//Made by Lumaa import SwiftUI //TODO: Bring back "Privacy" with mutelist, blocklist and default visibility struct SettingsView: View { @Environment(UniversalNavigator.self) private var uniNav: UniversalNavigator @State var navigator: Navigator var body: some View { NavigationStack(path: $navigator.path) { List { Section { Button { navigator.navigate(to: .about) } label: { Label("about", systemImage: "info.circle") } .listRowThreaded() Button { navigator.presentedCover = .shop } label: { Label(String("Threaded+"), systemImage: "plus") } .listRowThreaded() Button { navigator.navigate(to: .support) } label: { Label("setting.support", systemImage: "person.line.dotted.person") } .listRowThreaded() Button { navigator.navigate(to: .appearence) } label: { Label("setting.appearence", systemImage: "rectangle.3.group") } .listRowThreaded() Button { AppAccount.clear() navigator.path = [] uniNav.selectedTab = .timeline uniNav.presentedCover = .welcome } label: { Text("logout") .foregroundStyle(.red) } .tint(Color.red) .listRowThreaded() } } .withAppRouter(navigator) .withCovers(sheetDestination: $navigator.presentedCover) .listThreaded() .navigationTitle("settings") .navigationBarTitleDisplayMode(.inline) } } } #Preview { SettingsView(navigator: .init()) }