//Made by Lumaa import SwiftUI // TODO: Make some sort of "Universal Navigation"? /// Details: Fix bugs about `navigator.path` when tapping on any element that adds to it. /// Possibility 1: Put a `NavigationStack` in the parent view of the tabs' view with no title /// Possibility 2: Make another `Navigator` but universally /// struct ContentView: View { @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor private var appDelegate: AppDelegate @State private var preferences: UserPreferences = .defaultPreferences @StateObject private var uniNavigator = UniversalNavigator() // "Universal Path" (POSS 1) @StateObject private var accountManager: AccountManager = AccountManager.shared var body: some View { ZStack { TabView(selection: $uniNavigator.selectedTab, content: { if accountManager.getAccount() != nil { TimelineView(timelineModel: FetchTimeline(client: accountManager.forceClient())) .background(Color.appBackground) .tag(TabDestination.timeline) DiscoveryView() .background(Color.appBackground) .tag(TabDestination.search) NotificationsView() .background(Color.appBackground) .tag(TabDestination.activity) AccountView(account: accountManager.forceAccount()) .background(Color.appBackground) .tag(TabDestination.profile) } else { ZStack { Color.appBackground .ignoresSafeArea() } } }) } .overlay(alignment: .bottom) { if uniNavigator.showTabbar { TabsView(selectedTab: $uniNavigator.selectedTab) { uniNavigator.presentedSheet = .post(content: "", replyId: nil, editId: nil) } .safeAreaPadding(.vertical) .offset(y: uniNavigator.showTabbar ? 0 : -20) .zIndex(10) } } .withSheets(sheetDestination: $uniNavigator.presentedSheet) .withCovers(sheetDestination: $uniNavigator.presentedCover) .environment(uniNavigator) .environment(accountManager) .environment(appDelegate) .environmentObject(preferences) .onAppear { do { preferences = try UserPreferences.loadAsCurrent() ?? .defaultPreferences } catch { print(error) } if accountManager.getClient() == nil { Task { await recognizeAccount() } } } .environment(\.openURL, OpenURLAction { url in // Open internal URL. guard preferences.browserType == .inApp else { return .systemAction } uniNavigator.presentedSheet = .safari(url: url) return OpenURLAction.Result.handled }) .onOpenURL(perform: { url in guard preferences.browserType == .inApp else { return } uniNavigator.presentedSheet = .safari(url: url) }) } func recognizeAccount() async { let appAccount: AppAccount? = AppAccount.loadAsCurrent() if appAccount == nil { uniNavigator.presentedCover = .welcome } else { accountManager.setClient(.init(server: appAccount!.server, oauthToken: appAccount!.oauthToken)) // Check if token is still working let fetched: Account? = await accountManager.fetchAccount() if fetched == nil { accountManager.clear() appAccount!.clear() uniNavigator.presentedCover = .welcome } } } init() { let appearance = UITabBarAppearance() appearance.configureWithTransparentBackground() appearance.stackedLayoutAppearance.normal.iconColor = .white appearance.stackedLayoutAppearance.normal.titleTextAttributes = [NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: UIColor.white] appearance.stackedLayoutAppearance.selected.iconColor = UIColor(Color.accentColor) appearance.stackedLayoutAppearance.selected.titleTextAttributes = [NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: UIColor(Color.accentColor)] UITabBar.appearance().standardAppearance = appearance UINavigationBar.appearance().tintColor = UIColor.label } } #Preview { ContentView() }