//Made by Lumaa import SwiftUI import SwiftData import WidgetKit import AppIntents // MARK: - Shortcuts struct BubbleShortcuts: AppShortcutsProvider { static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] = [ .init( intent: OpenComposerIntent(), phrases: [ "Start a \(.applicationName) post", "Post on \(.applicationName)", "Post on Mastodon" ], shortTitle: "status.posting", systemImageName: "square.and.pencil" ) ] static var shortcutTileColor: ShortcutTileColor = .lightBlue } // MARK: - Account Intents /// Widgets that require to select only an account will use this `ConfigurationIntent` struct AccountAppIntent: WidgetConfigurationIntent { static var title: LocalizedStringResource = "widget.follow-count" static var description = IntentDescription("widget.follow-count.description") @Parameter(title: "widget.select-account") var account: AccountEntity? } struct AccountGoalAppIntent: WidgetConfigurationIntent { static var title: LocalizedStringResource = "widget.follow-goal" static var description = IntentDescription("widget.follow-goal.description") @Parameter(title: "widget.select-account") var account: AccountEntity? @Parameter(title: "widget.set-goal", default: 1_000) var goal: Int } struct AccountEntity: AppEntity { let client: Client let id: String let username: String let server: String /// Bearer token let token: OauthToken static var typeDisplayRepresentation: TypeDisplayRepresentation = "account" static var defaultQuery = AccountQuery() var displayRepresentation: DisplayRepresentation { DisplayRepresentation(stringLiteral: "@\(username)") } init(acct: String, username: String, token: OauthToken) { self.server = String(acct.split(separator: "@")[1]) self.client = Client(server: self.server, version: .v2, oauthToken: token) self.id = acct self.username = username self.token = token } init(loggedAccount: LoggedAccount) { self.server = loggedAccount.app?.server ?? "" self.client = Client(server: self.server, version: .v2, oauthToken: loggedAccount.token) self.id = loggedAccount.acct self.username = String(loggedAccount.acct.split(separator: "@")[0]) self.token = loggedAccount.token } func toUIImage() -> URL? { Task { [self] in if let account: String = try? await client.getString(endpoint: Accounts.verifyCredentials) { do { if let serialized: [String : Any] = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: account.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8) ?? Data()) as? [String : Any] { let avatar: String = serialized["avatar"] as! String return URL(string: avatar) ?? URL.placeholder } } catch { print("Error fetching image data: \(error)") } } return URL.placeholder } return URL.placeholder } } struct AccountQuery: EntityQuery { private static func getAccountsQuery() -> [LoggedAccount] { let query = Query() let loggedAccounts: [LoggedAccount] = query.wrappedValue return loggedAccounts } private static func getAccounts() -> [LoggedAccount] { guard let modelContainer: ModelContainer = try? ModelContainer(for: LoggedAccount.self, configurations: ModelConfiguration(isStoredInMemoryOnly: false)) else { return [] } let modelContext = ModelContext(modelContainer) let loggedAccounts = try? modelContext.fetch(FetchDescriptor()) return loggedAccounts ?? [] } func entities(for identifiers: [AccountEntity.ID]) async throws -> [AccountEntity] { let accountEntities: [AccountEntity] = Self.getAccounts().map({ return AccountEntity(loggedAccount: $0) }) return accountEntities.filter({ identifiers.contains($0.id) }) } func suggestedEntities() async throws -> [AccountEntity] { let accountEntities: [AccountEntity] = Self.getAccounts().map({ return AccountEntity(loggedAccount: $0) }) return accountEntities } func defaultResult() async -> AccountEntity? { try? await suggestedEntities().first } } // MARK: - Post Intents extension Visibility: AppEnum { public static var caseDisplayRepresentations: [Visibility : DisplayRepresentation] { [ .pub : DisplayRepresentation(title: "status.posting.visibility.public"), .priv : DisplayRepresentation(title: "status.posting.visibility.private"), .unlisted : DisplayRepresentation(title: "status.posting.visibility.unlisted"), .direct : DisplayRepresentation(title: "status.posting.visibility.direct") ] } public static var typeDisplayRepresentation: TypeDisplayRepresentation { TypeDisplayRepresentation(name: "status.posting.visibility") } } struct OpenAppIntent: AppIntent { static var title: LocalizedStringResource = "intent.open.app" static var description: IntentDescription? = IntentDescription("intent.open.app.description") static var isDiscoverable: Bool = true static var openAppWhenRun: Bool = true static var authenticationPolicy: IntentAuthenticationPolicy = .requiresLocalDeviceAuthentication func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult { UniversalNavigator.static.selectedTab = .timeline UniversalNavigator.static.presentedSheet = nil return .result() } } struct OpenComposerIntent: AppIntent { static var title: LocalizedStringResource = "intent.open.composer" static var description: IntentDescription? = IntentDescription("intent.open.composer.description") static var isDiscoverable: Bool = true static var openAppWhenRun: Bool = true static var authenticationPolicy: IntentAuthenticationPolicy = .requiresLocalDeviceAuthentication func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult { UniversalNavigator.static.presentedSheet = .post(content: "", replyId: nil, editId: nil) return .result() } } struct PublishTextIntent: AppIntent { static var title: LocalizedStringResource = "intent.publish.text" static var description: IntentDescription? = IntentDescription("intent.publish.text.description") static var isDiscoverable: Bool = true static var openAppWhenRun: Bool = false static var authenticationPolicy: IntentAuthenticationPolicy = .requiresLocalDeviceAuthentication @Parameter(title: "account", requestDisambiguationDialog: IntentDialog("intent.publish.text.account-dialog")) var account: AccountEntity? @Parameter(title: "status.posting.placeholder", requestValueDialog: IntentDialog("intent.publish.text.content-dialog")) var content: String @Parameter(title: "status.posting.visibility", requestDisambiguationDialog: IntentDialog("intent.publish.any.visibility-dialog")) var visibility: Visibility static var parameterSummary: any ParameterSummary { Summary("intent.publish.text.summary-\(\.$content)") { \.$account \.$visibility } } func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult & ShowsSnippetView & ReturnsValue { if let client = account?.client, !client.server.isEmpty { let data: StatusData = .init( status: self.content, visibility: self.visibility ) // posting requires v1 if let res = try? await client.post(endpoint: Statuses.postStatus(json: data), forceVersion: .v1), res.statusCode == 200 { return .result( value: self.content, view: Self.StatusSuccess(acc: account!, json: data) ) } } return await .result(value: "", view: IssueView()) } private struct IssueView: View { var body: some View { Label("intent.publish.any.issue", systemImage: "exclamationmark.triangle.fill") .foregroundStyle(Color.red) .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity, alignment: .leading) .padding() .background(Color.black) .clipShape(Capsule()) .padding(.horizontal) } } private struct StatusSuccess: View { var acc: AccountEntity var json: StatusData var body: some View { HStack { VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 7.5) { Text("@\(acc.username)") .foregroundStyle(Color.white) .bold() Text(json.status) .foregroundStyle(Color.white) .lineLimit(2) } Spacer() } .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity) .padding(.vertical) .padding(.horizontal, 25) .background(Color.black) .clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 19.0)) .padding(.horizontal) } } }