Then, edit config.json: please notice config.json must be in the same folder of the executable you run.
Just a few words about "singlefilters" and "doublefilters":
Data must be downloaded from URLs of blacklist mantainers.They may come in different formats.
There are two kinds of blacklists:
One is the format zabov calls "singlefilter", where we find a single column , full of domains:
The second is the format zabov calls "doublefilter" (a file in "/etc/hosts" format, to be precise), where there is an IP, usually localhost or and then the domain:
This is why configuration file has two separated items.
- singlefilters: name of the file for blacklists following the "singlefilter" schema.(one URL per line)
- doublefilters: name of the file, for blacklists following the "doublefilter" schema.(one URL per line)
- blackholeip: IP address to return when the IP is banned. This is because you may want to avoid MX issues, mail loops on localhost, or you have a web server running on localhost
- allows to set a local DNS to respond for "local" domains. A domain name is handled as "local" if dosen't contains "." (dots) or if it ends with a well known prefix, such as ".local".
Note: the cache is not used for local responder.
- responder: is the local DNS server address in the IP:PORT format.
- localdomain: is the suffix for local domain names. All domains ending with this prefix are resolved by local responder
ipaliases: a dictionary of IPs
- each entry in this dictionary define a domain-alias name and his IP address. It works as replacement of /etc/hosts file.
- each entry is used by Zabov to resolve that names and to replace any value in the ipgroups.ips array.
timetables: a dictionary of timetable dictionaries
- allow to define timetables in the format "time-ranges" and "days-of-week"
- tables: contain an array of dictionaries, each defining a time rule.
- each table is a dictinary containing "time" and "days" values
- time: is a string in the form "start:time1-stop:time1;start:time2-stop:time2..."
- days: is a string containing semicolon separated day names to apply the rule such as "Mo;Tu;We;Th;Fr"