(isReposted ? "bolt.horizontal.fill" : "bolt.horizontal") { do { try await repostPost() HapticManager.playHaptics(haptics: Haptic.tap) } catch { HapticManager.playHaptics(haptics: Haptic.error) print("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } ShareLink(item: URL(string: status.url ?? "https://joinmastodon.org/")!) { Image(systemName: "square.and.arrow.up") .font(.title2) } .tint(Color(uiColor: UIColor.label)) } .padding(.top) // MARK: Status stats stats.padding(.top, 5) } } } var pinnedNotice: some View { HStack (alignment:.center, spacing: 5) { Image(systemName: "pin.fill") Text("status.pinned") } .padding(.leading, 20) .multilineTextAlignment(.leading) .lineLimit(1) .font(.caption) .foregroundStyle(Color(uiColor: UIColor.label).opacity(0.3)) } var repostNotice: some View { HStack (alignment:.center, spacing: 5) { Image(systemName: "bolt.horizontal") Text("status.reposted-by.\(status.account.username)") } .padding(.leading, 20) .multilineTextAlignment(.leading) .lineLimit(1) .font(.caption) .foregroundStyle(Color(uiColor: UIColor.label).opacity(0.3)) } var profilePicture: some View { if status.reblog != nil { OnlineImage(url: status.reblog!.account.avatar, size: 50, useNuke: true) .frame(width: 40, height: 40) .padding(.horizontal) .clipShape(.circle) } else { OnlineImage(url: status.account.avatar, size: 50, useNuke: true) .frame(width: 40, height: 40) .padding(.horizontal) .clipShape(.circle) } } var stats: some View { //MARK: I acknowledge the existance of a count bug here if status.reblog == nil { HStack { if status.repliesCount > 0 { Text("status.replies-\(status.repliesCount)") .monospacedDigit() .foregroundStyle(.gray) } if status.repliesCount > 0 && (status.favouritesCount > 0 || isLiked) { Text("•") .foregroundStyle(.gray) } if status.favouritesCount > 0 || isLiked { let likeCount: Int = status.favouritesCount - (initialLike ? 1 : 0) let incrLike: Int = isLiked ? 1 : 0 Text("status.favourites-\(likeCount + incrLike)") .monospacedDigit() .foregroundStyle(.gray) .contentTransition(.numericText(value: Double(likeCount + incrLike))) .transaction { t in t.animation = .default } } } } else { HStack { if status.reblog!.repliesCount > 0 { Text("status.replies-\(status.reblog!.repliesCount)") .monospacedDigit() .foregroundStyle(.gray) } if status.reblog!.repliesCount > 0 && (status.reblog!.favouritesCount > 0 || isLiked) { Text("•") .foregroundStyle(.gray) } if status.reblog!.favouritesCount > 0 || isLiked { let likeCount: Int = status.reblog!.favouritesCount - (initialLike ? 1 : 0) let incrLike: Int = isLiked ? 1 : 0 Text("status.favourites-\(likeCount + incrLike)") .monospacedDigit() .foregroundStyle(.gray) .contentTransition(.numericText(value: Double(likeCount + incrLike))) .transaction { t in t.animation = .default } } } } } private func embededStatusURL() -> URL? { let content = status.content if let client = accountManager.getClient() { if !content.statusesURLs.isEmpty, let url = content.statusesURLs.first, client.hasConnection(with: url) { return url } } return nil } func loadEmbeddedStatus() async { guard let url = embededStatusURL(), let client = accountManager.getClient() else { hasQuote = false; return } do { hasQuote = true if url.absoluteString.contains(client.server), let id = Int(url.lastPathComponent) { quoteStatus = try await client.get(endpoint: Statuses.status(id: String(id))) } else { let results: SearchResults = try await client.get(endpoint: Search.search(query: url.absoluteString, type: "statuses", offset: 0, following: nil), forceVersion: .v2) quoteStatus = results.statuses.first } } catch { hasQuote = false quoteStatus = nil } } @ViewBuilder func actionButton(_ image: String, action: @escaping () -> Void) -> some View { Button { action() } label: { Image(systemName: image) .font(.title2) } .tint(Color(uiColor: UIColor.label)) } @ViewBuilder func asyncActionButton(_ image: String, action: @escaping () async -> Void) -> some View { Button { Task { await action() } } label: { Image(systemName: image) .font(.title2) } .tint(Color(uiColor: UIColor.label)) } }