
149 lines
4.3 KiB

import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter_hooks/flutter_hooks.dart';
import '../hooks/ref.dart';
import 'bottom_safe.dart';
class InfiniteScrollController {
late VoidCallback clear;
InfiniteScrollController() {
usedBeforeCreation() => throw Exception(
'Tried to use $runtimeType before it being initialized');
clear = usedBeforeCreation;
/// `ListView.builder` with asynchronous data fetching and no `itemCount`
class InfiniteScroll<T> extends HookWidget {
/// How many items should be fetched per call
final int batchSize;
/// Widget displayed at the bottom when InfiniteScroll is fetching
final Widget loadingWidget;
/// Builds your widget from the fetched data
final Widget Function(T data) itemBuilder;
/// Fetches data to be displayed. It is important to respect `batchSize`,
/// if the returned list has less than `batchSize` then the InfiniteScroll
/// is considered finished
final Future<List<T>> Function(int page, int batchSize) fetcher;
final InfiniteScrollController? controller;
/// Widget to be added at the beginning of the list
final Widget leading;
/// Padding for the [ListView.builder]
final EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding;
/// Widget that will be displayed if there are no items
final Widget noItems;
/// Maps an item to its unique property that will allow to detect possible
/// duplicates thus perfoming deduplication
final Object Function(T item)? uniqueProp;
const InfiniteScroll({
this.batchSize = 10,
this.leading = const SizedBox.shrink(),
this.loadingWidget =
const ListTile(title: Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator())),
required this.itemBuilder,
required this.fetcher,
this.noItems = const SizedBox.shrink(),
}) : assert(batchSize > 0);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final data = useState<List<T>>([]);
// holds unique props of the data
final dataSet = useRef(HashSet<Object>());
final hasMore = useRef(true);
final isFetching = useRef(false);
useEffect(() {
if (controller != null) {
controller?.clear = () {
data.value = [];
hasMore.current = true;
return null;
}, []);
final page = data.value.length ~/ batchSize + 1;
return RefreshIndicator(
onRefresh: () async {
data.value = [];
hasMore.current = true;
await HapticFeedback.mediumImpact();
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1));
child: ListView.builder(
padding: padding,
// +2 for the loading widget and leading widget
itemCount: data.value.length + 2,
itemBuilder: (_, i) {
if (i == 0) {
return leading;
i -= 1;
// if we are done but we have no data it means the list is empty
if (!hasMore.current && data.value.isEmpty) {
return Center(child: noItems);
// reached the bottom, fetch more
if (i == data.value.length) {
// if there are no more, skip
if (!hasMore.current) {
return const BottomSafe();
// if it's already fetching more, skip
if (!isFetching.current) {
isFetching.current = true;
fetcher(page, batchSize).then((incoming) {
// if got less than the batchSize, mark the list as done
if (incoming.length < batchSize) {
hasMore.current = false;
final newData = incoming.where(
(e) => !dataSet.current.contains(uniqueProp?.call(e) ?? e),
// append new data
data.value = [...data.value, ...newData];
.addAll(newData.map(uniqueProp ?? (e) => e as Object));
}).whenComplete(() => isFetching.current = false);
return SafeArea(
top: false,
child: loadingWidget,
// not last element, render list item
return itemBuilder(data.value[i]);