import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart'; import 'package:lemmur/util/async_store.dart'; import 'package:lemmy_api_client/v3.dart'; void main() { group('AsyncStore', () { const instanceHost = ''; const badInstanceHost = 'does.not.exist'; test('runLemmy works properly all the way through', () async { final store = AsyncStore(); expect(store.asyncState, isA()); expect(store.isLoading, false); expect(store.errorTerm, null); final fut = store.runLemmy(instanceHost, const GetPost(id: 91588)); expect(store.asyncState, isA()); expect(store.isLoading, true); expect(store.errorTerm, null); final res = await fut; expect(store.asyncState, isA()); expect(store.isLoading, false); expect(store.errorTerm, null); expect(store.asyncState,!)); }); test('fails properly 1', () async { final store = AsyncStore(); expect(store.asyncState, isA()); expect(store.isLoading, false); expect(store.errorTerm, null); final fut = store.runLemmy(instanceHost, const GetPost(id: 0)); expect(store.asyncState, isA()); expect(store.isLoading, true); expect(store.errorTerm, null); await fut; expect(store.asyncState, isA()); expect(store.isLoading, false); expect(store.errorTerm, 'couldnt_find_post'); }); test('fails properly 2', () async { final store = AsyncStore(); expect(store.asyncState, isA()); expect(store.isLoading, false); expect(store.errorTerm, null); final fut = store.runLemmy(badInstanceHost, const GetPost(id: 0)); expect(store.asyncState, isA()); expect(store.isLoading, true); expect(store.errorTerm, null); await fut; expect(store.asyncState, isA()); expect(store.isLoading, false); expect(store.errorTerm, 'network_error'); }); test('succeeds then fails on refresh, and then succeeds', () async { final store = AsyncStore(); final res = await store.runLemmy(instanceHost, const GetPost(id: 91588)); expect(store.asyncState, isA()); expect(store.errorTerm, null); expect(store.asyncState,!)); await store.runLemmy( badInstanceHost, const GetPost(id: 91588), refresh: true, ); expect(store.asyncState, isA()); expect(store.errorTerm, 'network_error'); expect(store.asyncState,, 'network_error')); final res2 = await store.runLemmy( instanceHost, const GetPost(id: 91588), refresh: true, ); expect(store.asyncState, isA()); expect(store.errorTerm, null); expect(store.asyncState,!)); }); test('maps states correctly', () { final store = AsyncStore(); loading() => 'loading'; data(data) => 'data'; error(error) => 'error'; expect( loading, error: error, data: data), 'loading'); store.asyncState = const AsyncState.loading(); expect( loading, error: error, data: data), 'loading'); store.asyncState = const; expect( loading, error: error, data: data), 'data'); store.asyncState = const, 'error'); expect( loading, error: error, data: data), 'data'); store.asyncState = const AsyncState.error('error'); expect( loading, error: error, data: data), 'error'); }); }); }