import 'package:lemmy_api_client/v3.dart'; import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart'; import '../../../util/async_store.dart'; import 'community_block_store.dart'; import 'user_block_store.dart'; part 'blocks_store.g.dart'; class BlocksStore = _BlocksStore with _$BlocksStore; abstract class _BlocksStore with Store { final String instanceHost; final Jwt token; _BlocksStore({required this.instanceHost, required this.token}); @observable ObservableList? _blockedUsers; @observable ObservableList? _blockedCommunities; final blocksState = AsyncStore(); final userBlockingState = AsyncStore(); final communityBlockingState = AsyncStore(); @computed Iterable? get blockedUsers => _blockedUsers?.where((u) => u.blocked); @computed Iterable? get blockedCommunities => _blockedCommunities?.where((c) => c.blocked); @computed bool get isUsable => blockedUsers != null && blockedCommunities != null; @action Future blockUser(Jwt token, int id) async { if (_blockedUsers == null) { throw StateError("_blockedUsers can't be null at this moment"); } final res = await userBlockingState.runLemmy( instanceHost, BlockPerson( personId: id, block: true, auth: token.raw, ), ); if (res != null && !_blockedUsers!.any((element) => == id)) { _blockedUsers!.add( UserBlockStore( instanceHost: instanceHost, person: res.personView.person, token: token, ), ); } } @action Future blockCommunity(Jwt token, int id) async { if (_blockedCommunities == null) { throw StateError("_blockedCommunities can't be null at this moment"); } final res = await communityBlockingState.runLemmy( instanceHost, BlockCommunity( communityId: id, block: true, auth: token.raw, ), ); if (res != null && !_blockedCommunities!.any((element) => == id)) { _blockedCommunities!.add( CommunityBlockStore( instanceHost: instanceHost, community:, token: token, ), ); } } @action Future refresh() async { final result = await blocksState.runLemmy(instanceHost, GetSite(auth: token.raw)); if (result != null) { _blockedUsers = result.myUser!.personBlocks .map((e) => UserBlockStore( instanceHost: instanceHost, token: token, person: .toList() .asObservable(); _blockedCommunities = result.myUser!.communityBlocks .map((e) => CommunityBlockStore( instanceHost: instanceHost, token: token, community: .toList() .asObservable(); } } }