
130 lines
3.4 KiB

import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';
import 'package:lemmy_api_client/v3.dart';
import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart';
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
import '../l10n/l10n.dart';
import '../util/async_store.dart';
part 'config_store.g.dart';
/// Store managing user-level configuration such as theme or language
class ConfigStore extends _ConfigStore with _$ConfigStore {
static const _prefsKey = 'v1:ConfigStore';
late final SharedPreferences _sharedPrefs;
late final ReactionDisposer _saveDisposer;
factory ConfigStore.load(SharedPreferences sharedPrefs) {
final store = _$ConfigStoreFromJson(
jsonDecode(sharedPrefs.getString(_prefsKey) ?? '{}')
as Map<String, dynamic>,
).._sharedPrefs = sharedPrefs;
store._saveDisposer = autorun((_) => store.save());
return store;
Future<void> save() async {
final serialized = jsonEncode(_$ConfigStoreToJson(this));
await _sharedPrefs.setString(_prefsKey, serialized);
void dispose() {
abstract class _ConfigStore with Store {
@JsonKey(defaultValue: ThemeMode.system)
ThemeMode theme = ThemeMode.system;
@JsonKey(defaultValue: false)
bool amoledDarkMode = false;
// default value is set in the `LocaleConverter.fromJson`
Locale locale = const Locale('en');
@JsonKey(defaultValue: true)
bool showAvatars = true;
@JsonKey(defaultValue: true)
bool showScores = true;
// default is set in fromJson
@JsonKey(fromJson: _sortTypeFromJson)
SortType defaultSortType = SortType.hot;
// default is set in fromJson
@JsonKey(fromJson: _postListingTypeFromJson)
PostListingType defaultListingType = PostListingType.all;
final lemmyImportState = AsyncStore<FullSiteView>();
/// Copies over settings from lemmy to [ConfigStore]
void copyLemmyUserSettings(LocalUserSettings localUserSettings) {
// themes from lemmy-ui that are dark mode
const darkModeLemmyUiThemes = {
showAvatars = localUserSettings.showAvatars;
theme = () {
if (localUserSettings.theme == 'browser') return ThemeMode.system;
if (darkModeLemmyUiThemes.contains(localUserSettings.theme)) {
return ThemeMode.dark;
return ThemeMode.light;
if (L10n.supportedLocales.contains(Locale(localUserSettings.lang))) {
locale = Locale(localUserSettings.lang);
showScores = localUserSettings.showScores;
defaultSortType = localUserSettings.defaultSortType;
defaultListingType = localUserSettings.defaultListingType;
/// Fetches [LocalUserSettings] and imports them with [.copyLemmyUserSettings]
Future<void> importLemmyUserSettings(Jwt token) async {
final site = await lemmyImportState.runLemmy(
GetSite(auth: token.raw),
if (site != null) {
SortType _sortTypeFromJson(String? json) =>
json != null ? SortType.fromJson(json) : SortType.hot;
PostListingType _postListingTypeFromJson(String? json) =>
json != null ? PostListingType.fromJson(json) : PostListingType.all;