370 lines
9.9 KiB
370 lines
9.9 KiB
/// migrates chosen strings from lemmy-translations into flutter's i18n solution
/// uses prettier to format the files
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'common.dart';
import 'gen_l10n_from_string.dart' as gen;
// config for migration of a single key
// ignore: camel_case_types
class _ {
final String key;
final String rename;
/// make all letters except the first one lower case
final bool decapitalize;
final bool toLowerCase;
/// arb format for the placeholder
final String format;
/// arb type for the placeholder
final String type;
const _(
this.key, {
this.decapitalize = false,
this.toLowerCase = false,
String get renamedKey => rename ?? key;
// will transform a value of a translation of the base language
String transform(String input) {
if (toLowerCase) return input.toLowerCase();
if (decapitalize) return '${input[0]}${input.substring(1).toLowerCase()}';
return input;
const toMigrate = <_>[
_('deleted', rename: 'deleted_by_creator'),
_('matrix_user_id', rename: 'matrix_user'),
_('delete_account', decapitalize: true),
_('new', rename: 'new_'),
_('number_online', rename: 'number_of_users_online'),
_('number_of_comments', type: 'int', format: 'compact', toLowerCase: true),
_('number_of_posts', type: 'int', format: 'compact', toLowerCase: true),
_('unsubscribe', toLowerCase: true),
_('subscribe', toLowerCase: true),
_('banned_users', decapitalize: true),
_('new_password', decapitalize: true),
_('verify_password', decapitalize: true),
_('old_password', decapitalize: true),
_('show_avatars', decapitalize: true),
_('search', toLowerCase: true),
_('send_message', decapitalize: true),
const repoName = 'lemmy-translations';
const baseLanguage = 'en';
const flutterIntlPrefix = 'intl_';
Future<void> main(List<String> args) async {
final force = args.contains('-f') || args.contains('--force');
final repoCleanup = await cloneLemmyTranslations();
final lemmyTranslations = await loadLemmyStrings();
final lemmurTranslations = await loadLemmurStrings();
portStrings(lemmyTranslations, lemmurTranslations, force: force);
await save(lemmurTranslations);
await repoCleanup();
await Process.run('npx', [
await gen.main(args);
/// check if `toMigrate` has duplicate keys
void checkDuplicateKeys() {
final seen = <String>{};
for (final renamedKey in toMigrate.map((e) => e.renamedKey)) {
if (seen.contains(renamedKey)) {
'The renamedKey "$renamedKey" appears more than once in "toMigrate"');
/// returns a cleanup function
Future<Future<void> Function()> cloneLemmyTranslations() async {
await Process.run('git', ['clone', 'https://github.com/LemmyNet/$repoName']);
return () => Directory(repoName).delete(recursive: true);
/// Map<languageTag, Map<stringKey, stringValue>>
Future<Map<String, Map<String, String>>> loadLemmyStrings() async {
final translationsDir = Directory('$repoName/translations');
final translations = <String, Map<String, String>>{};
await for (final file in translationsDir.list()) {
final transFile = File.fromUri(file.uri);
final trans = Map<String, String>.from(
jsonDecode(await transFile.readAsString()) as Map<String, dynamic>,
final localeName = file.uri.pathSegments.last.split('.json').first;
translations[localeName] = trans;
return translations;
/// Map<languageTag, Map<stringKey, stringValue>> + some metadata
Future<Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>>> loadLemmurStrings() async {
final translationsDir = Directory('lib/l10n');
final translations = <String, Map<String, dynamic>>{};
await for (final file in translationsDir.list()) {
if (!file.path.endsWith('.arb')) continue;
final transFile = File.fromUri(file.uri);
final trans =
jsonDecode(await transFile.readAsString()) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final localeName = file.uri.pathSegments.last
translations[localeName] = trans;
return translations;
/// will port them into `lemmurTranslations`
void portStrings(
Map<String, Map<String, String>> lemmyTranslations,
Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> lemmurTranslations, {
bool force = false,
}) {
// port all languages
for (final language in lemmyTranslations.keys) {
if (!lemmurTranslations.containsKey(language)) {
lemmurTranslations[language] = {'@@locale': language};
for (final migrate in toMigrate) {
if (!lemmyTranslations[baseLanguage].containsKey(migrate.key)) {
printError('"${migrate.key}" does not exist in $repoName');
if (lemmurTranslations[baseLanguage].containsKey(migrate.renamedKey) &&
!force) {
confirm('"${migrate.key}" already exists in lemmur, overwrite?');
final variableName = RegExp(r'{{([\w_]+)}|')
final metadata = <String, dynamic>{
if (variableName != null)
'placeholders': {
variableName: {
if (migrate.type != null) 'type': migrate.type,
if (migrate.format != null) 'format': migrate.format,
// ignore: omit_local_variable_types
String Function(Map<String, String> translations) transformer =
(translations) => translations[migrate.key];
// check if it has a plural form
if (lemmyTranslations[baseLanguage].containsKey('${migrate.key}_plural')) {
transformer = (translations) {
if (translations[migrate.key] == null) return null;
final fixedVariables = translations[migrate.key]
.replaceAll('{{$variableName}}', '{$variableName}');
final pluralForm = () {
if (translations.containsKey('${migrate.key}_plural')) {
return translations['${migrate.key}_plural']
.replaceAll('{{$variableName}}', '{$variableName}');
return null;
if (pluralForm == null) {
return '{$variableName,plural, other{$fixedVariables}}';
return '{$variableName,plural, =1{$fixedVariables} other{$pluralForm}}';
for (final trans in lemmyTranslations.entries) {
final language = trans.key;
final strings = trans.value;
lemmurTranslations[language][migrate.renamedKey] = transformer(strings);
lemmurTranslations[baseLanguage][migrate.renamedKey] =
lemmurTranslations[baseLanguage]['@${migrate.renamedKey}'] = metadata;
Future<void> save(Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> lemmurTranslations) async {
// remove null fields
// Vec<(language, key)>
final toRemove = <List<String>>[];
for (final translations in lemmurTranslations.entries) {
final language = translations.key;
for (final strings in translations.value.entries) {
if (strings.value == null) {
toRemove.add([language, strings.key]);
for (final rem in toRemove) {
for (final language in lemmurTranslations.keys) {
await File('lib/l10n/$flutterIntlPrefix$language.arb')