{ "sourceLanguage" : "en", "strings" : { "#%@" : { }, "%@" : { }, "•" : { }, "about" : { "localizations" : { "en" : { "stringUnit" : { "state" : "translated", "value" : "About" } } } }, "about.app" : { "localizations" : { "en" : { "stringUnit" : { "state" : "translated", "value" : "About Threaded" } } } }, "about.app.details" : { "localizations" : { "en" : { "stringUnit" : { "state" : "translated", "value" : "Threaded is a very simple Mastodon client, that is meant to look like the newest social media Threads made by Meta Platforms. It integrates perfectly with your Mastodon account, and matches the Threads vibe, while having Mastodon-only features.\n\nThreaded is a 100% free, made in SwiftUI, [open-source](https://github.com/lumaa-dev/ThreadedApp), and doesn't violate [your privacy](https://apps.lumaa.fr/legal/privacy). [Learn more](https://apps.lumaa.fr/app/threaded)" } } } }, "about.app.third-party" : { "localizations" : { "en" : { "stringUnit" : { "state" : "translated", "value" : "Threaded uses third-party libraries and code:\n- [IceCubesApp](https://github.com/dimillian/IceCubesApp)\n- [SwiftSoup](https://github.com/scinfu/SwiftSoup)" } } } }, "accessibility.media.supported-type.audio.label" : { "comment" : "A localized description of SupportedType.audio" }, "accessibility.media.supported-type.gifv.label" : { "comment" : "A localized description of SupportedType.gifv" }, "accessibility.media.supported-type.image.label" : { "comment" : "A localized description of SupportedType.image" }, "accessibility.media.supported-type.video.label" : { "comment" : "A localized description of SupportedType.video" }, "Hello world" : { }, "instance.rules" : { "localizations" : { "en" : { "stringUnit" : { "state" : "translated", "value" : "Rules" } } } }, "login.mastodon" : { "localizations" : { "en" : { "stringUnit" : { "state" : "translated", "value" : "Log in using Mastodon" } } } }, "login.mastodon.footer" : { "localizations" : { "en" : { "stringUnit" : { "state" : "translated", "value" : "Log in your Mastodon account using its instance URL. You cannot create an account using Threaded." } } } }, "login.mastodon.instance" : { "localizations" : { "en" : { "stringUnit" : { "state" : "translated", "value" : "Enter the instance's URL" } } } }, "login.mastodon.login" : { "localizations" : { "en" : { "stringUnit" : { "state" : "translated", "value" : "Log in" } } } }, "login.mastodon.verify" : { "localizations" : { "en" : { "stringUnit" : { "state" : "translated", "value" : "Verify" } } } }, "login.mastodon.verify-error" : { "localizations" : { "en" : { "stringUnit" : { "state" : "translated", "value" : "This might not be a Mastodon instance." } } } }, "login.no-account" : { "localizations" : { "en" : { "stringUnit" : { "state" : "translated", "value" : "Stay anonymous" } } } }, "login.no-account.footer" : { "localizations" : { "en" : { "stringUnit" : { "state" : "translated", "value" : "Without an account, you cannot interact with posts, users and instances. You can only read posts and users' public data." } } } }, "login.title" : { "localizations" : { "en" : { "stringUnit" : { "state" : "translated", "value" : "Welcome to Threaded!" } } } }, "logout" : { "localizations" : { "en" : { "stringUnit" : { "state" : "translated", "value" : "Log out" } } } }, "Posting view" : { }, "setting.privacy" : { "localizations" : { "en" : { "stringUnit" : { "state" : "translated", "value" : "Privacy" } } } }, "settings" : { "localizations" : { "en" : { "stringUnit" : { "state" : "translated", "value" : "Settings" } } } }, "status.favourites-%lld" : { "localizations" : { "en" : { "variations" : { "plural" : { "one" : { "stringUnit" : { "state" : "translated", "value" : "%lld like" } }, "other" : { "stringUnit" : { "state" : "translated", "value" : "%lld likes" } } } } } } }, "status.pinned" : { "localizations" : { "en" : { "stringUnit" : { "state" : "translated", "value" : "Pinned" } } } }, "status.replies-%lld" : { "localizations" : { "en" : { "variations" : { "plural" : { "one" : { "stringUnit" : { "state" : "translated", "value" : "%lld reply" } }, "other" : { "stringUnit" : { "state" : "translated", "value" : "%lld replies" } } } } } } }, "status.reposted-by.%@" : { "localizations" : { "en" : { "stringUnit" : { "state" : "translated", "value" : "%@ reposted" } } } }, "timeline.empty" : { "localizations" : { "en" : { "stringUnit" : { "state" : "translated", "value" : "No posts" } } } }, "timeline.empty.description" : { "localizations" : { "en" : { "stringUnit" : { "state" : "translated", "value" : "You don't have posts in your home timeline. Follow users or change timelines to see posts!" } } } }, "timeline.federated" : { }, "timeline.home" : { }, "timeline.latest" : { }, "timeline.local" : { }, "timeline.trending" : { } }, "version" : "1.0" }