
97 lines
2.7 KiB

import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
const unorderedListTypes = ['*', '+', '-'];
const orderedListTypes = [')', '.'];
extension Utilities on String {
int getBeginningOfTheLine(int from) {
if (from <= 0) return 0;
for (var i = from; i >= 0; i--) {
if (this[i] == '\n') return i + 1;
return 0;
int getEndOfTheLine(int from) {
for (var i = from; i < length; i++) {
if (this[i] == '\n') return i;
return length - 1;
/// returns the line that ends at endingIndex
String lineUpTo(int characterIndex) {
return substring(getBeginningOfTheLine(characterIndex), characterIndex + 1);
extension on TextEditingValue {
/// Append a string after the cursor
TextEditingValue append(String s) {
final beg = text.substring(0, selection.baseOffset);
final end = text.substring(selection.baseOffset);
return copyWith(
text: '$beg$s$end',
selection: selection.copyWith(
baseOffset: selection.baseOffset + s.length,
extentOffset: selection.extentOffset + s.length,
/// Provides convenience formatting in markdown text fields
class MarkdownFormatter extends TextInputFormatter {
TextEditingValue formatEditUpdate(
TextEditingValue oldValue, TextEditingValue newValue) {
if (oldValue.text.length > newValue.text.length) return newValue;
var newVal = newValue;
final char = newValue.text[newValue.selection.baseOffset - 1];
if (char == '\n') {
final lineBefore =
newValue.text.lineUpTo(newValue.selection.baseOffset - 2);
TextEditingValue unorderedListContinuation(
String listChar, TextEditingValue tev) {
final regex = RegExp(r'(\s*)' '${RegExp.escape(listChar)} ');
final match = regex.matchAsPrefix(lineBefore);
if (match == null) {
return tev;
final indent = match.group(1);
return tev.append('$indent$listChar ');
TextEditingValue orderedListContinuation(
String afterNumberChar, TextEditingValue tev) {
final regex =
RegExp(r'(\s*)(\d+)' '${RegExp.escape(afterNumberChar)} ');
final match = regex.matchAsPrefix(lineBefore);
if (match == null) {
return tev;
final indent = match.group(1);
final number = int.tryParse(match.group(2)!) ?? 0 + 1;
return tev.append('$indent$number$afterNumberChar ');
for (final c in unorderedListTypes) {
newVal = unorderedListContinuation(c, newVal);
for (final c in orderedListTypes) {
newVal = orderedListContinuation(c, newVal);
return newVal;